Two years after GOP lawmakers launched it as a way to deregulate the health-care market for small businesses, Florida Health Choices still offers no coverage and faces an uncertain future.
Rap Sheet Six Years Long Books
Flagler County Lay-Over
Matthew William Freeman faces charges of kidnapping, roberry and aggravated assault from a March 3 incident near Bunnell.
Palm Coast Hops on Bunnell Train Station Bandwagon
Palm Coast was absent from the May 1 Amtrak attention-grabber in Bunnell, but the city council is making amends with a resolution of support.
County Employees’ New Health Plan: Higher Premiums, Lower Out-of-Pocket
County government is edging toward opening an in-house clinic for employees and dependents, but premiums would rise.
Wildfire Spares Homes on Esperanto Dr.; Expect More Smoke
A wildfire on Esperanto Drive in Palm Coast broke out at 1:30 p.m. Sunday, forcing the evacuation of eight homes. None were charred.
Heather Beaven’s WTF Campaign
Democrat Beaven’s congressional campaign against John Mica so far is shoddy, vague, and lacking transparency.
In Blow to Palm Coast, St. Johns Latest to Retreat from Desalination
With St. Johns’ role and money minimized, Palm Coast taxpayers must assume a far larger share of the $1.2 billion project.
We Need Drilling. Just Not Where You Think.
The BP rig disaster will spill more oil in the Gulf of Mexico than the Exxon Valdez did in Prince William Sound. Time to cap the follies of cheering for more offshore oil-drilling in Florida.
Palm Coast Opens Fiber Optic Network To Local Companies
In a first for Florida, Palm Coast is opening its fiber optic network to business use beginning in hopes of spurring commerce.
Two-Car Wreck at Belle Terre & Rymfire Sends 2 to Hospital
Not quite worth the news splash, the wreck was more light show and twisted metal than injuries worth blessing-counts.
FPC’s Problem Solvers Make History
Flagler Palm Coast High School will send three teams, a national organization record, to the international problem solving competition this summer.
3-Year-Old Nathaniel Ordered Back to Flagler from NYC
The boy is in the middle of a custody battle as his parents sit in jail in Flagler and Pasco.
Palm Coast Glows Red:
2010 Revenue $4 Million Below Budget
The city’s money pots face severe revenue shortfalls that are, for now, being offset by dips into reserves and severe spending cuts.
When God and Politics
Take Over Public School Buildings
The Flagler School Board revisits its policy on community uses of school buildings in light of a growing controversy over Tea Party activists using Flagler Palm Coast High School.
Cash for Clunkers:
The Mica-Beaven Money Race
Complete charts, graphs and analysis of campaign finance for incumbent John Mica and challenger Heather Beaven in their 7th Congressional District race.
Arizona Boots Up Brown Immigrants’ Guantanamo
The virus that led to Arizona’s anti-immigration law has crossed Arizona’s borders into the rest of America. Its carrier is as white as a bed sheet and by far the greater threat to America’s character than anything that ever crossed the Rio Grande.
Alan Forehand’s Surfing Bravery
At 15, surfer Alan Forehand is already one up on most 15 year olds with a thing for saving lives. Flagler Beach just recognized him for for rescuing a stranded surfer 300 yards off shore on a blustery late-winter day.
When Flagler Schools Booted Out Rosa Parks
As the Flagler School Board revisits its policy on building uses by political groups, churches and community organizations, it may find a former superintendent’s banning of Rosa Parks from Flagler schools instructive.
Great Ocean View, Fun Pier, 5,000 Landlords. $3,329/mo. (Big Chains Need Not Apply)
Flagler Beach’s government is advertising for anyone interested in taking over the 20-year lease of the Pier Restaurant on the city’s landmark waterfront.
Nashville Surrenders to Grab Your Crotch Country
T. Paige Dalporto, a West Virginia songwriter, pains his way through the Academy of Country Music Awards and mourns his old country gone pop.
Bunnell Drug Raid Nets 3 Arrests
Some 75 grams of marijuana, cocaine, a gun, prescription drugs and cell phones were found in a public-housing residence early Thursday morning.
Gel Raising at Medallion of Excellence
That 4.5 tremor on the Richter scale you felt last night? That was the Davidsons rolling in their graves when Michael Redding replaced them at a Medallion of Excellence banquet.
Cop-Killer Link in Ex-Missing Child Captor’s History
The father of Eleanor Black, who briefly held 3-year-old Nathaniel Fons, served 26 years for murdering a police officer in 1978.
Conklin’s Latest: Paddy Wagon for Rowdy Kids
School board members were cool to Colleen Conklin idea of a paddy wagon for rowdy riders. They were warmer to her volunteer ride-along idea.
“Undesirables” Rile Residents Near Ralph Carter Park
The city built the $2.2 million park for young people. now a neighborhood watch group near Rymfire’s Ralph Carter Park is upset that park users are spilling beyond the park at night and on weekends. The sheriff is promising more “law enforcement action.”
Missing Since Monday, 3-Year-Old Nathaniel Fons Found in NYC
Nathaniel Fons, the three-year-old boy missing since Monday, was found in New York City.
Brett Copeland Star Spangles at School Board
Brett Copeland, a senior at Matanzas High School, switched from violin to voice to sing the national anthem at a school board meeting.
Legislature’s Roadkill: Raiding Trust Funds
The Florida Legislature has balanced the budget by taking money from the transportation trust fund. It’s a short-sighted solution with dire consequences, argues Mark Wilson, president of the Florida Chamber of Commerce.
How Ginn Corp. Stuck Flagler Taxpayers With a $2 Million White Elephant
Once seen as a magic bullet, Ginn Development Corp. had Flagler County build it a $2 million palace at the county airport. Then Ginn defaulted. Taxpayers are now taking a bullet between the eyes.
Sheriff Fleming to 3-Year-Old’s Kidnappers: Bring Him Back
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement issued an alert this morning for 3-year-old Nathaniel Fonz of Palm Coast, last seen in Jacksonville overnight.
KKK Confirms: We’re Recruiting in Flagler
In an interview with FlaglerLive, KKK Imperial Wizard Cole Thornton says the drive will continue across the state. Dan Warren recommends vigilance.
Why Is Flagler Being Mealy-Mouthed Over KKK Fliers?
How easy to pick at an obvious target like the KKK, and easier still to do it in language that commits to nothing more than fortune-cookie bromides. How meaningless too.
Festive Fears and Cheers at Tea Party Rally
Palm Coast’s Tea Party movement brandished its message in a Tax Day rally in the heart of town Thursday, and in an atmosphere more festive than furious.
Flagler Teachers Tell Crist: Veto “Horrific” SB6
Some 200 Flagler County teachers, supporters and children thronged a 150-yard stretch of sidewalk in the heart of Palm Coast Wednesday afternoon to protest Senate Bill 6 and demand that Gov. Charlie Crist veto it.
Conklin to Crist: Children Are More Than Test Scores
Flagler School Board member Colleen Conklin urges Gov. Charlie Crist to veto Senate Bill 6, which she terms “political” and “inappropriate” for children’s education.
“Pacific” a Sequel To Exalt War Passions
The Pacific war was not a sequel. It is here, with all the hand-me-down fatigues of war sequels.
He Had His Moments, But…
There’s too much reaching for the old magic–which is just the problem: this lunge for “magic,” this desire to make the impossible real, when it should be the other way around.
A Health Care Deal out of Arab Bazars
For all the missteps, for all of Obama’s prevarications and defanged tactics, the end result will (should the bill pass) vindicate whatever he did, however he did it. What was bound to be a colossal battle turned out to unravel the worst and little of the best about America.
Obama’s Nobel Lecture: “Bend History”
In his Nobel peace prize lecture, Barack Obama evoked the notions of just wars to counter the irony of being “the Commander-in-Chief of the military of a nation in the midst of two wars.”
Initial Unemployment Claims Up 17,000
Weekly unemployment claims are up 17,000 from the previous week’s unrevised figure of 457,000. The 4-week moving average was 473,750, a decrease of 7,750 from the previous week.
Rev-Up Time for the Flagler Youth Orchestra
They’re practicing as I’m writing–the Flagler Youth Orchestra’s four music teachers (Jonathan May, Jack Jeffe, Justin McCulough and Linda VavBuren–in preparation for tonight’s inaugural concert of the new season: the quartet is putting on a few pieces of its own for the occasion, including, from what I hear, a Christmassy jaunt or two. It’s barely […]
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