William Gregory, now 30, was sentenced to death in 2011, for the murder of his ex-girlfriend, Skyler Dawn Meekins, then 17, and her boyfriend Daniel Arthur Dyer, then 22, as they slept, and Skyler’s 1-year-old daughter was in a nearby room.
Flagler Beach Crime
Christopher Munson Accused of Strong-Arm Robbery at Flagler Beach 7-Eleven
The 7-11 store clerk rushed Christopher Munson when Munson pulled out a gun that turned out to be plastic. The two men fought and the clerk held Munson down in the parking lot until police arrived. The incident took place early Tuesday morning.
In Suspected Flagler Beach Rape, New Details Point to 2 Attacks and Disturbing Aftermath
The woman involved in the suspected rape case that’s shaken Flagler Beach since Friday alleges she was attacked twice by James McDevitt in the space of two blocks, the first time in front of a friend of McDevitt’s who urged him to stop. After the incident, the Flagler Beach police was denied a certified nurse for the incident analysis by the agency contracted to provide such nurses.
Flagler Beach Plans to Eliminate Fire and Police Chief Posts, But Both Departments Survive
Flagler Beach City Manager Bruce Campbell wants to replace the fire and police chiefs with captains, and see them working the streets when necessary. The change, tentatively approved by the city commission, would eliminate high salaries but with proposed raises for the ranks, would only slightly lower payroll costs in the fire department, and raise them in the police department.
A Belatedly Apologetic Paul Miller, 66, Is Sentenced to Life in Prison Without Parole
Paul Miller was sentenced to life in prison without parole for the March 2012 murder of his neighbor Dana Mulhall, ending a 15-month saga that had stunned Flagler Beach and Flagler County for the brazenness of the murder and Miller’s demeanor since.
James McDevitt, 21, Accused of Raping a Woman in Flagler Beach, 2 Blocs from a Cop
James McDevitt, 21, of Palm Coast, is at the Flagler County jail on $101,000 bond following the Friday morning allegation. A Flagler Beach police officer was addressing a situation involving McDevitt’s friend, and saw McDevitt and the alleged victim walk on shortly before the alleged incident. Because the cop was working the night shift alone, MccDevitt and the woman were not stopped, and walked on.
Lexus Driving Suspect Arrested in Burglary of 88-Year-Old Woman and Cash at the Nautilus
Steven E. Shurr, a 42-year-old resident of Flagler Beach, was arrested Thursday in Bunnell and charged with robbing an 88-year-old woman of her jewelry in Flagler Beach, then robbing the office of the Nautilus condominiums at the south end of town.
Feared Flagler Beach Bomb in Ammo Container Turns Out to Be Tackle Box; A1A Reopens
A military-style ammunition box left at the foot of the Barracuda Bay Motel sign in Flagler Beach triggered a bomb scare and closed A1A between South 10th and South 13th Streets Sunday afternoon. It turned out to be a fishing tackle box.
Paul Miller Is Found Guilty of Murdering Dana Mulhall; He Faces Life in Prison
Paul Miller was found guilty of second degree murder in a quick verdict by a jury Friday afternoon. He faces a minimum of 25 years in prison, essentially meaning that the 66-year-old Miller will never walk free again.
Jury Deciding Whether Miller Killed Mulhall Out of Vengeance and Hate or Self-Defense
Jury deliberations began this morning after prosecution and defense made closing arguments in Paul Miller’s murder trial, portraying Miller either as a vengeful, angry and hateful man or an unsophisticated old man fearing for his life, and acting in self-defense.
Defense Rests in Miller Murder Trial After Laying Down Further Markers of Self-Defense
Paul Miller’s defense team rested its case just past noon today, but closing arguments will take place Friday morning. Only then will the jury deliberate. A verdict is likely sometime Friday.
Taking Stand in His Defense in Murder Trial, Miller Projects More Surliness Than Sympathy
If it was sympathy that Paul Miller was trying to elicit from the jury Wednesday afternoon, his nearly two-hour performance was not a model. He may have hurt his case more than he helped it when he elected to take the stand in his defense in his trial for the killing of Dana Mulhall in March 2012.
Miller Trial Turns to 5 Bullets’ Paths, Mulhall’s Last Moments–and Blood-Alcohol (0.188)
Paul Miller, accused of murdering Dana Mulhall, looked away or closed his eyes for the first time in the now-three-day-old trial as images of the bloodied and shot Dana Mulhall were placed on an easel for the jury to see and the prosecution to analyze with witnesses Wednesday morning. The defense takes up its case in the afternoon.
Miller Trial: As Shooter’s Shows of Affection Are Restricted, Prosecution Draws Victim’s Portrait
The prosecution concluded its first full day in the murder trial of Paul Miller Tuesday by painting a portrait of Dana Mulhall, the victim in the March 2012 shooting in Flagler Beach, as a non-confrontational creature of habit who liked his Miller Lites, his friends and his lottery tickets. The defense laid low.
Miller Killed Mulhall “With Depraved Indifference, With Ill Will, Hate, Spite,” Prosecution Argues
In the second day of Paul Miller’s trial (Monday was devoted to jury selection) the prosecution was piecing together a picture of a shooting no witness actually saw, but that several witnesses described in sounds and sights before, during and after the shots that claimed the life of Dana Mulhall on March 14, 2012 in Flagler Beach.
As Jury Is Seated in Paul Miller Murder Trial, Questions About Guns Weed Out Prospects
The most anticipated trial of the year—of Paul Miller, the 66-year-old Flagler Beach man accused of murdering his neighbor Dana Mulhall last year during an argument over Miller’s barking dogs—began Monday with jury selection, which by day’s end had seated an all-white jury of three men and three women, plus three alternates (a woman and two men, one of them black).
Flagler Beach Police Seeking Help Identifying ATM Robber in Planet-of-the-Apes Mask
A potential victim of an ATM robbery at the Flagler Beach Sun Trust on Thursday was startled when the assailant was a robber in a monkey suit. The victim punched the assailant, possibly hurting him. Flagler Beach police is seeking help identifying the man in the monkey suit.
Flagler Beach’s Opposition to Fire Department Consolidation Costing Taxpayers $200K a Year
Consolidating the Flagler Beach Fire Department with the county’s would save $200,000 and vastly improve fire and rescue services in the city, argues Rick Belhumeur, yet the Flagler Beach City Commission has consistently scuttled debate on the issue while pretending to invite residents to offer cost-saving ideas.
Bobby Pace, Acting Flagler Beach Fire Chief, Faces Felony Charge Over Falsified Records
Bobby Pace, installed as interim fire chief just seven weeks ago to replace Martin Roberts, who was fired, faces a felony charge of tampering with evidence and a misdemeanor charge for obstruction of justice. It is only the latest shock to a fire department riven by conflict that reaches into City Manager Bruce Campbell’s office.
Flagler Has Its Own Stand Your Ground Case As Paul Miller Invokes It in Mulhall Shooting
Doug Williams, defense attorney for Paul Miller, the 66-year-old Flagler Beach resident who shot and killed unarmed neighbor Dana Mulhall in an argument last year, will try to dismiss the second degree murder charge against Miller by invoking Florida’s stand your ground law. But The defense faces an uphill battle, and the move may be merely tactical ahead of the trial.
Paul Miller, Accused Flagler Beach
Murderer, Scheduled for Trial Feb. 25
Paul Miller, who faces a second-degree murder charge in the shooting death of Dana Mulhall during an argument in March, will go on trial on Feb. 25, or that week, after an appearance in court today.
49-Year-Old Man Hangs Himself Outside Nautilus Condos in Flagler Beach
The public suicide took place just before 4 p.m. Sunday at the foot of the Nautilus condos, where the victim, who had depression issues, lived with his parents.
Fights and Arrests at the Jail, at Salsas Mexican Restaurant and at the Country Store: Flagler 911
A busy couple of weeks of violent fights and arrests at the Flagler County jail, a road-rage arrest at the Country Store in the Mondex, four arrests outside Salsas Mexican Restaurant, a father gets his allegedly thieving son arrested, and a lot more from Flagler’s crime scenes.
A Rash Shooting Outside Flagler Beach’s Lazy Pelican Lands 38-Year-Old Woman in Jail
Maureen Witkowski, a 38-year-old resident of Flagler Beach, was arrested on three gun-related charges after firing a gun outside the Lazy Pelican, a bar on A1A, the evening of Sept. 11.
At Finn’s in Flagler Beach, a Violent Fight With Lasting Consequences, and Arrests
Kristin Howard’s arrest today was the latest development in a tangled and violent brawl that involved a half dozen people at Finn’s, the bar in Flagler Beach, on Aug. 30. Harley J. King, who’d been released from state prison just five weeks earlier, was arrested on Sept. 3. More arrests may yet follow.