In a column on the Mockingbird controversy at FPC, Rabbi Merill Shapiro argues that whatever the merits of administrative issues, “the profanity of censorship,” in the end, “has no place in our community.”
Flagler Palm Coast High School
Conklin Triggers Mockingbird Appeals Committee, Likely Enabling Play’s Revival
Unearthing a district policy on “the appropriateness of books or materials,” School Board member Colleen Conklin appealed the decision to cancel the play. A committee will be appointed to handle the appeal.
Before School Censors: When Mockingbird‘s Harper Lee Spoke Proudly of Flagler County
In 2002, Harper Lee addressed Flagler County proudly when her book was the centerpiece of county-wide events. The school district’s censoring of the play this month contrasts sharply with that progressive history.
FPC’s Top Student Makes the Case
For the .25-Mill School Tax Referendum
Kyle Russell, the top-ranked senior at Flagler Palm Coast High School, argues that students need every competitive advantage they can get if they’re to have a chance against others in the state and the nation.
Singing Its Signal Achievements, Flagler Education Foundation Celebrates 20 Years
The gala dinner at the Hammock Dunes Club drew a sold-out audience of 175, and was highlighted by testimonials about the foundation’s works and rousing performances by Amy Fulmer’s Formality Ensemble.
FPC’s Boys Raced, Pink-Socked, in Breast Cancer Solidarity at Manhattan Invitational
Inspired by their coach, an idea started by Brad Walbert, to honor his grandfather, developed into team-wide solidarity for breast cancer victims–with unexpected and moving results as the boys raced in in New York City.
New York Bound: FPC’s Cross-Country Best Running in Manhattan Invitational Saturday
The storied Manhattan Invitational, actually held in The Bronx, is the largest high school cross-country meet in the nation, with some 10,000 competitors from 14 states.
Vote Early, Vote Often: Make Your Voice Heard for Art Programs and FPC’s Junia Louis-Pierre
Junia Louis-Pierre’s graffiti drawing of foreclosure and eviction is in the running for a $5,000 award for FPC’s art department and a $1,000 scholarship for Junia. But you must vote.
Preliminary SAT Results Show Higher Scores for Flagler’s Class of 2010
In all but math at FPC, students at the county’s two high schools improved when compared with last year’s seniors. Some 1.6 million students took the test in the last round.
Campana’s First:
FPC Bulldogs 30, Matanzas Pirates 13
First game of the season, full house, the Bulldogs and the Pirates were in something of a dogfight at first before the Bulldogs asserted themselves in spite of the Pirates’ grit.
Scoring 7, FPC’s Rowan Littlefield Didn’t Just Conquer the World. He Conquered Pigdom.
Littlefield’s perfect 7 in his IB biology exam, scored on a global standard, marks the first 7 for any Flagler County student in any of the IB’s science disciplines.
The Live Q&A: School Board Candidates In Their Own Words (and Occasional Evasions)
The FlaglerLive Q&A was designed to draw candidates away from campaign generalities and cliches and to compel clearly stated positions on a dozen relevant issues.
Bill Delbrugge in Egypt: Beyond the Camel, A Discovery of Challenges and Serenity
In his first interview since leaving Flagler County in July, former Superintendent Bill Delbrugge describes his new old world in Egypt–the challenges, the revelations, the peace of it all.
Florida’s High School Students Near Bottom in College Readiness; Flagler’s Do Worse
The college readiness scores, trending downward for the state and for Flagler, undermine the state’s contention that it is improving education on a nationally competitive level.
McDermott Self-Evaluates After His First School Board Meeting
The Flagler County School Board’s newest student representative reflects on his first evening with the elected, and makes a pitch to fellow-students.
Veteran Problem Solver Ryan McDermott Joins School Board as Student Representative
Never shy, McDermott, a 17-year-old senior at Flagler Palm Coast High School, will represent the district’s 13,000 students on the board.
“Back 2 School Jam”‘s Free Backpacks, Supplies and Shots Draws Thousands at FPC
In addition to free school supplies, the annual jam provided free bike helmets to those hardy students willing to sit through immunization shots.
Laying Off Employees, Palm Coast Is Set to Pay at Least $83,000 for One School Deputy
The school deputy Palm Coast is paying for is a way to get four other extra deputies on Palm Coast’s streets for large portions of the year–at the schools’ expense.
This Year: 5 School Deputies for $300,000; Four Years Ago: 9 Deputies for $222,000
The sheriff has virtually eliminated his department’s share of the cost of keeping deputies in schools, forcing the district to pick up most of the costs.
Free Backpacks and School Supplies, Free Immunization and Bike Helmets. Jam It Up Aug. 7.
The annual Back to School Jam offers 2,600 free backpacks and school supplies to children who need them, at Flagler Palm Coast High School on Saturday, Aug. 7., beginning at 10 a.m.
Party On: District Opens Schools to
Political Events, With Some Limits
The school board’s revised policy on school-building uses means almost any political group is welcome in off hours, as long as the superintendent approves.
FPC Football Coach Steve Allen Resigns Weeks Before First Scrimmage
Allen had a fractious history with the athletic director and the administration, but that was nothing new.
Miss Flagler County 2010 Essay Winner: Recession or Not, Blessings Point to Rebound
As a nation and a culture, whether in recession or not, we are incredibly blessed and should be thankful, says Mia Parliaricci in an essay that won her this year’s Miss Flagler County essay competition.
Flagler Schools’ FCAT Reading Scores Disappoint, Math Scores a Plus
Every grade but the 6th and 9th posted declines in reading. The district did better in math, either improving or holding steady in all grades except the 5th.
Miss Flagler County 2010
It’s Amanda Dack
Amada Dack has achieved more in her 21 years than many people do in an average lifetime.
Community Rallies to Find Courtney Cobb, FPC Student Missing Since June 10
A 10th grader at FPC and a Palm Coast resident since she was 3, Courtney Cobb is believed to have run away with a boyfriend.
Taylor’s Journal: Day Three
The Envelope, Please
In her final post from the international competition in Wisconsin, Taylor Tofal recounts an awards ceremony featuring many wins for FPC and Matanzas.
Celeste Laster
Miss Flagler County Contestant (2010)
Celeste Laster is a Miss Flagler County Scholarship Pageant contestant in the 16-23year old category of the 2010 Flagler County Pageant.
Amber Troha
Miss Flagler County Contestant (2010)
Amber Troha is a Miss Flagler County Scholarship Pageant contestant in the 16-23year old category of the 2010 Flagler County Pageant.
Bonita Jubilee Davis
Miss Flagler County Contestant (2010)
Bonita Jubilee Davis is a Miss Flagler County Scholarship Pageant contestant in the 16-23year old category of the 2010 Flagler County Pageant.
Amber Tilton
Miss Flagler County Contestant (2010)
Amber Tilton is a Miss Flagler County Scholarship Pageant contestant in the 16-23year old category of the 2010 Flagler County Pageant.
Brie Smith
Miss Junior Flagler County Contestant (2010)
Brie Smith is a Miss Junior Flagler County contestant in the 12 to 15 year old category of the 2010 Miss Flagler County Pageant.
Kristina Kangas
Miss Junior Flagler County Contestant (2010)
Kristina Kangas is a Miss Junior Flagler County contestant in the 12 to 15 year old category of the 2010 Miss Flagler County Pageant.
Mackenzie Way
Miss Junior Flagler County Contestant (2010)
Mackenzie Way is a Miss Junior Flagler County contestant in the 12 to 15 year old category of the 2010 Miss Flagler County Pageant.
Jessie Marolf
Miss Junior Flagler County Contestant (2010)
Jessie Marolf is a Miss Junior Flagler County contestant in the 12 to 15 year old category of the 2010 Miss Flagler County Pageant.
FPC & Matanzas Students Collect the Most Awards in World Competition’s 36 Years
The school’s Future Problem Solvers brought home three top awards, plus second, third and fourth place trophies.
Taylor’s Journal, Day Two:
Skits, Robots and Heels
A day’s frenetic wall-to-wall activity, and one team learns that it didn’t make it to the final round. Taylor Tofal is almost live in Lacrosse, Wis.
Taylor’s Journal:
FPC’s Problem Solvers in Their Own
World Cup in Wisconsin
FPC’s history-making Community Problem Solvers teams are in their own world finals competition in Wisconsin, June 9-13. Taylor Tofal’s journal gives us an inside look.
FPC Does ESPN: Sports’ Video Year in Review
Three FPC students distilled a year’s worth of 19 school sports into a 30-minute highlight video. Here it is.
Marking successes over struggles, 54 students and 30 mentors were honored at the 3rd annual African American Mentor Program’s banquet Friday.
Youth Orchestra’s 200 Take a Bow in Year’s Final Concert
The Flagler Youth Orchestra’s musicians, under the new direction of Caren Umbarger, dedicate the final concert to Superintendent Bill Delbrugge.
FPC Commencement Stirs Tassels and Circumstance at Daytona’s Ocean Center
Anthony DeAugustino, Taylor Tofal and Brandon Dean headline Flagler Palm Coast High School’s Class of 2010’s commencement.
FPC’s Problem Solvers Make History
Flagler Palm Coast High School will send three teams, a national organization record, to the international problem solving competition this summer.
Benefit Dinner for FPC’s Future Problem Solvers
Flagler Palm Coast High School Future Problem Solvers benefit dinner-fund-raiser scheduled for April 28 at 6 p.m.