Palm Coast’s city planners would allow 122 to 159 fewer apartments and town houses than what the developer wants in a proposed developers of an 80-foot condo tower and town houses at Harborside, with other differences also remaining. The matter returns to the Palm Coast planning board Wednesday, after it was tabled amid controversy and public opposition last month.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, September 17, 2022
The County Commission takes up another development at the south end of Old Kings Road, a trip to the center of the universe, the non-ideological Ron DeSantis in Flagler Beach.
Way Down in the Hole: The Inhumanity of Solitary Confinement
The United States leads the world in its use of solitary confinement, locking away in isolation more of its population than any other country. The authors interviewed 100 people confined or employed in solitary confinement units to better understand what it is like from both sides of the bars. The interviews form the basis of “Way Down in the Hole,” a book published on Oct. 14, 2022.
In DeSantis Talks of Damage to Flagler’s Shore During Visit, 2 Words Spell Relief: Paul Renner
During a 60-minute stop in Flagler County this morning Gov. Ron DeSantis and Emergency management Director Kevin Guthrie took in the extent of damage to the pier and Flagler’s nearly-erased dunes, and the governor repeatedly spoke of Rep. Paul Renner, the incoming Speaker of the House, as an opportunity for Flagler to score big in funding help.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday, October 16, 2022
Murder at the Howard Johnson’s, Sun-A Park and Esther Park at the piano, celebrating William O/ Douglas in a reactionary age.
Development on Florida’s Barrier Islands Made Ian Evacuation Virtually Impossible
Builders trying to exploit a hot housing market for big profits ran roughshod over common-sense regulations intended to protect the public. Meanwhile, our elected officials went along with whatever the developers wanted. Hurricane Ian did the rest.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Saturday, October 15, 2022
Pink: A Salute to Women, at Flagler Auditorium, Island Festival in Palm Coast’s Central Park, Stetson Choral Festival, Bridge Day, Knopf rejects Jorge Luis Borges.
Chief 21: Kyle Berryhill Takes Command of Palm Coast Fire Department In Poignant Ceremony
It was continuity and change today as Kyle Berryhill took over as Palm Coast Fire Chief before 200 people at the city’s community center, after Jerry Forte’s five-year tenure. Continuity, because both men are cut of the same cloth–unassuming, humble, impossibly emotional at times, but also unequivocally commanding. And change, because Berryhill, at 42, represents a generational change for a rapidly evolving department.
Flagler Beach Commission Wants Higher Increases in Water, Sewer, and Garbage Rates Than Proposed
The Flagler Beach City Commission Thursday evening voted to delay a series of increases to water, sewer, garbage and stormwater until Oct. 27–not because they were uncomfortable with the increases, but because they felt the increases may not be enough. So the rates to be proposed in two weeks will likely be higher than those before them on Thursday.
What To Do With Flagler Beach Pier? City Caught Between Costly Repairs and Demolition
The Flagler Beach City Commission is wrestling with whether to repair the pier at a potential cost of $650,000 and reopen it for well short of a year or keep it closed until it is demolished next year, ahead of the construction of a new, concrete pier. More data and public input may sway the commission.
8.7% Cost of Living Raise in Social Security Checks Is Biggest Since 1981: 6 Questions Answered
How are Social Security benefits adjusted for inflation? Are the benefits taxable? What other government programs typically get a COLA? Does the tax system also adjust for inflation? Why does the government adjust benefits for inflation?
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Friday, October 14, 2022
Rise Up, the second annual Conference on Domestic Violence, Swearing in of Palm Coast Fire Chief Kyle Berry Hill, Stetson University Symphony Orchestra in concert, The Battle of Hastings, Eisenhower, and the punishing of children’s mental health problems.
Anthony Bourdain and the Farce of the ‘Unauthorized’ Biography
The farce is the positioning of this battle as one conducted between “unauthorized biography” on the one hand and “authorized” biography on the other – the publisher, for hinting at scandalous content by casting the work as “unauthorized,” and the aggrieved, to think they have any power to “authorize” whether the biography gets published in the first place.
Federal Judge Weighs ‘Stop Woke Act”s Gag on Certain Forms of Instruction About Racism
A federal judge on Thursday sparred with attorneys about a controversial state law that restricts the way race-related concepts can be taught in classrooms, as university professors argue it violates speech rights.
Florida Politicians Decry Jury Verdict Against Death Penalty for Parkland Murderer
Many Florida politicians think life in prison for Nikolas Cruz isn’t “justice” for the 17 students and school staff he killed on Valentine’s Day in 2018. Under Florida law, the jury’s duty was to weigh factors aggravating in favor of death against mitigating factors.
Palm Coast Ups Cultural Arts Grants to Record $50,000, But Increase Is Less Than It Appears
This year’s budgeted amount of $50,000 for arts grants is the highest since the city began the program in 2002, and it is already the highest amount awarded. But in inflation-adjusted dollars, the city is budgeting less than it has in five previous years, and in per-resident spending on the arts, it is still spending less than it did in the first eight years of the program.
How Courts Take His Drug and Gun Charges More Seriously Than Repeat Violence Against Women
Joseph Westervelt, 28, has repeatedly faced felony charges for attacking pregnant women. He’s yet to be convicted on more than a misdemeanor. He was arrested again on Wednesday on identical charges that got him arrested only last May. Those charges were dropped or reduced.
U.S. Department of Education Awards Daytona State $1.4 Million for Upward Bound Program
Daytona State College has received $1.4 million to launch an Upward Bound program with Mainland High School that will help underserved and first-generation 9th through 12th graders transition from high school to college.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Thursday, October 13, 2022
The Flagler Beach City Commission meets, Alexander Heffner at Flagler College, Evenings at Whitney Lecture Series, “Turning News Into Art,” Murder at the Howard Johnson’s, Lenny Bruce in full, Sacha Baron Cohen on saving democracy from conspiracies.
What the Jan. 6 Committee Could Learn from the Failure of Truth Commissions
Truth commissions are independent or government groups that investigate political crimes and human rights violations. They have provided a common way of transitioning out of political crises around the world, by hearing testimony of people involved in political violence and producing a comprehensive report with recommendations to the government.
Sheriff’s Office Lands $1.3 Million Grant to Expand Drug-Abuse Treatment at the County Jail
The Flagler County jail is the only residential treatment facility in Flagler County for drug-addicted men, and a rare location where they may get medically-assisted treatment. The Department of Justice is noticing, awarding the Flagler Sheriff’s Office a three-year, $1.3 million grant to expand the Successful Mental Health and Addiction Recovery Treatment, or “Smart” program at the jail.
Hyped by Joe Mullins in July, Sale of Ex-Sheriff’s Building for Drug-Treatment Facility Collapses
The in-patient drug-treatment facility that Commissioner Joe Mullins–to considerable skepticism at the time–said was soon to be housed in the former Sheriff’s Operations Center in Bunnell will not become reality as the sale of the building fell through.
Flagler Beach Smoking Ban on Beaches Set to Take Effect This Weekend, Cigars and Vaping Exempt
The Flagler Beach City Commission Thursday is set to approve banning smoking almost any tobacco product on beaches, in parks and on the city’s boardwalk, with the exception of unfiltered cigars. Enforcement will be an issue: there are no intentions to police the ban, which does not extend to the beaches under county jurisdiction. The ordinance is silent on vaping and marijuana products.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Public Safety Coordinating Council meeting, death penalty in decline, but not in the United States, wrapping your head around the size of the universe, Woodrow Wilson’s lusty racism.
‘Silent Spring’ 60 Years On: Essential Reads on Pesticides and the Environment
In 1962 environmental scientist Rachel Carson published “Silent Spring,” a bestselling book that asserted that overuse of pesticides was harming the environment and threatening human health. Carson did not call for banning DDT, the most widely used pesticide at that time, but she argued for using it and similar products much more selectively and paying attention to their effects on nontargeted species.
Gopher Tortoises Are ‘Not in Danger of Extinction,’ and U.S. Denies Increased Protection
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service released a 113-page decision that said gopher tortoises would continue to be considered a threatened species in parts of southwest Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana under the Endangered Species Act, but not in Florida and elsewhere.
Florida Surgeon General Ladapo on Defensive After Directive Against Covid Vaccines for Men 18 to 39
Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo continues to defend his agency’s new guidance against COVID-19 vaccines among adult men as medical experts point out flaws in the Florida Department of Health study intended to justify the recommendation.
Public’s Help Sought to Name Flagler Sheriff’s Explosives Detection K9
The Sheriff’s Office is asking the public for naming suggestions for the newest addition to the K9 Unit, a black Labrador Retriever who will be trained in explosives ordinance detection before going on duty next February.
Palm Coast Sees Potential Sports Complex in Undeveloped Land West of U.S. 1 as Catalyst to Development
Palm Coast government will spend $113,000 to study the market potential for a sports and recreation complex, possibly in the undeveloped portion of Palm Coast, north and west of U.S. 1. It would be more than just another Indian Trails Sports Complex, adding to the mix of local opportunities and regional or state tournament bookings.
Ground and Air Spraying Assault on Flagler’s Ian-Bred Mosquito Invasion in the Works
Up to three planes will be flying over Palm Coast and Flagler County early next week, spraying pesticide to suppress an expected mosquito invasion triggered by the high waters of Hurricane Ian. The East Flagler Mosquito District’s trucks will be spraying this week.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Tuesday, October 11, 2022
The Flagler County Planning Board takes up a new subdivision south of Eagle Lakes, avoiding the big eight food allergens, sandbags, Americans as peaceful peoples, but with a question mark.
Why Trump Was Bad for America, But Good for Canada
Trump led Canadians to be more receptive to progressive policy orientations — if only as a means of distinguishing themselves from Trump’s America: he motivated Canadians to work towards a more inclusive and egalitarian society, while attempts by conservative politicians to brand themselves as the Canadian Trump led to failure.
Florida Center for Government Accountability Sues DeSantis Over Migrant Flight Records
The Florida Center for Government Accountability filed the lawsuit in Leon County circuit court and alleged that the governor’s office did not comply with requests to release a series of records about the migrant flights.
Gas Price Rise Erases Much of the Discount from Suspension of Florida’s Gas Tax
Flagler and Florida gas prices took an unexpected turn higher last week despite a cut in the gas tax timed by the GOP-dominated Legislature to coincide with the November election.
Hurricane Debris Removal Continues in Palm Coast and Flagler Beach, Starts in Flagler on Tuesday
Hurricane Ian debris removal is continuing in Flagler County’s cities or about to begin in unincorporated Flagler, and is expected to take several more days, with patience at a premium.
Beach Front Grille of Flagler Beach, as ‘Loopers,’ Wins Former Green Lion Lease at Palm Harbor Golf
A proposal by Jamie Bourdeau and Dudley Shaw, co-owners of Beach Front Grille in Flagler Beach, is the Palm Coast city administration’s top choice to replace the Green Lion Cafe at Palm Harbor Golf Club. The city today announced its intent to award the new lease for the concession at the club to Loopers, the name Bourdeau is giving to the new enterprise.
A Passionate, Surgical Rebuke of “Stop Woke” Set at Flagler NAACP’s Freedom Fund Awards
The Freedom Fund Awards Luncheon of the Flagler County Branch of the NAACP in Palm Coast balanced matters festive and somber, triumphant and cautionary, and was keynoted by Leon W. Russell, the chair of the NAACP National Board of Directors, who commanded the crowd, weaving the word “woke” throughout his 30-minute talk – a talk that was all the more scathing because Russell didn’t resort to any histrionic tone.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, October 10, 2022
The Bunnell City Commission talks Charter review, the Flagler Beach City Commission renews its state of emergency, Columbus Day and Lewis and Clark, Robert Levin on playing Mozart’s own piano.
Annie Ernaux’s Literature Nobel and the Art of Writing from Experience
The French writer Annie Ernaux has won the 2022 Nobel prize in literature at the age of 82. The academy praised her “for the courage and clinical acuity with which she uncovers the roots, estrangements and collective restraints of personal memory.”
Florida Insurance Companies Are Failing Because of Fraud and Lawsuits, Not Hurricanes
Home insurance rates in Florida are nearly triple the national average, insurers have been losing money. Six have failed since January 2022. Now, insured losses from Ian are estimated to exceed US$40 billion. Hurricane risk might seem like the obvious problem, but there is a more insidious driver in this financial train wreck.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday, October 9, 2022
Pink on Parade, the Annual Pink Army 5K in Palm Coast’s Town center, the Creekside Music and Arts Festival’s final day, John Field’s nocturne, Orwell on leftism.
A U.S. Prison’s Scandinavian Make-Over Shows the Way to More Humane Penal System
At a medium-security prison outside of Philadelphia, a correctional officer-guided team has worked since 2018 to incorporate Scandinavian penal principles into its own institution. Prisoners reported feeling safer and having more positive relationships with staff and other people living in the prisons. They also indicated greater satisfaction with their access to food and the reintegration support available to them.
Palm Coast Fire Department and Flagler Sheriff’s Deputies Dispatched to Help Hurricane Victims
Members of the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office and the Palm Coast Fire Department have been sent to assist recovery efforts in southwest Florida, in the areas hardest hit by Hurricane Ian.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Saturday, October 8, 2022
A farewell party for Karen Barchowski and family at Sally’s Ice Cream in Flagler Beach this afternoon, Bats: Myth and Reality at the Palm Coast Community Center, Imagine.
The Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Anti-Putin Human Rights Activists
On the 70th birthday of Russian president Vladimir Putin, the peace prize has gone to imprisoned Belarus activist Ales Bialiatski, Russian human rights organisation Memorial and the Center for Civil Liberties in Ukraine.
Karen Barchowski Sells Storied Sally’s Ice Cream in Flagler Beach as She Plots Her Next Revolution
Karen Barchowski has owned Sally’s Ice Cream on A1A in Flagler Beach for 10 years. She is selling the business and moving to Vermont, after her embracing outlook fostered through Sally’s a powerful hub of acceptance and diversity. “We found invincible love,” Barchowski says of her years in Flagler Beach.
Therapist Who Groomed and Molested Under-Age Patient Fails to Remove Possibility of Life in Prison
Robert Neal Batie, the former Palm Coast therapist, concedes that he molested a 16-year-old patient in his office, but his attorney tried unsuccessfully to dismiss a charge that he had custodial authority over the patient. A sex assault with that authority carries a maximum penalty of life in prison.
FEMA Teams Visiting Hardest-Hit Areas of Flagler, Door to Door, Starting Today
Teams from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) beginning today will be visiting the hardest hit neighborhoods in Flagler County to aid residents applying for its Individual Assistance program.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Friday, October 7, 2022
First Friday in Flagler Beach is cancelled, Renner on the homeowner insurance disaster, “Oliver!” at the Playhouse, Annie Ernaux, Ferdinand Ries and Christian Walker.
How Affirmative Action Bans Make Selective Colleges Less Diverse
Since nine states already have bans on affirmative action, it’s easy to know what will happen if affirmative action is outlawed. Studies of college enrollment in those states show that enrollment of Black, Hispanic and Native American undergraduate students will decline in the long term.