Lisa Touhey and Jennie McAfee had shacked up in the house on Ryan Drive after leaving jail a few days earlier. In an unrelated incident, 20-year-old Walton Kinney was shot in the stomach while wrestling a gun away from another man.
Trailer Trap: Flagler Beach Commission Still Circling Around Changes to RV Ordinance
Changes to the ordinance would make it difficult for some to park their RVs by their home. The city commission decided to further analyze the matter until May, when it may produce yet another version of the ordinance.
3-Truck Wreck Briefly Closes Southbound I-95 Just North of Palm Coast Parkway
One semi was carrying a full load of lumber planks. Another was carrying huge steel beams. The crane truck was clipped from behind during the chain wreck. One driver was injured.
Mystery Scarring Unsolved, Malacompra Trail Policing Is Turned Over to Biking Group
The Malacompra mountain bike trail, for years a somewhat anarchic free-for-all recently torn up by bikers, will now, in an unusual arrangement, be policed by a mountain biking group and supervised by county authorities in cooperation with Hammock conservationists.
Autopsies To be Conducted Tuesday In Murder-Suicide; No Note Left Behind
The time of death has yet to be determined, and the case remains officially open, though all indications point to a murder-suicide. A .12-gauge shotgun was recovered in the Sharp home.
No Money, No Director: Flagler Youth Coalition Struggles for Survival and Identity
Created to fight youth drug abuse, the Focus on Flagler Youth Coalition is out of money, has had no executive director since last year, and its non-profit status may be in jeopardy. Coalition board members are exploring survival options.
Murder-Suicide Shakes Community on Barkwood Lane in Northern Palm Coast
A middle-aged couple was found dead in their home on Barkwood Lane, off of Belle Terre Parkway, late Sunday afternoon. A shotgun was found at the scene next to the man.
Florida’s Deficit Grows by $135 Million, To $3.75 Billion, As Growth Remains Anemic
State revenue forecasters essentially tacked about $135 million dollars onto a budget shortfall that already stood at $3.62 billion, forcing lawmakers to consider deeper cuts as they craft a spending plan for the budget year that begins July 1.
Pier Restaurant Lease Hobbling Again As DEP Rejects Permitting a New Deck
Flagler Beach was going to pay for and build the $50,000 deck as a concession to potential restaurant owner Ray Barshay. Until DEP’s decision, Barshay and the city were very close to a long-term, deal.
Digital Video Awards’ 73 Contestants Spotlight School District’s Click on Technology
Computer-generated art, podcasts, digital photography and more: A complete list of contestants and winners from the second annual Flagler Digital Media Awards, held Friday at the Flagler Auditorium.
Economic Development Set Punts Again to More Meetings, Postponing Hard Questions
The same five “strategic goals” were hashed over again in the third day of an economic development summit, and a fourth was scheduled in May, for yet another $7,000 for “facilitator” Don Upton, bringing his tax-funded total to $30,000.
Military Training Likely Source of Morning Rattling or Minor Temblor in Flagler
Emergency services don’t know why roofs, windows and perhaps the ground shook at around 9:30 a.m. this morning in eastern Flagler County, from the Hammock to Bunnell. Authorities are still investigating.
Bipolar Obamocracy:
Bombing Libya While Invading Bahrain
Barack Obama didn’t deserve the Nobel peace prize a few months into his first term. He deserves it less now. But Obama and Clinton certainly deserve the Nobel prize in physics for reinventing the rules of double-standards.
Bullying of Gay Student at FPC Leads to Teacher’s Public Apology and Policy Change
FPC shop teacher Floyd Binkley made gay jokes in front of his students. A gay 9th grader in his class, who’d been repeatedly bullied by others outside of class, took the jokes as an offense directed at him.
Census 2010: Flagler’s Population Climbs to 95,696, Florida’s to 18.8 Million
Flagler County’s population increased 92 percent since 2000. Florida’s population is 18.8 million, up 17.7 percent from a population of 16 million a decade ago.
Florida Lockups Lite: Closing Prisons and Boot Camps, Privatizing Inmate Healthcare
The Department of Corrections plans to close three prisons and two boot camps, a bill would privatize inmate health care and cut top salaries 5 percent while ending numerous positions.
Just in Case: How Flagler County Firefighters Prepare for Japan-Like Catastrophes
Operation Integration, held at Camp Blanding near Starke once a year, gathers dozens of first responders, members of the National Guard and others for training in mass-casualty catastrophes. Flagler County firefighters took part for the first time this year.
Teacher Tenure Out, Merit Pay In: Legislature Whips First Bill of 2011 to Gov. Scott
The Legislature passed the biggest change to the state’s education system in more than 10 years, sending to Gov. Rick Scott a bill tying teacher salaries to test scores and ending multi-year contracts.
Cancel This Subscription: Palm Coast Data Revenue Plummets Another 21% in 3Q
Palm Coast Data revenue fell $15.7 million in the last nine months, compared with the same period a year earlier as trouble for the company and its parent, Amrep, continue.
Alcohol, Molotov Cocktail, Machete, Taser: Mondex Man in Jail for Assaulting Deputies
Rafael Rodriguez, 25, is in jail after brandishing a machete as he walked with an unleashed dog toward sheriff’s deputies. He’d allegedly thrown a Molotov cocktail on a Mondex road earlier.
Reversing Bad Run, Flagler Auditorium Scores $5,000 Grant from Tourist Council
After losing out on at least $15,000 for various reasons, the Flagler Auditorium managed to eke out $5,000 from the Tourist Development Council, a small but significant financial boost to a budget of over half a million dollars.
Youth Center II: Carver Gym Rises Again As School District Takes Over Management
South Bunnell’s Carver Gym, no longer on the endangered list, will be run like the Youth Center on FPC’s campus: with money from the county–and other sources–and staffing from the school district, along with new controls and programming.
Throngs Voice Opposition as School Board Endorses Cuts With Sweeping Consequences
The board voted 4-1 to approve recommended cuts that would reduce middle and high school days by one period, among other cuts totaling $3.5 million. The proposal must be approved by employee unions before it goes into effect.
Disaster Ready? 5 Nuclear Reactors in Florida, 3 Of Them Within 180 Miles of Palm Coast
Progress Energy’s Crystal River Plant in west Florida is exactly the same distance–140 miles–separating Tokyo from the exploding Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan. Two reactors in Jensen Beach are 180 miles south.
Two Alumni of Flagler Beach Follies Make City Manager Shortlist in Diminutive Polk City
Caryn Miller, the former Flagler Beach Community Redevelopment Agency director, and Scott Janke, whose wife’s porn-star flicks cost him a job and subsequent candidacies, are candidates for Polk City’s $60,000-a-year job.
Citing Cost and Turnout, Palm Coast Approves Voting and Election-Cycle Changes
Early voting will last two weeks and be held at the public library in Palm Coast rather than in Bunnell, but voting locations are reduced to six. Voters will be asked to approve a referendum moving elections to even years.
Sex-Ed in Flagler: School District Prepares to Move Away from Abstinence Only
Flagler’s sex-ed curriculum is abstinence only. But it’s barely taught and it appears not to address rising STD rates, though Flagler’s teen-pregnancy rate is lower than that of Florida or the United States. School board members are exploring a change.
Flagler County at the Heart of a Mortgage Fraud Investigation That Nets 11 Arrests, $9m Losses
Eighteen of the 23 homes at the heart of the fraud scheme were in Flagler County as fraudsters focused their attention here because it was out of the way. The scheme totaled some $9 million in losses, mostly to banks.
“In the Mood” Tonight at the Auditorium: 1940s’ Swing, Romance and a Simpler Age
String of Pearls brings its swing, jazz and other big band sounds and dance of the 1940s to the Flagler Auditorium for one performance March 14, recalling what Woody Allen called “a more charming time and a better time.”
Palm Coast City Election: Reducing Polling Locations, Changing to Even Years
Polling locations would be reduced from 21 to six, early voting might be reduced to a week, and voters will be asked to approve a charter amendment that would switch elections to even years, to save money and take advantage of turn-out.
Sunshine Sunday: Beyond Transparency, Government Records Must Be Accessible
Government transparency and access to government records are not the same, says First Amendment Foundation President Barbara Peterson, though access to any record not exempt by law is every citizen’s right.
Humane Safari: Alms for the Paw Opening At the Flagler County Art League
The Flagler County Art League’s “Alms for the Paw” show, featuring 40 artists and 60 works, is part fund-raiser for the Flagler County Humane Society, part showcase for animal art: it’s not as easy as you may think.
Inspired By Chagall: The Art of Whimsy Reinvented, at Hollingsworth Gallery
Every square inch an inspiration, Marc Chagall is the point of departure for a couple of dozen artists at the Hollingsworth Gallery’s latest show, an adventure in rediscovery and reinterpretation of one of the 20th century’s greatest artists.
New Flagler Beach Commission Is Seated–and Pier Restaurant Deal Almost Unravels
Unexpected discussion about breaking the bait and tackle shop at the pier out of the restaurant lease, and inviting others to bid for running it, almost demolished months of negotiations over the restaurant lease.
Peter King’s Muslim McCarthyism
U.S. Rep. Peter King’s homeland security hearings about Muslims and “radicalization” recall, beyond McCarthyism, a long American tradition of xenophobia and prejudice on the lunatic fringe. It’s not more broadly representative.
John Rogers Certified as Bunnell City Commissioner after Provisional Ballot Count
John Rogers will be sworn in with Jenny Crain Brady on March 14. For Bill Baxley, who lost by just three votes, the election is a learning experience. He says he will run again at the next election.
From 5% to 2%: Retreat from Extra Pension Contributions; All Salaries Below $40K Exempt
A Senate committee backed off considerably from a proposal to require state workers to make 5% contributions to their pension fund, exempting most state workers, and cutting back the amount others would have to chip in.
State of Education Forum in Flagler: Anxiety and Advocacy as District Braces for Shock
If the state of education in Flagler County is strong, it won’t stay that way if state policy continues on its budget-slashing course, advocates and school officials told a large crowd at an education forum Thursday evening.
More Questions Than Answers As Palm Coast Desalination Project Scouts Locations
The public got its first chance to weigh in on Palm Coast’s $200 million seawater desalination project. Opinions were not friendly, and concerns over environmental issues specific.
Missing Cleveland Girl, 15, Found at Palm Coast Best Western This Morning; Father Jailed
Ashley Cantrell, of Cleveland, went missing last week and was believed to be traveling with her biological father, Terrance Cantrell, who is now at the Flagler County jail.
Flagler and US Diverge as Unemployment Here Climbs Again to 16%
Flagler County’s January unemployment rate in January rose again to 16% percent, remaining in the same high range it’s been stuck in for a year and a half and bucking the national trend. Florida’s rate is 11.9%.
Despite 4 Million Uninsured, Florida Senate Approves Opt-Out Amendment on Health Law
Senators voted 29-10 to approve the proposed constitutional amendment, which would allow people to opt out of the “individual mandate” requirement that they buy health insurance or face financial penalties.
“Waiting in the Wings” at the Flagler Playhouse: Old Age in Wit and Drink
Set in a retirement home for aging actresses, Noel Coward’s play is an often funny, at times heartbreaking comedy-drama pulled off beautifully by an ensemble cast at the Flagler Playhouse: every weekend through the end of March.
How Palm Coast Lost Out on 400 Potential Jobs (Caution: Don’t Jump to Conclusions)
Australian company Rapid Nutrition is looking for a home for its US headquarters. It chose Fort Myers over Palm Coast. Fort Myers was willing to write the company a blank check at taxpayers’ expense. Palm Coast was not.
All Business All the Time as Gov. Scott
Tells Lawmakers: “Don’t Blink”
Scott mentioned the word “job” or “jobs” 31 times in the 27-minute State of the State speech, lauded privatization, vouchers for private and parochial schools and the needs and virtues of business.
Rally Draws Out Teachers, Supporters and Honks. Lawmakers May Not Be Listening.
Some 150 teachers and other school employees and supporters lined Belle Terre Parkway in Palm Coast, one of dozens such rallies across the state, hours before Gov. Rick Scott rebuffed them by telling lawmakers: “Don’t blink.”
Election Winners: Carney and Shupe in Flagler Beach, Crain-Brady and Rogers in Bunnell
Kim Carney and Marshall Shupe replace Ron Vath and Joy McGrew in Flagler Beach, beating out Phil Busch. Incumbent Jenny Crain-Brady is re-elected, and John Rogers replaces fellow-wrecker and nine-year incumbent Jimmy Flynt.
State of the State Tonight: Scott and Legislature’s GOP Keep Their War Civil–So Far
Don’t expect Gov. Rick Scott to deviate much from his frequent message as he delivers his first State of the State speech Tuesday night before a joint session of the Legislature: Budget cuts, tax cuts, potshots at Washington rather than his own dissenting GOP.
In Your Backyard: Public Discussion on Where to Plunk Desalination Plant Wednesday
The $200 million, Palm Coast-led desalination project is holding an open house and public comment period on the project’s location beginning at 6 p.m. at the Whitney Laboratory in Marineland on March 9.
Flagler Schools Prepare to ‘Awake the State’ As Night of Long Budget Knives Falls on Florida
As school employees prepared to demonstrate against massive state budget cuts on Tuesday, the Flagler School Board got closer to proposing cuts of its own that would eliminate classes and up to four dozen teachers.