This year’s grades are almost eight months late. They’re less reliable than in previous years. And they’re still facing bitter criticism because of the state’s troubled standardized testing system.
Flagler Palm Coast High School
Florida’s Black Cowboys: An Exhibit Tours All Flagler Schools, Bucking Stereotypes
The Florida Black Cowboys exhibit, produced by the Agriculture Museum, opens a window on a little-known part of Florida and American history. The exhibit will appear at every Flagler County school.
Artless Censors: The Flagler’s School Board’s Misplaced Allegiance to “Staff”
The Flagler school board shirked its responsibility when it chose to be a cheerleader for a principal instead of offering guidance and oversight after a student’s art work was censored at FPC.
Stillbirth: FPC Art Student May Show His Class Work at a Gallery, But Not At His Own School
A provocative painting by Patrick Conklin, a senior at FPC, was banned from display at his school but allowed at an art gallery, triggering a broad discussion on the lines between expression, censorship, fear and propriety.
Matanzas Woods Construction Forces Temporary School Bus Routes For Nearby Students
As school resumes Monday, transportation changes are afoot in the Matanzas High area, while the sheriff’s office has issued a series of cautions and tips to parents and students.
Flagler’s Future Problem Solvers Claim 2 First-Place Trophies and 5 Overall at International Competition
Flagler County’s public school students have shined again, as they’ve made a habit of doing so at such competitions year after year, led by FPC’s Daniel Thomas and Rymfire Elementary’s group.
Don’t Panic: FPC Will Be the Scene of a Large-Scale “Active Assailant” Exercise Thursday
Emergency management is not releasing more detailed information than that because the aim of the exercise is to simulate a stressful emergency as close to the real thing as possible.
16 Matanzas High Seniors Still Awaiting Diplomas Because of Company’s Late Exam Scores
Pearson, the company scoring the Biology and US History end-of-course exams, has had a poor history of turning in its own work over the many years it’s administered standardized tests in Florida.
When LOL Means Loss of Life: Flagler Students Rap Texting-and-Driving In Video
A coalition of local agencies initiated by Chiumento Selis Dwyer led to a student video project at Matanzas High School and a 150-second public service announcement video warning of the dangers of texting and driving, which premiered Wednesday.
In a Victory for Students, Divided School Board Relaxes High School Dress Code Substantially
Starting in fall, students in high school can wear school t-shirts, club shirts or team jerseys, as well as plaid and striped collared shirts. The policy does not change existing rules for middle and elementary school students. The board voted 3-2 to adopt the new policy.
We’ve Been Flocked! All Flamboyance For Future Problem Solvers’ Fundraiser
It was fabulous to wake up to a flock of pink flamingos on our lawn, part of a fund-raiser for Flagler County’s Future Problem Solvers, who head for international competition in Iowa in June.
Superintendent Oliva Scraps 28 End-Of-Course Exams in Lower Grades in 1st Step of Broad Testing Revamp
The Flagler district is immediately scrapping 28 end-of-course exams in kindergarten through 3rd grade for science, social studies and special areas, with more eliminations likely for higher grades next year as the district implements a new, more flexible state law.
Flagler Students From 6 Schools Collect 62 Awards at State Future Problem Solvers Competition
Some 35 Flagler County students have been invited to the competition’s International Conference this summer in Ames, Iowa. A list of the winners is included.
7 Flagler Schools Share $668,000 in Bonus Dollars for Improving or Keeping High Grades
The money rewards schools that either maintain A or B grades or improve significantly toward such grades. It is one of the reasons Florida’s high-stakes testing has been facing criticism, as student testing is directly tied to monetary consequences.
School District’s Broadest Uniform Policy Survey: Tepid Support and No Effect on Discipline or Grades
The survey of more than 2,000 students, parents and faculty was prompted by a student leader’s push to loosen the policy, which has had no effect on improving discipline or grades.
FPC’s William Gibbs and Alex Lull Will Represent Flagler at Boys State in June
William Gibbs and Alex Lull, with Devin Ritter as an alternate, were chosen Thursday from a field of five applicants by American Legion Flagler Post 115 representative George Stockley.
Dustin Sims of Flagler Palm Coast High School Named Florida’s Assistant Principal Of the Year
For the first time in recent memory–and possibly in the district’s history–a Flagler County educator has won his category’s top honor in Florida.
FPC’s Dustin Sims Is One of Three Finalist For State Assistant Principal of the Year
The Assistant Principal of the Year receives a cash prize of $2,500 and a weekend resort stay at the Walt Disney World Resort and theme park admission also courtesy of Disney Youth Programs.
District Adopts School Calendar It Did Not Want, Starting Late and Shortening Thanksgiving Break
The Flagler School Board wanted to start school in early August to give students more time to prepare for exams, but state law forbids it, forcing a calendar of its own on local districts.
Spirited Proposal to Relax Dress Code in Flagler Schools Meets More Resistance Than Reason From Board
Michael Manning, the student representative on the school board, is proposing to extend Friday’s more relaxed dress code to all days of the week, and he doesn’t fear challenging board members’ claims along the way.
The Gifted Chemistry of Mentorship: Remembering FPC’s Sylvia Brady
Sylvia Brady, the long-time and popular chemistry teacher at Flagler Palm Coast High School and 1984 Teacher of the Year, died on Friday, age 73. Inna Hardison, former editor of Palm Coast Lifestyles Magazine and current co-owner of Ha Media in Palm Coast, wrote the following profile of Brady in 2009, when Brady was on the verge of retirement.
12 Years in a Row: FPC Marching Band Bulldogs and Starlets Straight Superior Again
John Seth’s marching band at Flagler Palm Coast High School earned the highest rating possible in all categories by earning Straight Superior ratings for the 12th year in a row. Video included.
Flagler Students’ SAT Scores Fall to 10-Year Low; ACT Scores Modestly More Encouraging
The drop was especially pronounced at Flagler Palm Coast High School, where this year’s 259 seniors who took the test scored seven points lower than last year in both reading and writing, and 14 points lower in math. Over five years, FPC’s math score has tumbled 39 points, its reading score 27 points, its writing score 21 points.
Lynnette Callender, Flagler County School Board Candidate: The Live Interview
Lynnette Callender is one of eight candidates in three races for Flagler County School Board in the Aug. 26 primary election: all Flagler voters, regardless of party affiliation and address, may cast a ballot in these races.
Janet McDonald, Flagler County School Board Candidate: The Live Interview
Janet McDonald is one of eight candidates in three races for Flagler County School Board in the Aug. 26 primary election: all Flagler voters, regardless of party affiliation and address, may cast a ballot in these races.
Toni Baker, Flagler County School Board Candidate: The Live Interview
Toni Baker is one of eight candidates in three races for Flagler County School Board in the Aug. 26 primary election: all Flagler voters, regardless of party affiliation and address, may cast a ballot in these races.
Michael McElroy, Flagler County School Board Candidate: The Live Interview
Michael McElroy is one of eight candidates in three races for Flagler County School Board in the Aug. 26 primary election: all Flagler voters, regardless of party affiliation and address, may cast a ballot in these races.
Trevor Tucker, Flagler County School Board Candidate: The Live Interview (2014)
Trevor Tucker is one of eight candidates in three races for Flagler County School Board in the Aug. 26 primary election: all Flagler voters, regardless of party affiliation and address, may cast a ballot in these races.
Andy Dance, Flagler County School Board Candidate: The Live Interview
Andy Dance is running in District 1 for Flagler County School Board and facing Maria Barbosa in the Aug. 26 primary election. All Flagler voters, regardless of party affiliation and address, may cast a ballot in these races.
John Fischer, Flagler County School Board Candidate: The Live Interview (2014)
John Fischer, the incumbent in District 2 of the Flagler County School Board, faces three challengers. He has refused to amnswer any questions about his candidacy.
Maria Barbosa, Flagler County School Board Candidate: The Live Interview
Maria Barbosa is challenging incumbent Andy Dance in District 1 for Flagler County School Board in the Aug. 26 primary election. She is one of eight candidates in three races for the school board. All Flagler voters, regardless of party affiliation and address, may cast a ballot in these races.
Flagler Schools’ Latest Student Code of Conduct: Zero Tolerance Endures, More Infractions Added, But Also More Vagueness
The proposed 2015 Student Code of Conduct in Flagler County Schools adds a series of infractions, including cussing, slurs, harassment,and use of social media, but despite Superintendent Jacob Oliva’s stated opposition to zero-tolerance policies, those remain unchanged, and many of the changes exhibit alarming vagueness.
All Flagler Elementary Schools Will Have School Cops This Year, Even as SRD Total Won’t Change
The Flagler School district approved a plan that spreads its five full-time School Resource Deputies between 11 schools, reducing FPC’s cops to one full-timer, with the other dividing time between three elementary schools, and cops at two middle schools covering an elementary school each.
Flagler School District Rated B For 2nd Straight Year Despite Seven A-Rated Schools
A-rated schools included Bunnell, Rymfire, Old Kings, Wadsworth and Belle Terre elementaries, along with Indian Trails Middle and Palm Harbor, the charter school that just two years ago was failing. The district will earn several hundred thousand dollars in bonuses.
FPC’s David Halliday, Now Hall of Famer, a Finalist for National Inspiring Coach Award
FPC’s Dave Halliday is one of 25 national finalists for the Brooks Inspiring Coach award. He’s already earned $5,000 worth of gear for FPC and $500 for team expenses. Winning will double that. But he needs your votes.
Flagler Students Post Wide Gains in State Rankings in FCAT Reading, Math and Science
Overall, Flagler students improved their rankings in Florida in 12 categories while dropping back in seven, providing many bright spots but also a few worrisome ones.
Stand-Up Comedian Skyler Wahl, Pianist Kayla Byrne and Singer Angel Brown Are Flagler Entertainers of the Year
The 2014 Spotlight started out with just over 50 acts auditioning in early May for a spot in this year’s show. When all was said and done, 27 act made the cut, and each one prepared for the chance to being named a Flagler County Youth Entertainer of the year.
Flagler District’s 4th Graders Rank 6th in Writing in Florida, 3rd Graders Rank 10th in Reading
The Flagler County school district had a few results to celebrate as the Department of Education on Friday released FCAT writing scores for 4th, 8th and 10th graders and reading and math scores for third graders.
PERT: Why Flagler Students Are Forced to Take the Stupidest Test You’ve Never Heard Of
Why are a slew of high achievers at Matanzas High School and FPC who have already succeeded in various courses having to take the so-called Post Secondary Educational Readiness Test on top of all other tests? How many unnecessary, time-consuming tests are we going to continue to subject our students to?
As Baker Acting of Children Soars, Flagler School Board Grapples With Perceptions of “Outrage”
Baker Acts involving children in schools has reached 32 so far this year, three times more than last year, prompting one school board member to call herself “outraged” at the police-led manner in which most such Baker Acts are carried out, even with teens and younger children.
In a 1st, Flagler Requires All Juniors to Take SAT, Raising Concerns About County’s Image If Grades Drop
On February 26, almost 1,000 juniors–double the usual number–will take the SAT at Matanzas and FPC, but School Board member Colleen Conklin worried that the resulting drop in average results may send the wrong message to families and businesses looking to relocate to Flagler County.
Youth Leadership Flagler’s 2nd Class Looking For 10th-Grade Applicants
The Flagler County Chamber of Commerce is looking for 10 future leaders of Flagler County to join the organization’s Youth Leadership Program next fall. The application deadline for current 10th graders is March 14, 2014.
Fulfilling Pledge, Rep. Travis Hutson Files Animal Cruelty Bill Inspired By FPC Student
Animal abuse may cost abusers far more in penalties and punishment if a bi-partisan bill inspired by Flagler Palm Coast High School student Morgan Purtlebaugh and filed by Rep. Travis Hutson last week becomes law.
Cindy Moore and Jill Espinosa Earn School District’s Top Honors for 2013
Cindy Moore, a testing coordinator and secretary at Flagler Palm Coast High School, was named the 2014 Employee of the Year, and Jill Espinosa, a kindergarten teacher at Belle Terre Elementary, was the Teacher of the Year.
Ryan Peeling of FPC One of Two Teens-In-Flight Students Admitted to Embry-Riddle
Two Teens-In-Flight students–Ryan Peeling of Flagler Palm Coast High School and Cora Rand of Seabreeze High–have earned admission at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University for the Fall 2014 session, with scholarships.
With 78% of High Schools Rated A or B, Tougher Standards Will Kick In Next Year
Matanzas maintained its A, making it the third A since the school opened in 2006. FPC improved from a B, earning an A for only the second time in 13 years. But a state rule calls for automatically tougher standards when more than 75 percent of schools in the state earn an A or a B.
Flagler Schools Improve Graduation Rate For 5th Year in a Row, to 76.6%; Black Rate Lags
Flagler’s rate improves from last year’s 74.8 percent, and is up significantly from the 2008-09 rate, when it was 65.1 percent. But the graduation rate of 67.9 percent among black students continues to lag, adding to pressure on the district that it’s not doing enough to address a vast gap between white and black achievement.
School Board Honors John Winston, Tireless Advocate of Flagler’s African-American Mentor Program
At 76, John Winston has continued to be the leading force behind the Flagler school district’s African-American Mentor Program, which pairs young boys and men in need of solid direction with adults who take on the role of father figures. Winston is himself the patriarch of a family of seven children and three dozen grandchildren.
Learning To Love Flagler’s IB Program: Students Turn Myth-Busters For 400 People
A pair of introductory meetings about FPC’s IB program, for students from 5th grade and up, drew more than 400 people who heard from IB students eager to demolish false impressions and stereotypes about the program and encourage more parents to sign up their children for Flagler County schools’ crown jewel.
Rep. Travis Hutson Will File a Bill on Animal Abuse Reporting Proposed by Flagler Students
Florida Rep. Travis Hutson worked for weeks with FPC and Matanzas High students on a mock legislative process that culminated today in a student vote choosing actual bill Hutson will file at the Legislature in the coming session. The exercise gave students direct insights into the legislative process.