Courtney VandeBunte is in a runoff election for the open District 2 seat on the Flagler County School Board, facing Will Furry. All Flagler voters, regardless of party affiliation and address, may cast a ballot in the race.
trevor tucker
Will Furry, Flagler County School Board Candidate: The Live Interview
Will Furry is in a runoff election for the open District 2 seat on the Flagler County School Board, facing Courtney VandeBunte. All Flagler voters, regardless of party affiliation and address, may cast a ballot in these races.
Sally Hunt, Flagler County School Board Candidate: The Live Interview
Sally Hunt is challenging incumbent Jill Woolbright in the District 1 race for Flagler County School Board. They are among seven candidates running for three seats on the school board.
Jill Woolbright, Flagler County School Board Candidate: The Live Interview
Jill Woolbright is the incumbent candidate in the District 1 race for Flagler County School Board, running against Sally Hunt. Seven candidates are running for three school board seats.
Lance Alred, Flagler County School Board Candidate: The Live Interview
Lance Alred is one of seven candidates in three races for Flagler County School Board in the Aug. 23 primary election, one of three in the District 2 race. He faces Will Furry and Courtney VandeBunte. All Flagler voters, regardless of party affiliation and address, may cast a ballot in these races.
Christy Chong, Flagler County School Board Candidate: The Live Interview
Christy Chong is one of seven candidates in three races for Flagler County School Board in the Aug. 23 primary election, opposing incumbent Trevor Tucker. all Flagler voters, regardless of party affiliation and address, may cast a ballot in these races.
Trevor Tucker, Flagler County School Board Candidate: The Live Interview
Trevor Tucker is one of seven candidates in three races for Flagler County School Board in the Aug. 23 primary election. He is opposed by Christy Chong. All Flagler voters, regardless of party affiliation and address, may cast a ballot in these races.
School Board’s Cheryl Massaro Reverses Against Dropping ‘Equity’ in District Goals’ Language
Cheryl Massaro had previously joined three other board members on Nov. 2 in directing Superintendent Cathy Mittelstadt to drop the word “equity” from the district’s upcoming Strategic Plan. Tuesday, she said she wanted the matter brought back up for discussion, and that she was no longer in favor of dropping the word.
Trevor Tucker Is Re-Elected Flagler School Board Chair in Nomination Reflecting Guile Behind Deep Divisions
Trevor Tucker was unanimously re-elected chairman of the Flagler County School Board board, with Colleen Conklin re-elected vice-chair. The unanimity of the Tucker vote hides deep divisions on the board that were reflected both in the Conklin vote and the nomination of Tucker.
The County Commission’s Choice Tonight: Filth or Statesmanship
The Flagler County Commission this evening is set to elect a new chairman, with Joe Mullins in line for the job, unless fellow-commissioners think better than to choose a bigot to represent them and the county. The School Board elects a chair Tuesday evening, with its own dilemmas.
School Board Members Term Janet McDonald on ‘Witch Hunt’ and ‘Dangerous’ as She Guns for Board Attorney in Wake of Tuesday Tumult
School Board member Janet McDonald called for what would have been an unlawful, closed-door meeting to review the school board attorney’s contract, then called for any special meeting to review last Tuesday’s meeting, when the chamber had to be cleared because of the crowd’s rule-breaking. Two board members–Colleen Conklin and Cheryl Massaro–responded with withering criticism of their colleague.
Sharply Rebuking More McDonald Falsehoods, School Board Says No Mask-Rule Changes This Year
School Board member Janet McDonald was again the outlier on Tuesday as she pressed for a relaxation of mask rules while repeating falsehoods about masks and vaccines. Superintendent Cathy Mittelstadt took her strongest stand yet, saying the district would not alter its current covid-safety protocols. A majority of the school board agreed.
School Board’s Trevor Tucker Asks For Expedited Attorney General Opinion on Conklin’s Superintendent Application
School Board member Trevor Tucker wants Attorney General Ashley Moody to shed clarity on the legal and ethical implications of Colleen Conklin’s “unprecedented” decision to apply for the superintendent’s post from her seat as a school board member.
Where School Board Candidates Stand on Exceptional Student Education (ESE)
Complete video interviews of Flagler County School Board board candidates by the Flagler Exceptional Student Education Support Group.
Paul Anderson, Flagler County School Board Candidate: The Live Interview
Paul Anderson is one of five candidates in two races for Flagler County School Board in the Aug. 28 primary election: all Flagler voters, regardless of party affiliation and address, may cast a ballot in these races.
Trevor Tucker, Flagler County School Board Candidate: The Live Interview
Trevor Tucker is one of five candidates in two races for Flagler County School Board in the Aug. 28 primary election: all Flagler voters, regardless of party affiliation and address, may cast a ballot in these races.
Carl Jones, Flagler County School Board Candidate: The Live Interview
Carl Jones is one of five candidates in two races for Flagler County School Board in the Aug. 28 primary election: all Flagler voters, regardless of party affiliation and address, may cast a ballot in these races.
John Fischer, Flagler County School Board Candidate: The Live Interview
John Fischer is one of five candidates in two races for Flagler County School Board in the Aug. 28 primary election: all Flagler voters, regardless of party affiliation and address, may cast a ballot in these races.
Janet McDonald, Flagler County School Board Candidate: The Live Interview
Janet McDonald is one of five candidates in two races for Flagler County School Board in the Aug. 28 primary election: all Flagler voters, regardless of party affiliation and address, may cast a ballot in these races.
Martin Tucker, Rancher and Bulwark of Pioneering West Flagler Family, Dies at 70
Leslie Martin Tucker Jr., father of School Board Chairman Trevor Tucker, cousin of Bunnell Commissioner Elbert Tucker, rancher and owner of Sun Country Pest Control, died Wednesday.
For Sheriff and Flagler Schools, Clear Accord: No to Arming Teachers, Yes to More Deputies
At a joint news conference later this week, Sheriff Rick Staly and Superintendent Jim Tager will outline new security measures and initiatives and a plan for additional school deputies, but no weaponizing of teachers.
School Taxes Would Rise To Pay For Per-Student Increase, But Formula Could Further Hurt Flagler
Flagler is the 6th-highest taxed district in the state, by legislative formula, yet gets back the 65th lowest dollars per student. A governor proposal to increase education funding could make that worse for the district.
How the Education Bill Scott Signed Thursday Will Hurt Flagler Schools, Favoring Charters
The Flagler school district is now 64th out of 67 in per-pupil funding, and the bill Gov. Scott signed today will force the district to turn over more money to charter schools.
House Bill 7069 Will Change Education in Flagler For Generations, Not For the Better
Flagler County School Board Chairman Trevor Tucker explains his opposition to a massive education bill, focusing on the bill’s preferential treatment of charter schools at the expense of traditional public schools.
Flagler Schools Lose the Only Internal Applicant for Top Job as Vernon Orndorff Takes Post in Texas
Orndorff has been one of the quieter, unassuming forces of the school district, had been a leading candidate to be superintendent. His departure creates more of a wild-card opening for the remaining three dozen or so applicants.
“Insulted” By Chairman Tucker’s Grip On Information Flow, School Board’s Conklin Calls For Rethink Of Rules
Flagler School Board member Colleen Conklin wanted the board and staff to review a state report. Trevor Tucker objected, absent a majority of the board agreeing. That caused an unusual clash and rethink of etiquette on the board.
Divided School Board Blocks Internal Hire of Next Superintendent, Opting for Fast Search
In a 3-2 split, Flagler School Board members opted against cutting short the search for Superintendent Jacob Oliva with an immediate, internal hire despite the risks of an expedited, broader search to fill the position by June 1.
Why Are Flagler Schools Talking Rezoning Despite 2,000 Empty Seats? One Word: Choice
Old Kings and Belle Terre elementaries are overcapacity because they’ve allowed too many out-of-zone students to enroll. Some Board members want limits on such “choice” enrollments before rezoning takes place.
School Board’s 1st Step in Replacing Jacob Oliva: Figuring Out How Broad of a Search
The Flagler School Board wants to hear from the state board association whether it should seek help through that route, though it intends to appoint a local citizen’s search committee as well.
School Board’s Trevor Tucker Mulls Run for Tax Collector, Nate McLaughlin Eyes House Seat
School Board member Trevor Tucker confirmed he was considering a run for tax collector in four years, and if so would not run for school board again in 2018, while Commissioner Nate McLaughlin has his eyes on Paul Renner’s House seat in 2022.
In “Retreat,” Flagler School Board Meets to Revamp Its Rules as Tucker Seeks Streamlining
The public is not likely to detect too many changes, other than the obvious reduction in actual meetings, which will be cut in half. But more subtle changes will be apparent.
New School Board Chairman Trevor Tucker Calls For, and Gets, Half As Many Meetings
Relying on a faulty analogy with Duval County schools, Flagler County School Board Chairman Trevor Tucker wants the number of meetings cut from four to two per month, but wants these to be meatier than they’ve been. The board gave its guarded approval.
Flagler Schools’ 1-to-1 Laptop Initiative Termed a Success, But Replacement Costs at $100,000 a Year
With almost 8,000 student computers in circulation, the Flagler district spent $194,000 on replacements and repairs in two years, well below projections, as the program spreads to middle and elementary schools.
From Woody’s to Bull Creek to Island Grille, and Now Pit Stop Pizza for West Side
In Pit Stop Pizza Woody’s Joe Rizzo and Chris Zwirn have partnered with Trevor Tucker to give Flagler’s west side its first pizza delivery business, making it the fourth restaurant Rizzo and partners are running in the county, employing between 70 and 100.
With YMCA Talks Dead, District Looks For Belle Terre Swim Club Savior in Final Effort
With the YMCA, Palm Coast and the county uninterested in supporting it, the days of the Belle Terre Swim Club as a public facility will end this fall if no bidder is found by early October.
The End of Phoenix: Divided School Board Votes to Replace It With STEM Academy at Wadsworth
A contentious vote reflecting the board’s unhappiness with lack of transparency nevertheless led to the creation of a new STEM academy at Wadsworth, closing the long-embattled Phoenix Academy next fall.
Fearful of Scaring Buyers or Undervaluing Property, School Board Haggles to $2.3 Million Price for Corporate Building
The Flagler school board now finds itself in the paradoxical position of attractively advertising the ex-ITT property for sale after it was essentially condemned as a school facility.
Dave Sullivan Won’t Give Way to Trevor Tucker in Race for House as Hankerson Joins It; Democrats Are No-Shows
Flagler School Board member Trevor Tucker said he was seriously thinking of running for an open Florida House seat in the Jan. 27 primary, but only if REC Chairman Dave Sullivan chose not to run, as Tucker doesn’t want to split the vote., Sullivan says he’s in it to stay.
Lynnette Callender, Flagler County School Board Candidate: The Live Interview
Lynnette Callender is one of eight candidates in three races for Flagler County School Board in the Aug. 26 primary election: all Flagler voters, regardless of party affiliation and address, may cast a ballot in these races.
Janet McDonald, Flagler County School Board Candidate: The Live Interview
Janet McDonald is one of eight candidates in three races for Flagler County School Board in the Aug. 26 primary election: all Flagler voters, regardless of party affiliation and address, may cast a ballot in these races.
Toni Baker, Flagler County School Board Candidate: The Live Interview
Toni Baker is one of eight candidates in three races for Flagler County School Board in the Aug. 26 primary election: all Flagler voters, regardless of party affiliation and address, may cast a ballot in these races.
Michael McElroy, Flagler County School Board Candidate: The Live Interview
Michael McElroy is one of eight candidates in three races for Flagler County School Board in the Aug. 26 primary election: all Flagler voters, regardless of party affiliation and address, may cast a ballot in these races.
Trevor Tucker, Flagler County School Board Candidate: The Live Interview (2014)
Trevor Tucker is one of eight candidates in three races for Flagler County School Board in the Aug. 26 primary election: all Flagler voters, regardless of party affiliation and address, may cast a ballot in these races.
Andy Dance, Flagler County School Board Candidate: The Live Interview
Andy Dance is running in District 1 for Flagler County School Board and facing Maria Barbosa in the Aug. 26 primary election. All Flagler voters, regardless of party affiliation and address, may cast a ballot in these races.
John Fischer, Flagler County School Board Candidate: The Live Interview (2014)
John Fischer, the incumbent in District 2 of the Flagler County School Board, faces three challengers. He has refused to amnswer any questions about his candidacy.
Maria Barbosa, Flagler County School Board Candidate: The Live Interview
Maria Barbosa is challenging incumbent Andy Dance in District 1 for Flagler County School Board in the Aug. 26 primary election. She is one of eight candidates in three races for the school board. All Flagler voters, regardless of party affiliation and address, may cast a ballot in these races.
Find a Lawyer: Flagler Duo Launches Unique Web Venture Rating Attorneys’ Success Rate, the brainchild of Trevor Tucker and Darren McGuire, is a freely accessible website that gives consumers full histories of lawyers’ success and failure rates in Flagler cases. Launched Monday, the site is gradually moving to include cases statewide.
Board Picks 3 For Superintendent Interviews, But 2 Will Have To Travel on Their Own Dime
The Flagler school board elected to interview Jacob Oliva–its current acting superintendent–James Parla of New Jersey and Pamela Tapley of Osceola County, but the board was bitterly divided over whether to pay for candidates’ accommodation and travel. A 3-2 split decided against paying.
District Throws In Towel on School Uniforms, Largely Relaxing Policy For Simplicity’s Sake
For high school students in Flagler schools, specific color restrictions will be gone, as long as students wear solid colors and sweatshirts and other “outerwear,” including all sorts of logos, will be allowed, making the policy look more like the pre-uniform dress code than not. Restrictions would still be in place for younger students.
As Closing a School Emerges as an Option, District Calls for Emergency Meeting Thursday
Despite some confusion about budget numbers described as a “moving target,” the Flagler school board was spending a day-long workshop to find some $1.7 million in cuts, many of them affecting educational programs directly.