The Fifth District Court of Appeal today upheld the murder conviction of former Palm Coast resident Keith Johansen, who is serving a life sentence at a state prison in Lowell for the shooting death in 2018 of Brandi Ruth Celenza, who was 25.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, April 10, 2023
Pete Young, John Rogers and Tonya Gordon are sworn-in at the Bunnell City Commission, trial week in felony court, the giant sucking sound of brains escaping Florida.
Global Warming Is Powering More Home Runs
More home runs might sound exciting, but that boost in homers is also a visible sign of the much larger problems facing sports and people worldwide as the planet warms.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday, April 9, 2023
Palm Coast Farmers’ Market at European Village has an Easter Egg Hunt, a complete performance of Hendel’s messiah (on video), how Ramadan and Passover are clashing in Jerusalem.
Millions At Risk of Losing Free Preventive Care After Court Ruling on Obamacare
A federal judge in Texas’s ruling would eliminate free coverage for many basic preventive care services and medications. The federal government appealed the ruling to the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
Strong Nor’easter Conditions and Erosion Expected on Easter Sunday and Monday
The National Weather Service in Jacksonville is cautioning that strong north-northeasterly winds will develop in the wake of a cold front tonight and Sunday at coastal locations including all of Flagler County’s, with strong winds continuing through Monday.
The Closing of the Floridian Mind
Ron DeSantis’ crackdown on thinking has got teachers so spooked, and so emboldened censorious Christian nationalists, that knowledge is being ripped out of public education in this state, even before his ridiculous laws are officially in place.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Saturday, April 8, 2023
An anti-LGBTQ church in Palm Coast organizes a candy drop, the Saturday Flagler Beach Farmers Market, Gamble Jam at Gamble Rogers Recreation Area.
Massive Bloom of Brown Seaweed Heading for Florida, Threatening Sea Life
Scientists who monitor the formation of sargassum in the Atlantic Ocean say that 2023 could produce the largest bloom ever recorded. That’s bad news for destinations like Miami and Fort Lauderdale that will struggle to clean their shorelines.
Anti-Trans ‘Bathroom Ban’ Is Quickly Moving Through Florida Legislature
Florida could be next in line to criminalize transgender adults who intentionally enter a restroom or changing facility opposite their sex at birth, according to two bills hastily moving through the Legislature. Similar bathroom bans are advancing through legislatures around the country.
Volusia-Flagler YMCA and Mayor Alfin in Big Push to Open Y in Palm Coast in About 2 Years
The Volusia Flagler Family YMCA is working with Palm Coast Mayor David Alfin and a corps of local community members to bring a YMCA to Palm Coast, with a rough goal of having a local facility under construction or near completion in about two years.
Crumbl Cookies Opening Soon at Palm Coast’s Island Walk
Crumbl Cookies, the barely six-year-old company that started with one store in Utah and has since grown to over 600 bakeries in 49 states, is preparing to open its first store in Palm Coast, in the Island Walk shopping center.
First Book Bans. Now School Libraries: Sally Hunt Thinks Media Centers Could Be Shrunk.
Flagler County School Board member Sally Hunt thinks some school libraries may be too large and under-used. She wants to rethink library spaces and media specialists’ roles, and thinks the public library could be the repository of books unwanted on school campuses.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Friday, April 7, 2023
First Friday in Flagler Beach, Daytona State College Theatre’s ‘The Prom,’ J.S. Bach’s complete St. Matthew Passion, The sheer majesty of a five-megawatt wind turbine.
Palm Coast Chamber’s Disinformation on Student Performance and Superintendent Draws Sharp Rebukes
Superintendent Cathy Mittelstadt and School Board Vice Chair Colleen Conklin both issued sharply worded rebukes to rankly misinforming statements by the Flagler Palm Coast Chamber of Commerce regarding Mittelstadt’s performance in the last three years. A 3-2 majority of the school board fired Mittelstadt Tuesday, as of June 30.
Trump’s Charges and the Obstacles Ahead for the Prosecution
A former prosecutor and law professor who studies the American criminal justice system provides three key points to understand in the Trump indictment and the challenges that lie ahead for the prosecution of the former president.
Man Shoplifts Scooter from Target, Then Assembles It Outside the Store. He’s Arrested.
A 28-year-old homeless man shoplifted an electric scooter from Target and began assembling it right outside the store on State Road 100 in Palm Coast, and ended up at the Flagler County jail on two misdemeanor counts.
For Over 2 Decades, Clarence Thomas Accepted Lavish Gifts from Billionaire Without Disclosing Them
For more than two decades, Thomas has accepted luxury trips virtually every year from real estate magnate and Republican megadonor Harlan Crow. The extent and frequency of Crow’s apparent gifts to Thomas have no known precedent in the modern history of the U.S. Supreme Court. His failure to report the flights appears to violate law.
2 Tree Service Workers Survive Electrocution on Palm Coast’s Commander Court
Two brothers who work for the Palm Coast-based Kamil All In One company survived electrocution as they worked in a tree at 13 Commander Court in Palm Coast around noon. The circumstances of the incident are under investigation.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Thursday, April 6, 2023
Sheriff’s Presentation: Addressing Crime Together, an Educational Program by the Alzheimer’s Association, the Palmer Raids and real Americans.
Jacinda Ardern’s Goodbye: Her Politics of Kindness Fell on Unkind Times
Jacinda Ardern’s resignation as prime minister in January was a courageous and pragmatic decision for herself, her family and her party. Although many said she’d done a great job as leader, she rightly reminded us that a great leader is “one who knows when it’s time to go”.
Dune Hold-Out Signed Documents Today After 3 Years, Clearing Beach Reconstruction
Less than two weeks from a scheduled trial date, Flagler Beach resident Cynthia d’Angiolini this afternoon signed the two easements the county has been seeking for three years and that will allow the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to rebuild and maintain 2.6 miles of dunes south of the pier, unimpeded, for the next half century.
Court Roundup: Plea Possible in Ex-Matanzas Student Case; Murder Trials Pushed Back
17-year-old Brendan Depa’s case is still awaiting a competency evaluation but the attorney of the former Matanzas High School student said a plea may be in the works. A plea may also be negotiated for Damari Barnes, 16, who faces a manslaughter charge in the death of Jamey “Juju” Bennett. Other murder cases, including those of Kwentel Moultrie and Taylor Manjarres, are pushed to late summer.
AdventHealth Palm Coast COO Wally De Aquino Named President and CEO of New Hospital on Parkway
AdventHealth today named Wally De Aquino president and CEO for AdventHealth Palm Coast Parkway. The 100-bed, four-story hospital on Palm Coast Parkway set to open in August, alongside a new medical office building. It will be a 158,000-square foot, $167 million facility.
No Overt Prayers: Palm Coast Council Will Stick With Moment of Silence at Meetings to Avoid Theatrics
Rejecting exhortations from nearly two dozen people, there will be no overt, vocal prayer at Palm Coast City Council meetings, though room for prayer in all forms and for all creeds will continue, as it always has, for individuals who choose to pray, whether overtly before meetings or quietly during meetings or during the moment of silence.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Wednesday, April 5, 2023
Pre-trial day in court with numerous high-profile cases on the docket, Separation Chat at Pine Lakes Golf Club, Weekly Chess Club for Teens, the Trump arraignment and the Plot Against America.
Chong, Furry and Hunt in 3-2 Majority Not to Renew Superintendent Mittelstadt’s Contract
Rebuffing an outpouring of public support for Superintendent Cathy Mittelstadt at this evening’s special meeting, the Flagler County School Board voted 3-2 not to renew her contract when it expires in June.
Drivers Who Refuse Breathalizer Test Could Be Required to Have Interlock Device for a Year
Under a new proposal, a driver who refuses such a test would be required to install an ignition interlock device at his or her expense on all vehicles they own and operate for one full year – therefore removing the ability to drive with that suspended license.
Trump’s Arrest May Energize, Not Humiliate Him
Trump got what he wanted, as he, according to recent media reports, wanted to be the center of attention and create a spectacle. His detractors also got what they wanted, which was a visual record of Trump officially submitting to authorities, five days after he was indicted for 34 alleged felonies related to business fraud and a hush money payment to a porn star.
Hammock Dunes Club Donates $100,000 to Sheriff’s Police Athletic League
The Hammock Dunes Club has donated $100,000 to the Flagler Sheriff’s Police Athletic League (FSPAL) following their signature fundraising event, The RALLY. The money will be used toward a new FSPAL facility.
Focusing on Student Use, Flagler School Board Nears Closer to Ending Belle Terre Swim Club’s Memberships
After a decade of hesitancy and inaction, the Flagler County School Board is wading closer to turning the Belle Terre Swim and Racquet Club into a student-focused facility, removing its use as a membership driven club, while still leaving the door open to public use on a leasing basis.
Ex-Condo Association President Sentenced to 2 Years in Prison for Secretly Filming Women
Robert William Orr, the former president of the Las Brisas Condo Association arrested on numerous charges of secretly capturing video of residents and guests, was sentenced on Monday to two years in prison followed by three years on sex-offender probation.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Tuesday, April 4, 2023
The Flagler school board decides superintendent Cathy Mittelstadt’s fate, the Palm Coast City Council decides whether to pray or not to pray (publicly), Maya Angelou on the flag and on Charlie Rose, on her birthday.
Regulating AI
Deceptive image and text generators are now available to millions of people and don’t require technical knowledge to use. Given the potential for widespread harm as technology companies roll out these AI systems and test them on the public, policymakers are faced with the task of determining whether and how to regulate the emerging technology.
The Cabal Against Superintendent Cathy Mittelstadt
Flagler County Superintendent Cathy Mittelstadt is the target of a cabal made up of a clique who claim to speak for a broader mass than they do, and who do so on the flimsiest pretexts and, whispering campaign aside, nonexistent evidence. Yet Tuesday evening, Mittelstadt may well be fired, with no justification.
After Clearing Gallery of Public, Florida Senate Passes 6-Week Abortion Limit
The bill touched off heavy debate Monday that was interrupted by Senate President Kathleen Passidomo, R-Naples, ordering the clearing of the Senate seating gallery because of repeated outbursts from audience members opposed to the bill.
Housing Fair and Financial Wellness Clinic on April 22
The public is invited to attend a housing fair and financial wellness clinic to learn about various programs available for down payment assistance, owner-occupied rehabilitation, mortgage products, strategies to avoid foreclosure, and to learn about the Fair Housing Act and individual rights and responsibilities.
On Eve of Decision, School Board Evaluations Rate Superintendent On Higher End of ‘Satisfactory’
The five Flagler County School Board members’ combined evaluation scores for Superintendent Cathy Mittelstadt average 3.69 points out of a possible 5, rating her “Acceptable/Satisfactory” as the board heads into Tuesday’s special meeting to decide whether to renew her contract, and if so, how.
‘Promises Made and Kept’: ESE Parent Advisory Council Voices Unanimous Support for Superintendent
The parent-members of Flagler Schools’ ESE Parent Advisory Council (or EPAC) voted unanimously in support of the renewal or extension of Superintendent Cathy Mittelstadt’s contract, issuing a letter outlining the superintendent’s achievements and cautioning against yet more instability.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, April 3, 2023
The voyeurist Robert Orr is sentenced, the Flagler County Commission meets, as does the Beverly Beach Town Commission, MLK on the mountaintop, creation’s lack of tricksterism, according to Edward O. Wilson.
Why Tornadoes Are Still Hard to Forecast
Meteorologists have gotten a lot better at forecasting the conditions that make tornadoes more likely. But predicting exactly which thunderstorms will produce a tornado and when is harder, and that’s where a lot of severe weather research is focused today.
I Served on Flagler’s School District Book Review Committee, Only to Be Silenced
One of 14 members appointed by the Flagler school administration to a district-level committee to review the challenge to Amy Reed’s “The Nowhere Girls” describes the experience of being part of a 14-0 decision to retain the book, only to be overruled by the superintendent, who banned the book.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday, April 2, 2023
The NAACP cautions Blacks against visiting Florida, Palm Coast Farmers’ Market at European Village, Ellen Hopkins and “Crank.”
I’m a Librarian Who Banned a Book. Here’s Why.
While this may anger some people and some groups, a balance in points of view is what any good library finds essential. Occasionally, some offended person asks to have a title withdrawn from being used, which is called a “challenge”; occasionally, these challenges are successful.
Head-On Crash at Flagler Beach Pier Narrowly Misses Mayor, Her Child, Former Mayor and Commissioner
A speeding car was in a head-on crash in front of the Flagler Beach pier this morning, just as a beach clean-up involving children and other volunteers was starting. The collision took place within a few feet of the city’s mayor, her child, a former mayor, a city commissioner and the city’s parks and recreation director.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Saturday, April 1, 2023
The North East Florida Jazz Association’s Longineu Parsons Quintet concert, Family Farm Festival at Florida Agricultural Museum, Michael Butler at AAUW: What is Academic Freedom and Why Does It Matter?
Prosecuting a President Is Divisive. Here’s Why Many Countries Do It Anyway.
Presidents and prime ministers aren’t just anyone. They are chosen by a nation’s citizens or their parties to lead. They are often popular, sometimes revered. So judicial proceedings against them are inevitably perceived as political and become divisive.
Peacock Sent Sally Hunt Script on Firing Superintendent Even as She Claimed ‘Due Diligence’
Flagler County School Board member Sally Hunt and Wadsworth Elementary Principal Paul Peacock were orchestrating the firing of Superintendent Cathy Mittelstadt as far back as February 22, a text Peacock sent Hunt two hours before a school board meeting shows. All along, Hunt claimed she was doing her “due diligence,” and that she had not made up her mind.
In a First at Flagler School Board, a Parent Pushing Book Bans Justifies Hitler’s Book-Burning
A parent falsely claimed Hitler’s book burnings only targeted sexually deviant books, as if to suggest the same should be done in Flagler. She was not corrected, though school board members on occasion have devoted parts of their comments to correct the record, especially when the board’s chamber is abused to peddle egregious, insulting or outright false statements.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Friday, March 31, 2023
The Blue 22 Forum meets at the Palm Coast Community Center, a cat has its own ideas during a live feed, and what happens to be the only thing new in this town.