The $4.75 million acquisition of 980 acres around Pellicer Creek is almost 10 times the land’s appraised value. Part of the buy rests on a creative but risky, long-term scheme.
Two Cop Copters Search for 2 Armed Burglars Around Pine Grove; Only One Is Caught
An 18-year-old Daytona Beach man was arrested following a burglary and an air chase in Palm Coast’s Pine Grove section. The second suspect is still at large.
Weekly Crime Reports: August 23-29, 2010
A robbery at the Palm Harbor Parkway Kangaroo, a driver passed out drunk at the wheel of his car on Old Kings Road, a mess of electronics robbed from a Shady Oaks Drive home, and more.
Neo-Supremacy Chic: Glenn Beck
And Sarah Palin’s Tea-Scalding of MLK
Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin’s biggest “tea party” rally on the anniversary of Martin Luther King’s most famous speech signals the arrival of a neo-supremacist political movement in god’s clothing.
Back to School Jam: The Video
Watch the six-minute video of the Aug. 7 Back to School Jam, where some 2,600 backpacks and school supplies were given away.
Pregnant Mothers, Start Your Readers: Dolly’s Imagination Library Crosses Flagler Threshold
Dolly’s Imagination Library will ensure that every child born after Aug. 31 and living in Flagler will get a free book every month until kindergarten. The kick-off event is Sept. 1 at the Flagler County Library.
Rymfire Elem. on Brief Lock-Down As Cops Chase Burglary Suspect Near Ralph Carter Park
Jeremiah Harris, a 20-year-old resident of Bunnell, led deputies on a chase Friday morning following a suspected burglary in the R section.
Tanking GDP: When No One Wants to
Admit to Double-Dipping
The latest figures darken a picture already gloomy with collapsing home sales and persistently high unemployment. Deflation may be next.
Supreme Court Still Silent on Proposal to Exclude Floridians From Federal Health Reform
Amendment 9, bumped off the November ballot by a lower court for being misleading, would ban laws that would make health insurance a requirement from taking effect in Floria.
Sneak Preview of Enterprise Flagler’s Economic Tax “Game Plan”: More Details, More Questions
Enterprise Flagler’s “new game plan” seeks to win over voters for a new property tax in exchange for the promise of new industry and more jobs. The plan is more projections than details.
Work Crews–and Businesses–Idle Around Flagler Beach Farmers’ Market Land Dispute
Flagler Beach’s reconstruction of streets and sidewalks may have encroached on segments of the property belonging to the owners of the city’s weekly farmer’s market.
Elections Supervisor Kimberle Weeks Wrecks County-Owned Car Just Before Polls Close
The wreck took place just after 5 p.m.–less than two hours from polls’ closing time–on Whiteview Parkway, near U.S. 1. The car was towed. There were no injuries.
County Caves to Court Clerk Gail Wadsworth’s Demand for Bigger Staff and Budget
The $120,000 increase, which the county will have to draw from reserves or from budget cuts, is identical to the amount it would take to keep Carver Gym funded at the current level.
Primary Turnout Is Worst in at Least 16 Years; Black Voters Shrug Off 3 Black Candidates
Three black candidates running in local elections didn’t get a higher turn-out from heavily black precincts. Whiter, richer precincts turned out at double those rates.
Man Held on $100,500 Bond in Suspicious Death at Integra Woods Apartments in South Palm Coast
Deputies found a 46-year-old Palm Coast woman dead in her boyfriend’s apartment after he told deputies she was sleeping.
Tucker Wins, Fischer and Sword in Runoff; McLaughlin Beats Abbott; Dwyer and Nowell Out
FlaglerLive will provide updated election results in the 2010 primary in all races relevant to Flagler County voters, including olegislative and statewide races.
Mosquito-Borne Encephalitis May Be On the Rise in Flagler, Health Department Cautions
The disease is rare but has severe consequences, and the department’s “sentinel” chickens have shown an increase in symptoms of the Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus.
Quit Surfing. Quit Working. Go Vote.
Unless you have a well articulated political science doctor’s note, you have no excuse but to go vote today. Precinct locations and guides included.
When Not Voting Is The Loudest Vote
Voting is neither a virtue nor a responsibility. It is a neutral civil right. Not voting is a right of equal weight, a choice as defensible as the choice to vote. Both are exercises in freedom.
Uzi Is As Art Does: The Week’s Cultural Ammunition in Orlando and DeLand
Three new exhibits at Stetson University; Charles Turzak’s WPA prints and murals on exhibit at Winter Park’s Polasek Museum; a little Uzi art at the Neon Forest Art Gallery, and more.
Bunnell Will Ask Sheriff to Bid for Law Enforcement Services in the City
A severe budget crunch, but also a severe State Attorney’s report on the city’s police department, bring back an old idea.
Commission Money Race: Mori Hosseini and Other Developers Bankrolling Abbott’s Bid
Volusia, St. Johns and Jacksonville development firms account for all but about $1,000 of Bob Abbott’s campaign funds. Nate McLaughlin’s are more grass roots based.
School’s Back. So Are Walking Children in a Town Short of Sidewalks. Watch Where You Drive.
Two years ago, 270 children younger than 14 were killed while walking by a road. School’s resumption calls for care, especially in Palm Coast, where sidewalks are lacking.
The Money Race: Five Flagler School Board Candidates Raise a Combined $32,900
District 5 candidate Raven Sword is the fund-raising leader when candidates’ own money is excluded. She also drew the largest number of contributors by far, with 130.
Scoring 7, FPC’s Rowan Littlefield Didn’t Just Conquer the World. He Conquered Pigdom.
Littlefield’s perfect 7 in his IB biology exam, scored on a global standard, marks the first 7 for any Flagler County student in any of the IB’s science disciplines.
The Live Q&A: School Board Candidates In Their Own Words (and Occasional Evasions)
The FlaglerLive Q&A was designed to draw candidates away from campaign generalities and cliches and to compel clearly stated positions on a dozen relevant issues.
Raven Sword, School Board District 5 Candidate: The Live Interview
Raven Sword, an attorney, is running from District 5 with the backing of former school board member Jim Guines.
Peter Peligian, School Board District 5 Candidate: The Live Interview
Peter Peligian, running from District 5, a retailer, cagey on two serious, previous issues, remained cagey in his interview.
John Fischer, School Board District 5 Candidate: The Live Interview (2010)
John Fischer, running from District 5, is a Knights of Columbus field agent whom Evie Schellenberger defeated when he challenger her four years ago.
Trevor Tucker, School Board District 3 Candidate: The Live Interview (2010)
Trevor Tucker is running from District 3 against Marc Ray. Tucker was appointed in January to fill the seat once occupied by the late Peter Palmer.
Marc Ray, School Board District 3 Candidate: The Live Interview
Marc Ray is an executive at the Hammock Dunes Club. He’s challenging incumbent Trevor Tucker.
Bill Delbrugge in Egypt: Beyond the Camel, A Discovery of Challenges and Serenity
In his first interview since leaving Flagler County in July, former Superintendent Bill Delbrugge describes his new old world in Egypt–the challenges, the revelations, the peace of it all.
Unemployment Resumes Climb in Flagler and Florida as Economy Fails to Strengthen
Flagler County’s unemployment rate went up to 15.6 percent (from 15.4 percent), and Florida’s went up to 11.5 percent, raising fears of a double-dip recession.
State Troopers Will Surge Drunk-Driving Patrols Through Labor Day
The highway patrol will be out in full force between Aug. 20 and Sept. 6, hunting drunk drivers.
More Beds, More Buildings, More Doctors: Hospital Campus Plans for Doubling Capacity
The 100-acre campus along SR100 will eventually have a new hospital tower to accommodate an extra 100 beds, several additional buildings and, soon, a trail system.
Palm Coast Liquors Up on Hypocrisy Ahead of ABC Store’s Opening (and 10 New Jobs)
The November opening of Flagler County’s first ABC liquor store, a 10,000-square-foot facility, is drawing flack for its location despite its promise of 10 new jobs, choice booze and discounts.
Experts: Argue All You Want, Mosque Project Is on Firm Legal Ground
Whatever its detractors say, the project to build a 15-story Islamic center, including a mosque, near Ground Zero has the law, including a particular GOP law, unquestionably on its side.
Florida’s High School Students Near Bottom in College Readiness; Flagler’s Do Worse
The college readiness scores, trending downward for the state and for Flagler, undermine the state’s contention that it is improving education on a nationally competitive level.
$15 Million Short, Federal Insurance Fund Takes Over News-Journal’s Pension Plan
A federal judge ruled against adequately funding News-Journal retirees’ pension plan, ordering instead that $40 million in cash and other values should go to Cox, the newspaper’s former minority owner.
McDermott Self-Evaluates After His First School Board Meeting
The Flagler County School Board’s newest student representative reflects on his first evening with the elected, and makes a pitch to fellow-students.
More Trouble for Flynt: Sheriff Ends Tow Ties Permanently; Bank Sues for $50,000
Legal troubles aside, the sheriff’s decision worsens the Bunnell city commissioner’s financial straits–as does a law suit over a $50,00 debt.
In Split Vote, Tourism Council Approves Raising Bed Tax to 4% For More Marketing
The additional 1 percent would raise an extra $275,000 to $300,000, which the council wants to spend on more advertising for Flagler. Several council members objected, setting up a possible battle at the County Commission.
Back from the Brink, Florida Hospital and United Healthcare Reassure Flagler Clients
For people who need to go to the hospital or its affiliates, nothing changes–until the fine print is made clearer: rates are almost certain to increase.
Veteran Problem Solver Ryan McDermott Joins School Board as Student Representative
Never shy, McDermott, a 17-year-old senior at Flagler Palm Coast High School, will represent the district’s 13,000 students on the board.
Stetson University and Flagler College Rank Well, Florida Does Not in Higher Ed Survey
Regional successes aside, Florida’s flagship universities did poorly when ranked against other national public and private universities.
Palm Coast Firefighters Unionize, Citing Unbalanced Treatment of Employees
Some 75 percent of the Palm Coast Fire Department’s 60 rank-and-file employees voted to form a union. Higher pay or better benefits aren’t on the agenda. Job security is.
Outlining Achievements, Enterprise Flagler Tells Palm Coast City Council: We Matter
The economic development agency’s list included achievements that weren’t quite its own while Director Greg Rawls remained cagey regarding the new tax the agency is proposing.
Bach, Ballet and Cirque: Cultural Season Begins This Week in Orlando
Printmakers Nathaniel Currier and James Ives and harness racing, the Orlando Philharmonic’s Sounds of Summer, innumerable performers at Bob Carr, and more for your calendar.
Sheriff Knocks Commissioner Flynt’s Towing Company Out of Wrecking Rotation Indefinitely
Saxon’s Wrecker, owned by Bunnell City Commissioner Jimmy Flynt, is at the center of a withering investigative report showing Flynt benefited from chronic favoritism at other towers’ expense.
Innovative Garden Hose Start-Up Swells Flagler Hopes for Economic Revival at the Airport
MH Operations proposes to manufacture an expanding and retracting hose few will resist, and do so from a county airport, where it would create 125 jobs.