In delivering its verdict, a Wisconsin jury decided that Rittenhouse’s conduct was justified, even though the prosecution argued that he provoked the violent encounter and, therefore, should not be able to find refuge in the self-defense doctrine.
stand your ground
Supreme Court Defines When Stand Your Ground Law Shifting Burden to Prosecution Applies
With backing from groups such as the National Rifle Association, the 2017 law shifted the burden from defendants to prosecutors to prove whether a self-defense claim is justified.
Florida Supreme Court Clears Cops to Use Stand Your Ground Defense in Shootings
Stand your ground applies to “persons,” and “a law enforcement officer is a ‘person’ whether on duty or off, and irrespective of whether the officer is making an arrest,” the court ruled unanimously.
Stand Your Ground Vigilantes
Instead of allowing the police to perform their jobs, some gunslingers hiding behind stand-your-ground laws take the responsibility of pursuing criminals upon themselves.
For 2nd Time in 3 Weeks Man Pulls a Gun on Flagler Deputies, But No Arrest This Time
Flagler deputies were checking on a 33-year-old man who had been reported to be suicidal (possibly falsely). He came out of his house pointing a gun at the deputies.
Spurred By Latest Dubious Shooting, Calls For Stand Your Ground Repeal Hit Capitol
The July 19 shooting death of Markeis McGlockton, with his three young children nearby at a Circle K in Pinellas County is prompting the latest calls to repeal the 2005 law.
Man Shoots and Kills German Shepherd in Palm Coast’s W-Section, Says In Self-Defense
A 5-year-old German Shepherd mix called Caroline is dead from a gunshot to the head after allegedly attacking a man and his puppy on Westchester Lane in Palm Coast this morning.
Court Upholds Shifting Burden of Proof to Prosecution in Stand Your Ground Cases
With backing from the NRA the Legislature in 2017 shifted the burden from defendants to prosecutors to prove whether self-defense claims are justified.
Paul Miller Loses Latest Appeal of Life Sentence for Dana Mulhall’s Murder in Flagler Beach
Circuit Judge Dennis Craig ruled that even if a use-of-force expert had been heard at trial, the jury would not have found grounds for self-defense and convicted Miller, now 70, of murdering Dana Mulhall.
Epic Child Abuse Case Fails Stand Your Ground Defense in Debacle of Witnesses
An unusual stand-your-ground case unfolded in Flagler court this morning over an allegation that a 39-year-old man punched a 16-year-old girl at Epic Theater in palm Coast last October.