Ignorance, misplaced fear, irresponsible media and blustering presidential candidates have made more of terrorism than it deserves while sidelining the one weapon at America’s disposal in the fight: smarts.
Presidential Election
Diplomatic Bores in the Age of Blowhards
Ted Cruz, Donald Trump and Marco Rubio have strange and dangerous plans to stand tall against enemies, especially when they reach for their Ronald Reagan. Their version of history is mostly fiction.
Failed Condo Project in Ft. Lauderdale Lands Donald Trump in Florida Appeals Court
Investors have battled in court for years to get back hundreds of thousands of dollars in deposits from Donald Trump and associates. The 4th District Court of Appeal will hear arguments Tuesday in two lawsuits related to what was pitched as a swanky, Trump-branded hotel/condominium.
Sanders Revives Talk of Single-Payer System, Contrasting Differences With Clinton
Sanders’ main rival for the nomination, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, has criticized the plan for raising taxes on the middle class and said it is politically unattainable.
Taking the Pulse of Crazy: The Election Season on Eve of Iowa and New Hampshire
The electorate is angrier and more fearful than in recent presidential contests, and both Trump and Cruz are capitalizing on it, but as the field narrows, Trump’s appeal may not be as lasting.
Just Short of Endorsing, Gov. Scott Says Trump “Is Capturing Frustration of Many Americans”
Scott’s pro-Trump position contrasts with that of many state Republican leaders, who have lined up in the presidential campaign behind former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush or U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida.
France Says Non, Merci, to Madame Trump
In the xenophobic, racist’s right-wingers’ very anger – in their spokespeople and in the words they used – lurked a threat to the republic, to democracy, and to the nation’s fundamental values.
Donald Trump’s Funeral
If Donald Trump were to drop dead tomorrow Democrats would grieve, Republican candidates would celebrate, but Trump’s neo-fascism will have already damaged the nation beyond recognition.
Municipal Elections for 3 Flagler Cities To Be Held on Presidential Primary Day, March 15
The municipal elections for Bunnell, Flagler Beach and Beverly Beach will be held in conjunction with the county-wide Presidential Preference Primary election scheduled for March 15 to save money and encourage more turnout.
“We Might Be One Terrorist Act Away From a Trump Presidency”
A spectacular murder spree by Islamists could spook Americans enough to vote for the greatest fear-monger. Anything is possible, but Ian Buruma doesn’t believe American voters would be that stupid.
Trump Campaign Bus Rolls Into Palm Coast, Transformed as Donald Anti-Matter
The Donald Trump campaign bus used in Iowa for several months was on its way to Miami art fair, bought and transformed by artists into a mobile protest of the GOP contender’s views on women, Mexicans and facts.
Trump in Florida Maintains Big Lead Over Rubio and Easily Beats Clinton in Latest Poll
Donald Trump has double the support of Marco Rubio, with Ben Carson a distant third, and would beat Hillary Clinton by 8 points in Florida Atlantic University Business and Economics Polling Initiative.
At Florida’s GOP Summit, 2nd-String Candidates Focus on Paris Attacks and Blame Obama
Carly Fiorina, Rick Santorum, John Kasich and Bobby Jindal spoke on the second day of the Sunshine Summit and criticized current policy regarding ISIS as they sought to distinguish themselves and lift their sagging place in polls.
Battered and Bewildered, Bush Seeks Florida Reboot in “Jeb Can Fix It” Campaign
Bush debuted the “Jeb Can Fix It” tour while acknowledging criticism that he’d given his advisers too much control and failed to gain traction on the national level.
At Disney, Florida Democrats’ Big Bash Draws Snubs from Clinton and Sanders
The candidates have “other fish to fry,” noted U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, when asked why Clinton and Sanders would ignore the convention in a winner-take-all primary state — and its 99 delegates.
A Ben Carson Reading Room at Old Kings Elementary: What’s the School Board Smoking?
The school board this week approved a privately funded $15,000 Ben Carson Reading Room for Old Kings Elementary, dismissing Carson’s political candidacy as a non-issue and ignoring his Islamophobia. It’s a serious mistake.
Jeb Bush Blows It On Race
With just two words — “free stuff” — Bush managed to insult millions of black Americans, completely misread what motivates black people to vote, and falsely imply that African Americans are the predominant consumers of vital social services.
Pope Francis’s Challenge to America
Pope Francis is challenging conservative Americans–and presidential candidates–to rethink their belligerence to Cuba, Palestinians and action on global warming, writes Chris Patten.
Muslim, Dark-Skinned, Geeky:
Ahmed Mohamed Had No Chance
If there’s remaining doubt that it is subhuman to be a Muslim or an Arab in the United States, the imbecilic arrest of 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed over a clock puts the doubts to rest.
Indentured Regression: Marco Rubio Thinks College Students Should Be Sharecroppers
Marco Rubio is proposing human capital contracts as a way for college students to pay tuition: investors would foot the bill and claim a percentage of the graduates’ income for years. It’s a terrible idea.
Before Going Neolithic on Unwed Moms, Bush Could Bone Up on Economic Reality
Here’s what conservatives like Jeb Bush don’t want to acknowledge: Marriage rates are inextricably linked to America’s economy.
“Defunding” Planned Parenthood: Beyond GOP Posturing, It Wouldn’t Be Easy To Do
Jeb Bush claims he defunded Planned Parenthood while governor in Florida. Other GOP presidential candidates make similar claims or promises. They’re being dishonest.
In Defense of Megyn Kelly
Megyn Kelly deserves conservatives’ admiration, not their disdain, for leveling the sort of tough questions at Donald Trump and other candidates that should be asked of any presidential hopefuls, argues Nancy Smith.
Clowns on the Campaign Trail and the
Revolt Against Professional Politicians
Donald Trump is part of a wider phenomenon of disaffected voters turning away from mainstream political parties and following populists and political entertainers, or clowns if you like, argues Ian Buruma.
Donald Trump Isn’t the Exception.
He’s the Republican Prototype.
Donald Trump isn’t an exception or an offense to the GOP brand. He’s he’s almost indistinguishable from the other 14 Republican crackpots running for president, starting with Jeb Bush, the alleged “moderate” of the bunch. Bush’s Florida record proves it.
In Donald Trump, Democrats Have a “Very Useful Idiot”
Republicans have an image problem. And it gets worse when somebody like Trump exacerbates the problem when he called Mexicans rapists.
Believe It: Trump, in 2nd Place, Is Within 3 Points of Bush in New Hampshire Poll
Bush was favored by 14 percent of the 500 likely primary voters surveyed, with 11 percent preferring Trump, even though only 37 percent of those surveyed viewed Trump favorably compared to 49 percent who had an unfavorable opinion of him.
Clinton Still Leads Rubio and Bush in Florida, But Most Voters Call Her Dishonest
Te gender gap is working strongly in Hillary Clinton’s favor: she has a double-digit lead among women when matched against Rubio or Bush, though her overall numbers have weakened since late last year.
Accenting His First Name, Dissing His Last, Jeb Bush Finally Declares for 2016
Jeb Bush made his announcement in Miami with his brother and father, both ex-presidents, nowhere in sight as the latest Bush hopes to redefine the tarnished name in his quest for the White House.
It’s the Living Standards, Stupid: Britain’s Silent Election and Its Lesson For Democracies
As in the US, too many voters do not feel better off despite high growth and lower unemployment because average incomes have barely begun to rise, following seven painful years.
Three Encounters with Hillary
In three encounters with Hillary Clinton between 2004 and 2012, Bernard-Henri Lévy sees emotion and composure, the reflexes of an impeccable stateswoman and someone, he predicts, he will be addressing as Madam President next time they meet.
Rubio Joins Growing List of Presidential Hopefuls, Setting Up Showdown With Bush
A primary showdown between Rubio and Bush could cause friction in Tallahassee, where the GOP dominates state government, and a scramble is expected for Rubio’s senate seat.
Pounded By E-Mail Mire, Clinton’s Leads Falter Slightly as Jeb Bush Rises in Florida
For the first time since the poll has been conducted with Hillary Clinton’s name included, the former secretary of state is not ahead in Florida: Jeb Bush would beat Clinton, 45 to 42, in a head-to-head matchup, according to the latest Quinnipiac University poll, released this morning.
Benghazi Revisited: Private Emails Reveal Ex-Clinton Aide’s Secret Spy Network
Emails disclosed by a hacker show a close family friend was funneling intelligence about the crisis in Libya directly to the Secretary of State’s private account starting before the Benghazi attack.
Secretary of Evasion: Hillary Clinton’s Entirely Non-Believable Email Spectacle
Hillary Clinton’s explanation Tuesday of why she used a personal email account for official business made little sense and worsens her credibility gap.
Back In Tallahasee, Jeb Bush Gets a Taste of Push-Back Against His Education Legacy
Appearing at an education Summit, Jeb Bush, who is preparing a run for the presidency, saw his common core, school voucher and high-stakes testing ideas challenged, as they would likely be on the campaign trail.
Jeb Bush’s Behavior in the Terry Schiavo Case: Unworthy of a Governor — Or a President
Schiavo was brain-dead for 10 years. Her Catholic parents prevented her husband from removing a feeding tube, and Jeb Bush intervened, strong-arming the Florida Legislature to circumvent a court ruling.
Not So Good For Jeb: Hillary Would Tie Him in Florida, Easily Beat Him in Other Swings
Hillary Clinton is ahead of Jeb Bush by a statistically insignificant 1 point in Florida but beats him or Chris Christie handily in Ohio and Pennsylvania in a prospective contest for the presidency.
As Swing States Go, Florida Is Still the Gate to the White House
The state’s central position on the road to the White House remains the state’s great revenge for all of the fun the rest of the country gets from reading about Florida Man, writes Steven Schale.
Common Sore:
Jeb Bush’s Education Problem
The Republican Party’s tea bag wing is unforgiving – so far – over his embrace of the Common Core standards even though the federal government has had almost nothing to do with them.
Drawing Mixed Response, Jeb Bush Says He Will “Actively Explore” Running For President in 2016
Bush, 61, made the announcement a day after giving a commencement address at the University of South Carolina — a state that plays a major role in Republican primaries. If he ultimately decides to run, Bush would seek to follow his father and brother into the White House.
Jeb Bush Could Win in 2016, But He’ll Have To Rely on The United States of Amnesia
Jeb Bush left too much fodder for his detractors, argues Stephen Goldstein, to be a viable candidate for very long in 2016–assuming voters can remember the damaging milestones of his governorship.
It’s Not Benghazi: Hillary Clinton’s Real Scandal Is Honduras.
Desperate Honduran children are seeking refuge from a human rights nightmare that would cast a dark cloud over Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid right now if the media were paying any attention.
With Marco Rubio’s Walmart Mentality, Republicans ‘Discover’ How to End the Poverty They Created
The Tea Party GOP has declared Lyndon Johnson’s “War on Poverty” a failure. And with the 2014 elections looming, Rubio-Republicans are trying to remake themselves as sympathetic and empathetic, instead of apathetic, to the plight of the poor and the middle class, writes Stephen L. Goldstein.
Chris Christie’s Hormonal Problem
Would someone please call Chris Christie and tell him that if he thinks he could be President of the United States, he doesn’t have a prayer. By insinuating that the lane closings were the handiwork of a woman suffering from a romantic setback, Christie’s lawyers have ensured that he will be scorned by every woman who has had to endure the canard that women are ruled by their hormones and their feelings.
Marco Rubio Flirts With Immigration Reform Then Capitulates to the Lunatic Fringe
Rubio placed a dismal seventh at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in a straw poll of likely GOP presidential hopefuls, where his kind of immigration talk doesn’t sit well with the GOP fringe, political or lunatic, writes Andrew Skerritt.
Hillary Clinton Would Trounce Chris Christie, Jeb Bush and Rubio In Latest Florida Poll
The latest Quinnipiac poll shows Clinton beating Bush 49-43 and Rubio 51-41 in 2016, with no clear front-runner among Republicans, in contrast with Democrats, among whom Clinton is by far the front-runner. No Democrat or Republican in at least a generation has had as commanding a lead as Clinton so early in the process.
Obamacare Will Survive. Obama and Democrats, Maybe Not So Much.
The law’s rocky debut has refocused attention on whether Obama, intellectually gifted though he may be, was ready to be the country’s chief executive. It may also decide which party is in control after 2016.
Hillary’s Movie: Spoiler Alert
The Republican temper tantrum over the nascent NBC Hillary Clinton movie tells us only one thing: The GOP is scared to death of a Hillary presidential run. How else can you explain the weeping and whining over a film that hasn’t even been scripted, and may yet be produced by Fox Television Studios?
Hillary Clinton Would Easily Beat Rubio and Bush in Florida as Even Hispanics Rally Behind Her
In the latest Quinnipiac poll, Jeb Bush would beat Joe Biden in Florida, by a close margin. Marco Rubio would beat Biden by an even closer margin. But Hillary Clinton would beat both Rubio or Bush quite easily: 50 to 43 percent against Bush, 53 to 41 percent against Rubio, whose Hispanic heritage would not help him overcome the deficit.