Tax Collector Suzanne Johnston wanted to alert people of the new location for concealed weapon permits, but the sign ran afoul of Flagler Beach commissioners’ sights.
40% of Sea Ray Boats’ Workforce in Flagler Affected By Layoffs and Furloughs
Some 90 employees have been laid off and 130 furloughed out of a workforce of 560 at the Sea Ray Boats plant off Colbert Lane even as manufacturer’s parent company posts strong earnings in the second quarter.
Palm Coast’s Erin Vickers Set For September Trial on Child Rape in 1st of 49 Charges
Erin Vickers, 23, and then-boyfriend Paul Dykes, 20, face a combined 90 charges of raping children as young as 1, and taking and transmitting pictures and video of child porn.
Weekend Briefing: Heat Index Up to 109, Disney’s Aladdin at Playhouse, Back To School Jam, Future of Fake News
Paul Dykes and Erin Vickers, accused of child rape and child porn possession, appear in court, the Back to School Jam at FPC Saturday, the Playhouse features its junior thespians.
Flagler Beach Delays Medical Pot Ban Vote For 2 Weeks, But Hazy Evidence Unchanged
The absence of one of the five commissioners led to the delay on the vote on a controversial measure that would ban the operation of medical pot dispensaries anywhere in Flagler Beach.
Flagler Beach’s Newsom, Again Short-Listed For Another Job, Also Eyes Palm Coast
Larry Newsom is short-listed as an “alternate” after four candidates for the Putnam County Administrator job, though he says he’s not likely to take it.
Hutson and Renner Try To Push Back Against Criticism on Home Rule, Taxes and Education
Sen. Travis Hutson and Rep. Paul Renner took credit for–and defended–several controversial bills that passed in the last session of the Legislature as they spoke to Flagler’s political and business leaders this morning.
Thursday Briefing: Renner and Hutson Postgame Show, Flagler Beach Pot Dispensaries, Stamp and Coin
Rep. Paul Renner and Sen. Travis Hutson talk about the last legislative session and the one to come, the Flagler Beach Commission takes up a proposed ban on medical marijuana dispensaries.
JJ Graham’s Salvo Arthouse Finds Permanent Home, Ending Wandering Years
What was Hollingsworth Gallery, then Salvo Art Project, is now Salvo Arthouse on East Moody Boulevard iN Bunnell, opening a new era for JJ Graham and Petra Iston.
Special-Ops Firefighters Rescuing Man Taken Ill Near Top of Palm Coast Water Tower
A contractor working on the water tower for the city fell ill, possibly of heat stroke, and required a rescue by the county’s and Palm Coast’s paramedics, and a special team.
Next Stations of the Cross In Obamacare’s Near-Death Experiences: Debate and Amendments
Senators are limited to 20 hours of debate, following which numberless amendments may be introduced–but not debated. It may get messy and difficult to follow.
It’s Not Just Palm Coast: Credit Card Skimming at Gas Stations Up 160% in Florida
State figures show 315 skimmers had been discovered at Florida gas pumps through July 18, compared to 120 skimmers discovered through the first seven months of 2016.
Wednesday Briefing: Grade Schedule Pick-up, Compassionate Friends, Economic Opportunity, Carlin
School already: grade-schedule pick-ups begin at Indian Trails Middle School, Compassionate Friends meet, George Carlin reminds us he’s still dead.
Timothy Daniel, 17-Year-Old Student, Takes His Life With a Gun
For the Matanzas High School community, it is the fifth violent death involving a current or recently former student since January 2016: two students were killed in traffic-related crashes, three took their own lives.
Alternative to FPL-Matanzas Footpath Dies as Administration Hits Council With Done Deal
A potential $400,000 temporary sidewalk along Old Kings Road, sought for years by F-Section resident, turned out to be an illusion as its proponent was outmaneuvered today.
Tuesday Briefing: School Taxes, Texting While Driving, Palm Harbor Golf Fare, Blivets
The Palm Coast council discusses capital improvements, the school board sets its tax rate, comparing pre-existing conditions to cars that have been in crashes.
Democrat Nancy Soderberg, Ambassador From Departed Era, Wants to Represent Flagler In Congress
Nancy Soderberg, a foreign policy expert and top aide in Bill Clinton’s presidency, wants the seat held by Republican Ron DeSantis. She has a lot to learn.
Flagler Beach’s Golden Lion Cafe Set To Take Over Palm Harbor Golf Restaurant
Golden Lion would sign a five-year lease to run the food and beverage operation, including a bar, catering in the clubhouse and on the golf course, and other amenities.
Florida Must Pay $1.1 Million In Legal Fees After Losing Battle in Glocks v. Docs Fight
A federal court struck down a controversial state law, backed by the NRA, that sought to prevent doctors from asking patients about guns.
Per Curiam: County Attorney Al Hadeed Is Awarded State Association’s Ethics in Government Honor
Flagler County Attorney Al Hadeed has been leaving legal footprints in Florida law going back to the 1970s, in defense of ethics and Sunshine Law standards.
Prescription-Drug Overdoses Swamp Medical Examiners, Putting Accuracy In Question
The concern is that performing more than the recommended limit of 325 autopsies in a year, in addition to other duties such as testifying in court, could result in errors.
Monday Briefing: Bunnell Budget, Sabotaging Obamacare, Sonny Clark and Robert Frost
The Bunnell City Commission figures out its 2017-18 budget, Enterprise Florida picks a new president, Robert Frost trash-talks the novel.
Patriotic Millionaire: There’s No ‘Free Market’ Solution to Health Care
Republican leaders claim they want affordable access to quality health care for all. It can’t be done by lowering taxes on businesses and the rich and letting the market run it all.
Palm Coast Pill House: “You’re Using Drugs?” “No Mom, I’m Selling Drugs.”
A 30-year-old woman was arrested while her 5-year-old son slept in a bedroom sheriff’s deputies said was stashed with hundreds of oxycodone pills, bags of pot and close to $9,000 in cash.
Tracy Vandament, 48, Found Dead In Suicide on Palm Coast’s Cimarron Drive
Tracy Vandament, originally from Oklahoma, had been depressed from going through a divorce and not seeing his children.
Flagler Unemployment Ticks Up But Remains Below 5%, Florida’s Hits Post-Recession Low
Flagler County’s unemployment rate ticked up three decimal points to 4.8 percent in June as the labor force shrank a little and the unemployment rolls grew.
Gov. Scott Defends Plan to Appoint Three Supreme Court Justices in Last Days In Office
Those three members — justices R. Fred Lewis, Barbara Pariente and Peggy Quince — are part of the court’s more-liberal majority, and some advocates are worried that Scott, a Republican, could tip the balance of power on the bench on his final day in office.
Weekend Briefing: Tour de Palm Coast, “Depth” at Blue Gallery, Play 60 at FPC, Price of Revenge, Calder
The annual cycling Tour de Palm Coast, dive-in movie at Frieda Zamba and by the surf in Flagler Beach, Alexander Calder’s birthday, a new show at Blue Gallery, Balzac on double-standards.
Palm Coast Council Will Decide Manager’s Future in Extraordinary Workshop on Aug. 3
The council is moving toward ending Jim Landon’s 10-year tenure. That workshop is expected to be followed with a special meeting in a matter of days to ratify whatever decision is reached on the 3rd.
Fraud Alert: Credit Card “Skimmers” Found at Four Palm Coast Gas Stations
The defrauding skimming devices have been found at gas stations along Palm Coast Parkway and Palm Harbor Parkway. There are no arrests and no suspects.
Flagler’s Elementary Schools Will Accommodate New Requirement
of 20 Minutes of Recess Per Day
A new law requires districts to provide 100 minutes a week of free-play recess, outside of phys-ed classes, in elementary schools. Flagler was already providing close to that.
Thursday Briefing: Peers on the Pier, God Gab, Inspired Mic at Europa, JJ Graham’s Phoenix, Balzac’s Speculators
The Inspired Mic, Palm Coast’s unpredictable improv, is on at Europa, the Chamber hosts its annual Peers on the Pier party, how Trump does in fact own Obamacare now, and double-standards.
PAL and Flagler District Agree to Middle School Sports Programs, But Student Records Would Not Be Private
The Flagler Sheriff’s Police Athletic League will run several middle school sports programs this year, but participation is conditional on PAL having access to attendance, grades and progress reports.
West Flagler Man Shoots Himself Twice With .22 and Survives, But in Critical Condition
John Joseph Kipe, a 54-year-old resident of Panda Bear Lane in Bunnell, is in critical condition after what appears to be an attempted suicide by gunshot Tuesday evening.
A Mock Election Opens Flagler Supervisor’s Office to Public View, But Potato Vote a Shock
Supervisor of Elections Kaiti Lenhart held a mock election and open house, allowing voters to try new voting equipment and, for the first time, visit the elections office behind the scenes.
Appeals Court Skeptical Of Sitting In Judgment Over Florida’s Education Standards
The issue is whether courts can evaluate the state’s obligation under a 1998 constitutional amendment that declares it a “paramount duty of the state” to education all children.
Obamacare Exchanges In Limbo as GOP Repeal Fails and Trump Ramps Up Sabotage Talk
Even as premiums increase about 18 percent, Florida Blue, the state’s largest health insurer, said those rates would go even higher if government subsidies disappeared.
Wednesday Briefing: Soderberg Kicks Off, Buckets of Tourism Grants, Blood Drive, Malcolm Gladwell
Blood drive in Bunnell, Nancy Soderberg launches her congressional campaign against Ron DeSantis, the tourism council considers dozens of grants, Malcolm Gladwell.
Shots Fired Outside Frieda Zamba Pool While Children’s Camp Was Still Active
A man fired two shots at a car leaving the parking lot outside Palm Coast’s Freeda Zamba pool Monday afternoon, next to Belle Terre Park. The pool was still open for another hour.
City Manager Landon’s Fate Teetering, Council Agrees to Special Meeting To Set New Course
The Palm Coast City Council will hold a special workshop likely next week to decide how to end Manager Jim Landon’s tenure as even his big severance package now appears less of an obstacle.
Tuesday Briefing: Mock Election All Day, Palm Coast’s Future, Food Truck Tuesday, Blood-and-Soil Nationalism
The Palm Coast City Council decides whether to add five cops to city streets and may talk about its manager’s future, a countywide mock election takes place at Supervisor’s office to show off new equipment.
With Sanford and Other Non-Mega Airport Posting Big Gains, Florida Passes Texas in Passengers
Florida recorded a nearly 4 percent growth in its overall outbound passenger count, from 78.07 million in 2015 to 81.17 million last year, according to annual FAA data.
Palm Coast Woman Arrested on Animal Cruelty Charge In Death of Dog and Neglect of Another
Georgia A. Rose, 39, of 16 Princess Luise Lane in Palm Coast, was arrested on a charge of cruelty to animals following the death of a young dog she had been caring for, and persistently neglectful conditions surrounding a second dog that survived.
Judge Kim C. Hammond, Legend From Seminole Gridiron to Flagler Courtroom, Dies at 72
Judge Kim C. Hammond was appointed to the bench by Gov. Bob Graham in 1979 and spent his entire judicial in Flagler County, where the county courthouse now bears his name.
Latest Republican Health Bill Cuts Costs At Expense of People With Pre-Existing Conditions
The proposal would let insurers sell health coverage outside the ACA exchanges with no provisions for prescription drugs, mental illness, hospitalization or almost any other benefit.
Monday Briefing: Al Hadeed’s Ethics Award, Rotary’s Dave Dalecki Award, Heat Index to 102, Porn at Work
County Attorney Al Hadeed receives a state ethics award, a volunteer of the year award is named for Dave Dalecki, too many people watch porn at work, Ben Carson is in Orlando.
Palm Coast Council Ready To Fire Or Push Out Jim Landon, Dismissing His Secretive “Succession” Ploy
Four Palm Coast City Council members have lost confidence in Manager Jim Landon and want him gone, with severance issues an obstacle. He wants to stay two more years and appoint his successor.
Alleged Meth Lab Busted on 2.5-Acre Property With 9 Buildings in Mondex, 5 Arrests
The search was conducted at 2345 Blueberry Street, netting the arrest of Gage Ryan Watts, 21, and four others before an extensive search operation that uncovered meth labs.
Trump Lawyer Marc Kasowitz Threatens Stranger in Emails: “Watch Your Back, Bitch”
Marc Kasowitz, President Trump’s personal attorney on the Russia case, threatened a stranger in a string of profanity-laden emails Wednesday night.
WESH 2 Pilot Finds Plane that Crashed With With 2 People On Board Over Pellicer Creek
The plane, a Piper PA44 Seminole, was returning from Brunswick, Ga., on its way to Ormond Beach Municipal Airport, fell off radar at 11 p.m. Thursday near Marineland.