Back from illness for the first time since July 15, Palm Coast City Council member Bill Lewis faces a tough re-election fight against challenger Steven Nobile, who bested him by eight points in the primary. The two men face-off in a runoff on Nov. 4.
City Elections
Unbowed, Elections Supervisor Kimberle Weeks Signals More Brawling Ahead
In the latest bout involving the elections supervisor, Kimberle Weeks on Tuesday took on Al Hadeed, the county attorney, dismissing his mediation efforts with Palm Coast and at one point seeking to silence him.
Andy Dance Wins, McLaughlin, Meeker and Tucker Survive, Fischer and Both Palm Coast Races Headed for November Run-Offs
Full results for the 2014 primary election in Flagler County and in statewide races relevant to the county, with the latest updates.
Time To Get Off Your Duff and Vote
Even though it’s a primary with a few races closed to most voters, all registered voters get to vote on key races including school board, Palm Coast and three judicial races.
Palm Coast Manager Jim Landon Handed Wrong Ballot in Early Voting, Raising Questions About Election’s Integrity
Two of the three ballots handed City Manager Jim Landon, his stepdaughter and his wife Friday did not include Palm Coast City Council races, echoing a similar report by another voter, prompting discussions by the county Canvassing Board about better ensuring the integrity of the vote. But Supervisor Weeks put that responsibility squarely on voters.
Heidi Shipley, Palm Coast City Council Candidate: The Live Interview
Heidi Shipley is running for Palm Coast City Council, one of seven candidates in two races. All registered voters in Palm Coast may cast a ballot regardless of party registration or district.
Anne-Marie Shaffer, Palm Coast City Council Candidate: The Live Interview
Anne-Marie Shaffer is running for Palm Coast City Council, one of seven candidates in two races. All registered voters in Palm Coast may cast a ballot regardless of party registration or district.
Joel Rosen, Palm Coast City Council Candidate: The Live Interview
Joel Rosen is running for Palm Coast City Council, one of seven candidates in two races. All registered voters in Palm Coast may cast a ballot regardless of party registration or district.
Steven Nobile, Palm Coast City Council Candidate: The Live Interview
Steven Nobile is running for Palm Coast City Council, one of seven candidates in two races, one of three challenging incumbent Bill Lewis. All registered voters in Palm Coast may cast a ballot regardless of party registration or district.
Bill Lewis, Palm Coast City Council Candidate: The Live Interview
Bill Lewis is running for Palm Coast City Council, one of seven candidates in two races, and the incumbent in District 4. He faces three challengers. All registered voters in Palm Coast may cast a ballot regardless of party registration or district.
Woody Douge, Palm Coast City Council Candidate: The Live Interview
Woody Douge is running for Palm Coast City Council, one of seven candidates in two races. All registered voters in Palm Coast may cast a ballot regardless of party registration or district.
Norman Weiskopf, Palm Coast City Council Candidate: The Live Interview
Norman Weiskopf is running for Palm Coast City Council, but has not taken his race, or his interview, very seriously. He faces three opponents, including incumbents. All registered voters in Palm Coast may cast a ballot regardless of party registration or district.
“Derelict” Sheriff! Call In a Judge! Accuse Palm Coast of Larceny! Elections Supervisor Weeks Goes Unhinged.
Though there’s been no issues with voting other than a very low turnout, Supervisor Kimberle Weeks has again fomented a major dispute out of minor, if any, problems, and frustrated the highest officials in a half dozen local government agencies and boards, going as far as implying that Sheriff Manfre should be arrested.
Illness Sidelines Bill Lewis from Palm Coast Council and Re-Election Bid, Favoring Challengers
Bill Lewis, 83, has been battling shingles for more than a month and been a no-show at the council or on the campaign, opening the way for three challengers in the Palm Coast City Council race for District 4.
The Phony War Over Campaign Signs
The problem isn’t the county’s ban on campaign signs at the public library, it’s the dismal slate of candidates on this year’s primary ballots, but Flagler’s Ronald Reagan Assembly candidates and Supervisor of Elections Weeks have teamed up to play up a bogus controversy.
Kimberle Weeks Calls County’s Campaign Sign Rules “Interference”; Administrator Craig Coffey Responds
Flagler County Supervisor of Elections Kimberle Weeks says the county’s political-sign rules “may create an unpleasant and dangerous environment” for voters and campaigners at the public library. County Administrator Craig Coffey disagrees.
County Forcefully Rejects Elections Supervisor’s Claims That Campaign Sign Restrictions Hurt Turnout
Aided by a political candidate, Flagler Supervisor of Elections criticized county rules barring election signs on public property, claiming it lowers turnout and interferes with elections, promoting forceful rebuttals from the county administration.
Q&A Forum Featuring All Candidates for Local Office Monday at Palm Coast’s Hilton Garden Inn
It starts at 5 p.m. with a little booze and at 6 p.m. with a lot of questions. The public is not only welcome but urged to be there: voter apathy has been embarrassingly pronounced in Flagler County, with the last two off-year election primaries striking successive turn-out lows of 23 and 22 percent.
At Flagler Tea Party Candidates Night, A Dearth of Voters, Democrats and Awareness
The Tea Party’s candidate night is still the liveliest and best attended of all such events, as it was Monday, but the turn-out of interested voters was sharply down from two years ago, Democrats were virtual no-shows, and long-time observers of the political scene complained of some candidates’ disconnect from current issues.
Novices Flood Local Elections as 21 Candidates Qualify for Palm Coast, County and Schools
Unlike previous cycles, not a single seat is going uncontested. That means no incumbent is getting an easy path to re-election. But virtually every challenger is a newcomer to politics.
Palm Coast Voters Lose Again: The City Of Low Turnout Gets a Spoiled Election
Even if Palm Coast and Supervisor of Elections Weeks work out their differences, as it now looks like they have, voters have already lost as this months-long manufactured controversy will become election campaign fodder for candidates who don’t have anything more substantial to offer.
Palm Coast Prepares to Run Its Own Elections, But Cost Would Rise and Turnout Drop
Supervisor of Elections Kimberle Weeks and Palm Coast have been in talks to resolve their differences, but in case they don’t, Palm Coast is planning on running its own elections in 2014, with paper ballots and at a single location only, which would most likely hurt turnout significantly.
My Agreement Or Else: Elections Supervisor Weeks Bluntly Rejects Palm Coast Proposals
Reaffirming a stalemate, Weeks’s refusal to conduct the Palm Coast elections on any terms but hers means the city may have to go it alone, triggering costs and confusion.
Pitching Two Proposals Back to Elections Supervisor, Palm Coast May Call on State to Resolve Conflict
The Palm Coast City Council approved two separate agreements calling on Supervisor of Elections Kimberle Weeks to run the 2014 city elections, asking her to pick one, though Weeks has been unwilling to negotiate. The city may call on Secretary of State Ken Detzner to resolve the issue, should a stalemate persist.
Lifelong Republican Turned independent: Howard Holley Launches All-Business Bid For County Commission
Howard Holley, a Hammock business executive, would face Flagler County Commissioner Frank Meeker in November if Meeker doesn’t have a primary opponent, no black candidate and no independent candidate has ever won a county commission seat.
Weeks Against the World: Elections Supervisor Holds Out on Palm Coast Elections Despite Secretary of State’s Admonition
The only higher official who hasn’t yet told Flagler County Supervisor of Elections Kimberle Weeks to move beyond her feud with the Palm Coast City Council over the city’s 2014 elections is Gov. Rick Scott. Sill, Weeks remains obstinate as time runs short for Palm Coast to decide who will run its 2014 elections.
Palm Coast Cancels Special Meeting as Conflict With Elections Supervisor Again Flares
Tuesday’s special meeting between the Palm Coast City Council and Elections Supervisor Kimberle Weeks was to have ironed out a mutual agreement for Weeks’s office to run the city’s municipal elections this year. Weeks, however, is demanding that the city approve the agreement she drafted without such a meeting, and virtually without changes, something to which the city is not likely to agree before the April 2 deadline set by Weeks.
State Election Supervisors’ Attorney Told Kim Weeks a Month Ago That Palm Coast Was on Firm Ground
Despite a clear opinion from Ronald Labasky, the general counsel for the Florida State Association of Supervisors of Elections, telling Weeks to follow Palm Coast’s lead, Weeks a month later was still publicly casting doubt on Palm Coast’s legal standing and delaying her announcement that she would handle the city’s 2014 elections.
The Thaw Cometh: Kimberle Weeks Pledges To Oversee Palm Coast Elections After All
Weeks did not tell the city that she would work with Palm Coast, but rather took to the pages of the Palm Coast Observer to pen a caustic OpEd, essentially coloring her concession by painting herself as the election’s white knight. The city welcomed the breakthrough anyway.
Bunnell City Election: John Rogers and Bonita Robinson Win, As Does Status Quo
John Rogers won re-election to the Bunnell City Commission Tuesday, taking the most votes in a four-way race, and Bonita Robinson won the seat formerly held by Jenny Crain-Brady. Rogers and Robinson defeated Daisy Henry, the former commissioner trying to make a come-back, and Randall Morris, who had been a no-show in most ways through the election period.
Ahead of Bunnell’s March 4 Election, Three Commission Candidates Battle With
More Blanks Than Bullets
Few of the candidates’ answers at the only candidate forum before the election grappled with actual issues, ideas or solutions, hewing instead to generally positive statements about wanting to do their best or speaking in generalities that would not distinguish them either from each other or from any well-meaning resident of the city they seek to represent.
Ronald Reagan Republicans Launch Campaigns In Every Local Flagler Race, Signaling Insurgency Against GOP Incumbents
Six candidates introduced themselves Monday evening, including two for school board, two for the Palm Coast City Council, and two for the Flagler County Commission. Six of the seven are running against incumbent Republicans, suggesting that the Triple-R’s are looking to be the insurgent candidates of this election cycle—against their own party.
In Bunnell, Crain-Brady’s Election Fiasco Becomes Fodder For Criticism of City Manager’s Leadership
Bunnell City Commissioner Jenny Crain-Brady Monday evening took responsibility for failing to qualify for the March election but was then joined by Mayor Catherine Robinson in an explicit and often unfair or unsupported attack on City Manager Larry Williams’ leadership and accountability.
Crain-Brady’s Disqualification In Bunnell Is Final, But Errors Were Far From Hers Alone
Bunnell City Commissioner Jenny Crain-Brady disqualified herseolf from the March 4 election when she failed to meet a fee deadline last week, but the error unraveled a series of errors and misjudgments that run through Bunnell’s election process, and go as far as documentation released by the Supervisor of Elections.
Jenny Crain-Brady, Not Paying a Fee, Fails to Qualify for Bunnell Commission Election; 4 Others Do
In an unexpected and significant reversal of fortune for an incumbent candidate for the Bunnell City Commission election set for March 4, Jenny Crain-Brady has not qualified for the seat she had gathered petitions to run for. Brady failed to pay the $96 state assessment fee required of all candidates, whether they have the necessary number of petitions or not.
Flagler Beach Holds an Election and Nobody Shows: Kim Carney and Marshall Shupe Are Re-Elected Without Opposition
It is the second successive election cycle in which Flagler Beach commissioners have drawn no opposition. Last year Jane Mealy and Steve Settle were re-elected automatically. Kim Carney and Marshall Shupe were first elected three years ago.
Elections Supervisor Skeptical as Palm Coast Tries To Resolve Conflicts Ahead of 2014 Cycle
The Palm Coast City Council on Tuesday will set in motion the legal mechanism—through amended ordinances—to resolve an ongoing conflict with the Supervisor of Elections over past and future elections, but Supervisor Weeks says that may not be sufficient if charter requirements are not met.
Weeks After Bunnell Commissioner’s Residency Is Questioned, Lawmakers Float Tighter Rules
A pair of state lawmakers announced a proposal Thursday that would tighten the definition of residency for elected officials, but the measures don’t specify what the punishment might be or who would be responsible for enforcing the standards.
Elections Supervisor Again Giving Palm Coast Grief Over 2014 Voting, Jeopardizing Taxpayer Savings
Tangled conflicts over realistically minor matter has been the context of Weeks’s relations with the city over the past four months. She’s not been wrong as much as disproportionately alarmist over problems that have relatively simple solutions. Minor missteps aside, the city has readily offered solutions. Weeks has not been as quick to accept them.
An Attempt to Discredit a Commissioner Over Her Temporary Digs in Palm Coast Backfires
Bunnell City Commissioner Jenny Crain-Brady sold her house in Bunnell and temporarily moved to a friend’s house in Palm Coast, though she was rebuilding another house in Bunnell. The move triggered a complaint about her right to serve on the commission–or to run for re-election in March–and a fellow-commissioner brought the question to the full board.
Memo to Palm Coast Council: Don’t Let an Unelected Manager Dictate Democracy in the City
By letting Jim Landon’s feud with Supervisor of Elections Kim Weeks drag on at voters’ expense, the Palm Coast City Council is improperly letting its unelected city manager set early voting policy while reminding us why it bears a big share of the blame for sending election turnouts in Palm Coast tumbling to record lows for the past several cycles.
Majority of Palm Coast Council Would Forego Early Voting Fees, But Weeks Hardens Over Space
The clash between Supervisor of Elections Kimberle Weeks and Palm Coast City Manager Jim Landon is not nearing resolution even as a majority of the city council would extend free use of a room at the community center for early voting, because Weeks is insisting on using a larger room, which the council won’t concede.
Elections Supervisor Wants to Expand Early Voting to Palm Coast Community Center. City’s Response: Pay Up
Even though Palm Coast City Council candidates will be on the ballot, the city is charging the Supervisor of Elections for use of the Community Center on Palm Coast Parkway as a second early voting location in the city, raising questions about cooperation from a city that has seen its voter turnouts fall drastically over the years.
Sea Change on Bunnell Commission as Tucker and Baxley Are Elected and Henry Loses
Bunnell’s three-way election for the city commission was expected to be close as incumbent Daisy Henry drove in many of her voters herself, while incumbent Elbert Tucker and challenger Bill Baxley looked on from across the road.
Bunnell’s City Election Tuesday: From the Revealing to the Embarrassing
Incumbents Daisy Henry and Elbert Tucker are in a three-way race with challenger Bill Baxley for two seats on the Bunnell City Commission, but, to incumbents’ advantage, few people are paying attention.
As One Candidate Withdraws, Jane Mealy and Steve Settle Are Re-Elected in Flagler Beach
With the withdrawal of Oceanside Grill owner John Lulgjuraj, Jane Mealy and Steve Settle were automatically re-elected to the Flagler Beach City Commission, making the March 5 election unnecessary.