The move out of the troubled building began as testing is scheduled in mid-June, but an environmental engineer cautions against expectations of black-and-white answers.
Flagler County Commission
Deputy County Administrator Sally Sherman ‘Retires’ at $136,500, Returns Next Day at $149,000, Plus $330,000 Pay-Out
Flagler Deputy County Administrator Sally Sherman’s “retirement” is an extreme example of double-dipping and an end-run around a law that requires retirees not to work at their old agency for at least a year.
Flagler Sheriff’s Budget For 2018-19 Would Go Up $3.8 Million, Largest In Over a Decade
The surge is driven by another increase in sheriff’s deputies, and would bring the total number of new deputies to 22 in two years. The county commission is not objecting.
More Rehash Than Clarity As Flagler’s Expert Addresses Sheriff’s Possibly Sick Building
County government in a workshop with an engineering expert could not tell the sheriff or his employees how soon there may be answers on reported health issues at the Sheriff’s Operations Center.
In Her Own Words: Flagler Sheriff’s Detective Reveals Anguish and Fears Over Sick
Building in Plea For Urgency
An internal sheriff’s investigation uncovers a three-page letter Detective Annie Conrad wrote Sheriff Rick Staly, urging that employees’ concerns of a potentially sick building be taken seriously.
Flagler Property Values Rise 7.5%, Best Since Recession, But Government Revenue Faces Shock
Higher values ease pressure on government revenue but a potential increase in the homestead exemption would reduce revenue by millions, absent tax hikes.
County’s Reply To Sheriff on Sick Building: We’ll Get Back To You On That
The Flagler County administration in an unsigned statement said the county was hiring an engineer to further study the sheriff’s potentially sick operations center.
Calling It an Unsafe “Albatross,” Sheriff Demands Immediate Relocation Out of Sick Building For Dozens of Employees
Unequivocally referring to the Operations Center as a sick building, Sheriff Rick Staly made the demand for alternate space to County Administrator Craig Coffey, who pushed to buy the old hospital in 2013 and convert it.
County Defends $284,000 Tourism Website Deal and Commissioners Are Mollified
County Administrator Craig Coffey and tourism officials put commissioners’ questions about the expense of a website to rest with 75 minutes of details and only a few straw men.
Flagler Government Spent $1 Million on 3 Websites Since 2010, Wants $300,000 More In Next 4 Years
Flagler County government wants to spend $284,000 on a tourism website over the next four years. It has already spent $1 million on three websites in the past nine.
To Protect Public Use of Private Beachfronts, Flagler Calls on Memories of
Long-Timers’ Customs
To ward off a new state law potentially allowing private property owners to fence off beach sands, the Flagler County Commission is enacting an ordinance to preserve public use and forbid fencing.
Flagler Fire Services Get Boost and 8th Ambulance With Heritage-Preserving Transfer of Bunnell Fire Station
Bunnell’s Fire Department no longer exists, but a Bunnell fire station lives on, improved, under county auspices, with better response times and expanded countywide services.
Flagler Government Wants $284,000 Contract For Tourism Website Revamp
The proposal never went before the Tourist Development Council. The county administrator says the $284,000 cost will actually be less than the existing contract.
In Latest Victory For Dog Owners, Court Rejects Flagler’s Appeal on ‘Dangerous’ Ruling
The labrador that bit an 8-year-old Flagler County boy in the face three years ago will not have to be termed dangerous, and the long legal case appears closed.
Adding To Troubled Run, Flagler Commission Candidate Joe Mullins Blurs Business And Electioneering
Joe Mullins, a candidate for the County Commission seat held by Nate McLaughlin, is blurring the line between campaigning and private business in a series of local involvements, a FlaglerLive investigation found.
Accusing Palm Coast of Making ‘Blatantly False’ Claims, County Talks Mediation and Litigation Over SR100 Development
A proposed commercial development on State Road 100 by the airport has county and Palm Coast government relations at their lowest ebb in years.
Disaster-Response Company Gets $40,000 County Subsidy and Moves to Flagler Airport
Kimble’s Aviation Logistical Services pledged to create 40 jobs over the next seven years, basing its disaster-recovery operation at the Flagler County Airport.
Sheriff’s Palm Coast Precinct Moving Near Island Walk for $1 Million, Ending Nomadic Years
The Flagler Sheriff’s Palm Coast Precinct will move from City Marketplace to Palm Harbor Way, in the old Wachovia bank building that will be county property.
Roundabout Construction at US1 and Old Dixie Will Start In a Few Months Despite Opposition
Construction of the much-opposed roundabout at U.S. 1 and Old Dixie Highway in Flagler is expected to start after August absent intervention by the governor or lawmakers.
Sticking With Motorola, Flagler Rejects Bid Protest Over $14.8 Million Contract For Emergency Communications
The Flagler County Commission in a special meeting today rejected Communications International’s protest over a bid that went to Motorola to build critical emergency communications infrastructure.
Tax-Evaders Beware: Flagler Will Take Over Local Collection From Short-Term Renters, Projecting Jump in Revenue
The Flagler County Tax Collector, not the state Department of Revenue, will be collecting the 5 percent tax on short term rentals starting in July–a tax hundreds of property owners are evading currently.
Flagler Moves to Protect Public’s Use Of Beaches Ahead of Law Granting Property Owners Restrictive Rights
The new law allows beachfront private property owners to trespass the public from private beaches, something not allowed currently, and never done in Flagler.
7 New Sheriff’s Deputies, 143% Cost Increase as Outline of Flagler’s School Safety Takes Shape
Sheriff Staly and Superintendent Tager are negotiating an increase of the school deputies’ program to $1.8 million split 50-50, with the schools’ share paid by the state and the sheriff’s by the County Commission.
Water War Flares Again Between Palm Coast and County Over Planned Shops Near Airport
A proposed commercial development at the southeast corner of State Road 100 and the entrance to the county airport, opposite Bulldog Drive, is at the center of the latest water dispute between Palm Coast and the county.
Flagler Approves $14.8 Million Next-Gen Emergency Communication System, But Faces Bid Protest
Motorola won the $14.8 million contract to upgrade the emergency communications system every local first responder and other workers depend on, but Flagler faces a protest from CI, the other bidder and provider of the existing system.
Jury Finds Ex-Elections Supervisor Kimberle Weeks Guilty On All 7 Felony Counts of Illegally Recording Others
Former Flagler County Elections Supervisor Kimberle Weeks was found guilty on felony counts that she illegally recorded other officials during her tenure.
Kimberle Weeks Trial Day 3: Defense Opts Against Putting On a Case, Relying on Outlier Theory Instead
In an echo of Kimberle Weeks’s own irreverence toward established law, her lawyers are arguing an untested and unusual interpretation of what amounts to a public meeting: all conversations between public officials involving public business.
Flagler Government Approves Open-Ended Renewals of County Administrator’s and Attorney’s Contracts
County Administrator Craig Coffey and County Attorney Al Hadeed have been the commission’s hires since 2007. Their contracts no longer will have an end date.
Trial Day 2: Jury Hears Kim Weeks Insult Secretary of State and Others As Ken Detzner Sat in Witness Box
Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner was a star witness for the prosecution today, saying Kim Weeks recorded him without his permission. he then heard her call him a “dumb bastard.”
New Law Gives Property Owners Right to Restrict Beach Access. Flagler Working On Protecting Public’s “Customary Use”
The new and unusual Florida law allows beachfront property owners the right to wall off or restrict dry-sand areas from public use, but Flagler government intends to protect that “customary use” despite the law.
Tiny RV Park Proposed for Colbert Lane Revs Up Residents’ Rebellion, and Is Denied
Upscale or not, Palm Coast Plantation and Grand Haven residents saw a proposed RV park on Colbert Lane as a trailer park, and the county commission rejected it Monday evening.
Another Exhausting But Short-Term Victory For Flagler Government as Vacation-Rental Deregulation Fails Again
Flagler County government had staunchly opposed lawmakers’ attempts to eliminate local regulation of short-term vacation rentals, regulations crafted in 2014 largely at Flagler’s behest.
Hammock Beach “Dragging Their Feet” Over Dunes-Repair Agreement, Vexing County
The agreement with Hammock Beach is the last piece of a mosaic of agreements framing the reconstruction of protective dunes along the beach. But hammock Beach has yet to sign.
Gently But Firmly, Flagler Beach Tells County It Wants Control Over Wickline Center Back
The Wickline Center on Daytona Avenue is city-owned, but entirely controlled by the county, a situation the city wants changed in view of a revamp of that entire city-owned block, including the Montessori school.
Mold Found In 2 Rooms at Sheriff’s Operations Center After 4 Employees Complain of Rashes
The four employees were relocated and the concern prompted an environmental investigation of the old but renovated building and the closure of two rooms pending extensive clean-ups.
Flagler Sheriff and County Officials Worry That Prison Reforms Could Shift Inmates,
and Costs, to County
A spate of criminal-justice reform bills in the Florida Senate has Flagler’s sheriff and a county commissioner worried about what that could mean for the local jail population and budgets.
Flagler Airport Chief Roy Sieger Calls Fuel Tax Cut Proposed By Renner Committee “Ridiculous,” and Loses
Airport Director Sieger spoke before Paul Renner’s Ways and Means Committee, but Renner, the Palm Coast Republican, voted with the committee to approve the tax cut.
Flagler Loses Hutson and Lopsided Vote as Vacation Rental Deregulation Advances
Sen. Travis Hutson voted with the 9-1 majority of his Senate committee today to advance a bill that would strip local governments of regulatory authority of vacation-rental homes.
County Agrees To Settling Dangerous Dog Case With Broader Implications on Authority
Flagler County Attorney Al Hadeed argues Circuit Judge Scott DuPont misconstrued and misapplied the law in a dangerous-dog decision the county is appealing to the Fifth District Court of Appeal.
County Eliminates 15 Jobs, Outsourcing Janitorial Contract Commissioners Had Saved in 2015
Three years ago then-Flagler Commissioner Barbara Revels saved the jobs, arguing they were more important than outsourcing’s modest savings. This time, the commission voted 5-0 to outsource.
Chief Judge Has Discouraging News For Flagler’s Hope of Landing 2nd County Judge
Despite certifying Flagler for an additional county court judge in 2016 and recognizing a still-increasing workload last year the Supreme Court has ruled against certifying an additional judge this year.
Four Local Governments Vying For Residents To Enroll In Their “Academies”
Local governments’ citizenship academies have been relatively popular, especially among potential political candidates or people who want to see the plumbing of government firsthand.
County Approves Special Tax and Contract To Build Seawall for Painters Hill Homes
Each of the affected property owners is looking at an additional tax bill of roughly $100,000 spread over the next 15 years to pay for the seawall.
1st Round in New Session’s Vacation Rental Saga Goes Against Flagler Government
A Senate committee approved a bill that would nearly eliminate local government regulation of vacation rentals and enable a single licensee to have hundreds of rentals across the state.
Raising Faith Over Futility, Flagler Launches Unprecedented $25 Million Dunes-Restoration Feat
For 50 hours a week for the next 48 weeks, trucks will dump nearly 1 million tons of sand along 12 to 15 miles of Flagler County beaches, rebuilding the dunes hurricanes washed away.
Despite Questions of Trust, Flagler Commission Clears Way For 200 Homes Around Lakeside on A1A
Flagler commissioners voted to approve the 200-home development on either side of Lakeside By the Sea on A1A in a contentious 3-hour hearing in which commissioners said their hands were tied to do anything else.
21 Years From Concept to Take-Off: Flagler Airport Opens $17 Million Runway
The new runway at the Flagler Airport will accommodate more fuel-heavy jets, thus adding to the airport’s fuel sales. Next up is the building of a new terminal.
Ban On: Overriding Commissioner’s Plea, Flagler Enacts Prohibition on Medical Pot Shops
It was the second and final reading of an ordinance banning medical marijuana dispensaries in unincorporated Flagler, and it passed Monday morning, 3-2, ending a nearly year-long debate.
Jonathan Lord Takes Over Flagler’s Emergency Management as Its 6th Chief in 12 Years
Jonathan Lord, 43, had for more than two years been deputy director of Florida’s Division of Emergency Management, overseeing the statewide response to Hurricanes Hermine, Matthew and Irma firsthand.
Vacation Rentals Would Be Protected Class in Residential Neighborhoods In Bill Flagler Calls “Extreme”
One proposed bill would eliminate local regulation of vacation rentals and make it difficult for home-owner associations and towns like Flagler Beach to prevent short-term rentals anywhere.