Sophie Zabas, who died Friday of cancer at age 74, was Commissioner George Hanns’s companion of 23 years. Visitations are Friday from 4 to 5:30 p.m. at Craig-Flagler Palms Funeral Home.
Flagler County Commission
Denise Calderwood, Flagler County Commission Candidate: The Live Interview
Denise Calderwood is a Republican candidate for Flagler County Commission, District 3. Her opponents in the Aug. 30 Republican primary is Donald O’Brien. The winner will face Democrat incumbent George Hanns in the Nov. 8 general election.
Jason France, Flagler County Commission Candidate: The Live Interview
Jason France is a Republican candidate for the Flagler County Commission in District 3. He faces Dave Sullivan in the Aug. 30 Republican primary. The winner will face Democrat Barbara Revels, who faces no primary opposition, in November.
Daniel Potter, Flagler County Commission Candidate: The Live Interview
Daniel Potter is a Republican candidate for Flagler County Commission, District 1. His opponents in the Aug. 30 Republican primary are incumbent Charlie Ericksen and Ken Mazzie. The winner will face Democrat Jason DeLorenzo in the Nov. 8 general election.
Ken Mazzie, Flagler County Commission Candidate: The Live Interview
Ken Mazzie is a Republican candidate for the Flagler County Commission in District 1. He faces Charlie Ericksen and Dan Potter in the Aug. 3 Republican primary. The winner will face Democrat Jason DeLorenzo, the departing Palm Coast City Council member.
Key Flagler Panel Votes 7-5 To Endorse Pot Citation Proposal, But Split Reflects Hazy Fate
The proposed ordinance to decriminalize some pot possession now goes to the county commission, Palm Coast, Bunnell and Flagler Beach for approval, but it’s faced sustained opposition.
5 Names Emerge as Maneuvering for Governor’s Appointment for Meeker’s Commission Seat Intensifies
David Alfin, Ed Fuller, Howard Holley, Jon Netts and Patrick Kelly are all confirmed likely applicants to Frank Meeker’s county commission seat, while Milissa Holland, Gail Wadsworth, Garry Lubi and Jim Ulsamer have ruled it out.
For Commissioner Frank Meeker, a Tribute From the Hearts of a Decade’s Colleagues
For an hour Monday morning, Meeker’s closest colleagues remembered the man death surprised at 61 on July 22, themselves not yet over the shock of having lost him after seen him in that seat just 16 days before his death.
Palm Coast Council Candidate Troy DuBose May Abandon Run and Opt For County Post
Troy DuBose, a candidate for the District 1 seat on the Palm Coast City Council, said he’ll drop out of he is appointed to the Flagler County Planning Board on Monday, where he is the only candidate who applied.
With Latest Claims Against County Government Thrown Out, Flagler Prevails in 25 of 26 Cases
The latest claims were filed by Dennis McDonald, who is running for Palm Coast mayor, and who is disputing the elections commission’s findings that his complaints were legally insufficient.
Missing Frank Meeker
Some elected officials leave a much bigger void than others when they die in office. Flagler County Commissioner Frank Meeker’s loss an interrupted legacy that was just hitting its stride.
Bunnell’s Tucker Upsets Colleagues With Surprise Bid to Merge Fire Department With County
Previously Bunnell Commissioner Elbert Tucker wanted to dissolve the city’s police department to save money. Now he wants to dissolve the volunteer fire department and shift savings to add a police officer. The commission is not enthusiastic.
Frank Meeker, County Commission Workhorse and Tenacious Optimist, Is Dead at 61
Meeker had been in and out of the hospital battling cancer the last few weeks, and was in the hospital this week as his condition worsened. He was moved to hospice overnight and died around 6 a.m.
Flagler Judge Gives Pot Plan a Lift, But Council And Whiff of Politics Again Delay Adoption
The proposal would reduce the penalty for first-time possession of pot to a $250 fine rather than a criminal charge, but it’ll be at least another month before the proposal gets out of a council, if then, and heads for approval (or rejection) by local governments.
Proposal to De-Criminalize Pot Possession Again Teetering as Flagler Council Nears Verdict
The Flagler Public Safety Coordinating Council decides Wednesday whether to recommend the de-criminalization proposal, but the reactions from palm Coast, Bunnell and Flagler Beach have been discouraging.
The Mostly Bogus Case Against Kimberle Weeks
Ex-Elections Supervisor Kimberle Weeks was the most combative, distasteful, deceptive and ethically suspect elected official in the county, but she did not break the law with most of the “secret” recordings she made, contrary to the laundry list of felony counts against her.
Tables Turn on Dennis McDonald as Ethics Commission Investigates Assets Disclosures
Flagler County Commissioner Frank Meeker, saying he’s had enough, filed complaints against both Dennis McDonald and his wife, Janet, a school board member, alleging that they have not properly disclosed property and other assets they own.
At Flagler’s New Jail, Science of Self-Contained Cell Blocks To Make Captivity Safer for Inmates and Guards
It’s in the internal designs, the innumerable details and attention to logic, efficiency and security for inmates, guards and visitors that the jail–which opened today– impresses, and that its $17.3 million cost shows its value.
Flagler County Jail Triple Its Old Size Set To Open July 7 in Camera-Ready “Ceremony”
The opening, which a county release dubs a “ceremony,” will also feature the trappings of a campaign event: It is scheduled less than eight weeks from the primary, giving incumbents a chance freely to bask in the shadow of a major, completed construction project.
Victory for Sunshine Law Rather Than Weeks as Judge Tosses 3 of 12 Charges Against Ex-Elections Supervisor
A judge ruled that three of the 12 felony counts against Kimberle Weeks related to a recording that had already been disclosed at a public meeting. Sharing the recording therefore could not illegal after that, even if the recording itself was.
No More Hairpin Curve as Old Kings Road Extension Around Matanzas High Opens, Last of Big Projects
The extension’s opening marks the last of a series of major road projects intended to improve traffic flow around Palm Coast, and in this case in particular around Matanzas High School.
Salvaged by Revels’s Diplomacy, Pot-Decriminalization Proposal Will Now Seek Cities’ Approval
The proposal would allow cops to issue civil citations to people caught with small amounts of marijuana, avoiding a criminal record. But its success depends on approval from all cities and the county commission, which is yet to come.
Yes, Palm Coast Wanted to Boot County EMS Crews Out of Station 22, But That Fire Is Out For Now
A closer look at the record shows that contrary to City Manager Jim Landon’s claim that the county was going on rumors, city officials, including Landon, very much wanted to see county EMS crews out of the fire station on Palm Coast Parkway.
Taxable Values Improve Less Than in 2015, But Still More Strongly Than in Pre-Recession Years
Palm Coast’s and Bunnell’s values improved least among local governments, at 3.9 and 2.2 percent, while county, school and Flagler Beach values all exceeded 5 percent.
Ethics Commission Dismisses Claim Against Flagler’s Craig Coffey, Adding to Pile of Frivolity
The complaint, by Mark Richter, had alleged that the county administrator had personally gained from the acquisition of the old hospital in Bunnell that became the sheriff’s operations center, among other claims the ethics commission found groundless.
Palm Coast-Flagler Under Tropical Storm Warning as Colin’s Local Version Brings a Messy 24 Hours
A disorganized and scattershot Tropical Storm Colin is set to cross Florida late tonight into Tuesday, dropping between 2 to 5 inches of rain on Palm Coast and Flagler County.
Scaling Some Opposition, Captain’s BBQ at Bing’s Will Expand Seating Areas, But Not Capacity
Captain’s Bait, Tackle and BBQ at Bing’s Landing, the county park, scaled some opposition by Hammock residents to win county approval for an 800 square foot expansion that will not, however, add to the restaurant’s 200-seat capacity.
In Feud’s Latest Distortion, Palm Coast Blames County for “Killing” $600,000 City Road Grant
Palm Coast and the county are at it again, but in this case the city appears to have misrepresented the county’s intention not to violate the law in the latest flare-up of an ongoing feud between City Manager Jim Landon and County Administrator Craig Coffey.
Flagler County Approves Manatee Protection Plan With Speed Zones on Intracoastal
The county has been under mandate to develop a plan since 2006, when state and federal authorities halted issuing permits for boating slips on the Intracoastal Waterway, where seven manatees have been killed by boats since 2006.
County, Palm Coast and Flagler Beach Drum Up Trio of Memorial Day Commemorations
Each of the three government is putting on its own ceremony Monday, starting at 8 a.m. in Palm Coast, 10 a.m. at county government, and 1 p.m. in Flagler Beach.
Against 1 Objection, Flagler Commissioners Want to Increase Their Travel Budget 184%
Commissioner Barbara Revels called the proposed increase “obscene,” but Frank Meekera and Nate McLaughlin kept pressing for it–increasing the budget from $15,885 to $45,000 for the five commissioners.
TDC Favors Beverly Beach’s $32,000 Walkover Renovations, But Not Before Unusual Grilling
The questioning was another example of of the TDC’s more inquisitorial attitude toward local projects as opposed to a less rigorous or accountable approach when the applicant is an out-of-town organization, including for-profits.
Flagler’s Pot De-Criminalization Proposal Wilts, But Narrower Version Still Possible
A work group meeting Tuesday to craft an ordinance raised more questions and objections than showed agreement, though the proposal is still moving forward in a much narrower version, and has many hurdles yet to cross.
Flagler Commissioners Press Case to Recover Fees from 5 More Frivolous Ethics Complainants
It’s the Flagler commission’s latest attempt to strike back against almost 30 ethics, elections, Florida bar and other complaints filed against commissioners and the administration since 2014, but a previous attempt to recover fees has been unsuccessful so far.
A Director’s Impassioned Plea for “Have-Nots” Wins Out: New Library Would Rise in Bunnell, Not Palm Coast
Flagler Public Library Director Holly Albanese insisted–in diametric disagreement from her boss–that a proposed new library branch should remain in Bunnell, and the county commission on Monday agreed.
Flagler Takes 1st Step To Pot Decriminalization With Broad Agreement on Principle, Less So on Details
All of Flagler’s major law enforcement and government agencies agree that marijuana decriminalization for first-time offenders is a good idea. The county next will develop an ordinance all can agree on. That step may be more difficult.
County Government’s Health Costs Take $1.5 Million Hit, Clouding Brighter Budget Outlook
Property values are expected to improve by 4.5 percent, adding $2.5 million to county revenue absent tax-rate changes, but the county’s health costs are increasing dramatically, leaving county commissioners with difficult choices again.
Flagler County Quietly Scraps Plan for 3 New Emergency Communications Towers, For Now
After the Flagler County Commission voted down a planned 350-foot tower on John Anderson Highway, NexTower, which would have built three towers, pulled out of the deal entirely, returning the county’s planning for its emergency infrastructure’s backbone to close to near zero.
County Floats Consolidation of Fire Services And Finally Agree to Meet With Palm Coast
At a long-awaited workshop this afternoon Flagler County responded to Palm Coast’s pressing for a new way to deliver ambulance services, but by countering with a proposal the city is not likely to approve in any way.
Flagler’s Emergency Operations Center at 10 Years: A Few Fires, 5 Managers, Zero Hurricanes
The Emergency Operations Center was part of a $90 million public building spree at the height of the housing boom, just before it all crashed. The center has yet to know its first hurricane emergency, though it’s helped the county through several fire and major storm emergencies.
Ethics Commission Tosses 5 More Complaints Against County Officials, from Weeks Era
The Florida Ethics Commission threw out complaints against four of the five Flagler County commissioners and County Attorney Al Hadeed in the latest sweep of what has been a drizzle of frivolous complaints against county officials.
County Approves Big Spending on Tourism Office Staff and Rigs and Hints at Raising Tax
County government absorbed the tourism office last fall and is spending big on it, raising staff pay, expanding staff, buying $300,000 worth of equipment and talking about raising the 4 percent sales tax supplement on short-term rentals to 5 percent.
“Go Forward!” Flagler Beach Tells County, Clearing Way for $900,000 Design of Beach-Erosion Project
The Flagler Beach City Commission endorsed the county’s decision to give up on federal dollars and instead spend county and state dollars on the first phase of what will amount to a hugely expensive, $44 million beach-protection project over the next 50 years.
Pot-Possession Decriminalization Could Advance in Flagler As Part of Broader Civil Citation Program
Not just the possession of small amounts of pot, but such offenses as battery and criminal mischief could be de-criminalized and shifted to civil citations in an approach that will be studied by a newly formed committee.
For 2nd Time in 2 Months, County’s Emergency Communications Falter, and Agencies Chafe
A problem at a tower on John Anderson Highway hampered sheriff’s deputies’ ability to communicate for an hour Monday evening. The county is describing the issue as minor while Palm Coast and the sheriff’s office see it as more emblematic of a recurring problem.
In Major Shift, County Proposes Rebuilding Beach Without Federal Dollars For Now
With federal dollars unlikely to share in the $44 million project, Administrator Craig Coffey wants the county commission to share costs with state transportation and environmental agencies instead, though the plan is rife with uncertainties.
County Commission Retreats From Joint Meeting With Palm Coast Council on EMS
After appearing ready to meet with Palm Coast, county commissioners now say that between election turn-over and the absence of a crisis, there’s no need to meet over ambulance issues.
County Explores Big-Idea Energy Savings, But Through Long-Term Wedding With Contractor
Flagler County government is looking to go greener with its energy consumption, but some of those ideas may not be possible without wedding government to a single private contractor for a decade and a half or more.
Latest Ethics and Elections Complaints Against County Said to Set “New Highs for Creative Writing”
The complaints rehash allegations made in previous complaints related either to the 2013 county purchase of the old Memorial Hospital in Bunnell or to conflicts between the commission and Kimberle Weeks, the former elections supervisor currently under felony indictment.
“It Is Done!” Flagler Celebrates Opening of Exit 293 Interchange With North Palm Coast’s Future
Eighteen years in the making, the Matanzas interchange with I-95 is expected to alleviate traffic in palm Coast and spur development in the north of the city while giving residents of the L, B and F Sections faster, safer access to I-95.