Walton County flew started flying the Confederate flag at its courthouse in 1964 in direct opposition to the Civil Rights Act, which extended rights protections to blacks.
As South Carolina Folds the Confederate Flag, Florida County Votes to Raise It Back Up
The Marion County Commission voted unanimously to raise the Confederate flag again on government grounds after removing it last week, just as the South Carolina Legislature ended debate this morning ina vote to remove it from state grounds.
I Identify As American
Political independence is easy. The unalienable right to choose who and what we want to be down to our most basic identity, including one’s race, religion, sex and culture, has been harder to secure.
Palm Coast’s “D.J. Chris” and Owner of Kids’ Bounce House Co. Charged With Soliciting Minor for Sex
Christopher Pintek, known as “D.J. Chris,” a P-Section resident, was arrested on charges of luring a 14-year-old boy for sex through a phone app. He is the owner of Surround Sound DJ and Party Bounces.
Bad Judges: Florida Supreme Court Seeks to Rein in Rogues and Hotheads
The number of judges facing sanctions in Florida jumped last year, and the high court is more often seeking harsher penalties than those originally proposed by the state Judicial Qualifications Commission.
The Climate Pope’s Message: Reversing Global Warming is Humanity’s Responsibility
If we do not change our behavior quickly, we may well lose the environmental stability upon which our planet – and our lives – depends. This is the main message of the pope’s encyclical.
Quit Turning Your Backs on Desperate Migrants. Help Them Instead.
Like Americans’ ancestors, migrants are fleeing poverty, war, or oppression, or are searching for a better life in a new land. Blocking that flow, argues Kofi Anann, is bound to fail, with disastrous consequences for human lives.
Judge William Parsons Is Resigning to Join Cobb Cole Firm in Daytona
Circuit Judge William Parsons, twice the chief judge in the judicial district that includes Flagler, will end 17 years on the bench to return to private practice next January.
Opelka’s Fabulous Run in Paris Ends in Quarterfinal Defeat, But He’s Warming Up for Wimbledon
The 17-year-old Palm Coaster lost to fellow-American and friend Michael Mmoh, but he will be climbing the world’s junior rankings as he heads for two grass-court tournaments in England.
R.J. Larizza Says No Charges Against Sheriff’s Deputy in Second Fatal Shooting in 2 Years
State Attorney R.J. Larizza said today no charges will be filed against Volusia County Sheriff’s deputy Joel Hernandez, who shot and killed a man who was allegedly reaching for a gun while sitting in his car at a towing yard in Daytona Beach in September 2014.
Florida’s Smallest Police Department Gets a Mine-Resistant Armored Vehicle
The Pentagon put more than 12,000 MRAPs into service in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Now many of those MRAPs are being unloaded to 780 domestic civilian law enforcement agencies.
When Liberal Democracy Isn’t All It’s Cracked Up to Be
The puzzle is not why democracy so often turns out to be illiberal. It is that liberal democracy can ever emerge.
City of Palm Coast Employee Arrested on Charges of Impersonating Cop and Using Blue Light
Shaun Eric Fuller, a computer specialist with Palm Coast government, was arrested at city offices at City Marketplace in mid-afternoon Tuesday on charges of impersonating a police officer and using a blue light on his dashboard to pull over vehicles.
Don’t Tell Rick Scott: Pope Francis Wants Action on Global Warming, Steaming Conservatives
Pope Francis’s call for action against global warming has many conservatives in the US up in arms, but his message is a matter of morality, argues Jeffrey Sachs.
It’s the Living Standards, Stupid: Britain’s Silent Election and Its Lesson For Democracies
As in the US, too many voters do not feel better off despite high growth and lower unemployment because average incomes have barely begun to rise, following seven painful years.
How George W. Bush and Benjamin Netanyahu Helped Iran Win the Middle East
Bush’s wars in the Middle East left Iran as the most influential actor in Iraq, while Netanyahu’s vulgarity and stupidity have fundamentally misunderstood the Iran challenge of regional mastery.
Florida House Approves Some Fracking Regulations, But Critics Find Them Shallow
Merely asking oil and gas companies what chemicals they’re injecting during fracking creates the appearance of government scrutiny, critics say, at the expense of the state’s groundwater at a time when lawmakers are looking to implement new water policies.
Three Encounters with Hillary
In three encounters with Hillary Clinton between 2004 and 2012, Bernard-Henri Lévy sees emotion and composure, the reflexes of an impeccable stateswoman and someone, he predicts, he will be addressing as Madam President next time they meet.
At Palm Coast’s Heroes Park, a Unique Monument May Rise in Memory of Victims of PTSD
The “Healing of the wounded spirit” monument may be a first in the nation, honoring suicide and traumatic brain injury victims who served in the military but whose deaths are not included in the official tally of war casualties.
Obama Comes to Everglades to Talk Climate Change. Gov. Scott Snubs Visit’s Theme.
Obama is set to appear at Everglades National Park Wednesday to address the economic impact of climate change, a topic and phrase that was not mentioned in a release from the governor’s office Tuesday.
Enough Abuse: Close Seaworld
Nothing justifies Seaworld’s confinement of killer whales and Seaworld’s abusive treatment of the animals by way of exploitative shows and inhumane conditions. To treat orcas that way for human entertainment should elicit repugnance, not the buying of $75 tickets.
Obama Doctrines, Bland Rhetoric, and the Mealy-Mouthed West
From President Barack Obama’s oxymoronic first-term mantra “leading from behind” to the recent German variant “leading from the center,” empty phrases have become the currency of Western governments, writes Ana Palacio.
You May Soon Shoot Black Bears: FWC Will Set One Week in October For Hunting
Hunting up to 200 black bears in Flagler and other parts of Florida would be allowed as part of a management plan as the state’s bear population of 2,500 is in increasing contact with its human population of nearly 20 million.
Upon Further Review: Inside the Police Failure to Stop Darren Sharper’s Rape Spree
Nine women reported being raped or drugged by Sharper to four different agencies before NFL safety Darren Sharper’s capture. His Sharper’s rampage of druggings and rapes could have been prevented, according to a two-month investigation by ProPublica and The New Orleans Advocate.
Relearning to Love the Bomb
The shocking thing about nuclear weapons is that they seem to have lost their power to shock. While the nuclear deal just reached with Iran is very good news, that effort should not obscure the bad news elsewhere, writes Garth Evans.
Indiana and Arkansas Retreat From Hate Laws. Florida Plows Ahead.
Between Sen. Frank Artiles’ war on transgender people and a House bill protecting discrimination against gay parents, Florida verges on making bigotry state policy again, harkening back to Jim Crow days, but against the LGBT community.
Benghazi Revisited: Private Emails Reveal Ex-Clinton Aide’s Secret Spy Network
Emails disclosed by a hacker show a close family friend was funneling intelligence about the crisis in Libya directly to the Secretary of State’s private account starting before the Benghazi attack.
B-17 Flying Fortress, “Guts and Backbone” of Air War, Brings Out Veterans and Emotions
The EAAs B-17 landed at Flagler County Airport Thursday to be part of Wings Over Flagler Rockin the Runways, and immediately attracted a Palm Coast veteran airmen who’;d flown aboard a B-17 and been shot down.
Two Palm Coast Servicemen On ISIS Kill List, But Sheriff’s Office Notes “No Credible Threat”
Palm Coast, St. Augustine and “Saint John” are among the 55 cities in the United States where ISIS, or Islamic State, has placed named members of the U.S. military on an alleged “kill list” for their role in attacks on ISIS in Syria, Iraq and Yemen.
Pursuit of Vehicle Connected to Homicide Ends in Flagler As Car Plunges Into Wooded Ditch on I-95
The pursued vehicle had been stolen in connection with a homicide in West Columbia, South Carolina. One occupant was in critical condition, the other was in custody.
An Amazon Package Delivered To You in 30 Minutes Or Less: It’s Coming, On Drones
Amazon just got an FAA certificate to experiment with what will result in immediate deliveries by drone, or unmanned aircraft, as the drone industry’s potential continues to find new uses. UPS and others are also experimenting.
Reacting to Gov. Scott’s Alleged Climate Change Denial Directive, Group Demands Investigation
Members of Forecast the Facts dropped off about 43,000 electronically signed petitions at the governor’s office, asking for an investigation. Scott, when pressed last year on the issue of climate change, evaded the question by saying he is “not a scientist.”
Don’t Privatize The Postal Service.
Build On It.
Blaming deficits created by a bogus retirement-fund requirement, the USPS is closing distribution centers, cutting worker hours, eliminating delivery routes, and slashing jobs. It needn’t be that way, argues Katherine McFate.
13-Year-Old Girl Arrested For Threatening To “Kill Everyone” At Calvary Christian Academy
Calvary Christian Academy in Ormond Beach, with some 60 to 70 students from Flagler County, was disrupted Wednesday by the girl’s threats, made in Instagram.
Bill Forbidding Local Government Protection for Transgenders In Public Bathrooms Advances
A bill by Florida Rep. Frank Artiles that would overturn local government ordinances protecting transgender use of single-sex bathrooms passed 8-3 on a party-line vote Wednesday after an impassioned discussion in a House subcommittee.
Major Layoffs Hit News-Journal and Ex-Halifax Chain 3 Months After GateHouse Takes Over
Four newsroom employees lost their job and seven employees lost theirs in advertising. The Flagler Bureau, down to three reporters, is about to lose another as Natalie Kronicks leaves to join the Flagler County government’s communications office, coordinating marketing efforts.
Net Neutrality: If History Is Any Guide, The Battle Is Far From Over
The Federal Communications Commission voted 3-2 on Thursday to approve new rules that effectively barred Internet companies from prioritizing some Internet traffic over others.
Cyclist Susan Lantz, 62, of St. Augustine, Is Killed on A1A in Collision With a Car
Susan Lantz, a 62-year-old resident of St. Augustine, was killed Sunday morning (Feb. 22) as she rode her bicycle on State Road A1A just north of Crescent Beach, the Florida Highway Patrol reports.
Lily Sara, Humanitarian and Founder of
La Voix de La Femme Libanaise, 1929-2014
Lily Sara, one of Lebanon’s leading humanitarians and founder of La Voix de La Femme Libanaise–the Voice of the Lebanese Woman–died in Beirut on Dec. 10, 2014. Testimonies and eulogies were offered on Dec. 13.
Last Tango For Nuclear:
Atomic Power’s Environmental Ringers
The nuclear power industry’s attempted revival is relying on a corps of environmental converts to the cause, including Obama climate czar Carol Browner and ex-EPA chief Christine Todd Whitman.
In a First For Jacksonville Zoo, A Baby Gorilla Is Successfully Born
Almost a year after mourning the death of a newborn gorilla, the Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens this morning announced the first successful gorilla birth in its history. The newborn’s sex is currently unknown.
At Hemming Park, Jacksonville Evolves From Axe Handle Saturday To Civil Rights Saturday
Jacksonville filled Hemming Park with racial hatred and violence 55 years ago. But January 10, 2015 was a celebration of love as it became the location of a series of gay marriages, writes Julie Delegal.
Deputies Kill St. Augustine Man in “Suicide By Cop.” Man’s Wife Found Shot Dead.
Timothy West, 48, is believed to have shot his wife before a brief confrontation with deputies who urged him to drop his shotgun before opening fire Monday evening.
St. Augustine’s A1A Ale Works: Curb Your Enthusiasm
A1A Ale Works in St. Augustine, nearing its 20th anniversary, can learn a few things about customer service if it doesn’t want to make Larry Davids of its local clientele.
Ebony Wilkerson, Who Drove Her 3 Children Into the Sea, Is Committed to State Hospital
Ebony Wilkerson, who invoked God as she drove herself and three children into the surf off the sands in Daytona Beach in early March, was committed to a state psychiatric hospital for an indeterminate amount of time on Tuesday even as Circuit Judge Leah Case described the 33-year-old woman as “dangerous.”
Florida Republicans Go Cuba Libre On Obama’s Decision to End Hostilities With Havana
The future of America’s dealings with the island nation 90 miles away remains a sensitive issue in the state as even Democrats greeted Obama’s opening with caution.
4 Years In, Judge Dennis Craig Is Reassigned To Volusia and Replaced By Michael Orfinger
Craig has been reassigned to the civil division in Daytona Beach. He will be replaced in Flagler by Michael Orfinger, who was elected to the bench after running unopposed last summer.
1-Year-Old Child of Bankrupt Company Buys News-Journal and Halifax Media for $280 Million
New York-based New Media Investment Group bought the Daytona Beach News Journal and Halifax Media’s three dozen newspapers for $280 million in cash today. New Media is a publicly traded company that owns 402 small to mid-size community publications.
FSU Shooter Myron May, an Attorney, Said to Have Been in a “State of Crisis”
Myron May was an FSU student senator in 2002 and had been practicing law since 2009 before he shot and injured students at FSU’s Strozier Library.
Does Life Begin at Conception? Nation Eyes Referendum That May Set Precedent
The battle over North Dakota’s Measure 1 highlights the biggest trend in national abortion politics this November: wide-ranging pro-life ballot initiatives that would alter state constitutions in ways whose long-term repercussions are difficult to predict.