The latest musical to be staged at Palm Coast’s City Rep Theatre is about creating a show that takes its name – brackets and all – from the entry form used to submit a finished work to a festival.
Weekend Briefing: Domestic Violence Summit, Legislative Delegation, [Title Of Show] at CRT, Blessing of the Animals
The sheriff unveils a domestic violence task force’s report, the county’s lawmakers listen to wish lists, City Repertory Theatre’s musical in its last weekend, animals are blessed at St. Luke’s Lutheran.
An Aryan Ass Vomits At UF
Protesting honors the flag, so does taking a knee during the anthem, but so does letting an idiotic white bigot have his 90 minutes on a stage at UF. Freedom of thought can take it.
Students Shout Down Richard Spencer’s “White Country” Speech at UF
Hundreds stood in protest on a barricaded street where law enforcement from throughout the state stood watch, on the road, on roofs, in nearby woods, in helicopters and through drones.
Paul Dykes Goes On Trial Over Accusations Of Child Rape and 21 Related Counts In November
The trial of the Palm Coast 20-year-old will be the latest chapter in an extensive and lurid case that involves Dykes’s one-time girlfriend, Erin Vickers, 23, whom a jury found guilty a month ago of raping her 1-year-old daughter.
No Maternity Wing or Trauma Unit Any Time Soon, But Florida Hospital Flagler Thrives On
Florida Hospital Flagler’s top leadership appeared at the Chamber of Commerce’s Common Ground breakfast Thursday morning with a sum-up of making it through recent stormy challenges and glimpses of what’s new within the hospital’s walls.
Thursday Briefing: Common Ground With Florida Hospital, Flagler Schools Resource Showcase, Paul Dykes
The Flagler Schools Resource Showcase is for all children from birth to grade 12, bringing together some 15 agencies and non-profits, Florida Hospital Flagler’s top leadership speaks at a Common Ground Breakfast.
Stanley Wykretowicz Acquitted On Aggravated Child Abuse Charge, May Face Negligence
The 42-year-old Palm Coast resident was looking at up to 30 years in prison had he been found guilty on a charge that he’d brutalized his 2-year-old niece. The defense said the girl was merely ill.
Us? “Hateful?” White Nationalists Deny Charge as Richard Spencer Readies UF Appearance
At the Charlottesville rally, Spencer supporters carried torches and chanted “Jews will not replace us” before a car plowed into a group of counter-protesters, killing Heather Heyer.
Woman Found Incapacitated For Days Next to 2 Dead Dogs In Her Palm Coast Home
The 70-year-old woman was found in critical condition on the ground inside her home at at 25 Llama Trail in Palm Coast, next to two dead German shepherds.
FPL Marks Opening of Its Palm Coast Service Center, a Category 5-Resistant Building
The 25,000-square-foot building near Florida Hospital Flagler can house some 100 workers in emergencies and would help speed repairs after a storm.
Wednesday Briefing: Planning Board, League of Cities, Wykretowicz Trial, Haumea Rings, Chambery Funeral Home
A new funeral home celebrates its grand opening in Palm Coast, the League of Cities’ mayors meet, Volusia deputies’ affairs, Molly Ringwald’s many other Harveys.
Constitution Revision Panel Advances Proposal to Restrict Abortion Rights and Privacy
The controversial proposals are among the very few, out of 2,000, put forth by the public, as opposed to by the commission itself, for potential inclusion on a referendum ballot.
Prosecution Stymied In Ex-Jail Guard’s Trial Over 2-Year-Old Girl’s Alleged Brutalization
Stanley Wykretowicz, 41, was the sole caregiver to his 2-year-old niece when he brought her to Florida Hospital Flagler, comatose and bruised, but his lawyers say she was merely ill, not abused.
Two Flagler Rescue Crews and 11 Sheriff’s Deputies Heading to Alachua as Part of Emergency Over Supremacist’s Event
Flagler County’s paramedics and deputies are part of a larger public safety response to prevent a Charlottesville-like degradation ahead of white supremacist Richard Spencer’s UF speech on Thursday.
Tip Leads Palm Coast Man Turned Fugitive on Molestation Charges To Be Re-Arrested in Las Vegas
Flagler Sheriff’s Detective George Hristakopoulos contacted the Las Vegas Police Department on a tip that Bryan Loveland may be in the area going by a false name.
Flagler Commissioners’ Legislative Priorities Unravel in Messy Amateur Hour
Less than five days from presenting their legislative priorities to lawmakers, Flagler County commissioners’ priority list devolved into a chaotic process that could undermine its goals.
Tuesday Briefing: Rezoning Off Colbert Lane, Improving Palm Harbor Charter School, Stanley Wykretowicz Trial
Today: Showers likely and slight chance of thunderstorms. Locally heavy rainfall possible in the evening. Lows around 70. Northeast winds 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 70 percent. Tonight: Breezy. Mostly cloudy. Showers likely and slight chance of thunderstorms in the morning, then chance of showers and slight chance of thunderstorms in the afternoon. […]
Scott Declares State of Emergency in Alachua as White Supremacist Prepares to Speak at UF
Sheriff Sadie Darnell sought the emergency declaration “more so of being able to get the resources needed to prepare, rather than a sense of alarm regarding the protest.”
Flagler’s Domestic Violence Task Force Spurs Sheriff’s Action Ahead of Final Report’s Recommendations
Flagler County now has its own “batterer-intervention program” and Sheriff Staly will devote a detective full-time to pursuing domestic violence cases as his task force prepares to submit its recommendations Friday.
Flagler Commissioners Approving $400,000 In Grants to Six Critical Social Service Agencies
The grants subsidize free healthcare for the poor, a shelter for abused women, interventions for victims of rape, and help for addicts and individuals with mental health needs, among other services.
Stunner On Birth Control: Trump’s Moral Exemption Is Geared To Just 2 Groups
A separate rule allowing employers that are not religious organization to deny contraceptive coverage to employees is geared toward anti-abortion groups, but its legal status is doubtful.
Monday Briefing: Kristen Hadeed’s Tough Dad, Child-Abuse Trial, Hurricane Make-Up Day
Ex-cop Stanley Wykretowicz goes on trial on charges he brutalized his 2-year-old niece, it’s Kristen Hadeed week, the county commission writes social services checks, Trump forgets the 1st Amendment.
7-Day Limit On Pain-Killer Prescriptions Part of Sweeping Proposal To Crack Down on Opioids
Doctors would be limited to prescribing seven days’ worth of opioids for patients with acute pain and would have to check a statewide database before ordering most prescription pain medications.
How One City Gets Its Guns: Not Big Trafficking Rings, But Mostly Through Little Guys
Unlike the drug trade — often dominated by powerful cartels or gangs — illegal gun markets operate more like the way teenagers get beer, “where every adult is potentially a source.”
Man Who Killed Himself at U.S. 1 BP Had Murdered His Step-Daughter Hours Earlier
Edward Douglas Ratcliffe, 73, had murdered Amy Mitchell, 54, in Brevard before driving through Flagler and shooting himself outside a BP gas station on U.S. 1.
Weekend Briefing: [Title Of Show] at CRT, Evening With the Artists, Pink Army Run, Pellicer Creek Raid
Runners and walkers gather at dawn Sunday in front of Florida Hospital Flagler for the annual Pink Army Run, the Agriculture Museum’s annual Civil War battle reenactment, City Repertory Theatre’s new musical.
Trump Blows Up Obamacare Subsidies: What You Need To Know
Some of Trump’s actions could have an immediate effect on the enrollment for 2018 ACA coverage that starts Nov. 1. Here are five things you should know.
Palm Coast Spree: 7 Days, 7 Vehicle Thefts, 6 Stolen Guns, 2 Arrests, 3 Cars Recovered
Thefts included the brazed theft of a pizza delivery man’s car as he was at the door of a house and six weapons stolen from a garage on Postman Lane.
In Startling Avowal, Rep. Renner Says State Will Attack Home Rule to Discipline “Rogue,” Leftist Cities
“The reason we think they’re going rogue is because it’s Bernie Sanders in charge of your local city government or county government in some cases,” Rep. Paul Renner, who represents Flagler, says.
From Mosquito Control to National Guard, Hurricane Costs Taking a Toll on Budgets
Hurricane recovery efforts have already cost the state budget more than $141 million and are likely to increase, with $25 million for the Florida National Guard; $36 million for debris removal and $6 million for mosquito control.
A Frustrated Shipley Will Not Run Again For Palm Coast Council, But Ex-Mayor Netts Eyeing Her Seat
Dissatisfaction with the council and Manager Jim Landon is spurring Shipley not to run again, , and former Mayor Jon Netts says he still has a lot to give, though he’s also considering a county commission run.
Thursday Briefing: Irma’s Mountain of Loss, Science Matters, A Community Garden in Flagler Beach, Flagpoles
The Flagler Beach City Commission is expected to approve its medical marijuana dispensaries ordinance and a request for a community garden in the city, Ann Coulter speaks at a Lincoln Day dinner.
Stop Playing The National Anthem At Sports Events
The anthem is being used to make statements that reflect anger and divisiveness instead of pride, but primarily so because it’s being performed where it shouldn’t be, argues Nancy Smith.
Avoiding Death Penalty, Flagler Beach’s Bobby Gore Pleads to Manslaughter in Killing of His Son
Bobby Gore, who shot his son in the back of the head during an argument in April, faces between eight and 15 years in prison, equivalent to a life sentence given his advanced age.
Flagler District’s Bombardments Battling Mosquito Surge Not Seen in 65 Years As County Seeks State Aid
Stagnant waters left from two massive storms have led to record numbers of mosquitoes in Flagler, with aerial bombardments resuming Thursday and likely more coming.
After “Ugly” Confrontation With City Clerk, Bunnell Manager Skirts Close To Getting Fired
City Manager Dan Davis’s job appears secure for now after a commissioner laid out a series of conditions Davis has to meet. The confrontation with City Clerk Sandi Bolser was over a meeting snafu.
Florida Cuts Payments To HMOs Caring For Poor, Elderly and Disabled By 3.7 Percent
The hospital cuts accounted for 94 percent of the reduction in rates, which the state says is attributable to lower pharmaceutical costs. Long-term care is seeing an increase.
Wednesday Briefing: Kelsey Banks, Survivor, SBA Disaster Loan Assistance, Ending Fireworks Ban
A Belle Terre Elementary 4th grader has a day proclaimed for her as she passes 5-year mark cancer free, SBA loans for disaster recovery in Flagler Beach.
Throngs of Residents Opposing Big A1A Development Fail to Stop Board’s Unanimous OK
The Flagler County Planning Board Tuesday evening voted to recommend approval of a pair of developments totaling 190 homes that would bookend north and south side of Lakeside By the Sea.
Florida Lawmakers Hear Grim Picture of Worsening Opioid Crisis and Lack of Treatment
In the first six months of 2016, deaths caused by fentanyl increased by nearly 140 percent, deaths from heroin overdoses jumped by 25 percent, compared to the same period in 2015.
Flagler Again Takes Vacation-Rental Case To Tallahassee as New Battle Lines Are Drawn
Willing to deal and compromise, County Administrator Craig Coffey and County Attorney Al Hadeed addressed a Senate committee workshop today in Tallahassee, ahead of what’s expected to be another fierce battle over vacation-rental regulations.
Charged As Adult, Devaughn Anderson, 17, Now Faces 1st Degree Felony Over Armed Robbery
Devaughn Anderson, 17, was arrested two hours after he allegedly robbed a Circle K at gunpoint on Oct. 3. The 1st degree felony exposes him to up to 30 years in prison if convicted.
Tuesday Briefing: Development Worries at Matanzas Shores, Palm Coast Data’s Pink Army, NRA’s Guns, FPC Chorus
Residents from the Matanzas Shores area plan to jam a county planning board meeting to oppose proposed developments there, the FPC chorus is in concert, exploring for oil in the Everglades.
Why Lakeside By The Sea Residents See a Pair of Proposed Developments Turning Their Properties Into “Little Lakes”
A developer plans to build 185 homes at the north and south ends of Lakeside By The Sea, the subdivision in the Matanzas Shores area at the northern end of Flagler County, on the barrier island.
Flier With Allusion To Vegas Massacre Slipped in W-Section Mailboxes; Alleged Machete Attack in R-Section
The fliers make strange claims about a pedophile alert then mix incoherent conspiracies with equally strange images while referring to local and other landmarks.
In Boost To Flagler, Committee Approves Bills Including $50 Million a Year For Beach Repair
If the bills survive the coming legislative hurdles, there may be new money for Flagler County to tap into to repair its severely eroded beaches.
Palm Coast Drops Lobbyist of 17 Years To Hire Southern Strategy, Mayor’s Former Employer
Southern Strategy Group is one of Tallahassee’s most powerful lobbying firms. Mayor Milissa Holland worked there from 2013 to 2015.
State Awards Flagler Sheriff’s Office $158,000 To Pay For Three Victims’ Advocates
Victim advocates work as a support system to victims, survivors, and their families following traumatic events. These professionals give emotional support and guidance during traumatic events.
Monday Briefing: Magritte in Bunnell, Heat Index Up to 102, How Dan Davis Is Doing, Dutton’s DUI Blood Test
The county commission holds a special meeting on tax revenue, the Bunnell commission discusses the performance of its city manager, FWC holds a workshop on goliath grouper.