Stuart Denison, who’d been arrested three times in the last few months on domestic battery charges, allegedly threatened to kill his girlfriend and the cops who arrested him Sunday; separately, Michael Testa was arrested for the ninth time.
Flagler Beach
Pamela Zill, Healer, Advocate and Ardent Community Voice in Flagler Beach, 1963-2014
Pamela Zill, 50, of Flagler Beach, died on January 13, 2014. The former hostess of her own TV talk show, she was active in the area Chamber of Commerce and was a fixture at Flagler Beach City Commission meetings.
Flagler Beach Police Launch Initiatives to Protect Residents and Property, But Public Records Expose Vulnerability
Though the initiatives are very well-meaning, participating residents who want their house watched while they’re away or who live alone and need a daily check-in must fill out detailed applications that reveal a lot of personal information and details about their property. The documents are public records, and may potentially create vulnerabilities for the very residents police are aiming to protect.
Sweet Waters Smokehouse, With Grand Opening Saturday, Adds to Restaurant City in Flagler Beach
The Tuscan Grille restaurant owners were approached by the property owner of the former Hurricane Patty’s in Flagler Beach and asked to take over. They agreed. After Sweet Waters Smokehouse’s soft opening Oct. 1, the restaurant launches in earnest with a grand opening Saturday, Feb. 1, starting at 11 a.m.
Flagler Beach Holds an Election and Nobody Shows: Kim Carney and Marshall Shupe Are Re-Elected Without Opposition
It is the second successive election cycle in which Flagler Beach commissioners have drawn no opposition. Last year Jane Mealy and Steve Settle were re-elected automatically. Kim Carney and Marshall Shupe were first elected three years ago.
Teddy Roosevelt Impersonator Joe Wiegan Will Be Featured Performer at Flagler Beach Rotary Jan. 30
Joe Wiegan has taken his Teddy Roosevelt one-man show all the way to the White House, where George W. Bush invited him to commemorate the 150th anniversary of one of the nation’s greatest, most exuberant and paradoxical presidents.
Record-Breaking Skateboard Mile Among 3 Saturday Races in Flagler Beach and Palm Coast
The International Distance Skateboard Association is hosting a one-mile skateboard race down A1A for the Guiness record, along with a longboard half-marathon starting at Wadsworth Park and a kids and beginners challenge, all Saturday morning, Jan. 4.
56-Year-Old Man Accused of Cigarette-Burning a 9-Year-Old Girl in Inappropriate Beach Encounter
Thomas Checchio, a 56-year-old resident of 612 John Anderson Highway in Flagler Beach, faces a charge of felony child abuse after he reportedly “flirted” with a 9-year-old girl at the beach before he claims to have tripped her, causing her to burn herself on his cigarette.
Dawn to Starlight: Palm Coast, Flagler Beach and the Hammock Warm Up Christmas Parades
Palm Coast’s annual Starlight parade is scheduled for Dec. 14. Flagler Beach’s Holiday at the Beach Parade is scheduled for Dec. 7 at 1 p.m., and businesses in the Hammock will be lighting up A1A with special events, lights and Christmas cheer for the first two week-ends of December.
Fire Demolishes House in Painter’s Hill and Jumps A1A to Island Estates Before It’s Stopped
A fire that started at about 3:15 this afternoon in a vacant, two-level house at 3518 North A1A, in Painter’s Hill, was fueled by 40 mph winds off the ocean and had quickly engulfed the structure in flames by the time firefighters arrived at the scene.
3 Hurt in 2-Vehicle Crash on Belle Terre as Right-of-Way Violation Forces Car Into Ditch
A two-vehicle crash on Belle Terre Parkway and Ponce de Leon Boulevard in Palm Coast around 6:45 p.m. sent three people to the hospital with minor injuries and snared traffic as paramedics worked the scene.
In Flagler Beach, Muted Interest in Last Two Candidates Looking to Head Fire Department
Thursday evening’s town hall-style meeting with Bobby Pace and Brandon Seymour, the two candidates looking to be Flagler Beach’s Fire Captain (that is, chief), drew hardly an audience, possibly because City Manager Bruce Campbell’s choice, to be announced before Thanksgiving, has not been a secret.
Hunting Camp Rape Case: Conflicting Details Emerge as 4th Suspect Turns Himself In and 2 Bond Out
As Frank Goggans turned himself in at the Flagler County jail Wednesday and promptly bonded out (as had his brother Daniel), extensive and lurid details from investigators’ interviews with the two brothers and a third suspect have emerged in the case of the alleged gang rape of a woman in Flagler Beach and at the Cowart Hunting Camp on March 20.
Gentle Warning Beep as Flagler’s $10 Million Emergency Radio System Approaches Its End
It’s less than eight years since Flagler spent $10 million to upgrade its county-wide communications to an 800 MHz system, to which some 1,500 radios from police, fire, municipal and county agencies are attached. That system is set to reach its official life’s end in 2017, requiring county government to start now to examine how it will replace it, and how it’ll pay for the replacement.
State Attorney Will Not Prosecute Bobby Pace, Clearing Him to Return to Flagler Beach Fire Department
The State Attorney’s Office settled on a deferred prosecution agreement that would eventually drop the misdemeanor charge against Bobby Pace, clearing the way for him to return to work at the fire department and possibly be named its fire captain next month.
Palm Coast Man, 35, Accused of Lascivious Acts After Attacking A Woman in Flagler Beach
The 52-year-old victim was taking in the sea air at a picnic table at North 5th Street on A1A in Flagler Beach when Alexander Paler of Willow Drive in Palm Coast accosted her and began allegedly molesting her and restraining her every time she tried to leave. The victim was able to use her skills in dealing with mentally disabled people to diffuse the situation.
Flagler Beach Again Punts on Mobile Food Vendors, Opting to Redraw Looser Regulations
In their latest wrangles over whether to allow mobile food vendors or not, Flagler Beach commissioners appeared confused about who would be allowed where, and how to balance the rights of property owners with the rights of business owners and entrepreneurs to freely compete, without the city’s interference.
As the Flagler Beach Fire Department’s Court Cases Churn On, 11 Apply for Top Post
Eleven men have applied to be Flagler Beach’s next fire chief, a position the city reclassified as “Fire Captain.” It is widely believed that City Manager Bruce Campbell will award the post to Bobby Pace, the suspended firefighter fighting a first-degree misdemeanor charge of obstruction of justice–a charge that may be settled with a deferred prosecution agreement this week or next.
Bowing to Hammock, Thrasher and Hutson Will File Bills to Restore Vacation-Rental Regulations
Sen. John Thrasher and Rep. Travis Hutson made their pledge to repeal the vacation-rental law during the annual legislative delegation meeting in Flagler Wednesday, which drew more than a full house because of that controversial issue. But repeal is unlikely as the 2011 law, which makes it easier to operate a house as a mini-hotel, passed the Senate unanimously, and the House overwhelmingly.
Matt Doughney Named Flagler Beach’s Police Chief (But Just Call Him Captain)
City Manager Bruce Campbell will be naming Matt Doughney, the former Daytona Beach cop and Avon Park police chief, Flagler Beach’s new police chief. Doughney will have the title of captain and be paid $58,000 a year.
Flagler Beach Police “Captain”: Last Three Candidates Make Their Pitch to the Community
Steve Clair, Matthew Doughney and Joe Sisti appeared in a semi-formal setting before some 35 people, including the whole membership of the Flagler Beach City Commission, who gathered at city hall to hear the candidates for police captain and mingle with them.
Nostalgia Sprinkle: Flagler Beach Bans Mobile Vendors Except for Ice Cream Trucks
Thursday evening, the Flagler Beach City Commission swirled Solomon with nostalgia in a 4-1 vote to ban all mobile vending in the city, except for ice cream trucks, a victory for Sandy Kenny’s operation.
Reviving Sore Issue, Flagler Beach Readies to Ban Ice Cream Trucks Outright
The Flagler Beach City Commission Thursday will take up a proposed ordinance that prohibits mobile vendors, including ice cream trucks, outright, reviving an issue the commission has attempted to deal with twice in the last 19 months, only to shrink in the face of substantial opposition.
Nine Interviewed for Revamped Top Cop Post in Flagler Beach as Dan Cody Era Ends
The nine men (possibly 10) being interviewed by a four-man board in Flagler Beach are ex-cops, but they’ll be hired as captain of the police department, as City Manager Bruce Campbell has eliminated the police chief position and reduced its pay from $70,000 to $58,000.
Flagler Beach’s Bobby Pace Pleads Not Guilty to Obstruction Charge
Bobby Pace, the 41-year-old Flagler Beach acting fire chief until late July, has pleaded not guilty to an obstruction charge the State Attorney filed against him on July 25 and waived an appearance before County Court Judge Melissa Moore-Stens at an arraignment on Tuesday.
Early Morning Fire Demolishes Flagler Beach’s Iconic Seaside Shoppe; Bayer Office Saved
Flagler Beach’s iconic Seaside Shoppe, for two decades a mainstay of the city’s commercial life, was demolished by an early morning fire the owner detected at 4 a.m. when she smelled smoke.
Flagler Beach Murderer Paul Miller Is Moved to Dade Prison, 350 Miles from Home
Paul Miller, the 66-year-old Flagler Beach resident sentenced to life in prison in June for the murder of Dana Mulhall, may serve out his life sentence in South Florida if his ongoing appeal is unsuccessful.
Two Ex-Firefighters Sue Flagler Beach, Charging Their Firing Was Retaliatory
Shane Wood and Jacob Bissonnette say their firing by City Manager Bruce Campbell last February, over an allegation they stored home-made alcohol at the fire station, was retaliation for their role in an investigation that led to a charge of obstruction of justice against Bobby Pace, another firefighter who was briefly acting chief.
Meanwhile, Back in the Trenches: Flagler Beach Firefighter Saves Kitten From Deep In a 300-Foot Drain
Tuesday evening, Morgan Walden—one of three firefighters who answered a distress call, for a kitten, at the Flagler Beach Publix on State Road 100—crawled half-way into a narrow, suffocating stormwater drain and rescued an 8-week-old kitten that had been howling in there loud enough for a Publix customer to hear it.
Creal Won’t Be Chief After All as Flagler Beach Fire Department’s Troubles Mount
Within 24 hours of being named Acting Fire Chief of the very troubled Flagler Beach Fire Department, Robbie Creal said he declined the post because of health, while City Manager Bruce Campbell said he’ll himself assume all administrative duties at the department, and have three firefighters–David Kennedy Stephen Cox and Dustin Snyder–be shift commanders.
Acting Flagler Beach Fire Chief’s Past Drug Issues Aside, Questions Arise Over Certification
City Manager Bruce Campbell and Commission Chairman Steve Settle say they were not aware of Acting Fire Chief Robbie Creal’s past marijuana use or the investigation that led to his resignation and retirement in 2002, and Campbell said he had not verified whether Creal has the certification to be an active fireman at fire scenes, in line with state law requirements that kicked in July 1.
State Attorney Files Obstruction Charge Against Robert Pace, Flagler Beach’s Acting Fire Chief
The State Attorney’s Office has filed an obstruction of justice charge against Bobby Pace, the acting fire chief in Flagler Beach, following an investigation into charges that Pace falsified the records of a probationer and destroyed evidence earlier this year.
Lightning Triggers Fire in Flagler Beach House, Damaging Third Floor
A three-level house at at 2120 South Central Avenue was struck by lightning Sunday afternoon, igniting a fire in the attack and a closet that Flagler County Fire Rescue contained to that area. There were no injuries.
Upset By a Man Taking Pictures of His Girlfriend at the Pier, He Shows a Gun–and Is Arrested
26-year-old Thomas Wood was arrested and jailed Tuesday evening after he threateningly displayed a gun to another man taking pictures of the Wood’s girlfriend at the Flagler Beach Pier, according to a Flagler Beach police report. Wood did not have a permit for the gun.
As Flagler Beach Residents Bear Biggest Burdens of Changes, Commissioners Duck
More visitors and more businesses have vastly increased costs on Flagler Beach residents, but when the county stepped up with proposals to reduce those costs through some fire-house consolidation, City Commission Chairman Steve Settle said no thanks–before the commission had even considered the proposals. It’s an example of a commission that doesn’t have city residents’ best interests at heart, argues Rick Belhumeur.
Independence Day Weekend Ruffles Tricolor Blasts From Palm Coast to Flagler Beach
Palm Coast celebrated July 4 with a complete reading of the Declaration of Independence at Heroes Park before Flagler Beach let loose with its parade, its booze, food and fights, though only one person ended up incarcerated against his will, and mostly for his benefit.
Booked at Orlando Prison, Paul Miller Files Appeal of Conviction on Flagler Beach Murder
Paul Miller, sentenced in June to life in prison for the murder of Dana Mulhall in Flagler Beach last year, will be at Orlando’s Central Florida Reception System prison for a few weeks before being transferred to a permanent prison, though family proximity does not necessarily decide where the system will place him.
“Fiercely Independent” Flagler Beach Says No to County Fire Services and $100,000 Savings
Flagler County is ready to take over the Flagler Beach Fire Department, provide a higher level of service that would vastly improve the city’s fire insurance rating and lower property insurance rates, and net the city a $100,000 annual saving, not counting capital savings, but the city is not interested for now.
Rape Crisis Failure:
How the Children’s Advocacy Center Betrayed a Victim at Her Most Vulnerable
After a Flagler Beach woman was allegedly raped on June 14, the Children’s Advocacy Center in Daytona Beach was responsible for providing a certified nurse to conduct an exam and gather evidence in a private setting. It failed on all counts. A FlaglerLive investigation reveals the extent of a failure that local police have been contending with since the center opted to cut its ties with the provider who’d ensured a functioning system for many years.
Supreme Court Denies Gregory’s Death-Penalty Appeal for 2007 Murders in Flagler Beach
William Gregory, now 30, was sentenced to death in 2011, for the murder of his ex-girlfriend, Skyler Dawn Meekins, then 17, and her boyfriend Daniel Arthur Dyer, then 22, as they slept, and Skyler’s 1-year-old daughter was in a nearby room.
Sheriff Says Conversation With Flagler Beach Manager on Key Police Changes “Never Happened”
Flagler Beach City Manager Bruce Campbell told his city commission last week that Sheriff Manfre and Bunnell City Manager Armando Martinez had no problems with Campbell’s proposal to eliminate the police and fire chiefs’ positions. Martinez and Manfre dispute that, with Manfre sternly saying that he never had a conversation about the changes with Campbell.
Christopher Munson Accused of Strong-Arm Robbery at Flagler Beach 7-Eleven
The 7-11 store clerk rushed Christopher Munson when Munson pulled out a gun that turned out to be plastic. The two men fought and the clerk held Munson down in the parking lot until police arrived. The incident took place early Tuesday morning.
In Suspected Flagler Beach Rape, New Details Point to 2 Attacks and Disturbing Aftermath
The woman involved in the suspected rape case that’s shaken Flagler Beach since Friday alleges she was attacked twice by James McDevitt in the space of two blocks, the first time in front of a friend of McDevitt’s who urged him to stop. After the incident, the Flagler Beach police was denied a certified nurse for the incident analysis by the agency contracted to provide such nurses.
Flagler Beach Plans to Eliminate Fire and Police Chief Posts, But Both Departments Survive
Flagler Beach City Manager Bruce Campbell wants to replace the fire and police chiefs with captains, and see them working the streets when necessary. The change, tentatively approved by the city commission, would eliminate high salaries but with proposed raises for the ranks, would only slightly lower payroll costs in the fire department, and raise them in the police department.
A Belatedly Apologetic Paul Miller, 66, Is Sentenced to Life in Prison Without Parole
Paul Miller was sentenced to life in prison without parole for the March 2012 murder of his neighbor Dana Mulhall, ending a 15-month saga that had stunned Flagler Beach and Flagler County for the brazenness of the murder and Miller’s demeanor since.
James McDevitt, 21, Accused of Raping a Woman in Flagler Beach, 2 Blocs from a Cop
James McDevitt, 21, of Palm Coast, is at the Flagler County jail on $101,000 bond following the Friday morning allegation. A Flagler Beach police officer was addressing a situation involving McDevitt’s friend, and saw McDevitt and the alleged victim walk on shortly before the alleged incident. Because the cop was working the night shift alone, MccDevitt and the woman were not stopped, and walked on.
“That’s Crap,” McGrew Tells Fuego Del Mar Owner After Accusation of Business Unfriendliness in Flagler Beach
When Fuego Del Mar Restaurant owner Nicolas Kimball accused the city of wanting businesses to be successful only up to a point, Flagler Beach Commissioner Joy McGrew shot back, sharply and unapologetically, setting down a marker against repeated accusations of business unfriendliness.
Lexus Driving Suspect Arrested in Burglary of 88-Year-Old Woman and Cash at the Nautilus
Steven E. Shurr, a 42-year-old resident of Flagler Beach, was arrested Thursday in Bunnell and charged with robbing an 88-year-old woman of her jewelry in Flagler Beach, then robbing the office of the Nautilus condominiums at the south end of town.
Feared Flagler Beach Bomb in Ammo Container Turns Out to Be Tackle Box; A1A Reopens
A military-style ammunition box left at the foot of the Barracuda Bay Motel sign in Flagler Beach triggered a bomb scare and closed A1A between South 10th and South 13th Streets Sunday afternoon. It turned out to be a fishing tackle box.
Paul Miller Is Found Guilty of Murdering Dana Mulhall; He Faces Life in Prison
Paul Miller was found guilty of second degree murder in a quick verdict by a jury Friday afternoon. He faces a minimum of 25 years in prison, essentially meaning that the 66-year-old Miller will never walk free again.