Snook fishing was allowed this fall, Fish and Wildlife Chairman Rodney Barreto writes, but all harvesting of the fish in Florida waters will end from Dec. 15 until at least next September to better protect stock and spawning.
Five Adults Are Killed As a Ford Expedition Carrying 9 Flips on I-95 North of Palm Coast
Most of the nine people in the SUV were from Eustis. They were traveling south after 11 p.m Sunday. The rear driver’s side tire apparently shredded, sending the Ford Expedition veering uncontrollably into the treeline.
How Rick Scott Bought the Election
Rick Scott spent more than $60 million of his own money, and drew on a slew of health care industries through a front called the “Let’s Get to Work” committee.
In a Victory for Palm Coast Firefighters’ Union, City’s Attempt to Split Bargaining Units Fails
The Palm Coast city administration objected to lieutenants’ inclusion with rank-and-file firefighters in the collective bargaining unit. The state dismissed that objection, clearing the way for the unit’s formation.
It’s On: FPC Will Stage To Kill a Mockingbird At the Flagler Auditorium Feb. 24-26
FPC Principal Jacob Oliva and Drama Director Ed Koczergo finalized plans for staging Mockingbird over four performances as part of Black History Month, with many innovative stage elements to be incorporated into the production.
Flagler’s School Employee Unions Declare Impasse After 7 Months of Salary Negotiations
Teacher and support employee unions were looking for a restoration of the annual salary increases they were due since 2008. The district was ready to offer a $600 bonus and return to the table in January or February.
Music, Dance, Art: Auditorium’s 5-Day Holiday Extravaganza Will Boost Art in Education
With arts funding in free fall in Florida, the Flagler Auditorium’s series of concerts, performances, art showings and auctions Dec. 8-12, half of them free, will raise money to help art programs in Flagler schools.
Former School Board Candidate Raven Sword Joins Livingston & Wolverton Law Firm
In her first political campaign, Sword lost to John Fischer. By joining Jay Livingston and Jim Wolverton, the trio is now one of the larger law firms on Flagler County.
Your Papers Please: Arizona-Style Immigrant-Profiling Law Introduced in Florida
It’s already routine in Flagler: cops ask passengers in a car for their papers even if the vehicle isn’t involved in a crime. A proposed law would formalize the process and slap $100 fines on immigrants without papers.
Fake Robberies, Fake Guns, Fake Threats Over Real Pizza, Gas and Cigarette Money
Palm Coast’s James Linskey may not have much of a career as a pizza delivery man after the bogus crime stories he concocted to Flagler deputies. He’s not likely to have a better career as a fiction writer.
Deceptive Calm: Flagler and Florida Spared 3rd-Busiest Hurricane Season on Record
The calm is deceptive: Florida has done nothing to reduce its colossal property-insurance exposure. To the contrary. Builders are increasingly encouraged to build anywhere to reverse the effects of the real estate crash.
Flagler’s Poverty Gap: Boosting Food Stamps Enrollment–and More Accurate Numbers
While the Mobile Benefits Program is well-meaning and necessary–a few million dollars in food assistance are going unclaimed in Flagler–the inaccurate numbers backing up the initiative undermine the program’s credibility.
Dismantled or Reorganized, It May Be the End of the Department of Health As We Know It
The state Department of Health is facing a reorganization–and possibly a dismantling–that may affect the way local departments of health are run, and the diseases they keep track of.
Palm Coast’s Secret Deal With Solar Company: Long Tax Holiday and Other Perks for 180 Jobs
Dubbed “Project Iceman,” the deal calls for at least a $49 million investment and average wages of $34,500, though the fine print reveals exclusive perks and secrecy provisions that prevent public scrutiny of the deal’s implementation.
Bucking Long-Range Goals, Palm Coast Again Scales Back Cultural Arts Grants Funding
Palm Coast is planning to award just $20,000 in cultural grants to 11 organizations this year, half the budget of three years ago, though the city is increasing the dollars and city resources it’s spending on its own special events.
Josh D. Crews, 1976-2010
First Baptist Church on Saturday (Nov. 27) overflowed with emotions, remembrances and people at a service for Joshua Crews, the Flagler County native, one-time owner and long-time bartender at Woody’s BBQ who died when his car rolled on U.S. 1 on Nov. 21. He was 34.
In Praise of Wikileaks: Undressing The Scams and Shams of Government Secrecy
With rare exceptions, it’s never been true that secrecy protects national security or interests. Rather, secrecy damages both, often with costly, lethal consequences. That’s why Wikileaks is an indispensable service to democracy.
Cadillac and Kia in Morning Smash-Up on Northbound I-95 Back Up Traffic for 2 Miles
The 8:10 wreck at mile marker 295 on I-95 northbound shut down two of the three lanes and backed up traffic past the Matanzas Parkway overpass. There were injuries, but no fatality. The two vehicles were removed 90 minutes later.
Wrongful Foreclosure: What You Need To Know
Banks and foreclosure defense attorneys disagree on whether errors in the process have caused wrongful foreclosures — but their definitions of what constitutes a “wrongful foreclosure” differ.
Eleanor Roosevelt: If I Were a Republican Today
In a 1950 piece for Cosmopolitan that could have been written today, Eleanor Roosevelt sees through the vacuous sloganeering of the Republican opposition, though she’s not much kinder to Democrats.
3,338 Days: U.S. Occupation of Afghanistan Is Now Longer Than Soviet Union’s
A photo gallery of the human and inhuman side of a conflict that’s worse than Vietnam in many ways, and is damaging American strategic and financial interests–with no end in sight. The only clear winner: al-Qaeda.
The Anti-Black Friday: In Flagler Beach, Small Business Saturday Rings Up Authenticity
Carol Fisher isn’t interested in the madness of Black Friday. In a column, she invites you to experience the more authentically American tradition of small, heartbeat businesses that are the life transfusions of local economies.
Terry Kilcoyne, 71-Year-Old Salvage Owner, Killed When His Truck Overturns on I-95
Kilcoyne was traveling with a passenger on I-95 just north of the Flagler-St.Johns county line. She suffered minor injuries. None of the four people in the Durango that Kilcoyne’s truck hit when his tire shredded was injured.
Story of a Rescue: How 12-Year-Old Barak Ordonez Made It Out of the Bulow Marshes
Looking for a shortcut to outrace his brothers during a hike deep in Bulow Plantation, 12-year-old Barak ended up lost 15 miles inside the marshy, park until a helicopter airlifted him out.
2,000 Meals and More: Feed Flagler Feasts As County Breaks Thanksgiving Bread As One
Feed Flagler exceeded its goal of serving some 2,000 Thanksgiving meals as 10 locations around the county turned into community feasts Wednesday, hundreds of families went home with a week’s supply of food, and food pantries stocked up.
Purple Heart Monument at Palm Coast’s Heroes Park Is Slammed Over in an Act of Vandalism
The Purple Heart monument–a heavy, granite stone weighing a few tons–was dedicated less than two months ago at the city park along Palm Coast Parkway. A sheriff’s investigation is ongoing, with few clues.
Why I Left The Flagler County Art League: It’s like IBM vs. Apple
“Staunch conservative Businessmen vs. Creative Young Men working out of their garage” is how Weldon Ryan, the art league’s ex-president, describes the tension that led to his resignation.
Flagler Fireflight Recovers 12 Year Old
Lost for 3 Hours in Bulow Plantation Ruins
The 12-year-old Palm Coast boy was lost for less than three hours in the state park, between 4:50 and 7:50 p.m., when he was picked up unharmed by the Fireflight and flown back to his parents.
Feed Flagler Ingredients: 100 Turkeys, 450 lb. of Ham, 170 Pies, and 2,000 Guests Wednesday
The kitchen at Buddy Taylor Middle School was a feast’s brew as Hammock Dunes Club’s chef and other volunteers were wrist-deep in preparation for Wednesday’s feasts for 2,000 in 10 locations around Flagler County.
Ending 8 Years of Extortion, Bunnell Quietly Invites Drivers to Get Their Money Back
From 2002 to May 2008, Bunnell charged owners a $350 “administrative fee” for impounding their vehicles, even when there were no legal grounds to impound the cars. The burden is now on vehicle owners to get their money back.
Don’t Call Them Pill Mills: Palm Coast’s Pain Management Practices Recoil at Bad Rap
When Flagler Sheriff Don Fleming described three local pain management practices as “pill mills,” their doctors and practitioners were stunned and explained: Pill mills are a problem. Pain management clinics are not.
Former School Board Member and Realtor Eddie Herrera Jailed On a Battery Charge
Eddie Herrera served eight years on the school board, two as chairman. The Realtor’s fight with acupuncturist Scott Beat, with Herrera’s daughter in the car nearby, was over an accusation of infidelity.
Josh Crews, Long-Time Woody’s Bartender and Manager, Killed in Sunday Morning Wreck
Josh Crews was 34 and had been a fixture behind Woody’s bar in Palm Coast and St. Augustine since 2005, and had once owned the restaurant with his brother Matt when it first opened in 1998.
Why Flagler Beach Blocked Disabled Veterans’ Request For a Penny-Ante Gambling Hall
Unless they were willing to risk changing the character of the town, city commissioners had little choice but to block an attempt to open what would have been a penny-ante gambling hall at the DAV property.
Is Anybody Normal?
Sanity is not the natural condition of the human mind, Bertrand Russell argued in this 1934 column, but a product of social life. It is a form of politeness, generated by the pressure of other personalities, which makes us know that we are not omnipotent.
Feed Flagler Raises $13,000 and Tons of Food Ahead of Wednesday’s 2,000 Free Dinners
Ahead of next Wednesday’s community-wide celebration, featuring 2000 free Thanksgiving dinners at 10 sites, Team Feed Flagler’s success is the talk of the county–and a blueprint for Flagler’s grass-roots battle against hunger.
Flagler Unemployment Falls to 15.5%, But County Labor Force Shrinks By 1.5%
Flagler County’s unemployment fell only because the labor force is shrinking faster than jobs. But the county still lost jobs in September, and Palm Coast still tops the state’s metropolitan unemployment rates.
On a Mission From God: Blues Brothers Tribute Friday at the Flagler Auditorium
It’s Jake and Elwood all over again Friday evening as Bluzmen recreate the great Blues Brothers band that featured Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi in a romp through blues, R&B, jazz and those dance moves with no likeness.
Graduation Rates: FPC Falls to 83.5%, Matanzas Soars to 90.4%, Both Beat State’s 79%
It’s Matanzas High School’s best graduation rate to date, helping the district increase its overall graduation rate by either state or federal standards.
44 Florida Doctors With Troubled Past On Big Pharma Payroll To Promote Drugs
Pharmaceutical companies are not only buying off doctors’ loyalties and PR. They’re doing so without paying attention to morally and medically questionable doctors, including 44 in Florida.
20 Years On, With $1.17 Million Pay-off, County Approves Hunter’s Ridge Megadevelopment
The 3-2 vote clears the way for yet another development, this one for 2,302 houses and 600,000 square feet of commercial and industrial space, in a county facing a potential for 40,000 new homes despite a depressed real estate industry.
Delbrugge’s Letter to Flagler, Part II: How Egypt Compares And What Matters Most
The former school superintendent reflects on life in Egypt by deflating myths about the difference between private and public schools, comparing his in Egypt with Flagler’s school district, and speaking about what matters most in life.
Flagler Health Department Downplays Worries As First Cholera Case Is Confirmed in Florida
The disease, carried from travelers from Haiti, is dangerous and can be deadly, but its chances of spreading in the United States are next to nil, treatment is simple, and recovery swift–when it’s caught in time.
Bill Delbrugge’s Letter to Flagler, Part I: America’s Place In the World–And Yours
In the first of two parts, Delbrugge recaps life in Egypt, America’s image abroad, and all the things Americans take for granted–but shouldn’t, including the importance of local government and civic engagement.
As Superintendent and School Board Now Urge Play’s Revival, Focus Shifts to Drama Teacher
Scripts of the Mockingbird controversy are being furiously re-written as the school district shifts to backing the play, but vague accusations and ugly slanders are now being directed at the Ed Koczergo, the drama teacher.
Dogged Duo: Nate McLaughlin and Milissa Holland Take Their County Commission Oath
Put on your helmets: A county commission already stocked with personalities that wear their convictions on their sleeves welcomed Nate McLaughlin Monday. He fills a seat that had been a virtual non-entity for the past four years.
All 400 Sanctuary Pigs To Be Gassed in a Truck and Delivered to Starke for Cremation
The pigs are corralled into a truck, and gassed while the truck is on its way to Starke, where they’re off-loaded into a crematorium. Lory Yazurlo tried but failed to get a stay of execution for the pigs she’s cared for since 1995.
Tale of Two Recommendations: Valentine “Completely” Supports Staging of Mockingbird
The appeals committee’s original recommendation was re-written to more clearly reflect Mockingbird as an “appropriate” play to be staged by Flagler County school students.
Mockingbird‘s Fate Still Hanging as Appeals Panel, Endorsing the Work, Punts on the Play
A majority of the committee clearly wanted the play staged. But it’s recommendation goes no further than declaring Mockingbird “appropriate” for instruction–a matter never in doubt.
Live Recap: Mockingbird Appeals Committee’s Minute-By-Minute Deliberations
The nine-member appeals committee, meeting this morning at Matanzas High School, will recommend a fate for “To Kill a Mockingbird”–whether FPC’s students will stage it or not, and how. It’s up to Superintedent Valentine to make the final decision.