A primary showdown between Rubio and Bush could cause friction in Tallahassee, where the GOP dominates state government, and a scramble is expected for Rubio’s senate seat.
Ron DeSantis Considering Run For Rubio’s Senate Seat as Jeff Atwater Looks To 2018
Ron DeSantis, the congressman representing the district that includes all of Flagler County, is “strongly considering” a Senate run, according to Politico, while Atwater’s decision not to run opens the way for many others.
As Rideshare Apps Like Uber Build Up Fares, Florida Senate Taps Insurance Requirements
As taxi and limo services call for stricter regulations on growing “transportation network companies,” the Senate has expanded an insurance measure to include a requirement for around-the-clock coverage on the vehicles of app-connected rideshare drivers.
Will Florida Senate Recognize That Every Child Has the Right To Be Loved?
The choice is not whether church-sponsored agencies have a right to practice their religion. Of course they do. The issue is whether they have a right to enforce their beliefs against others when acting as agents of the state. They do not.
Rejoice, Students: There’ll Be Less Testing. But Not Much Less. House Approves Roll-Back.
The bill puts a hold on the use of student test data for school grades, teacher evaluations and student promotion to fourth grade until the new Florida Standards Assessments can be independently validated.
Gov. Rick Scott Angling For Sen. Bill Nelson’s Seat in 2018
Scott in an OpEd lectured Obama on how he’s balancing budgets, creating jobs and demonstrating “fiscal responsibility” here in Florida. He’s preparing for his next makeover and political campaign, writes Daniel Tilson.
Florida House Advances ‘Conscience Protection’ Bill That Discriminates Against Gay Adoptions
Three hours of debate and numerous attempts to diminish the ability of private, religious adoption agencies to deny placement among gay couples failed as the bill now appears headed for approval Thursday.
Florida Senate Calls For Police Policies on Body Cameras, Addressing Privacy and Data
Body cams are worn by deputies at the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office. Sheriff Jim Manfre instituted the practice when he took office in 2013 and has been an ardent defender of the cameras.
Travis Hutson Wins Senate Seat, Paul Renner Wins House in Special Election
Republicans Travis Hutson and Paul Renner have won the special election for Florida Senate District 6 and House District 24, respectively. Hutson defeated Democrat David Cox. Renner defeated Adam Morley.
In Reversal, Scott Opposes Expanding Poor’s Health Insurance and Opens $2.2 Billion Budget Hole
Scott’s opposition means Florida would again forego $47 billion in federal aid over the next 10 years while fewer poor Floridians would have health coverage–and the state’s budget would lose $2.2 billion in current aid that federal officials will no longer provide to the state under its existing medicaid system, which falls short of federal standards.
Poll Finds Medical Pot Legalization Still Heavily Favored in Florida; Gov. Scott Still Not
But when voters could cast ballots on both matters last fall, they rejected a constitutional amendment proposal to legalize pot, albeit by a small margin, and they re-elected Scott, albeit by an even smaller margin.
Florida Utility Proposes Doubling State’s Solar Energy Capacity, But Not For Another 10 Years
Duke Energy’s proposal to double solar capacity in Florida to 500 megawatts comes as as a coalition seeking to allow Florida businesses and property owners to sell limited amounts of solar energy has taken another step toward getting its proposal on the 2016 ballot.
As Expected, GOP’s Renner and Hutson Reel In Big Dollars, Opponents Don’t
In all, Paul Renner raised $294,340 and had spent $261,748 for the election Tuesday in a district that includes Flagler County and parts of St. Johns and Volusia counties.
Indiana and Arkansas Retreat From Hate Laws. Florida Plows Ahead.
Between Sen. Frank Artiles’ war on transgender people and a House bill protecting discrimination against gay parents, Florida verges on making bigotry state policy again, harkening back to Jim Crow days, but against the LGBT community.
Florida Lawmakers OK Discriminating Against Gay Adoptions on “Religious” Grounds
Despite warnings that Florida would follow Indiana into a controversy with statewide economic implications, the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday approved a bill that would allow private adoption agencies to refuse to place children with same-sex couples.
Florida Prison Guards and KKK Members Arrested in Plot to Murder Black Ex-Inmate
Arrest documents in the case expose chilling details of the Klan’s organization in North Florida and offer a reminder of the region’s ugly history of racism.
Daytona State College May Have To Drop “State” From Name and Limit 4-Year Degrees
A Florida Senate proposal would forbid community colleges from using the word “state” in their name and cap at 5 percent the share of a college’s enrollment that could be made up of students pursuing baccalaureate, or four-year, degrees.
Guns and Ammo Included In Sales Tax Holiday Florida Lawmakers Are Set To Approve
Guns and ammunition remain in a proposed Independence Day sales-tax holiday on hunting gear that is part of a wide-ranging tax cut package that advanced Tuesday in the House.
My Surprise Visit From FDLE
FDLE interprets Beatles lyrics as a threat on Gov. Rick Scott, and Daniel Tilson, the columnist, gets a call investigating his intentions. He wonders if this is the way FDLE operates under Rick Swearingen, Scott’s hand-picked replacement of Gerald Bailey.
Three Weeks After ATF Approves Powdered Alcohol, Florida Senate Votes To Ban It
Though federally approved, under Florida’s bill a person selling powdered alcohol would face a first-degree misdemeanor. A second violation within five years would carry a third-degree felony.
An Arrest for Child Neglect and Battery; Shots on Old Dixie; $250,000 Yacht Burns on Cimarron Drive
A 1-year-old child left unattended was rescued from choking on a cigarette butt; a suspected backyard gun range of the sort the Legislature just refused to let local governments regulate may have been the source of a “stray” bullet that found its way into a 67-year-old man’s residence off Old Dixie Highway.
Deadliest State: Florida Roads Have Highest Bicyclist Fatality Rate in The Nation
Florida spent decades building roads designed to move commuters from homes in sprawling suburbs as fast as possible. Conventional wisdom says these roads were built for speed, not bicycles.
House Ties Money to School Dress Codes, More Dollars for Charters, Fewer Class-Size Penalties
Most of the school-related bills were passed in lopsided votes, though Democrats united to oppose a measure that could funnel local tax dollars to charter-school construction.
Florida House Votes To Require Flags Flown By Governments To Be Exclusively U.S.-Made
If the Senate follows suit, Florida flags purchased by governments in Florida after Jan. 1, 2016 would have to be made from materials grown, produced and manufactured in the United States.
Scott’s Magical ‘Tax Cut Calculator’ Obscures Nation’s 2nd Most Unfair Tax System
As Gov. Scott touts minor tax cuts for consumers, you could ask why that $43 a year saved on the cable bill compares so unfavorably with the $3-4 billion in corporate tax evasion he and his legislative allies let Florida’s biggest, most profitable businesses get away with each and every year, writes Daniel Tilson.
Proposal Would Suspend 3rd Grade Test Required For Promotion to 4th Grade This Year
The proposal calls for suspending the language-arts test for 3rd graders until the state’s new Florida Standards Assessments are found to be valid by an independent examination.
Against Voter Wishes, Proposal Would Devote Just 1% of Available Cash to Land Preservation
Sen. Alan Hays, a Umatilla Republican in charge of budget talks with the House–which is already resisting more money for land-buying–says Florida already has enough land in public hands.
Gutted Bill Restricting Red-Light Cameras Advances as Turn-On-Red Penalty Is Restored
While the restrictive proposal cleared its latest committee, 7-3, the bill’s only surviving measures would require cities to send our red-light camera notices by certified mail, and to use revenue for public safety programs.
Florida House Pushes $690 Million Tax-Cut Package, Exceeding Gov. Scott’s Request
The proposed cuts include sales-tax holidays and eliminating taxes on gun-club memberships, college textbooks, materials purchased at book fairs and vehicles purchased overseas and brought to Florida by military members.
Florida Legislature to Voters For Amendment 1’s Water Protection: Drop Dead
Even when expressed via an overwhelming majority “Yes” vote on a constitutional amendment, the Florida Legislature can and does subvert it, argues Daniel Tilson.
Democrat Patrick Murphy, Conqueror of Allen West, Will Run For Rubio’s Senate Seat in 2016
The announcement sets the stage for a big-money, high-profile Senate race next year — whether Rubio seeks re-election or decides instead to run for president.
Obama Proposals Would End Tax-Subsidized Loans For Sports Stadiums
The proposal comes as many team owners, including Florida, are pressing cities and states for new facilities, with some threatening to move elsewhere if they don’t get them.
Reacting to Gov. Scott’s Alleged Climate Change Denial Directive, Group Demands Investigation
Members of Forecast the Facts dropped off about 43,000 electronically signed petitions at the governor’s office, asking for an investigation. Scott, when pressed last year on the issue of climate change, evaded the question by saying he is “not a scientist.”
Another Pot Grow House Busted in Palm Coast As Critics and Lawmakers Press Legalization
Some 28 marijuana plants were seized at a house at 17 Rocking Lane in Palm Coast. As the Sheriff’s Office announced the seizure and arrest of the resident at the house, Ray Strack, a former federal narcotics interdiction agent, was speaking on WNZF about the inanity of the war on marijuana.
Yes, It’s Retroactive: Florida Supreme Court Rules All Lifers Sentenced as Juveniles Must Be Resentenced
The justices ordered lower Florida courts to apply a 2014 law to inmates who, as juveniles, were sentenced in the past either to life in prison or to terms that would have effectively kept them behind bars until they die. Two of the inmates were convicted of murder.
School Choice Bill That Vastly Increases Parental Control–And Undermines Educators’–Advances
The measure gives parents the right to have their children attend any school in the state that hasn’t reached capacity and remove their child from one class to another under certain circumstances.
$772 Million Amendment 1 Spending Focuses More On Management and Water Projects Than Land Acquisition
The plan drew mixed reviews from conservationists concerned that lawmakers disregarded the intent of voters who supported a constitutional amendment, known as Amendment 1, in November.
Bill Targeting Transgenders in Public Bathrooms Clears 2nd House Committee, 7-4
The 7-4 vote of the Florida House Government Operations Subcommittee included one dissent from a Republican, though as the bill advances, its chances of becoming law increase.
Senate Panel Approves Communications Tax Cut That Could Net Floridians a $43-a-Year Saving
The cut would lower the communications-services tax on cell-phone and cable TV from 6.65 percent to 3.05 percent and the tax rate on direct-to home satellite services from 10.8 percent to 7.2 percent. State economists estimate the cuts would eventually reduce state revenue by $470.9 million a year.
Plan to Extend Health Insurance to 800,000 Poor Floridians Crawls Against Steep Hurdles
The new Florida Health Insurance Affordability Exchange Program, or FHIX, would assist Floridians not eligible for Medicaid in purchasing health benefits coverage and gaining access to health services.
Favoring Flagler and Other Districts, Lawmakers May Move Up School Start Time to Aug. 10
In the shadow of the state’s recent standardized-testing problems and proposals to curb the amount of time students spend on exams, lawmakers are considering moving up the start date of the school year.
24-Hour Waiting Period for Abortion Clears Florida House Panel in Partisan 9-4 Vote
Under the bill, a woman seeking an abortion would be required to meet with a physician to get information and then wait at least 24 hours before the procedure could be performed.
Education Committee Easily Approves Gun-Carrying By Select Florida School Employees
School superintendents could allow designated people to carry weapons on campus. Those people could be current or former law enforcement officers or current or former members of the military.
Bill Banning Red-Light Camera Tickets for Right-Turn on Red Sails Through House Panel
The proposal and one like it in the Senate would further complicate Palm Coast’s troubled red-light camera program and its relationship with ATS, the private company running the local scheme. Right-turn on red tickets generate the majority of revenue.
Fearing Loss of $1 Billion in Federal Aid, Senate Again Considers Medicaid Expansion
Florida’s budget faces an unexpected deficit. Accepting the federal Medicaid money could potentially offset the loss of the Low-Income Pool Funds. But the plan faces stiff opposition.
Don’t Add Guns to “Toxic Mix” of Booze, Drugs and Academic Pressures on Campus, Opponents Say
Members of Everytown for Gun Safety and the Florida chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America held a small rally on the steps of the Old Capitol Monday before meeting with mostly Democratic lawmakers.
Florida Blames School Testing Trouble on Cyber Attack as FDLE Investigates
The news came after the rollout for the new Florida Standards Assessment was plagued by slow logins and other technical glitches. The state paid $220 million for the tests over six years.
Amendment 1 Money For Land Conservation: House Panel Says Buy Fewer Acres, Manage More
Again seeming to counter voter intent, a Florida House committee crafting rules on spending voter-approved dollars for land conservation would limit new land to be bought under the program.
FDLE Arrests 15 Floridians For Running Human-Trafficking Ring in Five Counties
Women were forced to work as commercial sex slaves, performing sex acts on 25 to 45 men a day, six days a week. Victims ranged in age from 25 to 35. The investigation began in 2013 after the Collier County Sheriff’s Office discovered a human trafficking victim during a traffic stop.
After Spending $300,000 in State Funds, Gov. Scott Quits Fight to Drug-Test Welfare Recipients
The ACLU, which filed the challenge on behalf of single father and Navy veteran Luis Lebron, hailed the end of the drawn-out legal battle over the drug tests, an issue Scott campaigned on during his first bid for governor in 2010.