By some of its calculations, Palm Coast is projecting deficits of $1 million a year despite increasing the storwater fee 46 percent four years ago, though it has room to manage the deficit by reducing capital expenses.
Holland Park Renovation Advancing But Not Making Up Time
The city has started invoking the liquidated damages provision of the contract against Tumbleson White Construction Inc. of Gainesville. “We are trying to hit them in the pocketbook at this point,” the city manager said.
Intersection at Old Kings Road and Town Center Blvd. Will Finally Get a Traffic Light
The $154,000 project will include some new landscaping and will also result in the closure of the makeshift parking area for people who use the Lehigh Trail. The zone must be closed to make the new arrangement safer.
Neighbor Dispute Over Bird Nesting in Palm Coast’s C-Section Escalates Into Lawsuit
Bryan Streetman’s neighbors on Collingwood Lane accuse him of disturbing the neighborhood’s peace and privacy by busing a drone, laser lights and screeching noises to scare off Purple Martin birds as they nest.
City Will Spend $100,000 to Renovate Fire Station 22, Its Oldest, on Palm Coast Parkway
The city considered demolishing and rebuilding the station in the past, or closing and moving it, but for it says renovation is the best option, keeping open the possibility of a new station on Colbert Lane in the future.
Construction on Florida Hospital Flagler’s $15 Million Expansion Advances
Construction continues to progress on Florida Hospital Flagler’s $15 million expansion project to add 32 new beds on the second and third floors over the hospital’s emergency department.
Jacksonville Symphony Plays to Palm Coast Arts Foundation Overture, 12 Years in Making
The Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra played to close to 1,200 people Sunday evening at the Palm Coast Arts Foundation’s new home in Town Center, an audience as rich in stories as the music.
For Triumphant Palm Coast Arts Foundation, A Symphonic Homecoming in the Key of Bold
It’ll be the end of a triumphal journey for the Palm Coast Arts Foundation when the Jacksonville Symphony performs its pops concert Sunday before a record crowd of 1,200 in Town Center.
In Palm Coast’s Expensive Hunt for New Retailers, a Few Leads, But Only Low Wages
Last July Palm Coast government signed a $135,000, contract with marketing company to recruit retailers. Nine months later, a couple of low-wage retailers are possible, and a half dozen more are long-term possibilities, but nothing more firm than that.
Gate Gas and Aldi Grocery Will Rise at Corner of SR100 and Belle Terre, Ending Political Signs
The Palm Coast City Council approved a redrawing of the property into six lots, three of which are under contract, with two projected for non-fast-food restaurants in the future.
Council Will Approve “Kind of Dumb Looking” 150-ft Cell Tower on Palm Coast Parkway
The tower, camouflaged as a tree, will go up on city land near the public library and will accommodate four cell carriers, among them AT&T, whose service in many parts of Palm Coast has been dismal.
Palm Coast Will Refinance $41 Million Utility Loan for Big Savings, But Don’t Expect Lower Rates
The Palm Coast City Council is holding a special meeting Tuesday morning, when it is expected to sign off on the deal. The nearly $600,000 in annual savings will not, however, lower utility rates.
District and Palm Coast Will Redesign Some Bus Stops in 1st Step To Counter Crashes Involving Children
Some of the county’s 600 bus stops will be redesigned to include a $1,200 “pad” where students should wait for buses, while an education campaign will target students in elementary and middle schools.
Palm Coast’s $9 Million Scam at Taxpayers’ Expense
Since 2008, Palm Coast government has wasted over $9 million in taxpayer money to subsidize its privately run, money-losing golf and tennis operations, which serve a small group of people. It’s been a colossal scam perpetrated on taxpayers.
What It Takes to Get New Retailers to Palm Coast: Behind a $135,000 Matchmaking Deal
Palm Coast signed a three-year, $135,000 contract with Texas-based Buxton, a retail recruiter, in hopes of filling storefronts and empty commercial lots. The approach has its mix of skeptics and cheerleaders.
Palm Coast City Hall Journey Ends With Inauguration of a New Day on Lake Avenue
Ex-Mayor Jim Canfield and current Mayor Jon Netts bookended the story of Palm Coast’s 15-year journey to a City Hall of its own in a grand opening ceremony that drew throngs of residents and plenty of cheers.
Long Creek Preserve: For Palm Coast, a Chance to Restore a Vast, Lucrative History
Beyond the Long Creek Nature Preserve, Palm Coast has an opportunity to revive the state and national importance the area of the preserve played in the plantation system of the 18th and 19th centuries, says County Attorney Al Hadeed.
Palm Coast’s Years in Sinai End as It Moves Into Long-Sought City Hall in Town Center
Sixteen years after the city was born, Palm Coast moved into its own roomy, $9.1 million, 40,000-square-foot City Hall at Town Center this week, with a grand opening set for Nov. 3.
Palm Coast Warily Explores Buying $1 Million Yacht Club for Nature and Senior Center
Buying the Palm Coast Yacht Club would help the city avoid building a required nature center near Long Creek Preserve, but council members are skeptical about creating what would amount to a second community center so close to the first.
No Pollution Problem Along Florida Park Drive, Council Concludes, Ending Further Debate
After ruling out traffic as a problem, the Palm Coast council Tuesday ruled out pollution and appeared to end its response to recurring complaints from residents along Florida Park Drive.
Citing High Costs and an Arrest, Council Says No to a Fence Around Ralph Carter Park
An arrest in spring and the $70,000 to $160,000 cost of a fence dissuaded council members from giving in to Richardson Drive residents demanding a fence around Ralph Carter Park.
Hobby Lobby, Brass Tap Beer Bar, Moe’s Grill and 500 Jobs: Island Walk Is 84% Full
The developers of Island Walk, the once and future shopping center previously known as Palm Harbor in the heart of Palm Coast, have secured long-term leases with enough retailers to fill 84 percent of its space when it begins opening in phases in 2016.
Flagler-Palm Coast Score Most “Fantastic” Month of Home Sales Since Recession
The 247 homes sold in June reduced the county’s supply to just five months’ worth, tilting the market to sellers’ advantage, while prices saw a healthy rise as well.
Palm Coast’s Sign Regulations May Be Forced to Loosen, City Attorney Warns
The changes, which would likely relax Palm Coast’s rules, would be required to comply with a new U.S. Supreme Court ruling making the regulation of temporary signs on private property much more difficult.
Long-Planned Shoppes at Grand Haven on Colbert Lane Finally See Bulldozer Activity
First envisioned almost a decade ago, the Shoppes at Grand Haven will be the new home of the gated community’s sales offices, which will anchor a hoped-for commercial development, the first on Palm Coast’s Colbert Lane.
After Months of Hedging, Palm Coast Approves New Rules on Yard Fences, Walls (and Bars)
The rules allow for more fence colors, eliminate setback and shrubbery requirements but more strictly regulate fences along saltwater canals.
Palm Coast Dead Zones: City Proposing Less Restrictive Cell-Tower Rules, But Council Demurs
The proposal is being made ahead of a deal between the city and a cell tower company to put a 150-foot tower near Heroes Park, behind Palm Coast Parkway, on land where Palm Coast’s Water Plan No. 1 sits.
Palm Coast Points Finger Back at County Over Airport Water Clash, But Agrees to Executive Summit
Firing back at county criticism, City Manager Jim Landon said the county has always known what to do to resolve a standoff over a water agreement for the airport. But the city and county manager are now likely to meet with the mayor and the county board chairman to resolve the issue.
At Matanzas Woods Parkway Interchange Groundbreaking, Praise For the Overdue
Most groundbreakings aren’t worth the PR, because that’s all they are: a chance for the shovel hogs to get their picture in the news, let their flesh be pressed and their egos stroked. But Flagler County and Palm Coast have earned this one. And when Flagler County Chairman Frank Meeker said of the Matanzas Woods […]
Matanzas Woods Parkway Overpass Closes June 5 as Three Road Projects Start Rumble
Some 50 people turned up to hear an overview of the Matanzas Woods Parkway interchange and Old Kings Road extension projects, which will take a year to complete starting in June.
Derelict Matanzas Golf Course Overrun By More Questions Than Answers, Angering Residents
The Matanzas gold course has been in disuse for almost a decade, it is overgrown and badly kept. The city is stepping up code enforcement, but also pledging to convene a discussion between property owners and gonvernent agencies, including the mysterious owners of the golf course.
Candor, Humor and a Few Sharp Jabs from Jim Landon in a State of the City Overview
Addressing Walmart’s renewed interest in its potential second store in Palm Coast, golf courses, construction and economic activity, Palm Coast City Manager spoke for almost two hours Monday morning to some 90 residents about the state of the city and its near future.
For Palm Coast’s Money-Losing Golf Course, Grass Is Always Greener On Other Side of Promises
An update on the city’s golf course did not go well this morning at city council. Instead of projecting when the golf course and tennis center would stop losing money, City Manager Jim Landon directed the company managing the operations to simply stop making projections to the city council.
Palm Coast Mayor Netts Urges Residents To Join Water-Conservation Challenge
By participating in the National Mayor’s Challenge for Water Conservation, Palm Coast residents can qualify to win a Prius and other eco-friendly prizes, and put the city on the map of greenest communities.
Fences May Rise in Front Yards Citywide and Descend in Backyards, Along Saltwater Canals
The Palm Coast City Council is verging on approving looser regulations for front-yard fences citywide, and stricter regulations on backyard fences along saltwater canals only.
Palm Coast Votes 3-2 to End Red-Light Camera Contract in 2017 and Reduce Flashers To 5
A divided council still disagrees on the red-light cameras’ value. The city is being sued, but says the payout, should there be one, will be manageable.
What Palm Coast Won’t Do, What Other Cities Are Doing: Synchronizing Traffic Lights
Transportation experts say that revamping the way signals work will reduce congestion, save fuel costs, cut down on air pollution and make the roads safer.
Palm Coast Would End Its Red-Light Camera Program With ATS in Two Years
The city would also reduce all operating cameras from 43 to just five. But it would also see its revenue per camera drop, from the current $700 per month to $350 per month. The city’s revenue from the cameras would drop from $361,000 to $21,000.
Palm Coast Will Borrow $30 Million to Build New Sewer Plant, Pledging No Rate Increase For 5 Years
The new plant would be financed with a 20-year loan at less than 1 percent interest, and the city’s total debt load would rise to around $200 million. It also depends on steady growth in coming years.
City Hall Rising: Walls Go Up at Palm Coast’s Future Home
Walls built in place went up Tuesday morning on the site of the future Palm Coast City Hall in Town Center, marking a significant visual advance in the nearly $10 million project as it moves toward completion by fall.
Palm Coast Begins Conversion to LED Street Lights In Latest Push For Conservation
Palm Coast won’t retrofit its 3,000 street lights to LED just yet, but all new installations will be LED, and in a year or 18 months may consider a broader retrofit program if the investment shows solid savings over time.
For Palm Coast, Florida Park Drive’s Heavy Traffic Is an Old Bane Without Ready Solutions
Residents along Florida Park Drive have complained year after year about the heavy traffic, the noise and the pollution, but Palm Coast officials say there’s little they can do legally to alleviate an old ITT mistake.
Palm Coast’s Holland Park Closing For Rest of the Year For Major Reconstruction
the $4.28 million project will take 15 months and will result in better lit courts, a bigger playground, new restrooms, a refurbished dog park, a new loop road to exit the park and a perimeter trail, among other improvements.
Mulling Nuisances, Palm Coast Putters Closer to Trap, Neuter and Release of Feral Cats
With two new supporters of TNR on the council, Palm Coast is slowly moving toward adoption of a trap and release system that still preserves the city’s authority to declare some cats nuisances, and have them removed from public spaces or exterminated.
Projecting $1 Million Saving, Palm Coast Will Build $2.5 Million City Hall Addition Now Instead of 2019
The total Palm Coast City Hall cost rose to $9 million as the council agreed to build an 8,000 square foot addition as part of a broader construction plan that would net the city savings over five years.
Demolition Set for Old Palm Harbor Center, As Is Competitive Rebirth of Island Walk
A huge segment of the old Palm Harbor Shopping Center is about to go under the wrecking ball as part of the $41 million redevelopment of the site, which will take over a year, though Publix will remain open there throughout, and move into a much larger store by the end of 2015.
“Epic Moment in Palm Coast’s History” as New City Hall Breaks Ground at Town Center
Mayor Jon Netts celebrated the occasion in words that richly threaded Palm Coast’s nomadic years to Wednesday’s moment, turning symbolism into masonry as he spoke of the building representing unity, diversity and energy.
Palm Coast Broods as Ruling Declares Key Step in Red-Light Camera Ticketing Illegal
You may be better off not paying your red-light camera ticket in light of a court decision declaring issuance of those tickets illegal. Palm Coast is studying the ruling as its cameras continue to flash.
Palm Coast Sets Special Meeting Tuesday to Consider Tax Breaks for Palm Harbor Shopping Center’s Redevelopment
The unusual special meeting is set to two proposed measures: a tax-break package valued at $52,000 for the Palm Harbor shopping center redevelopment, and a $900,000 purchase of 21 vehicles for the city’s fleet.
34-Year-Old Worker Injured on Palm Coast Parkway 6-Laning Project as Circular Saw Jumps
Jackie Wilcox, a 34-year-old employee of R. A. Scott Construction Company, was hospitalized Wednesday morning after he was struck in the face by a circular saw while working on cutting a large metal pipe. Wilcox, a resident of Daytona Beach, was in shock after the incident but the injury was non-life-threatening.