The voting line snaked around at the Flagler County Public Library for most of the first day of early voting, but with one fewer voting location, four fewer days and diminished enthusiasm, it’ll take a greater surge of voting to top the 2008 tallies.
Ghost Election: Obama, Romney and The Future of the U.S. Supreme Court
The next president could very well appoint one or two new justices. And who steps down among the justices first could also depend on who’s elected. Here’s a guide to the election and the U.S. Supreme Court.
Atack vs Moore-Stens: An Attorney’s Evaluation Of the County Judge Race, and a Response
In the Flagler County Court Judge election, Paul Guntharp, a Palm Coast attorney, evaluates the candidacies of Craig Atack and Melissa Moore-Stens, and Atack replies.
Hutson and DeSantis Are No-Shows as Holland and Beaven Stress Flagler’s Voice
Travis Hutson and Ron DeSantis did not attend Flagler’s broadest political forum of the season–it was broadcast live on WNZF–Wednesday, giving opponents Milissa Holland and Heather Beaven free rein to speak of the voice they’d give Flagler County if elected. County judge candidates Melissa Moore Stens and Craig Atack, and Senate candidates John Thrasher and Kathleen Trued, were also at the forum.
Florida Chamber, Countering GOP Allies, Opposing Ban on Cuba-Syria Contracting
The Florida Chamber of Commerce is asking a federal appeals court to continue blocking a new law that would prevent state and local governments from contracting with firms that have business links to Cuba or Syria. A a Miami federal judge ruled in June that the law likely violates the U.S. Constitution.
Frank Meeker: the Live Interview
Flagler County Commission, District 2
Frank Meeker, a Republican, is a candidate for the Flagler County Commission in the Nov. 6 election, facing Independent Abby Romaine in the District 2 race. All registered Flagler County voters get to cast a ballot in this race.
Palm Coast Man Arrested Over Facebook Bomb Threat at Buddy Taylor Middle School
Benjamin Perrine, a 44-year-old resident of 1 Plumtree Place in Palm Coast, was upset about his lost dog and neighbors calling in noise complaints. A bomb-sniffing unit went through Buddy Taylor this morning as a precaution. No bombs were found, and school was not interrupted.
Fourth Car-vs-Bike Wreck in 5 Days as Motor Scooter Is Struck on U.S. 1 South
James Ternullo, 51, of Green Cove Springs was riding on a slow-speed motor scooter when he was struck on U.S. 1 South Wednesday morning by a Honda whose drivers hadn’t seen the scooter. Ternullo was taken to Halifax hospital’s trauma unit and U.S. 1’s north lanes were briefly shut down in the area of the wreck.
Smacked by Local Tax Collectors, State Retreats on License Plate Revamp, for Now
Florida highway safety officials are putting on hold for at least a short time a plan to redesign state license plates, and to privatize their distribution, following objections from tax collectors.
Herb Whitaker: The Live Interview
Flagler County Commission, District 5
Realtor Herb Whitaker, a Republican, is a candidate for the Flagler County Commission in the Nov. 6 election, facing Democrat and five-term incumbent George Hanns in the District 5 race. All registered Flagler County voters get to cast a ballot in this race.
George Hanns: The Live Interview
Flagler County Commission, District 5
Five-term incumbent Democrat George Hanns is a candidate for the Flagler County Commission in the Nov. 6 election, facing Republican Herb Whitaker in the District 5 race. All registered Flagler County voters get to cast a ballot in this race.
Ronald Reagan Assembly Attack on Frank Meeker, Over Hatch Act, Declared Groundless
The federal Hatch Act prohibits candidates for office from holding jobs that are federally funded. County Commission Candidate Frank meeker’s job at the St. Johns River Water Management District does not violate the act, as local Republican opponents claimed in August.
Amendment 3: A Fight Between Capping Taxes and Funding Government Responsibly
Amendment 3 before Florida voters on the November ballot would tighten the state’s rarely-used revenue cap, potentially giving it more teeth – something supporters say will restrain reckless spending but opponents say would gut vital services.
How Companies Track Your Politics And Assemble Profiles Through the Internet
If you’re a registered voter and surf the web, one of the sites you visit has almost certainly placed a tiny piece of data on your computer flagging your political preferences. That piece of data, called a cookie, marks you as a Democrat or Republican, when you last voted, and what contributions you’ve made. It also can include factors like your estimated income, what you do for a living, and what you’ve bought at the local mall.
3 Cop Agencies and Flagler’s Fire Flight Chase And Nab 2 Wanted for Palm Coast Burglaries
Two burglars caught on a surveillance video released last week appear to have been caught following a cop chase that began on Palm Coast Parkway just after noon and ended at County Road 206 and U.S. 1 in st. Johns County, with several police agencies and Flagler County Fire Flight converging on the suspects.
Cyclist Struck on Belle Terre, Hammock Club Van Full of Golfers in 3-Vehicle Smash on A1A
Flagler County Fire Rescue paramedics were almost overwhelmed Monday morning in an explosion of emergencies during the 8 o’clock hour as a cyclist was struck by a car on Belle Terre Parkway, a shuttle full of golfers on State Road A1A triggered a three-vehicle wreck, and an individual on Empire Lane ended his life by gunshot, in his garage.
Smart Meters and the Paranoia of Fake Fears
With smart meters as with numerous other issues, some of our most basic scientific or technological advances are being held hostage to perversions of evidence no more legitimate than superstition and sham controversies.
Bike-vs-Car Wreck on A1A in Flagler Beach Is 2nd Trauma Airlift in 24 Hours
In another wreck involving a car cutting off the right-of-way of a motorcyclist, a motorcyclist ran into a Ford sedan on South A1A at the Ocean View condominiums after noon on Sunday, closing the highway for an hour. The rider was evacuated by air to Halifax hospital.
Snap, Crackle and Reef:
Oyster Restoration in Northeast Florida
Oysters play an critical role in filtering pollution and maintaining the coastal marine system, but their disappearance along the barrier island north of St. Augustine has created a kind of domino effect of environmental destruction. One local project involving restaurants seeks to restore oyster reefs.
Flagler Roads Claim First Biketoberfest Trauma Victim as Car Cuts Off Rider on Old Dixie
A 47-year-old man on a Harley Davidson was evacuated by air with severe injuries to the legs after a 20-year-old woman driving a car cut him off, making a turn into a driveway on Old Dixie Highway South just after 11 Saturday morning, closing that stretch of the two-lane road near the White Eagle Lounge for a little over an hour.
State Ethics Commission Finds Sheriff Fleming in Violation Over Hammock Gift Membership
The Florida Commission on Ethics today found probable cause that Flagler County Sheriff Don Fleming violated the state code of ethics when he accepted a free, gift membership to the Hammock Beach Resort since 2005, a finding that may seriously damage Fleming’s chances of re-election in less than three weeks.
Gov. Scott Joins Florida Cattlemen Asking For Suspension of Ethanol Content in Gas
Gov. Rick Scott joined several other governors from both parties this week in asking the federal government to suspend the requirement for putting a certain amount of ethanol into America’s gas tanks, saying it’s causing a shortage of cattle feed for Florida ranchers.
Flagler’s Unemployment Rate Falls to 11.9%, Its Lowest Level Since December 2008
Flagler County may have a little something to cheer about: its unemployment rate in September fell to 11.9 percent, from 12.3 percent the month before. That’s the lowest unemployment rate in the county since December 2008, when it was 11.8 percent.
Another Major Blow to Palm Coast Data as Newsweek, a Major Account, Ends Print
Newsweek, with 1.5 million subscribers, is one of Palm Coast Data’s largest accounts. The company landed it less than two years ago, helping it stanch the loss of other titles. Newsweek will end its print publication in December, a move that will again hurt Palm Coast Data’s bottom line.
Brazen Burglars on Palm Coast’s Covington Lane Caught on Video, But Still at Large
Flagler County Sheriff’s detectives are looking for public help in the look-out for a black Ford Expedition and two young occupants caught on a surveillance video system at a house at 105 Covington Lane in Palm Coast around the time of a brazen daytime burglary there on Oct. 5.
Flagler School Board Takes a Hard Line on Corporate Charters as it Delays Latest Bid
The Phoenix-based Leona Group’s application to open a middle and high school charter in Flagler next year was tabled at least two weeks as Flagler board members raised concerns with the company’s track record and its dearth of local involvement or support.
Justin Rushing of Bunnell Accused of Sexually Abusing a Younger Sister Over Several Years
Justin rushing, a 22-year-old resident of North Old Dixie Highway in Bunnell, is being held at the Flagler County jail, without bond, on a half dozen charges of lewd and lascivious conduct and child molesting in a case involving a younger sister. The alleged incidents took place over several years, according to Rushing’s arrest report, and involved the girl when she was between 12 and 16, and in other instances, younger than 12.
For Flagler Beach Manager Bruce Campbell, An Evaluation Only a Few Stars Shy of Glowing
Bruce Campbell, who was at the center of an 18-month controversy that finally ended in October 2011 with his permanent appointment as manager, came through his first full job evaluation as “outstanding,” assuring him of solid job security even from his two strongest critics on the commission.
After Ridiculing County’s Sales Tax Revenue Compromise, Palm Coast Now Wants to Deal
In a turn-around stunning for its audacity, the Palm Coast City Council Tuesday agreed to ask the county commission to revive a compromise the commission had proposed on sharing sales tax revenue–a proposal Palm Coast rejected derisively over the summer.
As Whitaker-Hanns Feud Boils Over “Creepy” Comments, an Apology from the Incumbent
Flagler County Commissioner George Hanns called his challenger, Herb Whitaker, “creepy” at a recent forum, and ridiculed his late-blooming college education, promoting embarrassment from fellow-Democrats and a public apology from Hanns Monday evening.
For Opponents of Amendment 8, “Religious Freedom” Has Never Been Under Threat
The so-called “religious freedom” proposal to amend the Florida constitution would create a government bureaucracy to channel tax dollars to religious organizations, its opponents say, jeopardizing the very religious freedoms it claims to be protecting.
Board of Governors’ Power Over Universities Would Grow While Curtailing Legislature’s
A higher education task force is moving toward a recommendation that would significantly increase the power of the Florida Board of Governors, allowing the panel to set the budgets for each of the state’s 12 universities.
Amendment 1: Floridians Will Get Their Say on Obamacare, But Only Symbolically
Lawmakers have proposed a constitutional amendment that, if passed, would say Floridians can’t be forced to buy health coverage. At least in the short term, the measure would appear to have little effect, but House sponsor Scott Plakon, R-Longwood, pointed to what he sees as a “basic right” that Floridians should not be “fined, taxed or penalized for our health care choices.”
A Radio Voice of America from Palm Coast: Mario Jr. Alive and Green, and National
Palm Coast’s 14-year-old Mario Ridgley has been hosting “Mario Jr. Alive and Green,” a radio show on Voice of America Kids, since he was 10. Columnist Frank Gromling was a guest on his show, and relates the tale.
Florida Republicans’ Poll Tax Nostalgia
Hoping to minimize Democrats’ turnout, the GOP-dominated Florida Legislature is going out of its way to make voting more of a privilege than an absolute right. There are a few ways to get around the voter-suppression schemes.
Flagler Beach Kills Discussion on Amendment 4 as Property Tax Measure Divides Politicians
The quick death of the discussion item is a reflection of the polarizing effects of Amendment 4, which has ardent anti-tax advocates–including politicians elected on limited government platforms–rallying around it while some local government representatives strain to explain how it would short-change revenue.
Big Bird Debate: How Much Does
Federal Funding Matter to PBS Anyway?
The amount of tax dollars PBS receives is roughly .012 percent of the $3.8 trillion federal budget – or about $1.35 per person per year, compared to $22.48 in Canada and $80.36 in Britain. Public broadcasting is a popular target among conservatives, who’ve long portrayed it as an example of wasteful government spending.
Live, “Loud” Music Again Riles Flagler Beach Residents, Who Demand a Rule Rewrite
Two years ago it was Hurricane Patty’s. This time it’s Johnny D’s whose live music is that’s drawing the ire of residents. One Johnny D’s neighbor is asking the Flagler Beach City Commission to more strictly rewrite its noise ordinance. A workshop is scheduled for November to consider the request.
In Palm Coast, the End of a 90% Building Permit Discount Will Affect Thousands
The 90 percent discount on all permits–from replacing AC units to replacing roofs or water heaters to installing pools and fences–began in 2009, because the city was collecting too much money. The discount ends Oct. 31, resulting in much steeper fees for more than 5,000 such permits a year.
Counties Begin Push-Back Against State’s Prohibition of Stronger Gun-Control
Circuit Judge John Cooper said during a hearing that the counties can continue suing Gov. Scott over part of the law that would give the governor the power to remove local officials for violations — a provision that Palm Beach and Broward say exceeds the governor’s constitutional authority.
The Russians Are Coming to Hollingsworth Gallery as Animals Stomp Over the Art League
The Flagler County Art League’s popular annual Animal Kingdowm show opens Saturday, while Hollingsworth Gallery takes a turn for the east, with works by Russian artists. Both galleries at City Market Place host free opening receptions Saturday at 6 p.m.
An iPad for Every Student? Florida’s Textbook-Closing Switch Would Cost $441 Million
Lawmakers have helped drive the state toward more reliance on digital learning materials, passing a bill two years ago requiring schools to adopt digital-only textbooks by the 2015-16 school year and spend at least half their textbook budget on electronic materials.
Purity, Schmurity: GOP’s Ray Stevens Picks Democrat Jim Manfre, Jolting Sheriff’s Race
Ray Stevens spent much of his primary battle discrediting John Pollinger’s GOP credentials. General election rules are different, he says, explaining his endorsement of Jim Manfre, and drawing charges of opportunism from Pollinger and Fleming. Yet the endorsement potentially upends the race in Manfre’s favor.
Pleasure Trails: 3 Men Arrested in Onanism Sting at Graham Swamp and Malacompra
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office’s wanker patrol was out Tuesday, netting three arrests in five hours at two popular county parks–Graham Swamp on Old Kings Road, and Malacompera Park in the Hammock. Sheriff Fleming’s response: “Not in Flagler County.”
Flagler Tax Collector Suzanne Johnston Criticizes State’s License Plate Rule Changes
Citing a likely drop in customer service and an eventual increase in costs, Flagler County Tax Collector Suzanne Johnston joined tax collectors across the state to criticize parts of Florida’s plans to redesign the state’s license plates and end local residents’ ability to get their plates locally and immediately.
Three Florida Supreme Court Justices Fire Back at Attempted Conservative Putsch
Justices R. Fred Lewis, Barbara Pariente and Peggy Quince pushed back against a campaign to push them off the bench that has spread from a conservative grass-roots uprising to a denouncing of the three by the Republican Party of Florida. The justices spoke to an audience at the FSU College of Law comprised mostly of students.
Flagler Beach Fire Takes 1st Place in 5th Annual Flagler County Fire/EMS Competition
Twelve teams competed in 24-hour, round-the clock scenarios this weekend in an event hosted by Flagler County Fire Rescue. The Flagler Beach Fire Department won the basic life support division. Boca Raton Fire Rescue won the advanced life support division.
Ballot Up: Today Is Your Last Chance To Register to Vote in the Nov. 6 Election
Beyond registering, voters this election cycle are urged to know their sample ballot and fill it out ahead of time, because it’s the longest in memory. Early voting, beginning on Oct. 27, or absentee voting, is encouraged.
Holland-Hutson Money Race Still Lopsided; Manfre Doubles Take, Closing Fleming Gap
The last two weeks of September saw Travis Hutson add almost as much money to his treasure chest–$13,000–as Milissa Holland raised in the entire election cycle ($15,502). Sheriff Candidate Jim Manfre has raised $19,000 to incumbent Don Fleming’s $24,000.
A Palm Coast Man Is Jailed for Sexually Battering His Wife in the Presence of a Child
Caldwell was charged with domestic battery by strangulation, sexual battery, and domestic assault. He remained at the Flagler County jail, Monday afternoon on $52,000 bond.