With afternoon recounts still pending, this morning’s review of 46 provisional ballots and questionable mail-in ballots did not change the outcome of Tuesday’s election in the closest contests. Pam Richardson’s victory over Ed Danko for County Commission held. Ray Stevens’s two-vote lead held over Dana Stancel in a Palm Coast City Council race to determine who moves onto the runoff against Andrew Werner.
Flagler Beach Agrees to $600,000 Deal with Data Company for Undersea Cable Landings, with Potential for $750,000 More
Ending a four-month tangle of negotiations, and to Palm Coast’s immense relief, the Flagler Beach City Commission on Thursday approved a deal with an Atlanta-based DC Blox, a data-service company, that will allow it to use city rights-of-way to land undersea internet cables for $600,000, with a potential for up to an additional $750,000. There would be no subsequent payments. DC Blox is planning a data center in Palm Coast’s Town Center. But that plan, to be subsidized with tax incentives, was contingent on a successful deal in Flagler Beach.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Friday, August 23, 2024
The Canvassing Board wraps up the election, the Scenic A1A Pride Committee meets, Acoustic Jam Circle At The Community Center In The Hammock, a few thoughts about ocean depths.
Au Revoir, Alain Delon
Alain Delon’s death at the age of 88 brings down the curtain of one of postwar European cinema’s most important film stars. Known for his striking “movie star” look – chiselled features, piercing blue eyes – and magnetic screen presence, Delon portrayed characters who seemed on the surface to be effortless and suave.
Flagler Cares Adds Sunshine Psychiatric Care to Village
Flagler Cares, a one-stop health and social care organization, welcomed Sunshine Psychiatric Care to the Flagler County Village in Palm Coast, on August 1 as a community partner.
An Activist With a Problematic Past Says Brendan Depa’s Appeal of Prison Sentence Is Going Forward
Mark Hadden, a 56-year-old Vero Beach resident who describes himself as a former professional basketball player in overseas leagues and the founder in 1993 of an organization called the American Coalition for the Advancement of All People, who is also a registered sex offender, held a press conference at the county courthouse to announce that he had retained attorneys to handle Brendan Depa’s appeal.
One FireFlight Is Decommissioned After 22 Years, Another Takes Its Place as County Mulls 24-Hour Operation
At 8:50 Wednesday morning, FireFlight lifted off from near its hangar at the Flagler County Airport for the last time. The 24-year-old helicopter was decommissioned after 22 years of service in Flagler County, while its younger version, a $5.6 million helicopter, took its place. County Commission Chairman Andy Dance said there will likely be discussions starting in December to consider whether to go froma 12-hour to a 24-hour operation for the emergency helicopter.
Beach Project Nears Conclusion as It Moves to Pier and Heart of Flagler Beach, With a Few Traffic Disruptions
The $27 million beach renourishment project in Flagler Beach is nearing conclusion in the next few weeks, well ahead of schedule, at least its latest schedule: the project overall had been delayed a few years. It entails a few traffic disruptions this morning.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Thursday, August 22, 2024
Flagler Tiger Bay Club’s sixth annual Wine Tasting Meet & Greet at the Palm Coast Community Center, with the big reveal about next year’s lineup, the Flagler Beach City Commission meets, Sheherazade.
Another Threat to Democracy: Unregulated Online Political Ads
While television and radio political ads have been subject to strict disclosure requirements for decades, their online counterparts exist in a regulatory vacuum. Social media giants like Facebook, X – formerly Twitter – and Instagram have become central battlegrounds for political campaigns. Yet they operate without the transparency mandated for traditional broadcast media. This allows advertisers to use sophisticated microtargeting to tailor messages to voters, often exploiting detailed personal data.
Stetson University Breaks Ground on 4-story Residence Hall
Stetson University broke ground Wednesday on a four-story residence hall that will enhance the residential living experience for students in the heart of campus with an amphitheater and more places to gather and study.
Florida’s New Idea for Anastasia and Other State Parks: Pickle Ball, Golf, 350-Room Hotels
Florida’s Department of Environmental Protection has a plan, not yet made public, of developing numerous state parks with golf courses, “lodges” with up to 350 rooms, and pickleball courts, including at St. Johns’s Anastatsia State Park. Doing so would be “travesties,” an Audubon official said.
Mondex Mother Faces Felony Child Abuse Charge Over Joining Fight Between Daughter and Another Girl
Kahtrynn Ann Stephanopoulos, a 34-year-old resident of Berrybush Street in the Mondex, or Daytona North, west of Bunnell, was arrested and charged with felony child abuse in an incident that took place at a bus stop last week. She is accused of joining rather than stopping a fight between her daughter and another teenage girl as students on the bus looked on, bellowed, cheered and taunted, and at least one of them took video of the whole scene.
Ed Danko’s Chance of Flipping Result Is Remote as Provisional Ballots and Recount Steps Ahead Are Mapped Out
Ed Danko’s chances of flipping his 40-vote loss to Pam Richardson in a County Commission race is statistically very remote if not close to impossible, based on current numbers and next steps. That’s the case even as 47 provisional and mail-in ballots have yet to be judged as valid or not, and a handful of additional ballots–overcounts or undercounts–will also have to be judged by the Canvassing Board.
Final Day of Otherwise Calm Election Marred by Accusations of Insults from One Mayoral Candidate to Another
Palm Coast mayoral candidate and leading vote-getter Mike Norris dismissed accusations by Alan Lowe, one of the five candidates in that race, that Norris was openly insulting and threatening on Election Day outside the public library in Palm Coast, though Lowe’s wife captured some of the belligerence in a brief video clip.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Flagler County’s Technical Review Committee and Contractor Review Board meet, a better idea for Social Security benefits than Trump’s plundering, bribing voters at election time.
Trump’s Sexism Against Harris Is GOP’s Electoral Strategy
Some Republicans appear to think they can win by making gender an issue in the campaign. This is apparent in the sexist rhetoric that Trump and other Republicans are using when talking about Harris. Trump, who has a history of making sexist statements, asserted that foreign leaders would regard Harris as a “play toy,” referred to her as unintelligent, and is now commenting on her appearance.
Dance Wins Re-Election, Richardson and Carney Win Commission, Ramirez and Ruddy Win School Board, Norris and Manfre in Runoff
Andy Dance won his second term on the Flagler County Commission, trouncing Fernando Melendez in the only clear runaway victory of the evening as the Supervisor of Elections announced early results of the primary. Lauren Ramirez and Janie Ruddy won school board seats, Pam Richardson beat Ed Danko for County Commission, while Mike Norris and Cornelia Manfre looked headed for a runoff, leaving David Alfin behind.
Big Shopping Mall Plans for Hunter’s Ridge Approved With Some Questions About Access and Landscaping
With pointed questions about the project’s sidewalks and green spaces, the Flagler County Commission on Monday unanimously approved a key step toward construction of the first large-scale shopping center in Hunter’s Ridge, the sprawling, so far largely residential development at the south end of the county and across the border into Ormond Beach. Primrose at Hunter’s Ridge is to be in the northwest corner of the intersection of Hunter’s Ridge and Airport Road.
Palm Coast City Attorney: Wait Until November for Heighter Replacement by Appointment, Not Election
Palm Coast’s city attorney is recommending to the council to appoint a member to the seat just vacated by Cathy Heighter, who has resigned, but also to wait until November to make that appointment, and to make the appointment effective for the remaining two years on Heighter’s term, foregoing an election for that seat until 2026.
Richard Hamilton Pays Tribute to Mike Lagasse, Folksy Land Manager Who left Flagler Government for St. Johns
About a month ago Mike Lagasse, who’d headed Flagler County government’s environmental projects and been its land manager since 2011, left the county for a job in St. Johns County government as its environmental division manager. On Monday, Lagasse got a tribute from the floor of the County Commission by Richard Hamilton.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Tuesday, August 20, 2024
It’s Election Day, it’s also (heaven help us) School Board day, so we may need a few random acts of insanity, or a trip to Kiribati and the Palau islands. But there’s also Food Truck Tuesday.
Assassinations Are Murder, and Always Unlawful. Period.
The term “assassination” is not defined under international law. Legal scholars rely on standard dictionary definitions where assassination is defined as “murder by sudden or secret attack often for political reasons.” But treaties and other international law do make clear that killing for political reasons by sudden or secret attack is unlawful.
Education Department Disputes Teachers Union’s Vacancy Rate Claims
Opening day teacher vacancies dropped by 13.3% in 2024 compared to 2023, according to the Florida Department of Education. A news release from the department did not include the total number of vacancies, nor did officials respond to a request for the number.
Palm Coast City Council Member Cathy Heighter Resigns, Upending Budget and Election Timing
Palm Coast City Council member Cathy Heighter resigned Friday, less than two years into her first term. City Manager Lauren Johnston received Heighter’s resignation letter by text this morning. The resignation upends the council at a pivotal time: it is about to approve next year’s budget and its new Comprehensive Plan. It is in the middle of an election. And the proximity of the November election and the timing of ballot eligibility has the city administration and its lawyer scrambling to figure next steps.
Orlando’s A-1 Block Corporation Planning Concrete Block Manufacturing Plant Next to Flagler County Fairgrounds
A-1 Block Corporation of Orlando will build and open a 55,000-square-foot concrete-block manufacturing plant on 25 acres just north of the Flagler County Fairgrounds off Sawgrass Road. The Flagler County Planning Board approved the project’s site plan last week. The site was formerly residential and used to board horses. It is currently categorized as pastureland. It was rezoned. It is bordered by industrial land to the north. There are no residential parcels on Sawgrass anymore.
Marshall Thomas, Matanzas Student Accused of Sexually Assaulting 10th Grader and Stealing Guns, Pleads Out
Marshall Thomas, the former Matanzas High School student accused of stealing his father’s firearms to face down other teens at Holland Park and of sexually assaulting a fellow-student during class, has been committed to a high-risk juvenile justice program until his 21st birthday, following which he will be on probation for the balance of five years. Thomas turns 18 on Wednesday.
Ocala Appeals Ruling That Public Prayer Vigil Organized by Police Chief and Others Was Unconstitutional
Attorneys for Ocala last week filed a notice that is a first step in asking the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to overturn a June 26 decision by U.S. District Judge Timothy Corrigan that the city violated the Establishment Clause of the Constitution by organizing and carrying out the prayer vigil.
Charlotte E Venetianer, 1926-2024
Charlotte E. Venetianer, a long-time resident of Palm Coast who moved to Delray in her latter years, died on July 8 at age 98.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, August 19, 2024
Mosquito control meets, the Flagler County Commission meets, it’s election eve, passing the torch to the Joan Didion Olympics in Los Angeles to the tune of John Williams’s “Fanfare” from 1984.
What Is Catholic Integralism?
J.D. Vance is a convert to Catholicism and seems to have the same policy positions that many American Catholic conservatives hold: opposition to abortion, support for the traditional family, skepticism regarding liberal immigration policies and efforts to combat climate change, and advocacy of economic tariffs.
Flagler’s U.S. Rep. Mike Waltz Stumps for J.D. Vance in Pennsylvania
Flagler County Representative Mike Waltz was one of two Florida Congressmen known for their military service to be stumping for J.D. Vance, the Republican nominee for Vice President in Pennsylvania. Both U.S. Reps. Brian Mast and Mike Waltz are telling Pennsylvanians the differences between Vance and Tim Walz.
Trump and Elon’s Musky Bromance
Elon Musk gives aid and comfort to right wing rioters in England, stokes hatred, accusing an Olympic boxer (a woman) of being a man, does his damnedest to destroy once-valuable companies, and spreads 19th Century racist pseudo-science. He’s also — no surprise here — supporting Donald Trump. The bromance is mutual.
After $17.5 Million Splurge on His Office and Friends’ Hires, Ex-UF President Ben Sasse Says He Is ‘Dang Proud’
Ex-University of Florida President Ben Sasse more than tripled his office’s spending to $17.3 million when compared to his predecessor. The costs included hiring several of his former U.S. Senate staffers, including two who were allowed to work remotely from the Washington, D.C., area. Sasse said he was “dang proud” of new initiatives run out of the president’s office, aggressively defending what he called his “‘go bigger’ approach” and efforts to establish “new initiatives” at the school.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday, August 18, 2024
That Girl Lay Lay in Jacksonville, Farmers’ Market at European Village, a federal court decision in Iowa bodes ill for Florida advocates of the freedom to read.
Trump Could Be Barred From Canada as a Convicted Felon
At first blush, Canadian immigration law provides an easy answer: anyone convicted of a criminal offence is inadmissible. But there are several reasons why this simple rule may not prevail for Donald Trump. In the case of convictions outside of Canada, the first step to consider is whether the offence in question is also an offence in Canada.
Sheriff Staly and Chief Daniel Engert Launch 2nd Opportunity Re-entry Program at County Jail
August 14 marked the launch of a new program at the Sheriff Perry Hall Inmate Detention Facility (SPHIDF) that offers a fresh start in life after incarceration. Sheriff Rick Staly joined Daniel Engert, FCSO Chief of Court and Detention Services, and Cathleen Relyea, Offender Programs and Services Supervisor, in introducing the 2nd Opportunity Re-entry Program to the SPHIDF inmates.
Florida House Democrats Urge DeSantis Not to Pass Up 2025 Summer Food Assistance Program for Kids
The Sunshine State was one of 13 states that passed up millions in federal funds for the summer EBT program that gave low-income families $120 for school-aged children this year.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Saturday, August 17, 2024
Last day of early voting, Coffee with Commissioner Spradley, the Flagler Beach Farmers Market, Florida Surf Film Festival, the torture of being on hold, a few words from Mohsin Hamid.
J.D. Vance, Poornographer
The reality – one that J.D. Vance only subtly acknowledges in his memoir – is that he is not poor. Nor is he a hillbilly. He grew up firmly in Ohio’s middle class. His “Hillbilly Elegy” memoir is part of a genre called “poornography.” Created mainly by middle- and upper-class people for like-minded readers, this long line of novels, films and plays can end up spreading harmful stereotypes about poor people.
Palm Coast Celebrates 25th Anniversary with Series of Events
Incorporated in 1999, Palm Coast is one of Florida’s youngest cities, and we are excited to celebrate 25 years of being Florida’s city on the rise. We invite all Palm Coast residents to commemorate this milestone through a series of special events highlighting our community’s vibrant spirit and history.
Teacher and Support Staff Vacancies Near 10,000 in Florida, About 1,150 Fewer Than a Year Ago
Nearly 10,000 public school teacher and staff positions are vacant as the 2024-2025 school year opens, according to Florida Education Association data. Of the 9,842 vacancies, 5,007 are instructional positions and 4,835 are support staff. The number of vacancies is down from 11,992 in August 2023.
The “School Choice” Swindle Is Demolishing Public Schools
“School choice” is an orchestrated demolition of public schools and the social contract. The focus-group euphemism masks the thieving of tax dollars to subsidize private schools, transforming what was once an aspiration of fringe Christian and anti-government militants into state doctrine. Flagler County schools are losing close to $11 million this year to “choice.”
Embattled Old Dixie Motel Submits Makeover as ‘Hotel Henry,’ But a Suspicious Flagler Planning Board Balks
For three years, the cryptic owners of the decrepit Old Dixie motel have been promising county officials that they’re getting ready to submit renovation plans and end the building’s history as an eyesore to nearby residents and a legal ordeal for the county. On Tuesday, the county’s Planning Board finally got to review that plan. But it couldn’t bring itself to approve it as board members fear the motel owners are “trying to pull the wool over eyes,” while the owners had yet to secure key steps for development.
Flagler County’s 4.6% Unemployment Is Highest in Three Years; Florida’s Rate Stays at 3.3% for 4th Month
Flagler County’s unemployment rate of 46 percent in July was the highest since August 2021, when it was 4.9 percent and rapidly falling from its Covid-era high of 11.1 percent the year before. he labor force had also been gaining steadily until last August, when it peaked at 52,293, a record. It has fallen since. In July, it was 51,739, about where it stood in January. That suggests the county’s influx of new residents, especially working-age families, has slowed.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Friday, August 16, 2024
Flagler and Florida Unemployment Numbers Released this morning, early voting winds down to its last two days, the BBC World Service’s theme meets Henry Purcell.
When Public Access TV Was an LGBTQ Safe Space
While many people might think LGBTQ+ representation on TV began in the 1990s on shows like “Ellen” and “Will & Grace,” LGBTQ+ people had already been producing their own television programming on local stations in the U.S. and Canada for decades. Hundreds of LGBTQ+ public access series were produced across the country. In a media environment historically hostile to LGBTQ+ people and issues, LGBTQ+ people created their own local programming to shine a spotlight on their lives, communities and concerns.
New Lines of Attack Form Against Affordable Care Act
The Affordable Care Act is back under attack. Not as in the repeal-and-replace debates of yore, but in a fresher take from Republican lawmakers who say key parts of the ACA cost taxpayers too much and provide incentive for fraud. Several House Republican leaders have called on two watchdog agencies to investigate, while Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) fired off more than half a dozen questions in a recent letter to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
Senator Proposes Banning Smoking in All Florida Public Places
While he supports a proposed constitutional amendment that would allow recreational use of marijuana, state Sen. Joe Gruters, R-Sarasota, said Thursday he will propose legislation that would ban smoking of all types in public places.
Palm Coast’s Michael Louis Pilla, 71, Charged with Capital Felony in Recurring Rapes of Child Over 7-Year Span
Michael Louis Pilla, a 71-year-old resident of 24 Lema Lane in Palm Coast for the last 20 years, was charged on Wednesday under a new Florida law that makes him eligible for the death penalty over the alleged rape of a child under 12. He was also charged with additional counts of rape related to alleged assaults that took place after the child turned 12.