Palm Coast finds ways to materialize Christmas, North Korea goes mad again, a liberal defense of money, Obama’s speech to the nation on pardoning a turkey, and more.
All Else
Don’t Call Them Pill Mills: Palm Coast’s Pain Management Practices Recoil at Bad Rap
When Flagler Sheriff Don Fleming described three local pain management practices as “pill mills,” their doctors and practitioners were stunned and explained: Pill mills are a problem. Pain management clinics are not.
More Florida Follies, JFK, Keith Richards and John Updike Redux: The Live Wire, Nov. 22
Too many Florida follies, corporations and privacy rights, JFK’s inaugural, Lebanese independence, against dumb, an unpublished interview with Updike, Keith Richards on Mick Jagger, the beauties of Bayonne, and much more.
Sharples Gets a $1.2 Million Parachute, Free Will, Death Row and Steven Wright: Live Wire Weekend
Kent Sharples nails Daytona State College and gets a $1.2 million reward for it, Dick Cavett reminds us what talk shows were really about, foot-in-mouth diseases, Bill Nye on science and religion, and much more.
Chicks With Cans, Enterprise Flagler Undead, Flabby Supremes, Flabbier Sex Drives: The Live Wire, Nov. 18
Chicks With Cans show how Feed Flagler is done, Enterprise Flagler returns from the dead, militarist madness, philosophy on the radio, Wallace Stevens Week, mental illness redefined, and more.
Jim Morrison Pardon, Sharia in Oklahoma and Lennny Bruce: The Live Wire, Nov. 17
Crist may pardon Lenny Bruce, how Suzanne Johnston collects more than taxes (for Feed Flagler), embracing earmarks, Thelonius Monk and homemade bread. And more.
Music Boxes, Puppets, and Highwaymen Artists: Culture Worth the Miles
An exhibit of music boxes at the Orlando Science Center, the 6th Annual Orlando Puppet Festival, Goldsmith’s “She Stoops to Conquer” at the Mad Cow Theatre, the Highwaymen’s African-American art, and more.
Bill Delbrugge’s Letter to Flagler, Part I: America’s Place In the World–And Yours
In the first of two parts, Delbrugge recaps life in Egypt, America’s image abroad, and all the things Americans take for granted–but shouldn’t, including the importance of local government and civic engagement.
Evangelical Women, John Fischer and the Right’s Problem With Paul Krugman: The Live Wire, Nov. 16
John Fischer is begins asking questions as a school board member, evangelical women and submission, the right’s problem with Paul Krugman, Malcolm Gladwell on tax bliss, and more.
Mockingbird‘s Fate Still Hanging as Appeals Panel, Endorsing the Work, Punts on the Play
A majority of the committee clearly wanted the play staged. But it’s recommendation goes no further than declaring Mockingbird “appropriate” for instruction–a matter never in doubt.
Kent Sharples on Firing Line, Texting Rubio Hype, and 80s Madness: The Live Wire, Monday, Nov. 15, 2010
More hype on texting and cyberbullying, Rubio’s roll-out, Ted Koppel on Olbermann and O’Reilly, Malcolm Gladwell’s Tax Bliss, and more 1980s.
In Her Own Words, Please: A Friend of
Harper Lee’s Pleads the Case Against Censors
Jack Cowardin, the St. Augustine novelist, has been corresponding with Harper Lee for years. His take on the controversy over the staging of the play by FPC’s Drama Club: Let it go on unmolested by political correctness.
Flagler Sends Out Last Call for
Firefighter Paramedic Ranse Jones, 1975-2010
Some 300 people said goodbye to Ransford Jones, the Flagler County Firefighter-Paramedic who died this week after six months in a coma, in a moving ceremony of tributes and symbolism on Marineland’s boardwalk Sunday afternoon.
Protected: 1946 Ercoupe 415C plane for Sale or Share
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Starry Saturday: Theater, Art, Grit and Glitz from Bunnell to Palm Coast
Staring with FPC’s courageous thespians, the visual and performing arts had a fabulous Saturday in Flagler, with two gallery openings and two local theater productions. That’s what the county’s unbound cultural scene should be about.
Offshoring War: How Obama—and Those Moments of Silence—Insult Military Sacrifice
When a president sends soldiers to die in a war that long ago ceased having a claim to being just or to being won, those Americans are no longer being sacrificed by their nation. They’re being murdered. The complicity is national.
The National Coalition Against Censorship’s Letter to Janet Valentine
“We urge you to encourage student creativity and civic engagement, and to teach students the skills to discuss opposing views respectfully,” the NCAC writes. “We urge you to allow the students to perform the play.”
National Coalition Against Censorship Urges Valentine To Reverse Mockingbird Decision
The strongly-worded letter from a coalition representing 50 organizations of actors, writers, educators and clerics calls on Superintendent Valentine to enrich the conversation on race and culture, not restrict it.
Glenn Beck’s Smears, Florida Foreclosure Screws, Racism Goes Postal: Live Wire Weekend, Nov. 12-14
Glenn Beck insults George Soros, Florida’s foreclosure robo courts, Bush on O’Reilly, Jon Stewart on Rachel Maddow, who wants to be buried with Oprah, and much, much more.
The Live Wire, Nov. 11: Obama Caves, Serpico Dies, Black Characters Vanish
Serpico’s Dino DiLaurentiis dies, Obama caves to the GOP on the Bush tax cuts, understanding diversity, rediscovering John Cardinal Newman, losing sight of black characters on TV, and more.
Mockingbird Appeals Committee’s Challenge: Loyalty to “Protocol” vs. Free Expression
Interviews with appeals committee members reveal a divide between instinctive revulsion of censorship and hesitancy over second-guessing a principal’s decision even as the facts of the case continue to be muddled by unspecified generalities.
Shapiro: In the End, It’s the Profanity of Censorship Against the Sacredness of Learning
In a column on the Mockingbird controversy at FPC, Rabbi Merill Shapiro argues that whatever the merits of administrative issues, “the profanity of censorship,” in the end, “has no place in our community.”
The Live Wire, Nov. 10: Holly Hill Fires Oel Wingo, Parker Takes on Palin, Bill O’Reilly’s Beheadings
Fleming’s Town Hall tonight at the library, Kathleen Parker on Sarah Palin, Bill O’Reilly’s stupid beheading tricks, the TSA’s T&A problem, remembering Jill Clayburgh, and more.
The Live Wire, Nov. 9: Your Child Left Behind, Unemployment Deadlines and Conan’s Return
Florida unemployment benefits are about to run out for many, Conan O’Brien is back, in defense of NPR, the dismal state of your children’s education in Florida, and more.
Ranse Jones, Flagler Firefighter-Paramedic in a Coma Since May, Died on Monday
Ransford Jones was 34 years old. He had been with the Flagler County Fire Department for two years before an aneurysm felled him in May, while he was playing in a beach volleyball tournament in Panama City.
Seminole Woods “Bomber”: Fascinated With Rockets and “Having Fun in a Stupid Way”
Patrick Cossette, the 20-year-old FPC graduate arrested Sunday for setting off a home-made explosive device in Seminole Woods, speaks to FlaglerLive about indulging his fascination with rockets since he was 13.
Stetson Scores Freedom‘s Jonathan Franzen For Its James Turner Butler Lecture Nov. 22
The author of Freedom and The Corrections, an almost sure winner of this year’s Pulitzer for fiction, will be at Stetson on Nov. 22 for just one hour. The event is free, but tickets are extremely limited.
The Live Wire, Nov. 8: Americans Against Themselves, Miami Cult Deaths and Tall Jesus
Why Americans vote against their own interests, academic freedom and Holocaust deniers, Days of Our Lives at 45, a Feed Flagler update, procrastination’s virtues, and more.
Art at Bargain Prices in DeLand and Free Shakespeare: Culture Worth the Miles
Some 87 Florida artists have donated work to be auctioned off in support of the Museum of Florida Art in Deland on Nov. 11; plus the The Red-Nosed Reindeer Romp, a free “Twelfth Night,” “Grease” and plenty more.
Dueling Seafoods and Surfers: Video and Photo Gallery
The dueling festivals are over and the images are in: a video report from the 2010 Tommy Tant Classic and a photo gallery from Tommy Tant and Palm Coast’s Seafood Festival.
Festival Filibuster: How Palm Coast Plays Hardball With Flagler Beach
If Palm Coast is serious about playing nice with its neighboring cities and not competing for “special event” visitors, why is it doing exactly that with signs greeting visitors exiting the Interstate?
FlaglerLive Welcomes Its New Reporter, Videographer and Anchor: Charlotte Marten
A native of Sweden, a graduate of the University of Hawaii and a fresh veteran of Savannah’s military (and more varied) reporting scene, Charlotte Marten will anchor FlaglerLive’s video journalism and other productions.
Live Wire Weekend: Landon’s City Hall Arrogance, Obama’s Ego, Nate’s Latest and Gay Sons
Palm Coast City Manager gets an earful on his city hall designs, so does Obama’s ego (on his White House designs), George Carlin on the virtue of not voting, O’Reilly fairer than Olbermann, gay 5-year-old sons in Halloween costumes, and much more.
Time to Get Involved: Feed Flagler Challenges County’s Thanksgiving Compassion and Beyond
Led by Commissioner Milissa Holland and the county administration, Feed Flagler aims to provide meals for 2,000 people at Thanksgiving, raise thousands of dollars and stock up food pantries and family pantries for many weeks’ worth.
The Live Wire, Nov. 4: Florida’s One-Party Rule, Bush on Bush and Chris Wallace
The business of Florida is business, Rick Scott declares in Coolidge fashion; the big lie about Social Security’s bankruptcy, the big magic of Disney marketing, the origins of the federal debt, and more.
Tommy Tant Classic Surfing the Weekend As Palm Coast Crashes In With Its Own Festival
Now in its 11th year, the Tommy Tant Memorial Surf Classic will be a three-day event, including a food festival by the sea, a concert and two days of amateur and professional surfing competition.
Don’t Celebrate Yet, Republicans:
Between Din and Tea Stains, a Reality Check
Short-attention span politics are here to stay, which is why Tuesday’s results are merely the latest re-casting of the same tiresome play that’s not about to end its run on our second-world stage. Not with allegedly educated voters like us buying tickets.
Pubescent Spellers on a Musical Stage, Art’s Aquatic Depths and Sunset Symphonies: Culture Worth the Miles
A staged, musical and interactive spelling bee as you’ve never seen it before, Doug Rhodehamel’s aquatic explorations at the Lake Eustis Museum of Art, Bok Tower Gardens’ 9th Annual Sunset Symphony Concert, and more.
Fischer, Proctor, Mica, Craig, DuPont and Thrasher Win; School Tax Approved; Democrats & Amendments 4 and 8 Sink
In Flagler County, all precincts are in, including absentee ballots and early voting. John Fischer, has won the school board seat being vacated by Evie Shellenberger, defeating Raven Sword with a 58-42 margin. The continuation of the 25-mill school tax is approved, with 61 percent approval, which should boost the school board’s confidence. Amendment 4, […]
The Live Wire, Nov. 2: Election Guideposts, Florida Dreaming and William Faulkner
What to watch on election night, a look at non-voters, Southwest Florida’s big no to black coaches, fear and loathing in Manhattan, Florida’s collapse seen from Germany, and more.
Conklin Triggers Mockingbird Appeals Committee, Likely Enabling Play’s Revival
Unearthing a district policy on “the appropriateness of books or materials,” School Board member Colleen Conklin appealed the decision to cancel the play. A committee will be appointed to handle the appeal.
Before School Censors: When Mockingbird‘s Harper Lee Spoke Proudly of Flagler County
In 2002, Harper Lee addressed Flagler County proudly when her book was the centerpiece of county-wide events. The school district’s censoring of the play this month contrasts sharply with that progressive history.
In Florida, Endangered Democrats Will Approach Extinction Status on Election Day
The map is set to go redder in Florida Tuesday evening as one-term Democrats like Kosmas and Grayson lose and the Legislature edges further right. Sink-Scott is the only drama.
The Live Wire, Monday, Nov. 1: Homeless in Flagler, Obama Besting Reagan, and Charter School Myths
An eyewitness story of a homeless man in Flagler, Bill Delbrugge’s doggy Halloween in Cairo, why government doesn’t suck, wondering whether civilization can survive without god, the scariest Halloween, and more.
Cultural Development Richer Than Economic: How to Grow Palm Coast Into a City With Soul
There’s more to a city than commerce, argues Hollingsworth Gallery’s JJ Graham in a column. Without cultural development and the youthful force that makes it possible, Palm Coast would be a city without soul.
Daviana’s Excellent Adventure: Halloween Bash Fills Carts and Kitty for the Hungry
Little Miss Flagler Daviana Campbell raised $900 and filled four shopping carts full of canned goods for a local food pantry through a Halloween dance that drew some 300 participants.
Live Wire Weekend, Oct. 29-31: NPR’s Deserved Black Eyes, Privatization Follies and AA’s Bummer
Florida’s worst campaign offenses, BP dispersants’ ill effects, the privatization-industrial complex, energy bracelets’ bullshit watch, John Candy and more.
Lowe’s Ups Drywall Settlement to $100,000 Per Victim, Closing Gap With Lawyer Payouts
The home-improvement Lowe’s chain had previously offered no more than $4,500 in cash and gift cards to victims whose health or homes were hurt by defective drywalls bought from Lowe’s stores, and much more to lawyers. The new agreement evens out the potential payments.
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Marineland’s John Hankinson Appointed Director of Obama’s Gulf Recovery Task Force
John Hankinson, chairman of Florida Audubon, has an environmental consulting office in Marineland and was the Southern Region’s EPA administrator during the Clinton administration.