First Friday Garden Walks at Washington Oaks Gardens State Park, First Friday in Flagler Beach, the Blue 24 Forum, Tony Tulathimutte’s “Pics” and a look back at Gangnam Style.
Exploiting Lebanon’s Identity to Justify Violence Against It
We need to once and for all dispose of the West and the East as a clash of civilizations. Militaries and militias should not have to race to eliminate either side. They should instead realize that their fate is as intertwined as their past, and that only dialogue can solve conflict. Wars have always required these types of false dichotomies: Christian and Muslim, civilization and barbarism, West and East.
Trump Calls Troops’ Traumatic Brain Injuries Mere ‘Headache’
Former President Donald Trump said Tuesday that U.S. troops who suffered traumatic brain injuries after Iranian rocket fire in Iraq in 2020 only experienced a “headache,” dismissing the experiences of dozens of American soldiers who were later awarded the Purple Heart. Trump’s comments came after a reporter in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, asked whether he should “have been tougher on Iran” after that nation launched ballistic missiles on Al-Asad Air Base in western Iraq in January 2020, during Trump’s presidency.
DeSantis Dispatches National Guard to Ports in Move Seen as Politicizing Longshoremen’s Strike
Gov. Ron DeSantis on Thursday said members of the Florida National Guard and the Florida State Guard will go to ports where union longshoremen are on strike seeking higher pay. With the presidential election about a month away, DeSantis and other Republicans have increasingly tried to tie effects of the strike to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee. They also have criticized the Biden administration’s response to the hurricane.
Flagler School Board is Doing Nothing to Encourage Applicants for Seat Vacated by Sally Hunt. Here’s How to Apply.
The Flagler County School Board discussed the appointment of Sally Hunt’s replacement for the first time Tuesday, for just four minutes. It had no clue what to do next, and has no intentions of informing the public that the application window is open, or facilitating applications. The board chair has had contact with the governor’s appointment office, but did not say what that entailed other than getting an acknowledgement from that office that Hunt had resigned.
Palm Coast Says It Has No Control Over Burn Piles on Lands Cleared for Development But Will Seek Attorney General’s Opinion
For years Palm Coast has had an ordinance giving it authority to control where and when burning takes place. The ordinance conflicts with state law, which reserves that authority exclusively to the Florida Forest Service. Rather than approve a new ordinance just yet, the Palm Coast City Council has agreed to seek an Attorney General opinion on what regulatory authority the city could seek within the law.
Palm Coast Fire Department Mourns Loss of Former Colleague Zachary Shane Mahaney, 43, to Suicide
The Palm Coast Fire Department is mourning the loss of Zachary Shane Mahaney, a 43-year-old former firefighter who spent a year with the department until last June. He died by a self-inflicted gunshot on Sept. 25 or 26 in Ormond Beach after going missing from his parents’ home on Sept. 25.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Thursday, October 3, 2024
The Flagler County Canvassing Board meets, Palm Coast’s Residential Drainage Citizens Advisory Committee meets, the Eiffel Tower marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month, when Kris Kirstofferson sang last sang in Paris.
A Majority of the Palm Coast City Council Now Opposes Its Own Debt Referendum, Yet It Remains on the Ballot
Newly appointed Palm Coast City Council member Charles Gambaro attempted to nullify a controversial proposed referendum on the Nov. 5 ballot. City Attorney Marcus Duffy counseled against it. That left the council in a startling position of defending a proposed referendum a majority of the council opposes. The ongoing debate is illustrative of the extent to which the proposed referendum has lost credibility and the way it is fracturing the council.
Walz-Vance and America’s Two Versions of Masculinity
The debate between vice presidential nominees Democrat Tim Walz and Republican JD Vance showcased two candidates with competing views of women’s and men’s autonomy. Throughout the debate, Vance subtly suggested that authority and autonomy are the purview of men, reinforcing how patriarchy is shaping the Republican strategy.
Fact-Checking Vance and Walz On Healthcare, Abortion Rights, Fentanyl at the Border and in the Country
Ohio Republican Sen. J.D. Vance and Minnesota Democratic Gov. Tim Walz met in an Oct. 1 vice presidential debate hosted by CBS News that was cordial and heavy on policy discussion — a striking change from the Sept. 10 debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump. But they made several false statements, Vance more than Walz.
Flagler County Jail Reaccredited Is Reaccredited, One of Just 37 in the State to Have Distinction
The Sheriff Perry Hall Inmate Detention Facility–the county jail–became an accredited correctional facility on October 2, 2018. It was reaccredited on October 6, 2021, and most recently reaccredited again on October 2. Accredited facilities are required to be assessed and reaccredited every three years to ensure they maintain the requirements of accreditation.
33-Year-Old Man With Mental Health Issues Again Arrested After Crash with Injuries and 5 MPH Chase on U.S. 1
Kyle McNary, a 33-year-old Palm Coast resident Baker Acted and arrested after a severe mental health breakdown in late August was again arrested on numerous charges after allegedly attacking his step-father and causing a severe vehicle crash on U.S. 1, after which he led police on a crawl of a chase at 5 miles per hour on the highway.
Fire Station 22 Will Survive as Historic Building, with 90-Space Community Center Parking To Be Built Around It
The Palm Coast City Council on Tuesday voted on a $3.3 million plan that would preserve the old fire station and look to “adaptively reusing the building to serve alternate functions,” in the words of city architect Eric Gebo, while creating 90 new parking spaces as overflow for the nearby Community Center. The 138 parking spaces at the Community Center have proved insufficient for the number and popularity of activities and events there. On average, seven meetings a month are turned away from the center for lack of capacity.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Wednesday, October 2, 2024
“Inside Project 2025: A blueprint for America’s future?”: A Presentation by Flagler College’s Michael Butler, the Flagler County Republican Club meets, Weekly Chess Club for Teens at the library, Nancy Eisenberg and JD Vance.
Judge Refuses to Block Florida Government From Disseminating What Critics Call Abortion ‘Misinformation’
Saying courts “must trust the people to decide what information is important to them,” a Leon County circuit judge refused to issue a temporary injunction to block the state Agency for Health Administration from disseminating what critics call “misinformation” about a proposed constitutional amendment on abortion rights. Judge Jonathan Sjostrom rejected arguments by Floridians Protecting Freedom, a political committee sponsoring the proposed amendment, and wrote that the case is “not justiciable by courts because political power is reserved to the people in an election by means of each ballot.”
Dockworkers Strike: Expect Brown Bananas and Empty Shelves
Some 90% of all internationally traded products are carried by ships at some point. The availability of labor is essential in each link of the supply chain. That includes the workers who make sure that your tinned fish and handy tools smoothly journey from their point of origin to where they’ll wind up, whether it’s a supermarket, hardware store or your front door.
Palm Coast Council Appoints Charles Gambaro to Heighter’s Seat, Bypassing Boyer
Executing the closest approximation of a midnight appointment in the city’s 25-year history, the Palm Coast City Council, with three of four members in their last weeks of service, appointed Charles Gambaro this evening to the seat Cathy Heighter resigned suddenly in August.
Get to Know Our Sand Dunes: Community Presentations in Flagler County
Participants will learn about beach dynamics, the role of sand dunes, and how to identify many of the species of plants that grow on our dunes. We will also be sharing information about the participatory science dune monitoring pilot program starting soon along Flagler County beaches and how you can get involved with monitoring the growth of newly planted sea oats.
Southern Recreation Center in Palm Coast Added as Fifth Early Voting Site
In preparation for a very high turnout during this Presidential Election, the Flagler County Supervisor of Elections will opened a new early voting site at Palm Coast’s Southern Recreation Center, at 1290 Belle Terre Parkway, Palm Coast, bringing the total of early voting sites to five in Flagler County. The addition is in expectation of a heavy-turnout election and in response to a growing population.
Palm Coast Could Have Its First Free, Public 18-Hole Disc Golf Course in a Planned W-Section Park
Palm Coast and Flagler County may soon have their first disc golf course. If the Palm Coast City Council approves a proposed agreement with a builder, the 18-hole course will be the central feature of a new 9-acre city park at the corner of White Mill Drive and Pine Lakes Parkway. The builder, Marbella Apartments, will build the park at its expense, but in exchange for $569,000 in park impact fee credits.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Flagler Beach’s Planning and Architectural Review Board meets as does the Palm Coast City Council, why there are fears of post-election violence only if Trump loses, Christo-fascism and remembering the vigilantism of the Knights of Liberty.
Hezbollah Does Not Represent Lebanon
Hezbollah, which means “party of God” in Arabic, was born during the Lebanese Civil War after Israel’s invasion and occupation of Lebanon in 1982. Hezbollah is primarily an Iranian-backed militia. It exists to serve the Iranian regime and expand its ideology in the region, as set out in the group’s 1985 manifesto.
Florida Helps Focus Recovery Efforts on North Carolina
The governor announced Sunday that the state was sending resources to North Carolina and Tennessee to address flood damage and conduct rescue missions. Included in the efforts are two Florida State Guard search and rescue teams and two teams from the Florida National Guard in Chinook helicopters. Additionally, the state is sending water, Starlink ground stations, high water vehicles, airboats, shallow-draft boats, trucks, and teams from the Florida Department of Transportation.
19th Annual Creekside Festival on Oct. 5 and 6 at Princess Place Preserve
The 19th Annual Creekside Music Arts & Food Festival takes place at Princess Place Preserve, Palm Coast on October 5, and 6. Non-stop country music all weekend. The First Responders’ 4th Annual Chili Challenge and the Sheriff’s Fast Draw competition return.
Same ‘Horrid’ Conditions, Different House: Parent of 5 Arrested 4 Years Ago for Child Neglect Charged Again After Toddler Wanders
Five years ago Nicolas Carter and his wife were arrested and charged with felony child neglect after authorities got complaints about the couple’s Espanola home. The couple was living with five young children in conditions lamentable beyond description. On Friday, Carter was arrested again on a similar charge, felony child neglect, and a misdemeanor charge of obstruction after one of his children–a toddler who was apparently born after the incident four years ago was seen wandering in the street, unattended. The house was in conditions similar to the one in Espanola.
The Fireman’s Son: Flagler County’s Even-Handed, Learned Judge Terence Perkins Retires
Circuit Judge Terence Perkins retires today after six years as Flagler County’s chief judge and 14 years as a judge in the Seventh Judicial Circuit, including stints as chief judge. In a long interview with FlaglerLive, Perkins reflected on a storied career that included a private practice at a firm he co-founded with colleagues, almost all of whom went on to become circuit or appellate judges, on the purpose of local judges, on his personal life, on the isolation and anguish judges feel at times, and on what’s next.
County Judge Andrea Totten on Circuit Judge Terence Perkins’s Retirement: ‘He Will be Profoundly Missed’
County Judge Andrea Totten has known Circuit Judge Terence R. Perkins–who is retiring today–for 13 years, starting from when she clerked for him as a staff attorney in the Seventh Judicial Circuit to when he championed her candidacy for a new county judge seat in Flagler County, to which she was appointed in 2019. Totten reflects on those years, providing a unique perspective on Perkins beyond the courtroom.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, September 30, 2024
A judge’s last day, Bill Day’s take on Amendment 3 legalizing recreational marijuana, Robert Fisk on the abduction of Lebanon, footage from an Associated Press report on Israel’s 1978 invasion.
Democrats’ No-Show Mistake in Rural America
Democrats have been losing rural voters across the U.S. since the 1960s. But the party has hemorrhaged these voters since 2000. The Democratic Party’s collapse in rural America has fueled support for Donald Trump and his “Make America Great Again” movement.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday, September 29, 2024
Last day for Jesus Christ Superstar at City Rep Theatre, Palm Coast Farmers’ Market at European Village, throwing away a CD collection, a few words from Donna Tartt’s Goldfinch.
Post-Election Violence Could Be Worse Than Jan. 6
Should Americans be bracing for bloodshed if Donald Trump loses the 2024 presidential election? A political scientist who studies American politics can easily imagine a repeat of the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol insurrection – or worse – following this November’s presidential election.
FPL Restores Power for 85% of Helene-Affected Customers
The company said 85% of accounts were restored within 12 hours of work following the storm, per a Friday news release. FPL’s latest publicly released numbers show 100,000 of its customers were without power. But that’s likely to change soon, per a roadmap the company released for restoring power to those who still need it.
Sen. Rick Scott Finally Concedes: Climate Is ‘Clearly Changing’
Florida U.S. Sen. Rick Scott acknowledged Friday in the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Helene that the climate is “clearly changing,” adding: “We’ve gotta figure out how do we react to that.” Scott travelled through parts of the state speaking to law enforcement and first responders a day after the Category 4 hurricane caused record storm surge up the west coast and Big Bend region of Florida, with at least seven deaths in the state attributed to the storm.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Saturday, September 28, 2024
Jesus Christ Superstar at City Rep Theatre, Peps Art Walk, Bob Kealing On How the Beatles Rocked Florida, the beauty and pathos of Philip Glass, a few words from Elmore Leonard’s Fifty-Two Pickup (1974).
Lebanese Civilians’ Memories of Israel’s 1982 Invasion
Lebanese families have been fleeing the country’s south in the thousands amid escalating tensions and an Israeli bombardment that has so far killed hundreds. Their fear, echoed by many onlookers, is that Israel will accompany the airstrikes with something that has the potential to have far worse consequences: a ground invasion of south Lebanon.
Flagler County Emergency Management Director Jonathan Lord Leads Assist Team to Dixie County
Flagler County on Friday sent five team members – Emergency Management Director Jonathan Lord, Communications and Engagement Manager Karen Callahan, Emergency Management Specialist Lovie Haley, as well as Fire Rescue Lt. Tony Guerin and Firefighter Paramedic Savannah Loertscher – to one of the hardest hit areas, Dixie County.
Rescue Efforts Fill Wake of Monster Hurricane Helene, With Advice to Residents: Stay Out of the Way
Rescue and recovery efforts were underway Friday morning in North Florida’s Big Bend region and other areas of the state after the Category 4 Hurricane Helene made landfall Thursday night in Taylor County. State Division of Emergency Management Director Kevin Guthrie implored people not involved in recovery efforts to stay off the roads as authorities conducted search-and-rescue efforts amid debris and dissipating storm surge.
The Big Read:
Deconstructing J.D. Vance’s Hillbilly Fictions
When J.D. Vance went from calling Trump “America’s Hitler” and calling himself a Nevertrumper to calling him a man of “extraordinary vision” as he accepted the nomination for vice-president, the apparent change was mistaken for the apotheosis of an opportunistic pivot and a betrayal of his memoir’s affective nuances. But it was in fact the reflection and perfection of a skill Vance displayed throughout “Hillbilly Elegy,” where he constructed a persona scaled to a chameleon’s tongue. The book is the Rosetta Stone of the Vance we see today.
Road Rage Incident on U.S. 1 Involving a Gun Results in 2 Felony Charges for 68-Year-Old Woman
Nancy Lee Leight, a 68-year-old Palm Coast resident, faces two felony counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon following a road rage incident when she allegedly brandished a gun against a driver she’d cut off.
Hurricane Helene Leaves 3.2 Million Without Power, Including Thousands in Flagler; Local Damage Minor
As dawn broke over Florida and the Southeast today, 3.2 million people were without power in the wake of Hurricane Helene, which made landfall as a Category 4 storm at 11:10 p.m. in Florida’s Big Bend area–10 miles west of Perry, in Taylor County–and as one of the most destructive storms on record for the area, with winds of 140 miles per hour and a storm surge of 10 to 20 feet. In Flagler County, while power losses reached 10,000, only a few houses reported being struck by trees, with many more trees down on roads.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Friday, September 27, 2024
Jesus Christ Superstar at City Rep Theatre, Acoustic Jam Circle At The Community Center In The Hammock, the Scenic A1A Pride Committee meets, torture museums around the world and Phyllis Rose’s “Tools of Torture.”
Plant Disease Could Spell The End of Citrus Fruits
If world agricultural authorities don’t get their act together soon enough, your morning orange juice may disappear from the supermarket shelves – for good. This is how critical the situation has become in the citrus growing world. In Brazil, production has fallen by more than 20%, 60% in Guadeloupe and and plummeted by more than 90% in Florida.
Matters of Temper and Temperament at Tiger Bay Forum, Many Evaded Questions, Some Revealing Moments
The 35 or so people who turned up for Wednesday evening’s Flagler Tiger Bay Club candidate forum would have gotten a general understanding of where the candidates stood on local issues. But sharp differences were surprisingly rare, and specific answers to questions even rarer. Too many questions lent themselves to open-ended speculation and the sort of bromides no one can quibble with. A few questions about temperament, public private partnerships and the “westward expansion” yielded more insights, and the candidates themselves had moments more revealing than they may have intended.
Palm Coast Council Approves Budget and Tax Rate and Rejects Latest Attempt to Nullify Debt Referendum
The Palm Coast City Council on Wednesday gave final approval on a 3-1 vote to a $358 million budget and a slight reduction in the property tax rate starting Oct. 1. The 50-minute hearing, which had been rescheduled from last week, when two of the council members were ill, turned indecorous again in its last 10 minutes. Council member Ed Danko challenged the city attorney over a lawsuit just filed against the city to stop a referendum on November’s ballot, and urged two of his colleagues to rescind their vote supporting the referendum, so the legal action is made moot. They declined.
‘Catastrophic’ Helene Landfall Projected for Big Bend This Evening, But Limited Outer-Band Impacts in Flagler-Palm Coast
In Northeast Florida, including Flagler County, outer rain bands will increase in frequency today, with stronger winds arriving after noon and local impacts increasing through Thursday night, the National Weather Service in Jacksonville says. But rain totals in coastal Flagler and Palm Coast are expected to be significantly less than in inland Flagler and counties further west and southwest: forecast models have coastal Flagler and Palm Coast receiving less than one inch, though localized thunderstorms may produce more. The flash flooding potential in Flagler is in the 5 to 15 percent range.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Thursday, September 26, 2024
All eyes on Helene, the Flagler Beach City Commission meets to approve its budget, everything else–schools, courts, colleges–have cancelled classes and operations for today, Mikhail Bakunin on the meaning of freedom.
The Ethics of Editing Fetal Genomes
Human prenatal genome editing has not happened yet – as far as we know. Prenatal genome editing isn’t the same as editing ex vivo embryos, like the Chinese scientist did, because prenatal editing involves editing the DNA of a fetus visible inside a pregnant person’s womb – without the intent to affect future descendants. But the societal implications of this technology are still vast. And researchers can already start exploring the ethics by engaging communities well ahead of time.
Florida Retains US News Title as Top Higher Education State
Florida was named — for the eighth year in a row — the top state for higher education by U.S. News & World Report. The rankings, released Tuesday, take into account factors including graduation rates, social mobility, student debt, retention rates, and academic reputation.
Flagler Beach Hears Substantial Opposition to Veranda Bay Annexation as Developer Counters: ‘I Have Agreed to a Lot Here’
More than two dozen people in an audience of 60 spoke against Flagler Beach’s annexation of the 2,700-unit Veranda Bay development as crafted in a special workshop Tuesday evening. Three commissioners raised substantial concerns as well. But none of it appears to be a deal-breaker as the developer agreed to continue negotiating, and to make several pledges and concessions.