In a room full of people texting updates to and otherwise using electronic devices, a long sought measure to ban such behavior while driving was given a green light to the Florida House floor on Wednesday.
All Else
A Memorial for Frederick Martinez, on the Flagler Beach Pier Friday at 6 p.m.
On March 19, Frederick Martinez, a 51-year-old former Navy photographer, was killed as he rode his bike toward Flagler Beach, on State Road 100. His daughter Tiffany is hosting a memorial for him on the Flagler Beach Pier Friday, April 6, at 6 p.m.
Growls Again Over Palm Coast’s Dog Park As the City Pleads Money and Other Woes
For the third time in six years, Palm Coast users of the dog park at Holland Park are complaining to the city council of dusty, dirty, grass-less and unhealthy conditions at the park, only to hear that improvements may be on the way–but not just yet.
Experimental Plane Crashes Into Alligator-Infested Lake Disston, 2 Safely Swim to Shore
Allan Burrows, 59, and Kathrine Burrows, 51, both of Port Orange, survived after their A-22 LS fixed-wing sank into Lake Disston Tuesday evening.
U.S. Corps’ Cost to Rebuild 2.5 Miles of Beach: $39 Million and Up, Storms Not Included
The Corps of Engineers is favoring “renourishing” a 2.5-mile segment of beach from South 7th Street to South 28th Street in Flagler Beach five times through 2060 by rebuilding dunes and dumping 320,000 cubic yards of sand five times over, for $39 million. Adding another segment could add $30 million.
After a 2 1/2-Hour Hunt, Man Feared Armed Surrenders in Anxiety-Ridden F-Section
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office launched a significant and urgent manhunt at 6:30 p.m. in Palm Coast’s F Section, around Forest Grove Drive, after reports that an armed, mentally ill man began circulating. The man was found in the woods near Fitzgerald and Fieldstone at about 9 p.m., unarmed.
Flagler 911: Palm Coast Man Accused of Raping His Wife; 4 Teens Arrested for Burglary
Chhom Chann, a 40-year-old resident of 15 Prosperity Lane in Palm Coast, is at the Flagler County jail on $100,000 bond, facing three felony charges, including sexual battery–otherwise known as rape–false imprisonment and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after he allegedly forced his wife to have sex with him, tied her to a chair, struck her in the face and and cut off her hair against her will.
Details Emerge in Ex-Cop Juratovac’s Shooting Of Flagler Paramedic in 911 Calls and Report
Four 911 calls and a police report detail the confrontation that led to ex-Flagler Beach cop Nathaniel Juratovac shooting Flagler County firefighter-paramedic Jared Parkey Friday on U.S. 1 in St. Augustine.
Earth Day at Washington Oaks Gardens State Park April 20 and 21
The Friends of Washington Oaks Gardens State Park will welcome all visitors from 10 am until 4 pm. This two day event will include Live Entertainment, Living History re-enactors, Environmental Groups and Arts and Crafts.
For Florida’s Poorest 600,000, a Stingy Health Care Proposal that Cuts to the Bone
The latest proposal to provide health care to Florida’s poorest snubs federal money while creating limited health accounts the poor may tap, but for limited services, and with burdensome conditions of employment–and premiums that most may not be able to afford.
Don’t Cram Your Heterosexuality Down My Throat
Several years ago around Christmas I was standing at a Walmart checkout counter with my son when a stranger behind me felt compelled to make me his homophobia’s bosom buddy. “What’s wrong with that?” I told him. “My son is gay.” My son was 2 at the time.
College-Acceptance Reckoning: Costs, Debt and Deception
Student fees have been something of a known irritant for years, often criticized as a kind of stealth, second tuition imposed on unsuspecting families. But such fees are still on the rise on many campuses. There’s nothing funny about how they can add up.
Ex-Flagler Beach Cop Juratovac Jailed for Attempted Murder of Flagler County Firefighter
Nathaniel Juratovac, a 40-year-old former Flagler Beach police officer, is at the St. Johns County jail today following his arrest on an attempted murder charge after he allegedly shot Flagler County Fire Rescue firefighter Jared Parkey Friday night on U.S. 1.
From “Girls” to Steubenville, It’s Time To Ditch America’s “Rape Culture” for Good
If we’re going to stop having more Steubenvilles, people have to start responding to the current tragedies with more than just passivity, victim-blaming, and claims like, “I’m tired of hearing about rape,” argues Alana Baum.
Murders, Errant Planes, Firings, Crashing Deputies: Sheriff Eulogizes 78-Day Mark
Flagler County Sheriff Jim Manfre hasn’t closed out his first 100 days on the job. In appearances before local groups, he’s explained his department’s new direction, spoken of the murders on his watch, and taken a candid stance on gun control.
Registering Your Car Will Cost $12 Less as Lawmakers Plan End to Insurers’ Tax Credit
The Senate Appropriations Committee unanimously approved a bill Thursday lowering motor vehicle fees in exchange for repealing an insurance tax credit, turning aside protests from the insurance industry that the measure would hurt a thriving business.
Flagler’s 10.3% Unemployment Is Lowest Since August 2008, Florida’s Matches 7.7% U.S. Rate
Flagler County’s unemployment rate fell sharply in February, to 10.3 percent–from 11 percent the previous month–and matched its lowest level since August 2008. Florida’s unemployment rate also continued to fall, matching the national rate, at 7.7 percent, in February while adding 7,800 jobs. Flagler continues to rank among the counties with the highest unemployment rate, […]
Sex, Drugs, Tombs and Magical Thinking in 3 Dazzling Shows at City Repertory Theatre
Three weekends, three one-person shows, three experiences that will shock, touch and awe as John Sbordone directs “Sex Drugs, Rock & Roll,” “The Year of Magical Thinking” and “Spoon River” in a whirlwind of triple performances through March 31.
1.7 Million Floridians Could Get Lower Premiums Under Obamacare, But Don’t Know It
The premium assistance, which begins Jan. 1, will come in the form of tax credits for low- and middle-income workers and their families. The money will flow directly to the patients’ health plans, which simplifies matters and means patients don’t have to come up with cash and wait for reimbursement.
FAU Stomps on Academic Freedom Over Jesus Controversy as Scott Fans Fanaticism
Florida Atlantic University Professor Deandre Poole’s assignment involving the word “Jesus” on the floor drew in a politically motivated protest from Gov. Rick Scott while the university gave in to his demand that the lesson not be taught anymore.
Wildfires Damage 2 Beverly Beach Homes and Jump A1A Before They Are Fiercely Put Down
A fire broke out at 2:25 this afternoon in the 3800 block of North Ocean Shore Boulevard in Beverly Beach, consuming parts of a beach-front house.
Former State GOP Leader Jim Greer Is Sentenced to 18 Months in Prison for Theft
Former state Republican Party Chairman Jim Greer was sentenced Wednesday to 18 months in prison for essentially stealing from the party, far less than prosecutors wanted but more than Greer’s lawyer argued he really deserved.
Flagler Sheriff’s Corrections Deputy Deemed At Fault in T-Bone Crash on US1 and SR100
Sandy Gay, a corrections deputy with the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office, was on her way to work Thursday morning when, according to police and a witness at the scene, she blew a red light at the intersection of State Road 100 and U.S. 1 and slammed into a two-door Ford driven by Paul Salvador, a local wrecker company’s employee. Gay and Salvador were taken to Florida Hospital Flagler.
Friend of the Court: How Anthony Lewis Influenced the Justices He Covered
To a remarkable degree, Anthony Lewis, who covered the Supreme Court for the New York Times, set the agenda, and established the arguments for all that was to follow during the constitutional revolution of the Earl Warren court.
On Trial for Embezzling Celico Auto, Angela Wray’s Defense Tries Shifting Blame
Angela Wray, who is married to a Flagler County Sheriff’s deputy, is accused of embezzling almost $60,000 from 2007 to 2010 from Celico Auto in Bunnell, much the same way she did in New Jersey, where she was convicted of a felony.
P-Section Brushfire Near Homes on Pacific Drive a Reminder of Brittle Conditions
The fire in an empty lot at the corner of Parish Place and Pacific Drive in Palm Coast Wednesday afternoon had homes on either side, but they were never threatened as a Palm Coast Fire Department engine was at the scene within moments of a 911 call.
In a Decision With Local Sway, Federal Court Upholds Prayers Before Government Meetings
The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which has jurisdiction over all of Florida, ruled that the Lakeland City Commission’s custom of opening meetings with a prayer was constitutional, though the court sidestepped the city’s focus on Christian prayers, and its closed door to atheists, agnostics, humanists or other non-clergy representatives.
Flagler 911: Mystery Beating on Hickory Street, an Arrest for Highway Racing
Three teens are arrested for allegedly puncturing the tires on a car and pouring sugar in a gas tank; a motorcyclist is arrested for racing around Hargrove Grade. A man with a broken arm refuses to give details of a beating on Hickory Street.
In Florida Case, U.S. Supremes Strike Down Drug-Sniffing Cop Dogs Outside of Home
The U.S. Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling in Florida v. Jardines is the second out of the state dealing with how search and seizure limits under the U.S. Constitution affect the ability of police to use sniffer dogs to find drugs.
No Drones Over Flagler, Sheriff Pledges, as He Details 16 Arrests from Latest Drug Sweep
Sheriff Jim Manfre said he won’t seek to arm the Flagler Sheriff’s Office with surveillance drones, remarks he made in the context of a sweep of drug-dealing suspects arrested Tuesday following a two-month investigation based on surveillance and residents’ tips.
Between Flagler Beach and the County, a Clash of Visions Over Protecting an Eroding Shore
Flagler Beach and Flagler County may be heading toward a showdown over the fate of the eroding beach they have in common. Between now and then, the Flagler Beach City Commission itself may fracture on either side of an unresolved conflict between those opposed to protecting the beach by way of dredging up and dumping sand on it, and those willing to give that approach a shot despite its costs and uncertainties.
As Local Governments Tackle Candy-Flavored Tobacco, Teen Trends Contradict Alarm
Palm Coast, Bunnell and Flagler Beach have each passed a resolution asking merchants not to sell flavored tobacco products, which are especially appealing to youths, but teen use of tobacco products (including smokeless tobacco) has been on the decline since the mid-1990s.
Florida Speaker Weatherford’s Homeschool Blinders to the Poor and Uninsured
Rather than worship his homeschooling past, what Will Weatherford needs to be wondering is what Florida will be like if its 4 million uninsured citizens continue to go without health coverage, argues Rhonda Swan.
Tidelands Condo Community Settlement May Underscore Turnaround for Palm Coast
Two legal settlements at Tidelands on the Intracoastal and a turn-around in sales suggest that one of the hardest-hit condo and home communities in Palm Coast is experiencing renewed vigor, and may be emblematic of a larger real estate turnaround in Palm Coast and Flagler County.
Flagler 911: Trouble on Wood Arbor Lane; FPC Class Rings Targeted
Christopher Heath, 30, of Palm Coast, is arrested for the 10th time in five years after a violent disturbance on Wood Arbor Lane; thieves allegedly swipe two Flagler Palm Coast High School class rings and a promise ring, the lot valued at over $1,300, on Coconut Blvd. in Bunnell.
Bill To Close a Gap in Children’s Health Insurance Stalls as Tallahassee Dawdles
With a third of the annual regular legislative session already gone, a bill that would close gaps in access to health care coverage for Florida children has passed just one committee and appears in danger of not passing.
When Harm in the Hospital Follows You Home, and Changes Your Life
A conversation between some of the 1,550 members of a Patient Harm Facebook community and Dr. Gerald Monk, who specializes in the aftermath of patient harm for both patients and providers. What emerges is a portrait of the long journey that begins after the unthinkable happens.
Exonerated Death Row Inmates Tell Flagler Beach Group of an Enduring Florida Injustice
In turns moving, startling and informative, a day-long workshop on the death penalty in Flagler Beach, featuring two exonerated men, urged an assembly of 60 to more actively get involved in a movement to abolish capital punishment in Florida.
Florida House Votes to Boost Campaign Donation Ceiling in State and Local Elections
The proposal cleared the chamber on a 75-39 vote, as four Democrats broke with their party to support the GOP-backed measure. The bill would boost contribution limits, allowing each donor to give $5,000 per election to a statewide candidate and $3,000 per election to local and legislative candidates.
Murder Victim’s Family Denied Up to $150,000 Over Station Owner’s Workers’ Comp Lapse
Following Zuheily Roman Rosado’s murder at the Mobil station in Palm Coast on Feb. 21, the state Division of Insurance Fraud filed a third-degree felony charge against the station owner when an investigation revealed no workers’ compensation coverage, which would have provided Rosado’s family funeral and other death benefits.
“So Happy You Guys Have Come Along,” Plantation Bay Residents Tell County and Bunnell
If questions lingered over Flagler County’s and Bunnell’s expensive and controversial acquisition of the Plantation bay utility, Plantation Bay residents dispelled them Thursday by enthusiastically giving their endorsement to the deal, though county and city commissioners are still facing questions from constituents beyond the development.
In the Trenches: Anger and Questions From Doctors Who Treat Gunshot Victims
In Colorado, where more people die from gunshots than car crashes, the victims have a profound effect on the physicians who treat them. For some of the doctors on the front lines, the experiences lead to a strong opposition to guns, questions about gun laws and even activism.
One Nation, Without a Clue
If our generations had been around in the 1930s, we’d still be in the Great Depression with prominent lawmakers telling each other we need a smaller government, argues Donald Kaul.
Bunnell Manager Armando Martinez’s Bid for Satellite Beach Job Falls Short
Bunnell City Manager Armando Martinez was one of four finalists for the city manager’s job, but Satellite Beach hired Courtney Harris, a local resident, Thursday evening. Martinez said he was happy either way.
Veteran Flagler Fireman’s Home Burns in Rima Ridge, at County’s South End
Ron Walker spent his life fighting fires and protecting other people’s homes and properties. He retired from the Volusia County Fire Department, and has been a Flagler County volunteer fireman. On Thursday afternoon, the house he built burned for unknown reasons.
Parent Trigger Bill: A Trojan Horse of Corporate Charter Schools
The so-called parent-trigger bill does not empower parents. Rather, it empowers out-of-state corporate interests and their lobbyists to siphon Florida tax dollars away from our already underfunded public school system, argues Paula Dockery.
Second Poll in 2 Days Shows Crist Routing Scott as Governor’s Low Approval Drags Down GOP
The latest Quinnipiac University poll shows Crist beating Scott by 16 points and other Republicans losing as well as Scott’s unpopularity appears to be dragging down the GOP brand.
Parent Trigger Bill That Would Boost Conversions to Charter Schools Nearing Law
The measure would allow parents to petition their school board to adopt a specific turnaround option for any school that draws an “F” on state report cards for two straight years.
Mystery Man Flown to Halifax After Suicide Attempt Off Flagler Beach Bridge Fails
A man in his early 50s who would only say that his name is “Jim” jumped from the Flagler Beach bridge after 9 p.m. Tuesday evening, but was rescued by a fisherman who jumped after him. The man had been riding an unmarked motorcycle with a shaved off VIN number.
Flagler Beach Cyclist Frederick J. Martinez Is Killed in Collision With a Work Van on SR100
Frederick J. Martinez, a 51-year-old Flagler Beach resident, was violently struck and killed by a work van as he rode his bike east on State Road 100 Tuesday afternoon, a little less than a mile from Old Kings Road.