(© FlaglerLive)
Not long ago newly elected Bunnell City Commissioner John Rogers asked Armando Martinez, the city manager, whether the city had any plans to celebrate the National Day of Prayer. None, Martinez told Rogers, who then suggested that the city should mark the occasion.
So it will, in an event that appears to cross the line from observance to endorsement: the city’s own officials are directly involved in staging and leading the event.
At 1 p.m. today, in front of the old Bunnell City Hall on Church Street, city officials and ministers will gather, City Commissioner Daisy Henry, a pastor, will lead the invocation, Richard Summerlin, of New Way Christian Fellowship, will be the keynote speaker, the Calvary Christian Center Worship Band, led by Anthony Shepherd, will provide the music, Pastor Sims Jones, of the city’s Alliance of Involved Ministries–which Henry created with Jones– will be the emcee, and commissioners and the mayor will be given a chance to speak.
Click On:
- Palm Coast Group Nails Historic Marker on Church-State Wall
- Read Judge Crabb’s Opinion Declaring the Day of Prayer Unconstitutional
- Barack Obama’s Day of Prayer Proclamation
- Harry Truman’s 1952 Proclamation
- Americans United for Separation of Church and State
- National Day of Prayer Task Force
- Jefferson’s Separation of Church and State Letter (1802)
- George W. Bush’s Jesus Day Proclamation
- Obama’s 2011 National Day of Prayer Proclamation
Martinez and the city’s special projects director, Judi Stetson, say the city is not sponsoring the event, but merely organizing it with the alliance. “We are participating and we are sort of preparing it,” Martinez said, with “all faiths” invited. “It’s a National day and we’re in support of a national day of prayer.” But it’s the city administration that coordinated it, and what invitations did go out on an email blast were prepared by the city and sent out through the city administration’s email system. Those involved at this afternoon’s event all have a distinctly Christian, as opposed to ecumenical or non-denominational, profile.
Sid Nowell, the Bunnell city attorney, was not aware of the event. “I had no idea they were celebrating the national day of prayer,” he said this morning. “They didn’t run that by me.”
“It certainly appears to be a government-sponsored or government-fostered religious activity, a government-endorsed religious activity, and thus is bothersome,” says Merrill Shapiro, President of the National Board of Trustees of the Washington, D.C.- based Americans United for Separation of Church and State, and the president of the Flagler Area Ministerial Association. Shapiro, who is Jewish, did not receive an invitation from Bunnell.
Shapiro has his own plans for the National Day of Prayer: a Day of Inclusivity. That event is scheduled for 6:30 this evening at Palm Coast’s Heroes Park. It is the second annual Day of Inclusivity, led by the Flagler County Chapter of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. “In the material I sent off” about the event, Shapiro said, “we chafe at the idea of the government telling us when we should pray.”
In public schools, including in Flagler County, students have gathered around the flagpole to pray, but faculty and administration neither organize nor lead the prayers, when they do take place–or aren’t legally supposed to do so, though in some cases coaches have been known to lead their students in prayer.
Non-Christians often bristle at the idea that the United States is a Christian Country and that the government would “establish” Christianity and the Church as governmentally sanctioned religion in violation of the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights that insists that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” Through the efforts of the National Day of Prayer Task Force, in 1952, a joint resolution by Congress, signed by President Truman, declared an annual, national day of prayer. In 1988, the law was amended and signed by President Reagan, permanently setting the day as the first Thursday of every May. Each year, the president signs a proclamation, encouraging all Americans to pray on this day. Last year, all 50 state governors plus the governors of several U.S. territories signed similar proclamations.
Florida takes an even more rigorous stand through Article 3 of the state’s constitution that opens with the statement “there shall be no law respecting the establishment of religion” anywhere in the Sunshine State.
Rogers, the Bunnell commissioner–who at one point likened the National Day of Prayer to any other nationally recognized occasion, such as Earth Day–and the city administration, are straining to place their event under the umbrella of Obama’s recent proclamation, which the city quotes in its flyer.
“From a separation of church and state point of view,” Shapiro said, “we are not happy with Barack Obama or any president who have done this, and presidents have been doing this since before President Eisenhower.”
“We’re going to pray for our leaders of the nation, I’m, sure we’re going to pray for our president, his family, the leaders of our community,” Rogers said. “If a Buddhist wants to pray or a Muslim wants to pray or a Jehova’s witness wants to pray—it’s a national day of prayer.”
The difference in Bunnell, however, is that the city’s stamp, using the National Day of Prayer for cover, is on the event.
“The U.S. Constitution mandates separation of church and state. This means it is the job of religious leaders, not government officials, to call people to pray. Americans are free to heed or ignore such prayer requests as they see fit. The NDP is problematic because it presumes that Americans should take direction on their religious lives from the government. It suggests that they will engage in certain religious activities because the government recommends they do. People do not need government directives to pray or take part in any other form of worship.”
The National Day of Prayer has been litigated. A federal district court last year ruled it unconstitutional, following a lawsuit filed in 2008 by the Freedom From Religion Foundation. But the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago three weeks ago threw out the ruling–not on its merits, but by concluding that the foundation had no standing to sue. In other words, the constitutional issue was not decided. The court used a procedural issue to sidestep the merits of the case. “All they have is a disagreement with the president’s action. But unless all limits on standing are to be abandoned, a feeling of alienation cannot suffice as injury,” Chief Judge Frank Easterbrook wrote.
Various presidents have marked the National Day of Prayer differently. George W. Bush marked the occasion by inviting ministers of various faiths to the White House. Obama has only issued the proclamation, as required by law, without going further.
Featured speakers at this evening’s Day of Inclusivity event will include the vice-president of the local American Civil Liberties Union Chapter, Reinhold Schlieper, Sensei Morris Sekiyo Sullivan of the Volusia Buddhist Fellowship, Larry Glinzman, President of the Stonewall Democrats of Volusia & Flagler, Stan Bucholtz, President of the Association of Freethinkers of Palm Coast and Shapiro. Like the Bunnell gathering, the Day of Inclusivity is open to the public at no charge.
Haw Creek Girl says
I don’t know if I will be able to return to my job at the end of my lunch hour now. I am thinking way too hard for trivial work!
Let’s see, before the recent election Bunnell’s so called “stamp” might have had somewhere in the wording Pills sold right out of the Police Cars or Bring your son or daughter to work in Bunnell and we will arrest them on trumped up chrgs before quitting time….Now, the City’s recent change of watch has brought a shift of perspective and we just might include in our ‘stamp” the wording, “Humble leaders searching for the moral and steady best for our City through prayers and good judgment”
Like I said, I might have to stay home from work for the rest of the afternoon and just see if my head can wrap myself around the idea. Not since my own Father served as a Commissioner in the 70’s and 80’s have they spent much time dabbling in a world with logic and humbling serving.
Wow, what a concept.
Anonymous says
Instead of white hooded robes, they carry a flag and a cross, same people.
Damn says
Wow, someone is stuck in the 30’s. God is dumb and church making people more dumb.
PJ says
The entire country has the option to use this day or any day to pray. I took my lunch break at the Old City hall and enjoyed the music, LIKE “God Bless America” shook the hands of warm hearted people. Nothing disingenuous about it. Great idea from the new Commissioner and even better response from a City Manager.
Edward says
There SHOULD be “separation of church and state”. I just find it ironic that a known racist and homophobe has so much to say about “prayer”.
Rock Hartley says
Like it or not Jesus is coming back and coming back to stay only this time He won’t be turning the other cheek.. For those that love Him, pray.. for those that don’t and won’t, may God have mercy on your souls..
Aaron Rushing says
The moral and religious people of Flagler County and City of Bunnell would do well to voice their support of these prayer policies. Their leaders are doing them a great service by recognizing the existence of God and their need for his oversight and wisdom. There is nothing wrong with acknowledging God’s sovereignty over City, State or Country. President John Adams wrote in his letter to the officers of the First Brigade of the Third Division of the Militia of Massachusetts: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
Abraham Lincoln understood that a government of people, by the people, for the people depended on a people who fear God. By including the term “under God” The Gettysburg Address becomes a prayer for a new birth of freedom and the longevity of a nation governed by the people. Suggesting that our fate as a nation depended on God’s continued favor.
God has always been a vital part of the American conscience and is necessary for a nation of free men to live forever. A National or local day of prayer serves as a reminder that God is watching. Religion defines a people’s morality and gives rise to the political system that governs them. In the absence of a God fearing religion or “religious people”, government must rule with absolute power over the lives of its citizens if order is to maintained. The US Constitution was designed to limit Governments power over it’s people If humanity will not fear God, they will be forced to fear Government. By working to remove God from society, Atheistic Americans are undermining their own civil freedoms. The nation that prays and fears God, will free men from the fear of Government.