From Little Haiti to West Orlando to The Villages and rural northeast Florida, certain regions are sure wins for either Obama or Romney, and counties ripe for each campaigns’ get-out-the-vote ground game. An analysis.
Florida & Beyond, and All Opinions
Fox News and the Politics of Hurricane Obama
On Fox News, Hurricane Sandy’s aftermath was replaced with endless and largely manufactured claims of an Obama cover-up of the attack on the American consulate in benghazi. Fox’s latest Swiftboat attack on the president foundered.
Dirty Harry’s Man: Obama Approved The Fewest Clemencies of Any President
Obama has parceled out forgiveness far more rarely than his recent predecessors, pardoning just 22 individuals while denying 1,019. At this point in his presidency, Ronald Reagan had pardoned 1 of every 3, George H.W. Bush 1 in 16, Bill Clinton 1 in 8 and George W. Bush 1 in 33.
Trey Corbett: The Live Interview
Flagler County Supervisor of Elections Race
Trey Corbett is the Republican candidate for Flagler County Supervisor of Elections in the Nov. 6 election, facing one-term incumbent Supervisor Kimberle Weeks, a Democrat. All registered Flagler County voters get to cast a ballot in this race.
U.S. Economy Adds 171,000 Jobs in October, Topping Half a Million in Last 3 Months
The economy added 171,000 jobs in October, exceeding economists’ expectation of 135,000, and figures for August and September were revised upward, adding 84,000 to previous tallies, for a total of 511,000 jobs in the last three months.
To Reduce Jail Overcrowding, Civil Citations Are Advocated For Lesser Offenders
Florida’s criminal justice system has seen some success with using alternatives to lock-ups for juvenile offenders. It’s been so successful that there’s a burgeoning movement to increase the use of non-jail diversion programs with non-violent adult offenders, which could have significant impact in Flagler County.
Obama Clings to Smallest Lead in Florida, But His Ohio Margin May Make Florida Irrelevant
The latest Quinnipiac/New York Times/CBS News poll–one of the more reliable polls tracking the swing-state electorate–shows President Obama again in the lead in Florida. A larger lead in Ohio may make Florida irrelevant to Obama’s path to 270 electoral votes.
Party Spin Kicks In as 1.9 Million Floridians Have Already Cast Early Voting Ballots
Democratic voters accounted for 39.5 percent of the absentee returns, with voters affiliated with other parties and NPAs making up the remainder. In early voting, the roles reverse. Democrats made up 49.1 percent of the more than 528,000 voters who cast ballots over the weekend. Republicans made up 28.6 percent.
Big Storm Requires Big Government: Five Reads Tuesday
Mitt Romney wants to send FEMA’s responsibilities to the states. Hurricane Sandy proves him wrong. Joseph Stiglitz on inequality, Bahrain, an American ally, bans all protests, coal mining’s bigger costs, the FBI’s cell-phone stingrays, and Flagler jail bookings.
Three Men Stabbed at Hammock Community Center Party; No One Is Talking
The Halloween party took place at the Hammock Community Center on Malacompra Road Friday night and broke up after a big fight early Saturday morning, but the victims would not speak, and most witnesses had scattered before cops were able to investigate. The investigation is ongoing.
Crossing Out Amendment 8: Public Money Does Not Belong in Religious Schools
Religious groups have no rights to public money when it comes to funding private schools, precisely because religious indoctrination is part and parcel of the mission of those schools, and taxpayers should not have to pay for that, argues Cary McMullen.
More Charter Schools, and Debit Cards to Teachers, as Scott Unveils Education Agenda
The most controversial element of Scott’s plan could potentially prove to be measures to increase the role of charter schools, removing enrollment caps on existing charter schools and allowing school districts to operate their own charter schools.
Republican Presumptions Aside, Florida Is Not a One-Party State Yet
Florida is dominated by Republicans, but to argue against the election of a Democrat to the Florida House–as the GOP’s Travis Hutson is arguing in his bid against Milissa Holland–is a reflection of the arrogance of a majority party that considers minorities, if not democracy, irrelevant, and that assumes that once a majority, always a majority.
Free Morgan: A Killer Whale’s Punishing Captivity Gets Its Day in Court
In June 2010, Morgan, an orca, or killer whale, was captured from the North Atlantic and rehabilitated, but instead of being returned to the wild, was sent to an amusement park. A judge may decide its fate on Nov. 1.
Ghost Election: Obama, Romney and The Future of the U.S. Supreme Court
The next president could very well appoint one or two new justices. And who steps down among the justices first could also depend on who’s elected. Here’s a guide to the election and the U.S. Supreme Court.
Atack vs Moore-Stens: An Attorney’s Evaluation Of the County Judge Race, and a Response
In the Flagler County Court Judge election, Paul Guntharp, a Palm Coast attorney, evaluates the candidacies of Craig Atack and Melissa Moore-Stens, and Atack replies.
Flagler County Library’s 2012 Teen Photography Contest Winners Announced
The winners, in a contest made possible by the Friends of the Library, are Anila Lahiri, Melanie Kantasee, Mary Thompson and Madison Gibbs. Their original works will be on display at the Flagler County Public Library until the end of November.
Global Warming Silence from Romney and Obama: Five Reads Thursday
Global warming is the nonexistent issue in the Romney-Obama campaign, I-4 as the road to the White House, a Biden tell-all, justifying obscenely expensive meals, Voyager’s continuing outer-space miracle.
Florida Chamber, Countering GOP Allies, Opposing Ban on Cuba-Syria Contracting
The Florida Chamber of Commerce is asking a federal appeals court to continue blocking a new law that would prevent state and local governments from contracting with firms that have business links to Cuba or Syria. A a Miami federal judge ruled in June that the law likely violates the U.S. Constitution.
Hurricane Sandy: Flagler May Get Lashed By Winds and Rip Currents But Little More
Hurricane Sandy became the 10th hurricane of the season Wednesday as it approached Jamaica and Cuba, but Flagler will only feel side effects from its tropical-storm winds, at most 25 to 35 mph, this weekend.
Flagler Votes: Candidate Forum Tonight at Knights of Columbus
Candidates in seven local races have been invited and will be heard over the two evenings at the Knights of Columbus hall on Old Kings Road, answering questions prepared by the Chamber of Commerce, the Flagler County Association of Realtors and the Flagler Home Builders Association.
Smacked by Local Tax Collectors, State Retreats on License Plate Revamp, for Now
Florida highway safety officials are putting on hold for at least a short time a plan to redesign state license plates, and to privatize their distribution, following objections from tax collectors.
Amendment 3: A Fight Between Capping Taxes and Funding Government Responsibly
Amendment 3 before Florida voters on the November ballot would tighten the state’s rarely-used revenue cap, potentially giving it more teeth – something supporters say will restrain reckless spending but opponents say would gut vital services.
Yes Virginia, Government Does Create Jobs: Five Reads Tuesday
Government’s powerful and necessary job-creation engine, Romney tries to bail himself out of telling Detroit to drop dead, the joys of assisted suicide, Hef explains Playboy to William F. Buckley, young people’s reading and library habits, young adult slackers, and Flagler Jail bookings.
How Companies Track Your Politics And Assemble Profiles Through the Internet
If you’re a registered voter and surf the web, one of the sites you visit has almost certainly placed a tiny piece of data on your computer flagging your political preferences. That piece of data, called a cookie, marks you as a Democrat or Republican, when you last voted, and what contributions you’ve made. It also can include factors like your estimated income, what you do for a living, and what you’ve bought at the local mall.
Smart Meters and the Paranoia of Fake Fears
With smart meters as with numerous other issues, some of our most basic scientific or technological advances are being held hostage to perversions of evidence no more legitimate than superstition and sham controversies.
Snap, Crackle and Reef:
Oyster Restoration in Northeast Florida
Oysters play an critical role in filtering pollution and maintaining the coastal marine system, but their disappearance along the barrier island north of St. Augustine has created a kind of domino effect of environmental destruction. One local project involving restaurants seeks to restore oyster reefs.
The Psychology of Ignorance and How the Tea Party Is Helping Democrats: Five Reads Friday
The tea party is helping Democrats hold on to the U.S. Senate, Jon Stewart with Bill O’Reilly and Chris Wallace, an undercover cop in a Clay County charter elementary school, bombing Beirut, and the Flagler County jail bookings.
Gov. Scott Joins Florida Cattlemen Asking For Suspension of Ethanol Content in Gas
Gov. Rick Scott joined several other governors from both parties this week in asking the federal government to suspend the requirement for putting a certain amount of ethanol into America’s gas tanks, saying it’s causing a shortage of cattle feed for Florida ranchers.
The Orlando Sentinel Endorses Romney
Right-wingers’ elation at the Romney endorsement aside, to call the Orlando Sentinel liberal of course is to seriously misread the house organ of the Florida Chamber of Commerce, central Florida edition.
Michael Stevens of Palm Coast held on $1 Million Bond in Money Laundering Scheme
Michael Stevens of 8 Calusa Court was arrested at his home Wednesday on a warrant charging him with money laundering in connection with a Flagler County- based business known as Dark Hawk Enterprises, LLC.
Amendment 6: Narrowing Down Florida’s Abortion and Privacy Rights
Sandwiched within a long list of issues on a crowded ballot, Amendment 6 is emerging as a multi-million dollar fight touching abortion, parental rights and privacy protections now guaranteed in the Florida Constitution.
Obama Wins Romney’s Binders Full of Women: Five Reads Wednesday
Obama wins the second one but not overwhelmingly, the lame rules of corporate debates, Romney’s binders of women, the Cuban missile crisis’s eyeball-to-eyeball myth, half your facts are wrong, a polarized electorate, Flagler jail bookings.
I-4 Corridor, Rife with Legislative Battles, Is Florida’s Electoral Ground Zero Again
The I-4 corridor is almost a mythical place in presidential politics, with Republicans and Democrats seeing it as a ticket to the White House. But down the ballot, the vast stretch of Central Florida also is the biggest battleground this year in state House and Senate races.
Environmentalist Lawyer Clay Henderson Is Stetson’s George and Mary Hood Award Recipient
Clay Henderson, the New Smyrna Beach lawyer and environmentalist who’s leaving his mark on Florida’s geography, is the 2012 recipient of Stetson University’s George and Mary Hood Award, one of the university’s most prestigious honors.
Military Dollars Vote Obama, Early Voting Wins in Ohio: Five Reads Tuesday
Obama is outraising Romney by almost 2-to-1 from military donors, the U.S. Supreme Court rejects a GOP attempt to limit early voting in Ohio, a video on why debates matter, torture at the Chicago police, humans at their fittest ever, plus Flagler jail bookings.
Board of Governors’ Power Over Universities Would Grow While Curtailing Legislature’s
A higher education task force is moving toward a recommendation that would significantly increase the power of the Florida Board of Governors, allowing the panel to set the budgets for each of the state’s 12 universities.
Farrakhan to Obama: Be A Little Black, Flipping Houses Booms Again: Five Reads Monday
Farrakhan suggests to Obama to “be a little black” at his next debate, Mitt Romney’s weird idea of tax studies, flipping houses booms again, Stephen Fry on swearing, the HPV vaccine and teen girls’ promiscuity (no connection), Lloyd Shapley and Alvin Roth’s Nobel, and Flagler County jail bookings.
Amendment 1: Floridians Will Get Their Say on Obamacare, But Only Symbolically
Lawmakers have proposed a constitutional amendment that, if passed, would say Floridians can’t be forced to buy health coverage. At least in the short term, the measure would appear to have little effect, but House sponsor Scott Plakon, R-Longwood, pointed to what he sees as a “basic right” that Floridians should not be “fined, taxed or penalized for our health care choices.”
Florida Republicans’ Poll Tax Nostalgia
Hoping to minimize Democrats’ turnout, the GOP-dominated Florida Legislature is going out of its way to make voting more of a privilege than an absolute right. There are a few ways to get around the voter-suppression schemes.
Big Bird Debate: How Much Does
Federal Funding Matter to PBS Anyway?
The amount of tax dollars PBS receives is roughly .012 percent of the $3.8 trillion federal budget – or about $1.35 per person per year, compared to $22.48 in Canada and $80.36 in Britain. Public broadcasting is a popular target among conservatives, who’ve long portrayed it as an example of wasteful government spending.
Biden Bites Back, Drones Kill, Pot Gains: Five Reads Friday
Joe Biden restores order in the Democratic universe, Obama’s drone war, the police’s embrace of legalized marijuana, the European Union wins the Nobel peace prize, the psychology of big-wave surfing, and the usual Flagler jail bookings.
Counties Begin Push-Back Against State’s Prohibition of Stronger Gun-Control
Circuit Judge John Cooper said during a hearing that the counties can continue suing Gov. Scott over part of the law that would give the governor the power to remove local officials for violations — a provision that Palm Beach and Broward say exceeds the governor’s constitutional authority.
Seniors Are Overspending on Medicare’s Prescription Drug Plan
Seniors spent on average $368 more than they needed to on drug coverage through Medicare Part D plans, their decisions complicated by the sheer volume of plans available–1,736 in all–and difficulties involved in determining what makes a plan a good choice, a Health Affairs study finds.
An iPad for Every Student? Florida’s Textbook-Closing Switch Would Cost $441 Million
Lawmakers have helped drive the state toward more reliance on digital learning materials, passing a bill two years ago requiring schools to adopt digital-only textbooks by the 2015-16 school year and spend at least half their textbook budget on electronic materials.
Lance Armstrong Called Ringleader of “Most Sophisticated” Doping Program in Sports History
United States Anti-Doping Agency CEO Travis Tygart says Lance Armstrong was the ringleader of the most extensive doping operation in sports history, and that sworn testimony from 26 people, including 15 of Armstrong’s fellow-riders, underscore the “overwhelming” evidence the agency is publishing today.
Obama Sends Liberals on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown: Five Reads Wednesday
Liberals are panicking about Obama, Afghanistan’s enduring failures, the National Book Award finalists are announced, Google’s new cultural video library, Americans Robert Lefkowitz and Brian Kobilka’s chemistry Nobel, plus Flagler County jail bookings.
Three Florida Supreme Court Justices Fire Back at Attempted Conservative Putsch
Justices R. Fred Lewis, Barbara Pariente and Peggy Quince pushed back against a campaign to push them off the bench that has spread from a conservative grass-roots uprising to a denouncing of the three by the Republican Party of Florida. The justices spoke to an audience at the FSU College of Law comprised mostly of students.
Should You Keep Paying FPL and PEF For Nukes Plants that May Never Be Built?
The up-front nuclear costs for plant construction have become highly controversial, at least in part because there is no guarantee that FPL and Progress will build the planned reactors and because projected costs have risen to over $40 billion for four reactors. The Supreme Court will decide the matter.
Romney’s Foreign Policy Vacuums
Today’s foreign policy address by Romney, to the Virginia Military Institute, was better suited for the Hoover Historical Center in Canton, Ohio. He spoke for about half an hour. He said absolutely nothing that might have told us what his foreign policy would be–or what he thinks it is today.