Today at the editor’s glance: The qualifying window for the July 27 special election for Palm Coast mayor closes at noon today. As of Friday, eight candidates–six Republicans, two Democrats–had filed. Today’s deadline will certify the final list. There is no run-off: whoever gets the most votes wins. In an eight-candidate election, that means that mathematically, the top vote-getter could get in with as little as 13 percent of the vote, though that would require all the others to split the rest evenly–an extremely remote possibility. The County Commission meets at 9 a.m. The commission is scheduled to take up the matter of Whispering Meadows, the equine therapy ranch on John Anderson Highway whose presence there after 13 years has drawn some opposition. The ranch is required to get a special exception approved by the commission to keep operating at that location, or it would have to move. But both the county and ranch owners have been in discussions for the last few weeks on a compromise that would likely have the ranch move to land adjacent to the county fairgrounds off Saw Grass Road. Those discussions are still ongoing, and the likelihood is that Monday’s item will be tabled again for a few weeks. See previous stories here, here and here.
Stimulus funds: The commission will also be discussing the disbursement of the latest stimulus funds, the American Rescue Plan. Watch the commission’s five Republicans go into contortions over the joy of having the additional millions in their budget while avoiding any mention of the money’s origin under a Democratic administration. Last year of course some of them couldn’t contain their Trump-inspired tumescence when the money had his name on it (quite literally so: his signature appeared on the checks.) For all its benefits though, and they are many, the concerns about inflation are no small thing. The commission meeting also includes a presentation by Mark Positano, the executive director of the East Flagler Mosquito Control District, on his agency (Mosquito Control Awareness falls at the end of the month). County Administrator Jerry Cameron, who’s taken a shine to the Flagler Agriculture Museum, will be making a presentation on that local institution. The drought index is now at 400, not a reassuring signs for firefighters who are on the alert for wildfires. The week’s long-range forecast sees hardly any rain ahead.
Vaccinations: The Flagler County Health Department (DOH-Flagler) is continuing its COVID-19 vaccination opportunities for the next week. Here are this week’s sites:
- Tuesday, June 8, 4:30 to 6:30PM — After-Hours Vaccination Clinic at DOH-Flagler, 301 Dr. Carter Blvd in Bunnell. Ages 12 and older — Pfizer only
- Wednesday, June 9, 4:30 to 6:30PM — After-Hours Vaccination Clinic at DOH-Flagler, 301 Dr. Carter Blvd in Bunnell. Ages 12 and older — Pfizer only
- Thursday, June 10, 4:30 to 6:30PM — After-Hours Vaccination Clinic at Flagler County Tax Collector’s office, 2525 Moody Blvd. in Flagler Beach. Ages 18+ — Moderna only.
Appointments for the Pfizer-only clinics at the health department are preferred. Please call 386-437-7350 ext. 0 for scheduling or questions. The health department will offer drive-through COVID-19 testing on Friday, June 11 between 2:30 and 3:30PM across from 120 Airport Road. This site may close in the event of storms.
The Live Calendar is a compendium of local and regional political, civic and cultural events. You can input your own calendar events directly onto the site as you wish them to appear (pending approval of course). To include your event in the Live Calendar, please fill out this form.
Flagler County Library Board of Trustees
Nar-Anon Family Group
Bunnell City Commission Meeting
Palm Coast City Council Workshop
Community Traffic Safety Team Meeting
St. Johns River Water Management District Meeting
Flagler County School Board Workshop: Agenda Items
Flagler Beach Library Book Club
Flagler County Planning Board Meeting
Random Acts of Insanity Standup Comedy
River to Sea Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee Meeting
Separation Chat: Open Discussion
The Circle of Light A Course in Miracles Study Group
Weekly Chess Club for Teens, Ages 9-18, at the Flagler County Public Library
Joint Workshop of Local Governments
For the full calendar, go here.

“Having grown up in the atmosphere of a bellicose, triumphant, and rejuvenated Fatherland, they had embraced the habits of crude virility.”
–Thomas Mann in “Buddenbrooks” (1901).
Ernie Pyle | Reagan’s gays | Too much art | Internment | Refracted hate | Online behavior | Groovy Tennyson | Overwork | There is a God | On Lincoln | Killing the planet | A Vietcong infantryman | Property v. minorities | Originalism | Liberty v. fatality | Blanche Gardin | Poe’s old age | Whose Christian tradition? | The real socialists | Roberto Bolaño | WSJ v. China | GOP radicals | Worrying about Jesus | Norilsk
GR says
Stimulus funds: “Last year of course some of them couldn’t contain their Trump-inspired tumescence when the money had his name on it (quite literally so: his signature appeared on the checks.)” Author forgot U.S. President Joe Biden signed his name on letters from the IRS announcing his administration’s stimulus relief measures and sending the letters out to many people. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/biden-irs-letter-stimulus/