Time magazine’s cover featuring 26-year-old Jamie Lynne Grumet breastfeeding her nearly 4-year-old son is the latest revival of the old fervors and prejudices surrounding breastfeeding including, unfortunately, the sexualization of an asexual act.
Florida & Beyond, and All Opinions
From Pathways Academy and Matanzas High To Beverly Beach: A Sea Oats Odyssey
Students from Pathways Academy and Matanzas High School planted 750 sea oats along Beverly Beach’s dunes through a University of Florida project and the initiative of Beverly Beach Commissioner–and FlaglerLive columnist–Frank Gromling, who relates the story.
Florida Disputes National Report Card’s F, Based on Abused Children’s Legal Rights
The state-by-state study rated on how well states protect the legal rights of abused and neglected children in dependency court. It was conducted by two national child advocacy organizations.
Florida Elections Official Places State’s Potentially Ineligible Voter Tally at 180,000
Officials reported earlier this week that they had forwarded the first batch of those names, about 2,600 to local supervisors of elections for further review and for each voter to be notified that they were on a list of people suspected of being illegally registered.
The Flip-Side of Voter Suppression: Not Everyone Needs to Vote
It is a staple in the newspaper business – especially left-wing newspapers – to exhort people to vote at every election. Conservatives, however, are more interested in quality than quantity, argues Lloyd Brown.
There’s Only So Much Palm Coast Government Can Do About Eyesores and Vacant Lands
From the Palm Coast Players Club to the Sheraton/Palm Coast Resort or Sesame Island, the city has very limited legal or financial means, absent much higher taxes, to take over such properties and convert them to something residents would prefer, argues city council member Frank Meeker.
Contending With a $300 Million Cut, Florida Universities Find Insufficient Funds in Reserves
State universities, including UCF and the University of Florida, are considering reductions beyond spending down reserves, the solution favored by the Legislature in debate over the plan this past winter.
Florida’s Metro Areas Still Lead the Nation in Foreclosures and Delinquencies
Prompted by tumbling property values and a large number of sub-prime loans, Florida has also been slow to get back on its feet because of a foreclosure process that on average takes more than two years to complete, according to report by a Washington -based coalition that is tracking the nation’s housing recovery.
Second Elderly Plantation Bay Woman Dies After May 3 Wreck With a Truck on US1
Harriet Look, 76, died May 4. Diane Teske, 68, died on Sunday (May 7); they were leaving Plantation Bay when they violated the right-of-way of a pick-up truck hauling scrap metal. Paulo Rodrigues, the driver of the truck, is in serious condition. May
“Non-Profit” Internet Cafe’s New Stand: Hands Off Our Financial Records
Affiliates of the non-profit Allied Veterans of the World contend in a lawsuit they are not covered by state charity laws that would require them to register with the department and provide financial information.
Joe Biden Outs Himself
Joe Biden unequivocally endorsed gay marriage in a Meet the Press interview Sunday, sending the Obama administration scrambling for its latest tangle in hypocrisy.
Dear Mrs. Nahirny: Tales From the “Don’t Quit” File on Teacher Appreciation Week
Every year during Teacher Appreciation Week (May 7-11), Matanzas’s Jo Ann Nahirny has her English students write thank you cards to teachers, and receives a few herself, which she’s always kept in what she calls her “don’t quit” file. She opens it up.
Fighting Obesity Like Cigarettes
America’s obesity epidemic has public health leaders looking at the war on tobacco for inspiration through more informative food labels, limits on marketing to children, and taxes on unhealthy products.
Non, Sarkozy: In France, François Hollande Brings Socialism Back to Power After 24 Years
Socialist François Hollande is the new French president, defeating Nicolas Sarkozy with 52 percent of the vote, and making the mercurial Sarkozy France’s first one-term president since ValĂ©ry Giscard d’Estaing in 1981
The Threats Are Out There: Asian Tiger Shrimp Invade Gulf’s Ecosystem
The Asian tiger shrimp, predatory and cannibalistic, is one of many invasive species being discovered in the Gulf of Mexico and possibly along Florida’s East Coast, that threaten local habitats and fisheries. Frank Gromling reports from New Orleans.
GOP National Convention in Tampa: There Will Be Guns
All sorts of weapons that can cause harm are banned in Downtown Tampa for the GOP National Convention in August, except for guns, by order of Gov. Rick Scott and in compliance with a new Florida law forbidding cities from enacting stricter gun regulations than the state.
Disappointing Numbers Again as U.S. Economy Adds Only 115,000 Jobs; Unemployment at 8.1%
The national economy added only 115,000 jobs in April, adding to March’s disappointing numbers and renewing fears that the economy may be stalling, as it did last spring. The unemployment rate fell to 8.1 percent, a slight improvement.
Rick Scott’s Obsession With Other People’s Urine
Anyone other than my doctor who’d ask me to pee in a cup isn’t just out of line. He’d be out of his mind. Yet an entire industry thrives on such cup-holders, Gov. Rick Scott among them, and millions of Americans are not only complying with the docility of circus animals. They’re encouraging the indignity and asking for more.
Progress Energy’s Nukes Plant Costs and Delays Escalate, But Customers Must Still Pay Ahead
A controversial Progress Energy Florida project to build two nuclear reactors in Levy County will not start producing electricity until 2024 — and likely will cost between $19 billion and $24 billion, the company now says, but customers will still have to pay for them now.
Fake Gun. Real Fear. Small Consequence: A Mother’s Outrage at Flagler Schools’ Response
On March 2, Gloria Kollosch’s son and a friend left Matanzas High School on their bikes, and had a confrontation with other Matanzas boys, who brandished a gun–a fake gun, which they thought was real. The school district responded with a slap on the wrist, calling the incident a “prank,” and blatantly contradicting its own Code of Conduct, Kollosch argues.
Citing Its “Uses and Abuses,” Rival Task Forces Duel Over Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law
As Gov. Rick Scott’s Stand Your Ground task force is criticized for being loaded with NRA and SYG advocates, a rival panel led by Sen. Chris Smith issues its recommendations on amending–not repealing–the law.
Violent Crime Rise and Record Number of Aggravated Assaults Dim Flagler’s Overall Drop
Although the overall crime rate declined 4.2 percent for the second successive year in 2011, violent crime increased in every single one of the four categories–rape, robbery, murder and aggravated assault, led by crime increase in Bunnell. The numbers will give fodder to Don Fleming and his opponents in this year’s race for sheriff.
In a Victory for State GOP, U.S. Justice Department and Florida Judge Approves Redistricting
The approval from the federal government adds to the Florida Supreme Court’s approval of a Senate map on Friday, while a Leon County judge declined to set aside the state’s new congressional maps, saying opponents of the plans had not proven that the Legislature violated new anti-gerrymandering standards in the once-a-decade redistricting process.
Return of the Sea Turtles: Flagler’s First Sighting Renews a Million-Year Ritual
The first sea turtle to scout for a nest on a Flagler beach did so Tuesday, renewing a ritual going back 200 million years. She scouted Columnist Frank Gromling’s beach backyard for her nursery. A report from the sands.
Gov. Scott Vetoes Bill Calling For Unlimited Tuition Increases at UF and Florida State
Gov. Rick Scott’s tuition bill veto rejects pleas of higher education and business officials who said steeper tuition would make the schools more competitive. The veto underscores Scott’s emphasis on holding down the cost of living in the state.
What About the Murder of Justin Patterson (22 and Black)?
Justin Patterson’s murder in Georgia, with shades of the Trayvon Martin case, hasn’t elicited marches, protest, notice on Nancy Grace or Anderson Cooper, or hardly any media.
Federal Judge Rules Gov. Rick Scott’s Random Drug-Testing of State Workers Unconstitutional
Federal District Judge Ursula Ungaro found that Scott’s order requiring drug tests violates the Fourth Amendment, as there is no “compelling need for testing.” Scott said he’d appeal the ruling.
“Corruption Risks” Cited at Enterprise Florida, the State’s Economic Development Agency
Integrity Florida, a new watchdog group, faults Enterprise Flagler, the public-private partnership, for producing too few jobs while perks such as tax breaks and incentive grants went to corporations that paid to serve on the agency’s board.
In a Defeat for Flagler and 16 Counties, Judge Rules For Travel Companies on Tourism Taxes
Leon County Circuit Judge James Shelfer ruled in favor of the industry last week, going against Flagler and 16 other counties that argue they have lost out on millions of dollars in tourist-development taxes.
It’s Not Just Politicians: Media Companies Lobby Against Transparency in Elections
Many of the country’s biggest media companies, which own dozens of newspapers and TV news operations, are flexing their muscle in Washington in a fight against a government initiative to increase transparency of political spending.
American Soldiers Committing Atrocities: Placing the Blame Where It Belongs
From posing with corpses of insurgents to going on murderous rampages, American soldiers’ atrocities in Afghanistan are becoming routine. Without absolving the military of its responsibilities, the real isn’t the soldiers’ alone.
The Citizen Scientist:
Inside Marine Mammal Research Offshore
Frank Gromling describes his two days off the coast of St. Johns County as he assisted marine mammal scientists in various research projects about endangered whales.
Flagler and Florida Unemployment Rates Drop Sharply, Confirming Uptick in Economic Activity
Flagler County’s and Florida’s unemployment rates dropped significantly in March, solidifying an economic recovery and confirming what many local business owners have been saying for the last several months: the last quarter’s economic activity is the best they’ve seen since the beginning of the Great Recession.
DCF Goes Dr. Spock: A Free E-Book on Parenting at All Ages
From coping with a crying child to potty training techniques to keeping your teen drug-free and other parenting FAQs, the Department of Children and Families’ booklet, “Family Development: A Caregiver’s Guide,” is now available through a free download.
Counties Challenge Juvenile Detention Costs
The challenge to Department of Juvenile Justice rules is part of a string of related legal disputes involving at least 10 counties over how much of the detention tab counties should pay. The case may have repercussions across the state.
A $300 Million Cut for Florida’s Higher Ed, a $350,000 State Grant for Flagler College
The Legislature cut $300 million from the state’s higher education budget this year, but found a $350,000 gift to help renovate a historic property at Flagler College, whose chancellor is retiring Republican legislator Bill proctor, who also represents Flagler County.
A Quarter of Gov. Scott’s Vetoes Slash Health Spending, Research and Education
A sampling of vetoes included money for such things as meningitis immunizations for children, the Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital in Broward County, a fetal-alcohol clinic in Sarasota and a mobile-health unit in rural Gadsden County.
Judge David Monaco of Florida’s 5th District Court of Appeal Announces His Retirement on June 30
Jeb Bush appointed Judge David Monaco to the 5th District Court of Appeal in 2003. The 10 judges of the 5th District Court of Appeal oversee the decisions of 100 circuit judges in 13 counties, including Volusia and Flagler.
Comment Sections Are Evil
Website comments have been compared to the writing on (public) bathroom walls or worse. Moderating them is a dirty job. Eliminating them altogether as some squeamish newspapers have, is dirtier still.
Scott, in St. Johns, Signs $70 Billion Budget, Vetoing Only One-Fifth Last Year’s Amount
The vetoes were a sharp decrease from the $615 million in spending Scott killed last year, though he struck dozens of transportation and cultural programs and asked state universities to limit tuition increases to 5 percent.
Raymond Delgado Sentenced to 25 Years in Prison for Serially Raping a 14-Year-Old Girl in His Trust
Raymond Anthony Delgado, a 57-year-old chiropractor from Bluffton, S.C., repeatedly raped a 14-year-old St. Augustine girl at his home and office after winning over her father’s trust.
His Veto Pen Spilling No Hints, Gov. Rick Scott Readies to Sign Budget in St. Johns Tuesday
Only one thing is clear about what will happen Tuesday when Gov. Rick Scott signs the $70 billion budget for the fiscal year that begins July 1: An increase in state funding for education will stand.
FCAT Season From a Teacher’s Perspective: An Absurd and Demeaning Fraud
Florida’s FCAT autocrats have gamed the system into an exam only the dumbest can fail while hijacking teachers’ and students’ time for nine weeks of regimentation and secrecy worthy of classified military secrets, argues teacher Joann Nahirny in her latest dispatch from the trenches.
Protecting the Oceans: Your Role
Individuals can have a big role in protecting oceans no matter here they live. The key in ocean protection is to get started today, right now, argues Frank Gromling, who provides a list of suggestions.
In Defense of Ozzie Guillen: Cuban-Americans Have Held US Policy Hostage Long Enough
The Florida Marlins’ duplicitous suspension of Ozzie Guillen aside, the real scandal is the degree to which South Florida’s Castro-era Cuban community continues to hold American foreign policy hostage to seven decades of juvenile antagonism.
Flagler Mulls Joining Lawsuit Against
Florida Over Reduction in Medicaid Payments
Flagler County commissioners will decide Monday whether to join a Florida Association of Counties lawsuit challenging the state’s decision to try to tap counties for tens of millions of dollars in disputed Medicaid money.
Anti-Abortion Religious Groups Launch Campaign to Abolish Privacy Rights for Teens
The “Yes on 6” anti-abortion campaign by religious groups pushes for passage of proposed constitutional amendment 6 on this fall’s ballot, and would forbid Medicaid dollars paying for poorer people’s abortions.
George Zimmerman Charged With Second Degree Murder in Killing of Trayvon Martin
Angela Corey, the special prosecutor appointed to investigate the killing of Trayvon Martin in Sanford, charged George Zimmerman with second degree murder. Zimmerman, who had briefly vanished, is in police custody.
Term Limits for County Commissioners? Florida Supreme Court Will Decide
The cases, brought by voters in Broward and Sarasota counties, presented the court with the question of how much power charter counties have to impose qualifications and disqualifications on candidates for county commission.
Stare Decisis Their Ass: The GOP’s Activist Judges
Scorn for “activist judges” has been a staple of the Republican playbook ever since it was Earl Warren’s Supreme Court. Now that it’s John Roberts’s court–or should we say Antonin Scalia’s?–and a Democratic president is calling them out, the rhetorical roles have reversed overnight.