Ed Schatz, who started Austin Outdoor in 1994 and sold it in 2008, is opening Brass Tap in Palm Coast’s Island Walk Monday, and planning to make it the first of nine such craft beer bars along East Florida’s coast.
Business & Economy
11 Months After Fire, Dunkin Donuts On Palm Coast Parkway Reopens, With Sprinkles and 35 Employees
The Dunkin Donuts on Palm Coast Parkway reopens at 4 a.m. Thursday after it burned for reasons yet undetermined in June 2016, affecting about 1,000 customers a day.
Palm Coast Would Turn Over Its Cell Towers To Contractor Even as New Law Revamps Landscape
Even as a new state law just has just revamped the whole wireless landscape, the Palm Coast council is about to sign a contract grounded in previous-generation realities about cell coverage.
Fatal Irresponsibility:
How Palm Coast Willfully Ignored Street Lights And Sidewalks For 10 Years
Palm Coast’s government’s claim that it didn’t have the money to build sidewalks and street lights is a cynical lie: as people died, the city put luxury ahead of necessity, from city hall to expensive beautification and plenty more.
New Starbucks Location Brewing Next to Aldi in the Shoppes of Palm Coast on SR100
A 2,200-square-foot Starbucks just got a development order and will soon rise next to Aldi, Gate gas station and Tractor Supply Co at Belle Terre and SR100.
Rep. Renner Takes Another Beating, This Time From Palm Coast Council Over Slew of Bills
The Palm Coast City Council excoriated Rep. Paul Renner over several bills he’s introduced, saying the proposals would hurt Florida Hospital Flagler and end the city’s ability to regulate local business, among others.
Superwash Express Brings 40 Jobs to Heart of Palm Coast and Lava of Choices For Car Care
Superwash on Cypress Point Parkway held its grand opening last week, creating 40 new jobs, about 25 of them full-time, in a car town that seems to take to carwashes with zeal.
Europa Owner’s House Demolished in Evening Fire in Palm Coast’s C-Section
Marcella and Ambroz Ferrena, who own New Europa, the restaurant and lounge at European Village, were in their Palm Coast home by the canals late Sunday afternoon when they smelled smoke. It was a small fire in the garage that rapidly spread through the roof.
Rebecca DeLorenzo Resigns Flagler Chamber Presidency to Head Red Cross Chapter
Flagler Chamber officials say DeLorenzo’s resignation is an opportunity for the chamber to rethink its direction, including what staffing will be needed. The chamber had employed seven, down from 13 four years ago.
Short-Listed For High-Tech Finance Company’s 250 Jobs, Flagler Seeks $500,000 in Incentives
Flagler County government is making its most expensive pitch to attract 250 jobs, a high-tech finance company based in the Northeast and looking to expand either in Florida or Georgia.
Palm Coast’s New Founders:
Heidi Shipley On Safety, Seniors and Youths
From the eyes and ears of neighborhood watch groups to programs for youths and the elderly, Palm Coast City Council member Heidi Shipley envisions the best the city has to offer in the third of five articles on the future by council members.
Palm Coast’s New Founders:
Milissa Holland On the Continuity of Change
In the first of five articles by each member of the Palm Coast City Council, Mayor Milissa Holland imagines the city four years from now, seeing a more developed and vibrant but equally serene city to live in.
Company Would Get $90,000 in County Subsidies to Build New Palm Coast Plant in Novel Incentive Approach
Manufacturer Gioia Sales employs 42 on Palm Coast’s Hargrove Grade and would build a larger facility on Commerce Boulevard, with 10 years of subsidies from Flagler County.
Wawa Might Anchor Long-Sought Redevelopment Plan at Bulldog Drive, But Uncertainties Abound
The Palm Coast City Council is set to sell to a developer corner lots at Bulldog and SR100 for almost $600,000 less than it paid for them, as an incentive and linchpin for the redevelopment of the Bulldog Drive entrance.
Along Palm Coast Parkway, Yet Another Tattoo Parlor, and Yet Another Assisted Living Facility
The two businesses may add upwards of 50 jobs in the city’s core commercial center along Palm Coast Parkway—an assisted living facility for dementia patients, and at least the third tattoo studio along the Parkway approved in recent years.
Dunkin’ Donuts on Palm Coast Parkway Will Reopen Early Next Year
The Dunkin’ Donuts that burned on June 9 at 1310 Palm Coast Parkway is expected to reopen in February or March, occupying the same 3,667 square foot space and combining Dunkin’ Donuts with Baskin Robbins ice cream.
Palm Coast’s Cracker Barrel Evacuated as Feared Sink Hole Sends Patrons Scurrying
Cracker Barrel off Old Kings Road in Palm Coast was evacuated at 6:50 p.m. Tuesday as diners ran out of the restaurant screaming from tile crackling beneath them, but the feared sink hole proved to be a structural issue.
Several New Leases Signed at City Marketplace as Occupancy Reaches a Third of Units
John C. Bills Properties, The owner of City Marketplace in Palm Coast, announced the signing of several new leases over the past four months, with new calls inquiring about space to rent coming in daily, a company release announced. Existing tenants are also renewing their leases.
Responsibly Raised: Chipotle Mexican Grill Seeks Site Next to Panera in Palm Coast
Chipotle Mexican Grill’s restaurant would go up on State Road 100 in Palm Coast as the company continues to expand after weathering a severe blow from a rash of food poisonings contracted at its restaurants in the West and Midwest last year.
Recovery Round-Up: FEMA Inspects Flagler, Crews Inspect the Pier, Assistance Center Opens, Debris Pick-Up Cautions
A comprehensive update on the latest in Hurricane Matthew recovery operations in Flagler County and its cities, including essential information from FEMA and debris removal requirements.
Flagler Damages to Homes and Businesses Estimated at $73 Million; 11 Homes Destroyed, 500 Damaged; Utilities Grinding to Normal
The price tag is very likely to exceed $100 million when damage to government infrastructure is eventually included. yet the sum total of the damage is far below what was feared from a direct hit of Hurricane Matthew.
School Board Members Blister “Subleasing” of FPC Campus to Out-of-Town Car Dealer, Exposing Problems
This weekend, without the school board’s knowledge, the entire parking lot of Flagler Palm Coast High School will be turned over to Ritchey Auto of Daytona Beach in a giant car and boat sale that has angered local car dealers and school board members, exposing flaws in the district’s use-of-facilities policy.
Palm Coast Data Parent Posts $10.4 Million Loss, Biggest Since 2009 as Revenue Drops
The losses bode poorly for Palm Coast Data, which at one point a decade ago was the city’s largest private employer. Its parent company’s revenue is now almost synonymous with its own, and it’s a fifth of what it was 10 years ago.
In Debt, Flagler Chamber of Commerce Seeking to Sell Building But Stay Put as Tenant
As debts have caught up with the organization, members of the Flagler Chamber of Commerce and Affiliates this afternoon learned that the chamber is seeking to sell the 10,000 square foot building it has owned, occupied and leased to other tenants since 2006.
Trying to Stem Hemorrhage of Green, Palm Coast Studies Patchy Golf Club Take-Over
Losses at the city-owned Palm Harbor Golf Club are getting worse. The city is considering a “hybrid” take-over of golf and tennis that would still contract put most services but give the city more control.
No More Hairpin Curve as Old Kings Road Extension Around Matanzas High Opens, Last of Big Projects
The extension’s opening marks the last of a series of major road projects intended to improve traffic flow around Palm Coast, and in this case in particular around Matanzas High School.
European Village Reborn: Palm Coast’s Poster-Child of Housing Bust Thrives Again
The Palm Coast City Council approved a rezoning that enables European Village to be more autonomous and more clearly advertise itself as the 14-year-old development seeks to solidify its new hold on business and residential activity.
Palm Coast Hints at Again Increasing Monthly Stormwater Fee As It Projects Fund Deficits
By some of its calculations, Palm Coast is projecting deficits of $1 million a year despite increasing the storwater fee 46 percent four years ago, though it has room to manage the deficit by reducing capital expenses.
Lawsuit Against Palm Coast’s Golden Corral Alleges Sexual Harassment of 17-Year-Old Girl
The lawsuit and the company’s response raise questions about the extent of a company’s responsibility in protecting its employees from undue hostility and differentiates, in the company’s view, between issues involving peer-employees as opposed to employees and their supervisors or superiors.
Art Walk Renaissance as Calypso and ZinkZank Galleries Open Within Brush Stroke of Salvo
Weldon and Richlin Ryan’s new Calypso Fine Art Gallery at Marvin garden, along with Sheila Skipp Zinkerman’s ZinkZank gallery and Salvo Art Project, are burgeoning an art walk similar to what existed at City Marketplace before an exodus two years ago.
For Triumphant Palm Coast Arts Foundation, A Symphonic Homecoming in the Key of Bold
It’ll be the end of a triumphal journey for the Palm Coast Arts Foundation when the Jacksonville Symphony performs its pops concert Sunday before a record crowd of 1,200 in Town Center.
In Palm Coast’s Expensive Hunt for New Retailers, a Few Leads, But Only Low Wages
Last July Palm Coast government signed a $135,000, contract with marketing company to recruit retailers. Nine months later, a couple of low-wage retailers are possible, and a half dozen more are long-term possibilities, but nothing more firm than that.
Gate Gas and Aldi Grocery Will Rise at Corner of SR100 and Belle Terre, Ending Political Signs
The Palm Coast City Council approved a redrawing of the property into six lots, three of which are under contract, with two projected for non-fast-food restaurants in the future.
Florida Hospital Flagler CEO Ken Mattison Leaving For Volusia; Ron Jimenez, a Physician, Takes Over
FHF CEO Ken Mattison was reassigned to head the transition of Bert Fish Medical Center’s 112-bed hospital in New Smyrna Beach into the Adventist system. Dr. Ron Jimenez will have his first posting as a hospital CEO.
Centra Urgent Care Center Opens on Palm Coast Parkway Under Florida Hospital Imprint
Centra Care on Palm Coast Parkway is the latest urgent care clinic to open in the region as health care providers shift services away from emergency rooms when possible, to control costs. But Centra Care also helps channel patients to the Florida Hospital Flagler system.
At Florida Hospital Flagler, an Additional 32 Beds as Facility Grows Beyond Rural Stage
The $15-million, 32-bed addition tips Florida Hospital Flagler past the 99-bed threshold, reducing its Medicare dollars by up to $12 million, but hospital officials see the expansion as meeting local needs.
Losses at Palm Coast’s Golf and Tennis Clubs Mount to Record $431,000; City Council Shrugs
Palm Coast’s Palm Harbor Golf Club and its Tennis center have together lost more money in 2014 than in any year since 2009 under contractor KemperSports’ management, yet council members raised few questions about the operations during a presentation Tuesday.
The Palm Coast Fraternal Order of Police Furthers a Lie in a Protest at Epic Theaters
The FOP’s protest was triggered by false claims that filmmaker Quentin Tarantino had called cops “murderers.” The lie didn’t stop FOP organizers from going ahead with their plans or standing by their protest even when shown Tarantino’s actual words.
Palm Coast Will Host Color Vibe 5K Walk/Run Jan. 30
The City of Palm Coast’s Town Center Park will host the Color Vibe 5K – the first-ever “colorful” walk-run in Palm Coast. The Palm Coast Color Vibe 5K will be held Saturday, Jan. 30, at Central Park in Town Center, 975 Central Ave.
Shirley Chisholm, “Part of the Heritage of Palm Coast,” Receives Presidential Medal of Freedom
Shirley Chisholm, the first black woman to run for president, retired to Palm Coast in 1991. She received the posthumous medal from President Obama today as an awareness campaign about her life and impact on Palm Coast grows locally.
What It Takes to Get New Retailers to Palm Coast: Behind a $135,000 Matchmaking Deal
Palm Coast signed a three-year, $135,000 contract with Texas-based Buxton, a retail recruiter, in hopes of filling storefronts and empty commercial lots. The approach has its mix of skeptics and cheerleaders.
In Flagler Cigar Company, Palm Coast’s Humidor Lights Up Bouquet of Ambitions
Flagler County as an East Coast Ybor City? Humidor owners Ky Ekinci, Mark Woods, Sim Taing and Neil Paisani marked the 10th year of their European Village store by rolling out a line of half a dozen cigars with their own imprint, and their eyes set on national distribution.
Publix Wins as Jury Verdict Concludes Sex Harassment Claim at Palm Coast Store Was Fabrication
A jury decided swiftly that not only had sex harassment taken place, but Robert Barry’s claims of wrongful termination didn’t need to be considered at all in light of the fabrication.
In Publix Trial, Jury Must Now Weigh Plaintiff’s History of Dishonesty Against Claim of Wrongful Termination
The witness phase in the trial against Publix ended Friday in Flagler Circuit Court, leaving it to a jury Monday to decide the claim of ex-employee Robert Barry that he was fired because he reported a case of sexual harassment that may never have happened.
Hobby Lobby, Brass Tap Beer Bar, Moe’s Grill and 500 Jobs: Island Walk Is 84% Full
The developers of Island Walk, the once and future shopping center previously known as Palm Harbor in the heart of Palm Coast, have secured long-term leases with enough retailers to fill 84 percent of its space when it begins opening in phases in 2016.
Flagler-Palm Coast Score Most “Fantastic” Month of Home Sales Since Recession
The 247 homes sold in June reduced the county’s supply to just five months’ worth, tilting the market to sellers’ advantage, while prices saw a healthy rise as well.
Long-Planned Shoppes at Grand Haven on Colbert Lane Finally See Bulldozer Activity
First envisioned almost a decade ago, the Shoppes at Grand Haven will be the new home of the gated community’s sales offices, which will anchor a hoped-for commercial development, the first on Palm Coast’s Colbert Lane.
Palm Coast Dead Zones: City Proposing Less Restrictive Cell-Tower Rules, But Council Demurs
The proposal is being made ahead of a deal between the city and a cell tower company to put a 150-foot tower near Heroes Park, behind Palm Coast Parkway, on land where Palm Coast’s Water Plan No. 1 sits.
Palm Coast Bragging Rights: City’s Fire Protection Rating Vaults to Near Highest
Palm Coast’s fire-protection ISO rating improves from 4 to 2, topping the county and yielding likely cheaper property insurance rates for commercial and residential property owners.
Matanzas Woods Parkway Overpass Closes June 5 as Three Road Projects Start Rumble
Some 50 people turned up to hear an overview of the Matanzas Woods Parkway interchange and Old Kings Road extension projects, which will take a year to complete starting in June.