The A rating was powered by substantial improvements at Rymfire Elementary and other schools maintaining their high achievements. Charter schools didn’t do as well.
Flagler Palm Coast High School
Dakota Sexton
Miss Junior Flagler County Contestant (2011)
Dakota Sexton is a Miss Junior Flagler County contestant in the 12 to 15 year old category of the 2011 Miss Flagler County Pageant.
Taylor Gross
Miss Flagler County Contestant (2011)
Taylor Gross is a Miss Flagler County Scholarship Pageant contestant in the 16-23year old category of the 2011 Flagler County Pageant.
Kate Strickland
Miss Junior Flagler County Contestant (2011)
Kate Strickland is a Miss Junior Flagler County contestant in the 12 to 15 year old category of the 2011 Miss Flagler County Pageant.
Tara Norberg
Miss Junior Flagler County Contestant (2011)
Tara Norberg is a Miss Junior Flagler County contestant in the 12 to 15 year old category of the 2011 Miss Flagler County Pageant.
FCAT Scores: Flagler Palm Coast High School (FPC)
FCAT Scores, passing rates and historical data for Flagler Palm Coast School, including 2011.
Jack Hardin, Only Basketball Coach to Take Bulldogs to Final Four (Twice), Dies
Jack Hardin, who taught social science at Bunnell and FPC from the 1960s to the 1980s, had also been a Bunnell city commissioner and ran for school board against Herschel King in 1982.
Wicked Transition to Stage Magic as FPC Goes Emerald With “Wizard of Oz” This Weekend
“The Wizard of Oz” at the Flagler Auditorium is the biggest FPC stage production to date, with a live orchestra and a cast and crew of 75. The production gelled in a mere six weeks under a new director, after the previous one quit.
Florida’s FHSAA Slaps $2,500 Fine on FPC Lacrosse Team; Questions Arise About Payment
The $2,500 fine was the result of the lacrosse coach mingling school athletic funds with funds for a separate lacrosse club team not officially associated with FPC. The case led to a district-wide policy revamp on teams and fund-raising.
Prom Night Recklessness: FPC Rattles Students With Tombstones and Scary Statistics
Carrying pickets and tombstones to symbolize the dangers of recklessness on prom night, students and FPC Activities Director Cheryl Perry sent a cautionary message to fellow students who’ll be partying on prom night Friday.
Select Flagler School Seniors Receive 239 Scholarships Worth $240,000 at Ceremony
The annual ceremony hosted by the Flagler County Education Foundation celebrated its 25th year Tuesday as 108 organizations’ scholarships were presented to 138 seniors. See the full list.
FCAT Writing Results Are In: Big, and In Some Cases “Abnormal” Improvements
Almost every school’s 4th, 8th and 10th graders improved in Flagler County, some dramatically so. State improvements were also unusually steep. It’s not clear why, though the district is welcoming the results.
Middle School Day Will End at 1:40pm as District’s New Bell Schedules Toll Backlash
Elementary start and end times change only a little, but high school students will start at 8 a.m. and finish at 2 p.m., and middle school students will start at 7:40 a.m. The shorted school day is designed to save money.
School Buses Blowing Through a Stop Sign at FPC: Scrutiny Follows Parent’s Alert
An 11th grader on a motorcycle had a close encounter with a bus that pulled out of an FPC driveway where, a video shows, buses frequently don’t respect a stop sign. The transportation department is responding with monitoring and warnings drivers.
Flagler Palm Coast High School’s Formality Singers Soar
Flagler Palm Coast High School’s Formality Singers, led by Amy Fulmer, received Straight Superiors ratings in state assessments this week. Watch the videos.
FPC Posts Video of Teacher’s Public Apology Over Gay Student Bullying
Shop teacher Floyd Binkley’s apology for telling an offensive gay joke appears in the last fifth of the nearly six-minute video as part of a public service announcement about bullying and harassment. The video skirts the details of the matter.
Flagler Schools’ Problem Solvers Clean Up Again: The Winners’ Complete List
Following the Problem Solvers state competition in Cape Canaveral late last month, FPC’s Ryan McDermott filed a complete list of winners from nearly every school in the district. Many qualify for the international competition in Wisconsin in June.
The Art League’s Nomadic Spring Festival Finally Finds a Home at City Market Place
Formerly known as Art in the Park, the Flagler County Art League’s Spring festival inaugurates its new home at City Market Place this weekend with some 50 vendors, 10 galleries and hundreds of artists and their works.
Get Some: Sex Ed Survey Now Open to Flagler Parents; Student Survey March 23 and 24
Parents with children in school and residents without children are invited to take the Flagler school district’s sex education survey to guide school board policy. Middle and high school students take the survey March 23 and 24.
Bullying of Gay Student at FPC Leads to Teacher’s Public Apology and Policy Change
FPC shop teacher Floyd Binkley made gay jokes in front of his students. A gay 9th grader in his class, who’d been repeatedly bullied by others outside of class, took the jokes as an offense directed at him.
FPC’s Mockingbird Director Quits Abruptly, Walking Out on 6 Classes and 2 More Shows
Ed Koczergo, a drama teacher at FPC for the past three years, said he wasn’t going to let the administration “suck a couple more months out of me and then not hire me back.” He leaves 150 students in six classes and two scheduled plays in a lurch.
Unresolved: Who’s To Arbitrate Daring Artistic Expression–Principals or the School Board?
The triumph of “Mockingbird” is past. The Flagler County School Board’s confusion over how to prevent another controversy without chilling artistic expression isn’t, as a pair of proposed policy changes indicate.
Why To Kill a Mockingbird Is a Triumph for Flagler, And Especially for FPC’s Drama Club
They endured, they persevered, and now they’re finally in their element, on stage. You won;t be disappointed by the FPC student production of To Kill a Mockingbird at the Flagler Auditorium.
As Politicians Mull School Cuts, FPC Lights 10 Candles to Excellence: The IB Class of 2012
While Tallahassee and the local school district prepare to cut school budgets, FPC students lit 10 candles in a ceremony Wednesday symbolizing the very best that local education offers, and produces, in Flagler County.
Scout’s Up: Mockingbird‘s Real Stars Take the Auditorium Stage Thursday for 3-Day Run
The controversies over, cast members of the Flagler Palm Coast High School Drama Club production of “To Kill a Mockingbird” talk about their roles in the show at the Flagler Auditorium Feb. 24-26.
FPC’s Delegates Win 2nd Place and Score Hat Trick at Tallahassee Model UN
FPC’s Model United Nations team took on the world and brought home a batch of awards at a conference hosted at the State Capitol Feb. 11. Kyle Russell live-blogged the entire day.
Boys Basketball Playoffs: FPC’s Bulldogs Rally to Beat Mainland, 45-39
Down 11 points well into the 3rd quarter, the Bulldogs rallied behind Tyler Hopkins’s three-point shooting and Michael McDonald to defeat rivals Buccaneers at Mainland in the district quarterfinals Wednesday.
My Journey Out Of Egypt: An FPC Graduate and Cairo Transplant Describes Her Exit
Catherine M., who asked that her last name not be used for security reasons, is the daughter of two prominent Flagler residents–a former sheriff and a commercial real estate broker. She wrote from Dubai.
More Power to Principals, Less Transparency as Board Kills Policy Inspired by Mockingbird
The rejected policy had called for supporting plays “that challenge, nurture and extend student skills” while respecting community sensibilities. Instead, the board retreated to more general “tweaks” of two existing policies.
From Biggest Flirt (E. Bartley) to Most Likely to Succeed (Kaci Ellis): FPC’s Oscar Night
FCAT results and teacher of the year awards give way to the real student Oscars at FPC: a complete list of the winners and nominees, and an image gallery of the show.
’03 FPC Grads Brandon Anderson and Jonathan Alter Win Half-Marathon and 5K
Some 346 runners finished the two races, Palm Coast’s first half-marathon, with temperatures around 37 degrees at the start: just right for runners.
FPC Briefly Locked Down After Feared Robbery in Target Shopping Center Lot
Flagler Palm Coast High School was locked down for a few minutes in early afternoon today following false reports of a robbery in the Target shopping center nearby.
Darise Anne Pagello, 2011 Employee of the Year: Flagler Palm Coast High School
Darise Anne Pagello, 2011 Employee of the Year: Flagler Palm Coast High School
James Pignatiello (That Is, Mr. Pig), 2011 Teacher of the Year: Flagler Palm Coast High School
James Pignatiello (That Is, Mr. Pig), 2011 Teacher of the Year: Flagler Palm Coast High School
FPC Graduate Kristen Hadeed’s Student Maid Co. Tapped for ABC TV’s “Extreme Makeover”
Kristen Hadeed, a 2006 FPC graduate, built Student Maid, a Gainesville-based cleaning service, from scratch in the last two years. A crew of 30 will donate its time to ABC’s “Extreme Makeover” shoot in Clay County later this month.
Between Authority and Authoritarianism: Conklin and Pryor Clash Over Principal Power
The school board is debating a new policy and procedure controlling the staging of controversial plays. Matanzas Principal Chris Pryor doesn’t want to be “second-guessed.” Board member Conklin doesn’t want unilateral decision-making.
Ready for Prime Time: Back Home at FPC, IB Conquerors Claim Their Diplomas
A majority of Flagler Palm Coast High School’s IB class of 2010–32 students, all of them now in college–returned on Monday afternoon for their diploma ceremony, an occasion small in numbers but oversize in achievements.
Encore: Flagler County Artist of the Year Edson Beckett at Hollingsworth Gallery
Edson Beckett, a ceramics, photography and graphic design teacher at Flagler Palm Coast High School for 22 years, is the Gargiulo Art Foundation’s 11th Artist of the Year since the award’s inaugural in 2000.
FPC Improves from D to B, Matanzas High School Maintains a B, Heritage is an F
The Flagler County school district as a whole was tentatively awarded an A last year, pending today’s results. Heritage’s F is not expected top affect that overall grade.
It’s On: FPC Will Stage To Kill a Mockingbird At the Flagler Auditorium Feb. 24-26
FPC Principal Jacob Oliva and Drama Director Ed Koczergo finalized plans for staging Mockingbird over four performances as part of Black History Month, with many innovative stage elements to be incorporated into the production.
Music, Dance, Art: Auditorium’s 5-Day Holiday Extravaganza Will Boost Art in Education
With arts funding in free fall in Florida, the Flagler Auditorium’s series of concerts, performances, art showings and auctions Dec. 8-12, half of them free, will raise money to help art programs in Flagler schools.
Graduation Rates: FPC Falls to 83.5%, Matanzas Soars to 90.4%, Both Beat State’s 79%
It’s Matanzas High School’s best graduation rate to date, helping the district increase its overall graduation rate by either state or federal standards.
As Superintendent and School Board Now Urge Play’s Revival, Focus Shifts to Drama Teacher
Scripts of the Mockingbird controversy are being furiously re-written as the school district shifts to backing the play, but vague accusations and ugly slanders are now being directed at the Ed Koczergo, the drama teacher.
Tale of Two Recommendations: Valentine “Completely” Supports Staging of Mockingbird
The appeals committee’s original recommendation was re-written to more clearly reflect Mockingbird as an “appropriate” play to be staged by Flagler County school students.
Mockingbird‘s Fate Still Hanging as Appeals Panel, Endorsing the Work, Punts on the Play
A majority of the committee clearly wanted the play staged. But it’s recommendation goes no further than declaring Mockingbird “appropriate” for instruction–a matter never in doubt.
Live Recap: Mockingbird Appeals Committee’s Minute-By-Minute Deliberations
The nine-member appeals committee, meeting this morning at Matanzas High School, will recommend a fate for “To Kill a Mockingbird”–whether FPC’s students will stage it or not, and how. It’s up to Superintedent Valentine to make the final decision.
Starry Saturday: Theater, Art, Grit and Glitz from Bunnell to Palm Coast
Staring with FPC’s courageous thespians, the visual and performing arts had a fabulous Saturday in Flagler, with two gallery openings and two local theater productions. That’s what the county’s unbound cultural scene should be about.
The National Coalition Against Censorship’s Letter to Janet Valentine
“We urge you to encourage student creativity and civic engagement, and to teach students the skills to discuss opposing views respectfully,” the NCAC writes. “We urge you to allow the students to perform the play.”
National Coalition Against Censorship Urges Valentine To Reverse Mockingbird Decision
The strongly-worded letter from a coalition representing 50 organizations of actors, writers, educators and clerics calls on Superintendent Valentine to enrich the conversation on race and culture, not restrict it.
Mockingbird Appeals Committee’s Challenge: Loyalty to “Protocol” vs. Free Expression
Interviews with appeals committee members reveal a divide between instinctive revulsion of censorship and hesitancy over second-guessing a principal’s decision even as the facts of the case continue to be muddled by unspecified generalities.