Alex Taylor of Bunnell, 54, was killed while riding his bicycle in front of the Government Services Building either very late last night or before sunup this morning, according to the Florida Highway Patrol.
Check the Box Scoundrels: Corporations Lobby to Preserve a $10 Billion Loophole
The ‘check-the-box’ rule, meant to cut red tape for companies, has inadvertently allowed them to avoid billions of dollars in taxes each year, and the government keeps balking at closing the loophole.
Herman Cain? Seriously? He Wins Florida Straw Poll, Upending GOP Race
Herman Cain, a pizza magnate seen as a minor candidate in a crowded field for the GOP nomination, scored an upset victory Saturday in the Republican Party of Florida’s Presidency 5 straw poll, raising questions about the standing of the two front-runners and the bellwether status of the fundraising event.
The Lusty Joys of Book-Banning
Parents who run their homes like North Korea aside, it is literally impossible to ban a book in America anymore. An excerpt from Pierre Tristam’s Banned Book Week address on Sept. 26 to the Friends of the Library in Palm Coast.
Republican Candidates’ Women Problems
Although none of the GOP presidential candidates dares utter the W word — unless it’s part of the phrase “our men and women in uniform” — it’s pretty easy to see what their views are on issues concerning the sex that comprises a majority of voters, argues Martha Burk.
Disbelief and Legal Maneuvers Meet Chamber’s Refusal to Budge on Creekside Exclusion
The Flagler Chamber of Commerce stuck by its decision to deny non-partisan political candidates their own booths at the Creekside Festival, on public ground. County officials are looking for options as they take the brunt of the criticism for appearing to endorse the chamber’s exclusion.
Citing “Deliberate Indifference,” Woman Sues Bunnell Over Ex-Cop’s Sex-Laced Defamation
The case centers on the actions of then Cpl. Nick Massaro in late November 2009, who posted an ad on Craigslist soliciting sex from black men–and signed the ad with the name of the woman now suing him, Bunnell and the Bunnell Police Department.
Flagler’s Taxes 15th Lowest Even as Taxable Values See 2nd Worst Drop in Florida
The county commission adopts the 2012 budget for good Thursday evening, essentially cutting taxes modestly even as the tax rate will rise to a 12-year high, despite home values continuing to fall at nation-leading rates.
“The Laramie Project” at Palm Coast’s New Repertory Theatre: This Is Who We Are
Palm Coast’s City Repertory Theatre launches its inaugural season with “The Laramie Project,” a drama based on the torture and murder of Matthew Shepard in Laramie, Wyoming, in 1998, for being gay, and what the murder did to Laramie–and the nation.
Don’t Mess With Florida: Lawmakers Leery Of Texas-Like Assembly-Line Higher Ed
Florida Senators are willing to listen to Gov. Rick Scott’s proposal to adopt the Texas model of higher education, but they don’t like students treated as customers on a university assembly line.
County and School Board Agree to New District Lines That Mostly Affect Politicians
The decennial redistricting exercise by the Flagler County Commission and School Board was virtually free of controversy and affects voters almost not at all–unlike legislative and congressional redistricting yet to come.
After Two Months of Charm Assaults, Gov. Rick Scott’s Approval Still a Freezing 37
The latest Quinnipiac Poll has Rick Scott improving by just two points but remaining one of America’s least popular governors as unemployment in Florida persists well above the national average.
In Flagler Beach, Questions, Ridicule and Anger in Search for Beach-Saving Answers
A three-and-a-half hour town hall meeting on saving the beach renourished a lot of old ideas and complaints without settling the heart of the matter: with what means and what money to stop the shore from eroding.
Sheriff, Citing Head-Butting Incident, Asking School Board to Let Tasers Back on Campus
A school deputy was briefly overpowered by a student at Matanzas High School in August, triggering renewed discussion of letting school cops carry Tasers. The board has prohibited Tasers on campus since 2005.
Creekside Festival Slyness: How the Chamber Discriminates Against Non-Party Candidates
Palm Coast City Council candidates Bill McGuire and Dennis Cross have been denied a booth at the chamber-run festival, though Democrats–whose members include Jason DeLorenzo, Cross’s opponent and the husband of the Chamber’s VP, will have a booth, as will Republicans and the Tea Party.
Frank Words and Revelations at Flagler Bar’s First Minority in Law Symposium
Circuit Judge Raul Zambrano, Judge Hubert Grimes, Mark Dwyer and students headlined the first of what’s to be an annual symposium to encourage minority participation in the law, particularly among students.
From WNZF to Beach-FM to Easy Oldies: Flagler Broadcasting Launches New Station
The addition of Easy Oldies at 100.7 on the FM dial pioneers a new genre, according to station manager David Ayres, that does away with the “oldy moldy” stuff and appeals to alpha boomers.
Spank On: Florida Court Says One Smack Isn’t Child Abuse, But No Limit Set
An appeal court ruled that the spanking of a 14-year-old girl by her father did not amount to domestic violence because the disciplining was applied in a “reasonable manner.”
Palestinian Statehood: Deserved, Overdue, Inevitable
The Obama administration’s attempts to block Palestinian statehood at the United Nations scorn American ideals and pander to Israel’s insistence on denying Palestinians’ right to exist. The outcome will be ruinous.
Malaise from Jimmy Carter to Barack Obama: Recalling the “Crisis of Confidence” Speech
Jimmy Carter’s malaise speech is revisited in the more positive context in which it was initially received, when the nation faced an energy and self-confidence crisis. Barack Obama is not in Carter territory yet.
SAT Scores Fall Across the Board; Flagler Below U.S. But Above State Averages
Average SAT scores nationally fell to the lowest level recorded since 1995 on the combined reading and math tests. In Flagler County, Matanzas High School students fared better than Flagler Palm Coast’s, and both did better than Florida’s averages.
Following 10-Year-Old Nubia Barahona’s Murder, DCF Seeks More State Support
The Department of Children and Families is seeking $15.8 million to strengthen its investigative abilities, and hoping to shift millions more into the child-protection program to add investigators and case workers.
Bus Attack: Hundreds of Students’ Day Delayed By Vandalism at Transportation Depot
Rachael Mitroski, 26, removed buses’ radiator caps, opened all sorts of compartments and put brooms on buses’ roofs before she was found out. Almost two dozen buses were affected, and none could be used this morning for their normal runs.
Stalled: Unemployment Remains at 10.7% in Florida, Ticks Up to 14.9% in Flagler
As in the rest of the nation, job creation in Florida and Flagler is close to a standstill, with just 9,900 jobs created in July, leaving almost 1 million Floridians out of work.
Sgt. Frank Celico, 1978-2011
Sgt. Frank Celico was buried today following a solemn service and two funeral processions that brought various parts of Bunnell and Palm Coast briefly to a standstill. Celico was 33.
Road Closures for Frank Celico Funeral And Procession in Palm Coast Today
For the Frank Celico funeral and procession, several Palm Coast and Bunnell road closures are expected today between 9 a.m. and past noon. The full itinerary is included.
Jon Netts, The 5% Mayor: Election Turnout Was Lowest By Far in City’s 11-Year History
Just 10.6 percent of registered voters turned out on Tuesday, which means that just 4.7 percent of Palm Coast’s voting-age residents made the difference in electing Jon Netts. The turn-out was worse than Bunnell’s and Flagler Beach’s recent city elections.
Incomes at Their Worst Since 1996, Poverty At a 52-Year High, Inequality Deepening
Florida’s poverty rate rose to the highest level in 16 years, with 3 million residents—one in six—living under the poverty line in 2010. Nationally, most economic and health insurance indicators are worsening to historic levels.
Defying Polls and Tea Leaves, Jon Netts Is Re-Elected Palm Coast Mayor
Incumbent Palm Coast Mayor Jon Netts held on by defeating Charlie Ericksen with 54 percent of the vote, making a run-off in November unnecessary.
Dim Futures: Florida’s Student-Loan Default Rate Rises to 10 Highest in the Nation
Students are defaulting on loans at higher rates, especially in Florida, because of a lousy job market, higher interest rates, and a rise in for-profit colleges that typically charge more than public colleges.
Yes, Virginia, There’s an Election in Palm Coast Today. Go Vote For One of These Two.
Incumbent Mayor Jon Netts and Charlie Ericksen, along with perennial but non-serious candidate Joe Cunnane, are in the race for mayor. The election is today. All Palm Coast registered voters of any party, or non-party, may vote.
Anger, Alcohol and a Rifle Shot a Few Blocks from Wadsworth and Buddy Taylor Schools
Patrick Kilichowski, 64, was reportedly angry that his girlfriend was chatting with neighbors, and allegedly drunk, when he walked out of his house with a Winchester rifle–and eventually fired a shot, he says by accident. He was jailed on several aggravated assault charges.
As Florida Teachers’ Salaries Stagnate or Fall, Superintendent Pay Is Rising
In nine Florida school districts, superintendent salaries increased by 5 percent or more in the last four years. It had gone up 3 percent in Flagler before this year’s pay cut, making it a wash.
Since 9/11: A Reckoning
Moving tributes and grief aside, one lesson of the last 10 years is that we have yet to learn the lesson of the last 10 years: we are not only on a spiral downward. We are feeding the spiral, collectively and consciously. We should all be mourners, and not just for 9/11’s victims.
Back from the Dead, Carver Gym Is Rededicated By Those Who Nearly Killed It
Flagler’s governments gathered at South Bunnell’s Carver Gym Saturday to celebrate the rebirth of what, just 15 months ago, looked to be the end for the community center. Some of the applause was deserved, much of it was self-serving.
Blue on Blue, the Flagler County Art League’s Homage to the Color of Imagination
Blue on Blue, the Flagler County Art League’s newest show, opens Saturday, Sept. 10, with a reception from 6 to 9 p.m. and runs through September at the league’s gallery at City Market Place.
Jets Cut Mardy Gilyard Five Days After Picking Him Up, Leaving His Future Uncertain
The St. Louis Rams cut Mardy Gilyard on Sept. 3, the New York Jets picked him up on the 4th, then cut him five days later. The former Flagler Palm Coast High School and University of Cincinnati star has had a checkered few years.
Judge Throws Out Challenge to Fair District Amendment, Panicking Motley Incumbents
Federal District Judge Ursula Ungaro rejected the argument that the anti-gerrymandering amendment allows voters to meddle in legislative redistricting. Weird alliances between incumbent Democrats and Republicans have formed to keep fighting the voter-approved amendment.
Obama’s Job Gig: Pin-Up to GOP Voodoo
What jobs program? Obama’s surrender to stimulus by tax cuts is another concession to bully superstitions. Obama has lost credibility. He’s lost respect. He’s losing the nation right along with him.
Flagler County Tentatively Adopts Highest Tax Rate in 12 Years at Subdued Hearing
Only one person, a tea party representative, addressed the Flagler County Commission as it adopted, in the first of two votes, a $65.3 million budget and a 12 percent increase in its tax rate, though most property owners will pay less in taxes.
When Cops Track Your Cell Calls and Location On Public Roads: No Expectation of Privacy
Florida’s 4th District Court of Appeals Wednesday ruled that tracking a drug dealer through his cell phone as he traveled across the state was legal as long as he did not go onto private property.
Federal Suit Filed Against Florida Law Requiring Drug Tests of Welfare Recipients
The new law requires recipients of temporary cash assistance to pay $35 to $45 for a drug test first. The ACLU charges the law stigmatizes low-income people and amounts to a suspicionless search.
Flagler Beach Touts Taut Budget With 14.6% Tax Rate Increase and 3% Employee Raise
Though Flagler Beach’s tax rate is again increasing, most property owners will see their tax bills decrease. For Acting City Manager Bruce Campbell, budget season closes a crucial part of his on-going job interview.
County Approves Tourist Council’s $800,000 Marketing Budget, Minus Raises for Staff
A proposal to raise TDC executive Peggy Heiser’s salary by 7.7 percent was pulled from consideration shortly before the meeting, eliminating what would have been a contentious debate over the council’s budget.
Mandatory Virtual Classes for High School Students Bugging Cash-Strapped Districts
A new state law that requires Florida high school students to take a class online is causing cash-strapped school districts to spend millions on new computers and exacerbating the digital divide.
Palm Coast Mayor: Tea Party Straw Poll Has Ericksen Far Ahead of Netts, 59-36%
The results, based on an internet poll conducted by the tea party, has its limitations, but nevertheless points to unexpectedly lopsided–and surprising–numbers. Jon Netts and Charlie Ericksen may be in a closer race than either expected as early voting continues.
Armed Robbery, Then Car, Foot and K-9 Chase Ends With Arrest of 3 in Seminole Woods
Three suspects who allegedly robbed an Ormond Beach pharmacy at gunpoint were caught by Bunnell police and sheriff’s deputies around noon after a car and foot chase that ended in the woods near Belle Terre and Citation Blvd.
Flagler Youth Orchestra, County’s Largest Arts Program, Launches 7th Season Open House
Parents and students are invited to the Flagler Youth Orchestra’s open house Wednesday, Sept. 7, at the Indian Trails Middle School cafeteria, at 5 p.m., to join the orchestra. All skill levels welcome, from 3rd grade and up.
Feared Dead, Man Overboard Washes Up Alive on Cinnamon Beach 9 Hours Later
He’s alive: Brian Oliver, the captain of a charter sailboat, fell in the water at 3 p.m. Sunday, held on to a cooler, and washed up on shore, in good health, at half past midnight Tuesday morning.
Light Up Palm Coast: Petitioning the City Council to Put Safety Before Beautification
In the wake of 15-year-old Kirt Smith’s death while biking on Seminole Woods, Dede Siebenaler argues that the Palm Coast City Council has focused too much on beautifying streets instead of lighting them up.