The Palm Coast City Council is about to undergo a makeover, the Flagler County School Board holds another workshop with the Flagler Auditorium board, John Paul Stevens on Citizens United.
Florida & Beyond, and All Opinions
Teacher May Be Disciplined But Not Fired Over Disparaging Transgender Student
An administrative law judge reversed the decision of the Lee County School Board, which had moved to terminate Angel Villanueva, a Junior ROTC instructor at East Lee County High School.
Alleged Chicago Assault Reignites
Issue of Hate Crimes Against Whites
As Chicago authorities waited before filing hate-crime charges against four young adult blacks for an alleged attack on a white disabled man, the Internet raged.
Conservatives Plot Their Course on the Rising ‘Sea of Red’ in State Capitals
The American Legislative Exchange Council sees bright future for its agenda now that Republicans control 68 of the nation’s 99 state legislative bodies and 33 governor’s mansions.
Israel’s Suicide Mission
Israel’s right-wing government never seriously considered the two-state solution, which it has now abandoned as it imposes a de-facto annexation of the Palestinian West Bank, enshrining apartheid.
Only 20 Percent Of Americans Support Health Law Repeal Without Replacement Plan
More than a third of those said they would not want the law repealed after being told that some people with preexisting health problems would no longer be able to get insurance.
Another Emblem of Disarray for Florida Democrats: 12 Counties Have No Organizational Structure
In a state where presidential votes have decided by 1 percent margins, Democrats’ absence even in small counties point to a fatal weakness for the party.
In Bizarre Move, Court Stops Prosecutors From Seeking Death Penalty, Then Rescinds Order
The release of the Florida Supreme Court order, a mistake, according to a court spokesman, further muddled Florida’s embattled death penalty, on hold for nearly a year following a U.S. Supreme Court decision last January.
Pot Amendment Goes Into Effect Amid Mass Confusion and “Dangerous Legal Area”
Proponents of Amendment 2 as well as some marijuana operators are demanding that the state health department provide adequate guidance to the industry about the proposal approved by more than 70 percent of Floridians in November.
Florida Ethics Commission Chairman Decries Vote to Eliminate Office of Congressional Ethics
If the Florida Commission on Ethics did not exist, its chairman argues, thousands of ethical violations and trespasses of good government would occur, continuing to diminish what little trust the people have left in government.
Should Older Drivers Face Special Restrictions?
Legislatures have become increasingly reluctant to restrict driver’s licenses for seniors or impose extra requirements — such as vision or road tests — for getting them renewed based solely on their advancing age.
Eroding Florida’s Checks and Balances, One Bill at a Time
A Florida Republican lawmaker’s proposal to give the Legislature the power to invalidate any court’s decision would upend centuries of precedent and make a mockery of a balance of powers, argues Ben Hogarth.
Trump and the Climate: His Hot Air on Warming Is Far From the Greatest Threat
Trump, who has called climate change a hoax, has frightened many with his embrace of fossil fuels. What’s truly scary, scientists and others say, is how much larger the problem is than one American president.
Controversial “Best and Brightest” Teacher Bonus Pay Program Heading for Revisions
Under Best and Brightest, first approved by lawmakers in 2015, teachers who are highly rated and scored in the top fifth of the test results on the SAT or ACT, are eligible for bonuses of up to $10,000.
Striking at Balance of Powers, Florida Lawmaker Files Measures to Nullify Court Decisions
Gonzalez’s bills are a reflection of the Legislature’s latest assault on judicial power. But taking aim at separation of powers considered fundamental, if not sacred, to American government may be more of a partisan than a realistic exercise.
Knowing When To Shut Up: What Florida Gov. LeRoy Collins Could Teach Politicians
Had LeRoy Collins spoken of some things in public as he did privately, he’d be remembered not as Florida’s greatest governor but as a failure who was voted out after serving only the last two years of a deceased predecessor’s term.
Assume Obamacare Is Repealed. What Then?
Republicans have also pledged to repeal the taxes that Democrats used to pay for their health law. Without that funding, Republicans will have far less money to spend on whatever they opt for as a replacement.
Justice James E.C. Perry’s Last Dissent Denounces Florida’s Death Penalty
Justice Justice James E.C. Perry in a blistering condemnation of the death penalty in general rendered a blistering analysis of the manner in which capital punishment is carried out in Florida.
Year-End Briefing: Buy Less, Live More, Merry Christmas
This is the last Daily briefing of the year, so the Briefing will be off until Jan. 3. Happy Hanukkah, Fabulous Festivus, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, in that order.
With Florida leading the Way, Obamacare Enrollment Jumps Despite Trump Threats
Despite the Affordable Care Act’s rising prices, decreased insurer participation and a vigorous political threat to its survival, consumer enrollment for 2017 is outpacing last year’s.
Thursday Briefing: Losing Democrats Look Back, Journalism in Age of Trump, Bud Powell
Flagler’s Democrats gather to hear from three of their candidates who lost in November and talk about the future, a man who assaulted police in Flagler Beach goes on trial, how journalists should cover Trump and Trumpism.
Wednesday Briefing: Legislative Delegation Wish List, Beach Restoration Dollars, National Geographic’s Trans Cover
Paul Renner and Travis Hutson hear the county’s wish lists in the annual legislative meeting, seeking tourism dollars to fix beaches, National Geographic breaks ground, belatedly, with a 9-year-old transgender girl on its cover.
Florida Second Only to Texas in Gaining New Residents in 2015
Florida’s gain of 367,525 new residents topped California’s growth of 256,077 new residents; Texas led the nation with a gain of 432,957 people. Florida led the 10 largest states with a 1.82 percent annual growth rate.
Tuesday Briefing: Policing Palm Coast, A Lid on Pot, Historic Bus Tour, Centennial Plans, Trans Homicides
State of law enforcement in Palm Coast, pot-bsiness moratorium in Palm Coast, undercounting transgender homicides, “a fabulous” boat parade, the exquisite Billy Evans and his foolish heart.
Effort to Get Electoral College Away From Trump Fizzles as Florida’s 29 Votes Go All In
In Florida, the votes for Trump and his running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, were never really in doubt. The slate of electors was made up of GOP stalwarts, from fundraisers to activists to elected officials.
Monday Briefing: Revels Farewell, Holly Norris Plea, Florida Presidential Electors, ITMS Concert
Florida electors meet today to cast their vote for Donald Trump, Holly Norris, accused of aggravated manslaughter in her uncle’s death 3 years ago, may plea, the county commission says goodbye to Barbara Revels, Gary Kasparov writes.
The Unnecessary Controversy Over “Sanctuary Campuses”
Even if colleges were targeted by the Trump administration, numerous privacy and legal obstacles remain before administrators would be enlisted in identifying students for deportation.
Sheriff Manfre: Against Tribalism
In a call against the fracturing of society into self-interested groups, Sheriff Jim Manfre argues for the importance of resisting the worst of the tribal instincts roused by the last election.
In Tilt to Right Gov. Scott Appoints Appeal Court Judge C. Alan Lawson to Supreme Court
Lawson’s appointment to the Supreme Court reduces the influence of the liberal-leaning court majority, which has been made up of Perry, Chief Justice Jorge Labarga and justices Barbara Pariente, R. Fred Lewis and Peggy Quince.
Hurricanes Matthew and Hermine Damages Reach $1.59 Billion, A1A a Big Bite
By comparison the University of Florida’s Bureau of Economic and Business Research has placed damages from the 2004 hurricane season, in which four hurricanes hit the state, at $45 billion.
Weekend Briefing: Goodbye Gail Wadsworth, Christmas With a Deputy, Boat Parade, Starlight 5K, Obama’s Nation
Flagler County Clerk of Court Gail Wadsworth’s farewell on the courthouse steps, the Palm Coast Boat Parade, Christmas With a Deputy blares its sirens, The Nation marks the Obama years.
Florida Chamber of Commerce and Business Groups File Suit Against Plan to Raise Minimum Wage
The chamber of commerce joined a retail and a restaurant association to fight a groundbreaking living wage plan adopted in Miami Beach, which could serve as a model for other local governments.
Thursday Briefing: A1A’s Various Futures in Flagler Beach, Rebecca Lawless Docket Sounding, Portman’s Jackie Kennedy
The public gets a first look at options for permanent repairs of State Road A1A in Flagler Beach, Rebecca Lawless, accused of DUI manslaughter in the death of Diane Upton on SR100 last year, has a docket sounding in court.
Unlikely Alliance of Clergy and Pro-Choice Advocates Sue to Block Florida’s Abortion Law
Plaintiffs including rabbis, ministers and non-profits contend they don’t have medical training and aren’t qualified to offer information not spelled out in the abortion law.
Twelve Counties Get Money to Reduce Conflicts With Bears, But Flagler Is Not On the List
Volusia and Putnam counties will receive a combined $98,000. Flagler County will receive no grant. The announcement came six months after the Fish and Wildlife commission voted against holding a bear hunt this year.
Seizing on Orlando Murder Case, Justice Breyer Asks Court to “Reconsider Constitutionality of Death Penalty”
Justice Stephen Breyer characterized the death penalty as cruel and unusual in light of the case of Henry Sireci, 68, who’s been on Florida’s Death Row for 40 years and has yet again been cleared for execution.
Enrollment in Florida’s 28 State Colleges Plummets 13.5% as Economy Rebounds
The actual head count of state college students is about 780,000 this year, down from a peak of nearly 900,000 in 2010. More than 60 percent attend part-time.
How Trump’s Health Secretary Will Alter Policy from Obamacare to Abortion to Birth Control
Tom Price, a Georgia physician who opposes the Affordable Care Act, abortion and funding for Planned Parenthood, among other things, could have a rapid impact without even a presidential order or an act of Congress.
Child Care Subsidies, Vital for Many Working Poor, Are Dwindling to 20-Year Lows
In 2014, the number of children receiving subsidies fell to its lowest level since 1998. Subsidies may fall further as states implement tougher licensing standards for child care centers.
Thrasher, at FSU, Pledges to Kill “Campus Carry” Gun Bill Again As He Did in 2011
The so-called “campus carry” bill, which in the past has been approved by the House, has already re-emerged as an issue for the 2017 legislative session.
Jacksonville Air National Guard Base a Finalist to Receive F-35 Joint Strike Fighter in 2022
The F-35 is the most expensive fighter jet–and weapon system–ever built. The program, now seven years behind schedule, has been mired in cost overruns, delays and performance failures.
How Journalists Should Go Beyond Fact-Checking Trump’s Routine Lies and Conspiracy Theories
The story is that the president-elect is more factually irresponsible than any political leader in the United States in memory. Chasing it will be just one challenge of the next four years.
Revealed: Florida Stockpiling Lethal Injection Protocol Never Used Before, Inviting Litigation
The new triple-drug cocktail would be the only one of its kind among the states that rely on similar procedures to kill prisoners, including a drug never used to that end before.
Tuesday Briefing: Rymfire Winter Concert, Matanzas v. Menendez, Palm Coast Redevelopment Plan
The Palm Coast council this evening is set to approve bringing Wawa to State Road 100 as part of a redevelopment plan, Rymfire Elementary’s winter concert, a word from Reinhold Niebuhr.
Beyond Tweet Storms: What Trump Could Learn from Alexander Hamilton
Hamilton wanted a strong central government. He advocated taxation. He took these positions for practical reasons, not because he was a flaming liberal, argues Jill Richardson.
Monday Briefing: Flagler’s Wild Tourism Spending, Fame, Between Trumpism and Islamism, Kundera
New county commissioners will contend with expensive requests from the county’s tourism division, Fame: the Musical at the Flagler Auditorium, Slovakia-bound art and Milan Kundera words.
Refinancing Pushes State Debt Down to $24.1 Billion, But Rising Interest Rates Loom
State debt has declined since reaching a peak of $28.2 billion in 2010 due to several factors. Since taking office in 2011, Scott has remained largely opposed to borrowing money or issuing bonds.
Why Trump Would Almost Certainly Be Violating the Constitution If He Continues to Own His Businesses
Even if he does sell his business, any retained residual interest, or any sale payout based on the company’s results, would still give him a stake in its fortunes, again fairly clearly violating the Constitution.
Florida’s Death Penalty Law in Disarray, Supreme Court Throws Out Yet More Sentences
Signaling how it is likely to handle scores of Death Row cases, a majority of the Florida Supreme Court threw out death sentences and ordered a new penalty proceeding for a convicted triple-murderer.
Economy Adds 178,000 Jobs in November, 4.6% Unemployment at Lowest Level in 9 Years
It’s the longest job-creation streak in the nation’s history, but wages dropped in October by 0.1 percent and the decline in the unemployment rate was due more to a decline in the labor force than because of job creation.