Chest-thumping illusions aside, there wasn’t much difference between the killing of Qaddafi and the killing of bin Laden, and America’s coddling of other Arab dictators carries on.
Tasers and the Flagler County School Board: Feeble Surrender to an Instrument of Torture
The re-introduction of Tasers on campus is disturbing on many levels, not least because the Flagler school board had no evidence they were needed. Nor did it consider the barbaric implications of Tasers in school settings.
The Lusty Joys of Book-Banning
Parents who run their homes like North Korea aside, it is literally impossible to ban a book in America anymore. An excerpt from Pierre Tristam’s Banned Book Week address on Sept. 26 to the Friends of the Library in Palm Coast.
Palestinian Statehood: Deserved, Overdue, Inevitable
The Obama administration’s attempts to block Palestinian statehood at the United Nations scorn American ideals and pander to Israel’s insistence on denying Palestinians’ right to exist. The outcome will be ruinous.
Since 9/11: A Reckoning
Moving tributes and grief aside, one lesson of the last 10 years is that we have yet to learn the lesson of the last 10 years: we are not only on a spiral downward. We are feeding the spiral, collectively and consciously. We should all be mourners, and not just for 9/11’s victims.
Obama’s Job Gig: Pin-Up to GOP Voodoo
What jobs program? Obama’s surrender to stimulus by tax cuts is another concession to bully superstitions. Obama has lost credibility. He’s lost respect. He’s losing the nation right along with him.
Campaign Notes: Defacing Moorman, Excluding Ericksen, Unseating Kim Weeks
Palm Coast City Councilman Holsey Moorman reacts to his vandalized sign, Democrats explain why they invited Jon Netts and not Charlie Ericksen, and the complete list of candidates thinking (or not) of challenging Kimberle Weeks, the Flagler County Supervisor of Elections.
I Love Waste Pro. But.
To my 7-year-old son, Waste Pro’s twice-weekly pickups are a sacred, joyful ritual made more so by Waste Pro’s thoughtful workers. That doesn’t mean Palm Coast should shirk its responsibilities to residents when it comes to bidding out a new garbage contract.
The Greater Threat: Christian Extremism From Timothy McVeigh to Anders Breivik
Those two men—two right-wing reactionaries, terrorists, anti-government white supremacists, Christians—have plenty in common with the fundamentalist politicians and ideologues among us who pretend to have nothing to do with the demons they inspire.
Why Attending Local Government Meetings Has Nothing To Do With Being Involved
No one was in the audience when school administrators making $97,000 a year made their pitch for raises. Don’t blame the public for not being there. It’s not the public’s fault, and there are far better ways to be involved.
Florida’s Betrayal of College Students: Sticking It to the Young, Pandering to the Old
Between Florida public universities’ tuition increasing almost 140 percent in 10 years and Bright Futures scholarship losing half their value, the state is betraying its future while pandering to older, more selfish voters.
“I Saw The Fires As I Was Flying In.” Rick Scott’s Embarrassing Lay-Over in Flagler
Rick Scott spent four and a half hours today hobnobbing with businessmen and chamber of commerce pals in Orlando, but couldn’t spare a moment for firemen on the line during his lightning visit to Flagler County.
How Flagler County Is Controlling The Public’s Right To Know The Latest On the Fires
On County Administrator Craig Coffey’s orders, the 9:30 a.m. daily “stakeholder’s meeting” on the fires, which includes all agencies and governments involved, politicians, and even members of the public, is closed to media.
Saving Medicare Without Destroying It
Medicare’s demise is overblown. Modest fixes, eliminations of tax favors and a small rise in the Medicare tax can preserve America’s best and fairest government-run single-payer insurance system.
Good Riddance: How the Shuttle and the Space Station Crippled America’s Space Program
Between the space shuttle and the International Space Station, America’s space program’s addiction to manned flights has been held hostage to an unimaginative low-orbit. It’s long-past time to scrap both and push the limits of unmanned exploration.
When Obama Bombs
Barack Obama’s speech on the Middle East on Thursday was no landmark. It was a retreading of old cliches, a window into an administration at a loss for principled coherence, and an offense to Palestinian and Arab self-determination.
Reform Minister: David Ottati’s Healthy Risks at Florida Hospital Flagler
David Ottati, Florida Hospital Flagler’s CEO, is investing, building, innovating, and taking risks despite–and because of–a sputtering economy and health care’s jaggedly changing landscape. So far, it’s paying off.
Bean-Counting Innovation: When Small-Bore Government Patents Job-Killing
Innovation is at the root of job creation. The U.S. Patent Office is innovations’ gate-keeper, with a backlog of 715,000 patent applications. Yet Congress just reduced the office’s budget by $100 million while dickering over reforming its administration.
“To Catch a Predator,” To Bait a Voyeur: Chris Hansen and the Sweep of Sleaze
Chris Hansen’s To Catch a Predator and Perverted-Justice developed a brand of sleazy, ethically compromised journalism to coincide with NBC’s most important ratings months, when underage sex in any form sells.
The Endings Yet to Come
There is an inevitable, visceral, justifiable need to celebrate the death of Osama bin Laden. Let’s just not repeat the mistakes of 2011 and let the visceral dictate the next chapter of wars still looking for an ending.
Birthers, Royals and Crocks
Between Barack Obama’s birth certificate and William Windsor’s wedding to his girlfriend Kate, lust for make-believe idiocies at the expense of reality explains why problem-solving isn’t much of a priority these days.
Stereotype This: “Lazy Mexicans” And Other Insolvent Myths of American Superiority
As it turns out Mexicans are not only harder workers than Americans. They are the hardest workers in the industrialized world, while smugness, selfishness and the pursuit of inequality are becoming American brands.
Bogus Government Shutdown, Real Anti-Government Senility
The nation could use a government shut down, but a real one–including “essential services”–to give those who think they can do without government a taste of what they claim to want.
Gainesville’s Terry Jones Did Not Murder 11 UN Workers and Afghans. Muslims Did.
There is no comparison between Terry Jones of Gainesville’s Dove World Outreach burning the Koran and Muslim fanatics murdering 11 people in retaliation. Jones is a fanatic. He’s no murderer. And he deserves First Amendment protection.
Florida Legislators’ Creepy Uterus Obsession
Florida lawmakers want to force women seeking an abortion in the second trimester to watch an ultrasound of their fetus first. It’s a back-alley assault on women’s privacy and abortion rights.
Pay for Play: How Flagler’s Tourist Council Bribes Journalists, Who Happily Hack Along
Beginning today, Flagler’s tourist council will host four “journalists” for four days, touring the county’s attractions and restaurants, all expenses paid, with $3,500 in public money, in exchange for presumably “positive” press.
Peter King’s Muslim McCarthyism
U.S. Rep. Peter King’s homeland security hearings about Muslims and “radicalization” recall, beyond McCarthyism, a long American tradition of xenophobia and prejudice on the lunatic fringe. It’s not more broadly representative.
Enough Nickel and Diming: How to Cut $1.5 Trillion From the Budget Without Really Trying
Voodoo economics is back, this time with Obama sprinkling the wrong salts. His plan to reduce the deficit is irresponsible. Here’s one way to do it now, with everyone contributing. The alternative is French status in 10 years.
Why To Kill a Mockingbird Is a Triumph for Flagler, And Especially for FPC’s Drama Club
They endured, they persevered, and now they’re finally in their element, on stage. You won;t be disappointed by the FPC student production of To Kill a Mockingbird at the Flagler Auditorium.
N-Word Reckonings: Wrestling With An Incendiary Word In and Out of Context
This essay on the history of the n-word as weapon is a postscript to the Mockingbird controversy and an introduction to next weekend’s performances. It is presented in the spirit of education, discussion—and, hopefully, debate.
Behind the Story: Jigme Norbu’s Death–and Flagler’s Responsibility to His Last Steps
Flagler County is a small world, often too impressed by its own smallness. It would be compounding loss upon loss if Jigme Norbu’s death had a greater effect elsewhere than in what will always be the grounds of his very last steps.
Dalai Lama’s Nephew Killed by a Car While Walking for Tibet on A1A in the Hammock
Jigme Norbu, nephew to the Dalai Lama, had walked or biked 7,800 miles for Tibet on several continents, and had just started his 20th walk, and first in Florida, when he was struck and killed near Palm Coast.
Two Down. Twenty To Go.
It’s a great day for Egypt, a great day for the Middle East. It’s only a beginning. American-backed dictatorships are still the rule in the region. It’s time for a wholesale reckoning.
God’s Plagues, Man’s Fates, Roth’s Nemeses
With Nemesis, Philip Roth puts an end to to a quartet of novels about death, dying and disease. Roth’s books are as much elegy as honest preparation. There’s no faulting him for not deluding us.
Reality Check: Censoring Al-Jazeera
It’s no surprise when the thuggish Hosni Mubarak censors al-Jazeera. But American satellite and cable providers have been censoring al-Jazeera English since it went live in 2006, to the detriment of broader perspectives.
The Rise of Egyptian Aspirations, The Fall of the American Brand
It’s been exhilarating to watch Egyptians demand an end to the dictatorial regimes controlling their lives for decades. But it’s exhilaration mixed with dread, doubt, disappointment and embarrassment, particularly over American postures and prejudices.
My 10 Predictions for 2011
A recap of how I did last year and a look ahead: Obama creeps up, Jon Netts loses, the Supremes overturn health care reform, the fake recovery goes on, Arabs and Israelis go at it again, David Grossman wins big, and a few more.
Prediction Rollovers, I: How 2011 Looked to Henry Ford and Other Psychics in 1931
The New York Times in 1931 asked several luminaries of the period to predict what life would be like in 2011. The results were predictably dismal, but not for obvious reasons. A look back at how little things change.
A Confederacy of Bipartisan Dunces
Obama’s deal with a minority of Republicans over extending tax cuts and adding $900 billion to the national debt is the latest in three decades of bipartisan collusion between Washington and the myth of American power.
In Praise of Wikileaks: Undressing The Scams and Shams of Government Secrecy
With rare exceptions, it’s never been true that secrecy protects national security or interests. Rather, secrecy damages both, often with costly, lethal consequences. That’s why Wikileaks is an indispensable service to democracy.
Offshoring War: How Obama—and Those Moments of Silence—Insult Military Sacrifice
When a president sends soldiers to die in a war that long ago ceased having a claim to being just or to being won, those Americans are no longer being sacrificed by their nation. They’re being murdered. The complicity is national.
Don’t Celebrate Yet, Republicans:
Between Din and Tea Stains, a Reality Check
Short-attention span politics are here to stay, which is why Tuesday’s results are merely the latest re-casting of the same tiresome play that’s not about to end its run on our second-world stage. Not with allegedly educated voters like us buying tickets.
How Republicans Became America’s Arabs
That’s the strength behind the Republican No, as it is behind the Arab No, the Islamist No in particular: it appeals to some mythical, mass-marketable golden age. No proof necessary.
A Bench, a Homeless Man, A Cop’s Brutal Judgment: Poverty as a Presumption of Guilt
The man was sleeping on a bench in Sarastoa. The cop noticed a duffel bag and decided to invoke the city’s anti-camping ordinance. The result: felony charges for the man, and neither justice nor common sense served.
Palm Coast Data’s Invitation-Only Picnic: Hot Dogs, Flattery and Suspended Disbelief
Half Palm Coast and the county’s elected officials and top administrators were invited to Palm Coast Data’s picnic. The public wasn’t. That’s not the main problem.
Mosque Madness and the Shame of New York
As a model of understanding, New York City was once an American redemption. Relatively, anyway. Not anymore, as a majority of New Yorkers are joining the mob-like reaction against an Islamic center near Ground Zero.
Neo-Supremacy Chic: Glenn Beck
And Sarah Palin’s Tea-Scalding of MLK
Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin’s biggest “tea party” rally on the anniversary of Martin Luther King’s most famous speech signals the arrival of a neo-supremacist political movement in god’s clothing.
When Not Voting Is The Loudest Vote
Voting is neither a virtue nor a responsibility. It is a neutral civil right. Not voting is a right of equal weight, a choice as defensible as the choice to vote. Both are exercises in freedom.
Krauthammer’s Sacrilege: When Reactionaries Fire Up their Sunday Missals–and Miss
A comparison of Ground Zero’s neighborhood to Auschwitz or Gettysburg is ridiculous, given the ritzy and lurid neighborhood of Ground Zero. Walk the walk.
“Burn the Koran Day” in Gainesville: When Crude Isn’t the Only Thing Mucking Up Florida
Terry Jones’ “Dove World Outreach Center” in Gainesville slimes Florida, but no more so than Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin are sliming American values in the name of the worst of Western civilization.