According to a May 2022 poll from the University of Maryland, 61% of Republicans favor declaring the United States a Christian nation – even though 57% recognized that it would be unconstitutional. Christian nationalism is more than religiosity and patriotism. It is a worldview that guides how people believe the nation should be structured and who belongs there.
Religion & Beliefs
The Catholic Church Is Diversifying Down to Its Controversies
Tribalism, debates over LGBTQ rights, polygamy, the ordaining of women, along with poverty, adapting to local culture, sexuality and gender, church governance and the continuing sexual abuse crisis are all part of a changing Catholic Church.
What in Jesus’s Name? Saving the Savior from Christian Nationalism.
In their zeal to stoke the fires of a culture war, conservatives have drafted Jesus into their army, with some proudly espousing Christian nationalism, which combines two character traits: religious zealotry and fascism. Meanwhile charlatan theologians give the politicians religious cover enough so that they can be assured that Jesus would vote Republican.
Do Some Flagler Churches Lack Faith?
Over the weekend pastors at at least two Flagler County churches, New Way Church and Parkview Church, explicitly endorsed three candidates for the Flagler County School Board. Rabbi Merrill Shapiro questions why they have broken their contract with the federal government.
Christian School Challenges Ban on Pre-Game Prayer, Citing Recent Supreme Court Ruling
A Tampa Christian school has asked a federal appeals court to find that the Florida High School Athletic Association unconstitutionally prevented a prayer over a stadium loudspeaker before a 2015 high-school football championship game.
Trump-Boosted Christian Nationalism Going Mainstream Despite History of Violence
The Christian nationalist movement is “as ethnic and political as it is religious,” and relies on the assumption of white supremacy. Christian nationalism combines belief in a particular form of Christianity with nativist and populist political platforms. American Christian nationalism is a worldview based on the belief that America is superior to other countries, and that that superiority is divinely established.
Palm Coast United Methodist Church Takes Another Step Toward New Matanzas Woods Campus
Some 50 congregants of Palm Coast United Methodist Church gathered Wednesday for the groundbreaking of their new 25,500 square foot, $7.1 million campus at the southeast corner of Matanzas Woods Parkway and Belle Terre Parkway.
The Christian Arrogance Behind Praying Coach’s Supreme Court Case
Christian coach Joseph Kennedy’s prayer at a public school football field’s 50-yard line is not about religious freedom. It is not about God. It is not even about praying. It’s about imposing one version of Christianity in an increasingly pluralist society in one of the last places where that kind of favoritism has no place. It is intolerance by exclusivity.
Wiccan Celebrations and the Permanence of Change
Summer solstice, a time when the northern hemisphere will experience the maximum hours of sunlight, takes place on June 21 – and will be celebrated by followers of Wicca, a form of contemporary Paganism, with a holiday known as Litha.
Overcoming the Distorted Narrative of Christian Nationalism
I grew up in a church community that pitted people against each other and called it “Christianity.” As a pastor now myself, I know there’s another way. We work to transform systems of inequality rather than blame people for struggles outside of their control, the author writes.