Jo Ann C. Nahirny, a teacher at Matanzas High School, describes the gulf between merit pay assumptions about teachers and everyday classroom realities that are beyond teachers’ control. Lawmakers appear clueless.
Guest Columns
Palm Coast Voter to City Council: “Reducing Voting Locations Is Insane”
In a letter to the Palm Coast City Council, Steven Jones, a Palm Coast resident and voter since 1984, opposes reducing polling locations from 21 to six, and offshoring early voting to Bunnell.
Sunshine Sunday: Beyond Transparency, Government Records Must Be Accessible
Government transparency and access to government records are not the same, says First Amendment Foundation President Barbara Peterson, though access to any record not exempt by law is every citizen’s right.
Un-American Activities: US Rep. Peter King’s Coming Demonization of American Muslims
Ina column, Michael Keegan warns against U.S. Rep. Peter King’s misusing congressional hearings on preventing domestic terrorism to stoke fears about the alleged radicalization of U.S. Muslims.
Meeker on Economic Development: Mountains Of Questions Before the Next Summit
Frank Meeker, the Palm Coast city councilman, frames the next countywide economic development summit in a set of questions–and a few answers of his own.
My Favorite Republican: A Look Back at Eisenhower’s Otherworldly Farewell Address
On the 50th anniversary of Eisenhower’s farewell address, what’s striking about the speech today, Donald Kaul argues, is its tone of balance and moderation. It sounds like a speech not merely from another era but from another planet.
A Nation of Bullies: Our Children Are Watching. And Waiting.
From Columbine to Tucson, Americans have been watching and waiting for the nation to take bullying seriously. Heather Beaven argues that as victims keep falling, the nation is still waiting.
Memories of River City: “The Music Man” Then and Now
Caren Umbarger, artistic director of the Flagler Youth Orchestra, grew up in Mason City, the real setting for “The Music Man”‘s River City, and both her grandfather knew Meredith Willson, the musical’s author, personally. She recalls her youth–and previews the show.
FPC’s Delegates Win 2nd Place and Score Hat Trick at Tallahassee Model UN
FPC’s Model United Nations team took on the world and brought home a batch of awards at a conference hosted at the State Capitol Feb. 11. Kyle Russell live-blogged the entire day.
Who’s Afraid of the Muslim Brotherhood?
The biggest bogeyman in Egypt is the Muslim Brotherhood, whose influence extends across the Arab and Islamic world, and whose name sheds fear and misconception in the United States. Analyst Mohammed Khan dispels myths.
My Journey Out Of Egypt: An FPC Graduate and Cairo Transplant Describes Her Exit
Catherine M., who asked that her last name not be used for security reasons, is the daughter of two prominent Flagler residents–a former sheriff and a commercial real estate broker. She wrote from Dubai.
Carla Traister: Myths and Realities of Bunnell’s Cold-Weather Shelter, and Flagler’s Homeless
Carla Traister, director of Flagler County’s cold-weather shelter in Bunnell, dispels misconceptions and stereotypes that have cropped up about the shelter, located in Bunnell behind the Bank of America.
Incentive This: Corporate Tax-Breaking Our Way to Job Creation
Barack Obama’s second State of the Union Address fell flat, argues St. Augustine novelist Jack Cowardin, who makes an original proposal for job creation and a break in the corporate tax rate.
A Night at the Homeless Shelter: From the Eyes of a Volunteer
Charlie Ericksen Jr., a volunteer at Flagler County’s homeless shelter–The Sheltering Tree–describes the refuge on a recent cold night.
Julian Assange’s Greatest Leak: Americans Prefer Their Government Mostly Masked
The case against Julian Assange and Wikileaks is nonexistent, Darrell Smith argues in a column. What case has been built against him unravels the false claim that Americans prefer their government to be transparent.
Why Fish & Wildlife Commission Is Keeping Strict Limits on Snook Fishing in Florida
Snook fishing was allowed this fall, Fish and Wildlife Chairman Rodney Barreto writes, but all harvesting of the fish in Florida waters will end from Dec. 15 until at least next September to better protect stock and spawning.
The Anti-Black Friday: In Flagler Beach, Small Business Saturday Rings Up Authenticity
Carol Fisher isn’t interested in the madness of Black Friday. In a column, she invites you to experience the more authentically American tradition of small, heartbeat businesses that are the life transfusions of local economies.
Why I Left The Flagler County Art League: It’s like IBM vs. Apple
“Staunch conservative Businessmen vs. Creative Young Men working out of their garage” is how Weldon Ryan, the art league’s ex-president, describes the tension that led to his resignation.
Delbrugge’s Letter to Flagler, Part II: How Egypt Compares And What Matters Most
The former school superintendent reflects on life in Egypt by deflating myths about the difference between private and public schools, comparing his in Egypt with Flagler’s school district, and speaking about what matters most in life.
Bill Delbrugge’s Letter to Flagler, Part I: America’s Place In the World–And Yours
In the first of two parts, Delbrugge recaps life in Egypt, America’s image abroad, and all the things Americans take for granted–but shouldn’t, including the importance of local government and civic engagement.
In Her Own Words, Please: A Friend of
Harper Lee’s Pleads the Case Against Censors
Jack Cowardin, the St. Augustine novelist, has been corresponding with Harper Lee for years. His take on the controversy over the staging of the play by FPC’s Drama Club: Let it go on unmolested by political correctness.
Shapiro: In the End, It’s the Profanity of Censorship Against the Sacredness of Learning
In a column on the Mockingbird controversy at FPC, Rabbi Merill Shapiro argues that whatever the merits of administrative issues, “the profanity of censorship,” in the end, “has no place in our community.”
Tommy Tant Legacies: 3 Decades of Surfing Flagler Beach’s Sands, Surf and Streets
Ben Lacy, who grew up surfing with Tommy Tant in Flagler Beach, recalls three decades of the town town’s surfing culture and how it has managed to maintain its charms through the changes, even on the waves.
From Fringe to Voting Booth, a Machinery of Information Churning Push-Button Citizens
Politicians know that the obsessed, the fearful, the paranoid and the insane are easier to manipulate and outnumber by far than the attentive, Darrell Smith argues in a column. They can push their buttons at will. Tuesday proved it.
Cultural Development Richer Than Economic: How to Grow Palm Coast Into a City With Soul
There’s more to a city than commerce, argues Hollingsworth Gallery’s JJ Graham in a column. Without cultural development and the youthful force that makes it possible, Palm Coast would be a city without soul.
FPC’s Top Student Makes the Case
For the .25-Mill School Tax Referendum
Kyle Russell, the top-ranked senior at Flagler Palm Coast High School, argues that students need every competitive advantage they can get if they’re to have a chance against others in the state and the nation.
Builders on Amendment 4: Bad for Jobs, Economic Growth and Democracy
Charles Rinek, president of the Flagler Home Builders Association, outlines the many reasons why Amendment 4 — the so-called “Hometown Democracy” amendment — will undermine the state’s economy and democratic process.
FPC’s Boys Raced, Pink-Socked, in Breast Cancer Solidarity at Manhattan Invitational
Inspired by their coach, an idea started by Brad Walbert, to honor his grandfather, developed into team-wide solidarity for breast cancer victims–with unexpected and moving results as the boys raced in in New York City.
Superintendent Janet Valentine: Why You Should Vote For the .25 Mill School Tax Levy
School Superintendent Janet Valentine makes the case for the 25-cent-per-$1,000 property tax levy on November’s ballot, the continuation of a tax homeowners have been paying all along.
County’s $3.5 Million Gamble on Pellicer Flats Raids Credibility of Land Program
Tobin, an expert on the Ginn Co.’s shredding history in the county, outlines three reasons why the county commission’s $3.5 million Pellicer Flats land buy was risky, reckless gamble.
Nashville Surrenders to Grab Your Crotch Country
T. Paige Dalporto, a West Virginia songwriter, pains his way through the Academy of Country Music Awards and mourns his old country gone pop.
Students Fail. Cut Teachers’ Pay. Seriously?
The thinking behind Senate Bill 6 is rooted in the idea that teachers cause students’ success or failure. That’s wrong, argues Dave Riegel, a high school principal.