You weren’t hallucinating if you saw what looked like a big blue Trump campaign bus in Palm Coast this morning. The bus had parked for the night at the Hampton Inn off of State Road 100, then spent an hour prepping for the next leg of its journey to Miami Beach by the Mobil station on 100. It’s the bus the Trump campaign leased in Iowa for several months, where it crisscrossed the state and reportedly accompanied Trump at the Iowa State Fair in August.
But it’s no longer quite a Trump bus. Look closer, and you’d have noticed a fat period between the T and the RUMP. Look on the other side of the bus, and you’d have seen the letters “t.RUTT” plastered in an equally large white font where TRUMP used to be. The bus has been transformed by a group of artists into an anti-Trump palimpsest, ridiculing Trump’s prejudices and stereotypes.
T.Rutt is the enigmatic Philadelphia “character” of an artist—ostensibly neither man nor woman—who’s recently been drawing attention with conceptual art installations framed in arresting financial or political themes. The T.Rump bus is his latest. It was on lay-over in Palm Coast, on its way to Art Basel Miami, the colossal art show, where it’ll be part of an installation at the Conception Art Fair starting Wednesday.
But t.Rutt—the name is a play on word on Marcel Duchamp’s famous R.Mutt signature–was nowhere near the bus this morning.
“It’s a little bit of a controversial title I guess, but I think the artist was really convinced to try and push it as almost the way Trump pushes everything,” Gleeson says. “It was this idea that the Trump phenomenon is creating such a polarizing emotional effect that, wouldn’t it be interesting if this show, which is about Donald Trump and trying to question him, could somehow engage the public in a way to vent that frustration and to kind of get it out.”
And so the tagline on the side of the bus: “Make America great again” has been painted over with “Make fruit punch great again.” It’s an invitation and an allusion. The invitation, enabled by small plastic cups handed out to whoever wants a splash, is to hurl red fruit punch at banners of Trump draped alongside the bus. The allusion—that is, the red punch, and the wordplay on punch–is to Trump’s insult of Fox’s Megyn Kelly, when Trump alluded to her menstrual cycle after a GOP debate. “So this idea of just throwing punch up on these banners and staining them references this notion of his whole thing about putting down Megyn Kelly, about blood was ‘coming out of her eyes, out of her wherever,” Gleeson says. “Let’s not let him and these certain types of men continue to use this negative imagery about women. So it just kind of takes the whole thing and flips it on its head, and lets the people get involved.” (Naturally, Gleeson, Mihelic and the bus made an unplanned stop in Flagler before setting off this morning at that other place that flips everything on its head: JJ Graham’s Salvo Art Project, the art gallery in Bunnell.)
But any Trump-minded entrepreneur would appreciate the way the bus was acquired and transformed.
On Sept. 18 Rachel Maddow mentioned on her show that that very day the Trump campaign bus went on sale on Craigslist Des Moines. The Des Moines Register had first reported the story, and almost as soon as it did, the Craigslist ad vanished, though the bus was still for sale.
Mihelic—the New York artist traveling with Gleeson—was watching. She knew Gleeson was working on a t.Rutt project again. She texted him about the bus for sale. “I was asked to go out there and see what was doable, work out a deal,” he said. So he did. He bought the 1998 bus for $14,000 ($1,000 less than advertised). He describes it as a 1998 MCI bus on its third engine and its third transmission, though still with 1 million miles. It doesn’t go faster than 60. It used to be a party bus, leased for tailgate parties until the Trump campaign took it over, still with its track lights, a sound system, a satellite television, a couple of tables up front, more roomy seating in the back, though nothing The Donald would suffer very long. Gleeson says Trump may have been on board twice.
If it breaks down, Mihelic’s brother is a mechanic, Gleeson is handy with repairs too if necessary, but their back-up plan is a white van Mihelic is driving behind the bus, filled with art work, in case it doesn’t make it all the way to Miami. (The art work includes her own, which will be shown alongside “America on the Rag.” She is showing her “Running Girls” series, inspired by the 57 schoolgirls who ran away from Boko Haram terrorists in Nigeria in April 2014 when they captured almost 300 girls. Mihelic is working on 53 separate works, most of them completed and viewable here).
The stop at South of the Border, Mihelic said, lent itself to a lot of travelers wanting a shot of themselves with the bus and the Mexican-themed background providing just the right dose of irony.
Trump has not been kind to Mexicans, and the art installation to come will show it. The installation includes a bed and sword going through it that symbolize Trump’s alleged prowess in bed, and a huge taco stand with a menu based on Trump’s politics, such as “a great wall of tacos, burritos and enchiladas” you must imagine to be 10 feet high, 4 feet thick and 2,000 miles long, like the actual wall Trump wants to build along the Mexican border. “Our fattest, densest and thickest offering, Trumpito’s Mexican Wall feeds up to 11 million people and, with extra beans, it creates enough gas to get everyone home safely,” reads the menu. Also on the menu: Sangria de Megyn Kelly, “traditional Spanish ‘bleeding’ wine and fruit beverage.”
Initially Gleeson made no secret of his intentions: to help accelerate Trump’s fall from the top of the polls. Nothing of the sort has happened. Trump has been solidifying his lead, whether in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina or Florida, where he’s well ahead even of Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush, and where the latest polls have him defeating Hillary Clinton in the general. “The realities are,” Gleeson concedes just before setting back off on his journey, “he may be able to take it right on through to the nomination, and that’s a pretty scary thought.”
The bus might then need a fourth engine and transmission to make it through Trump’s reign.
NortonSmitty says
Makes me want to go out and buy a Honeydipper septic tank pumping truck and paint Trump on the side.
Hammock says
Makes me want construct a jail cell on my trailer and put Hilliary on it.
Gladfly says
Trump for President.
YankeeExPat says
Trump went on to say I Love the Blacks……In fact I just saw one on TBS this Saturday…….I think the movie was called “Trading Places ” …….there was this colored guy named Eddie Murphy in it ….just as good as an actor as the white guy, Dan Aykroyd.
Sherry says
Thanks Norton. . . my laugh of the day! LOL!
Commom Sense says
Trump is a lying, arrogant bigot. How anybody can think he should be President is incredible.
Anonymous says
No one seems to care.
Trump says
I want to thank you you idiots for supporting me and my campaign. I promise I will duck you like you have ne Er been ducked before. Vote for me a d I will take away your SS, Medicare, raise your taxes and eliminate the Bill of Rights and 24 of the Amendments to the Constitution. my sons and daughter will be my Cabinet and my 3rd wife will become the First Gold Digger rather than First Lady. Thanks for your support, suckers.
Common Senses says
“Trump is a lying, arrogant bigot “…….that comment sounds like your describing Obama !!!
Geezer says
Donald Trump, the asshole for the masses and Rick Scott as his number two.
(Read that twice.)
Hammock says
I wonder if tax payers are on the hook for the bus for this so called artist from NY through the national foundation for the arts?
FlaglerLive says
They are not.