No one ran against Eric Cooley, ensuring that he’d take a Flagler Beach Commission seat in place of Joy McGrew automatically. Linda Provencher was again elected without opposition for the fourth contest out of five.
City Elections
Joy McGrew Makes It Official: She Will End Dozen Years on Flagler Beach Commission
McGrew, the most forthright and colorful member of the commission, said it’s time for a new generation of leaders. She all but endorsed Eric Cooley as her successor.
7-Eleven Owner Eric Cooley Will Run for Joy McGrew’s Flagler Beach Commission Seat
Eric Cooley, 43, serves on three Flagler Beach advisory boards and has been a near-permanent presence at city commission meetings, speaking for business and echoing McGrew, who may not run again.
A Frustrated Shipley Will Not Run Again For Palm Coast Council, But Ex-Mayor Netts Eyeing Her Seat
Dissatisfaction with the council and Manager Jim Landon is spurring Shipley not to run again, , and former Mayor Jon Netts says he still has a lot to give, though he’s also considering a county commission run.
City Elections: Flagler Beach Voters Stay With Shupe and Carney, Bunnell Elects John Sowell and Re-Elects Rogers
Flagler Beach voters gave Marshall Shupe and Kim Carney solid re-election numbers, while Bunnell voted out Bonita Robinson, replacing her with John Sowell, and re-electing John Rogers to three-year terms.
Qualifying Over in Flagler Beach and Bunnell March 7 Elections, Still Time to Register to Vote
Both cities’ incumbents and one challenger in each have qualified–Marshall Shupe, Kim Carney and Paul Eik in Flagler Beach, Bonita Robinson, John Rogers and John Sowell in Bunnell, with two seats in play in each government.
Flagler Beach and Bunnell Will Have Contested City Elections in March as 2 Challengers Qualify
Flagler Beach incumbents Marshal Shupe and Kim Carney have drawn Paul Eik as an opponent. In Bunnell, John Sowell, a former pilot for Flagler County Fire Flight, will challenge incumbents Bonita Robinson and John Rogers.
Flagler’s Humiliated Democrats Try To Regroup, Only to Expose the Dysfunctions At Their Core
Some 60 people had turned up at the All Flagler Democratic Club eager for guidance and strategy only to hear vague and at times bewildering proposals that have little to do with finding local Democrats to run, or get them elected.
Sea Change With Immediate Notes of Assertiveness as New Mayor and Palm Coast Council Are Seated
Palm Coast Mayor Milissa Holland wasted no time taking the reins after her swearing in, as did now-senior council member Steven Nobile, who wants a more assertive and involved council.
Your Election Will Not Be “Rigged”
Flagler Elections Supervisor Kaiti Lenhart Explains
Flagler County Elections Supervisor puts to rest any fear or claim that the Nov. 8 election may be rigged, that fraudulent votes may be cast, or that dead people will be voting locally.
Heralding Brief Majority of Beards, Robert Cuff Is Sworn In as Palm Coast’s Newest Councilman
Robert Cuff–the cerebral, witty and long-time Palm Coast resident and ITT man–took his seat at the city council this evening after winning his election last week. He takes up where Bill McGuire resigned.
Holland Is Palm Coast’s New Mayor, Lenhart Wins Supervisor, Conklin Wins School Board, Manfre Is Out, Staly Beats Lamb
Primary election results for Flagler County races including school board, sheriff, county commission, Palm Coast City Council, supervisor of elections, judges, and state congressional races.
Capping 2 Weeks of Record-Breaking Early Voting, Final Day of Primary Ends at 7pm
Some 18 percent of registered voters had already cast a ballot in early voting or by mail by the time polls opened at 7 this morning. But that means 82 percent of registered voters had not cast a ballot. Go vote.
Chamber Poll: Flagler’s Trump Country; Cuff, Lenhart, Holland, O’Brien and Conklin Win Big
The Flagler County Chamber’s first candidate hob nob Thursday drew some 300 people and 250 participants in its straw poll, with results pointing at least to a few trends ahead of the Aug. 30 primary. Actual early voting begins Monday.
Belle Terre Swim Club Advisory Group Violates School Policy as It Plods Into Political Forums
The Belle Terre Swim and Racquet Club, created to help save the school board-owned facility, organized three political forums at the club without board permission, used a membership list to send out invitations in violation of board policy, and is not being charged the usual rate for use of facilities.
Ron Radford, Palm Coast Mayoral Candidate: The Live Interview
Ron Radford is a candidate for Palm Coast mayor. He faces three other candidates: Milissa Holland, Dennis McDonald and John Brady in the non-partisan election on Aug. 30, in which all registered voters may cast a ballot.
Dennis McDonald, Palm Coast Mayoral Candidate: The Live Interview
Dennis McDonald is a candidate for Palm Coast Mayor. He faces three other candidates: John Brady, Milissa Holland, and Ron Radford. All registered city voters regardless of party may cast a vote in the non-partisan election on Aug. 30.
DuBose Pulls Out of Palm Coast Council Race, Opening Way to Quicker McGuire Replacement
Troy DuBose’s withdrawal essentially creates a two-way race between Bob Cuff and Sims Jones, and a stronger possibility of a winner by Aug. 30, who could then immediately fill the same seat Bill McGuire is resigning in mid-August, sparing the council the tortures of an appointment process.
Milissa Holland, Palm Coast Candidate for Mayor: The Live Interview
Milissa Holland is a candidate for Palm Coast Mayor. She faces three other candidates: John Brady, Dennis McDonald, and Ron Radford. All registered city voters regardless of party may cast a vote in the non-partisan election on Aug. 30.
John Brady, Palm Coast Mayoral Candidate: The Live Interview
John Brady is a candidate for Palm Coast Mayor. He faces three other candidates: Milissa Holland, Dennis McDonald and Ron Radford in the non-partisan election on Aug. 30, in which all registered voters may cast a ballot.
Bill McGuire, Palm Coast City Council’s Grandmaster, Resigns Effective Aug. 15
McGuire’s resignation was expected, and the council is hinting that it may be uninterested in filling his post for the remaining few weeks of his term before the election, even if the charter says the council “shall” fill it.
Qualifying Ends: Tax Collector Johnston and Property Appraiser Gardner Are Re-Elected; Supervisor’s Race Will Be a Universal Primary
Property Appraiser Jay Gardner and Tax Collector Suzanne Johnston were re-elected without opposition for a fourth consecutive term each as qualifying ended, with few surprises and withdrawals or disqualifications in other races.
McGuire Resignation a Dilemma for Palm Coast Council, But 2 Ex-Councilmen Offer Solution
Holsey Moorman and Alan Peterson, who both served on the Palm Coast City Council, are willing to fill out Bill McGuire’s last four months, thus enabling the council to avoid making a more politically fraught appointment or leaving the seat vacant.
Dennis McDonald, Who’s Twice Sued Palm Coast, Now Wants To Be Its Mayor
Dennis McDonald, Palm Coast’s and county government’s most relentless critic and a three-time candidate for local office previously, joined four other candidates for the seat Jon Netts is vacating: Milissa Holland, John Brady, Travis Kaufman and Ron Radford.
In Flagler Elections, Primary May Decide Half the Local Races, Including Supervisor
Underscoring the importance of turnout, All voters, regardless of party affiliation, may vote for Supervisor of Elections, School Board and Palm Coast council in the Aug. 30 primary, with the results in two of the three races deciding the outright winners. That’s assuming no one pulls the write-in ploy.
Acknowledging “Dark Times,” Flagler’s Democrats Say They’re Back and Battling For Long Haul
The Flagler County Democratic Party is hoping top shed years of disarray and political bankruptcy as it fields a few more candidates and organizers in a push for local and state successes. But the difficulties are still as prominent as organizers’ optimism.
6 Local Unions Show Electoral Power as 16 Candidates For School Board, Palm Coast and County Match Mettle
The United Public Employees of Flagler County, representing 6 local public unions, hosted the largest simultaneous political forum in the county’s recent history, yielding a few insights into three races.
Bill Baxley and Elbert Tucker Win Big in Bunnell, Trump and Clinton Win Flagler and Florida
There were ballot problems in one precinct in Palm Coast, where voters were handed the Bunnell ballot, but not in large enough numbers to alter the results.
29% Have Already Voted in Flagler; Trump and Clinton Hold Commanding Poll Lead in Florida
In Flagler, 15,659 voters have already cast a ballot through early voting and voting by mail, a significant increase from 2012 even after accounting for two major primary contests. .
Three Vying for 2 Seats on Bunnell Commission Take On Policing, Code Enforcement and Pot
Incumbents Bill Baxley and Elbert Tucker and challenger Jan Reeger appeared Monday in the only candidate forum ahead of the March 15 election, responding to a range of questions that showed them more in agreement than in opposition.
Chamber Crystal: How Pot, Trump, and Independents Will Affect Elections in Flagler and Florida
Marian Johnson of the Florida Chamber of Commerce gave a Flagler County group of candidates and business interests an overview of the election season ahead Thursday at the Hilton Garden Inn.
Citing Home Rule, Bunnell Opposes State Move Forcing Cities to Alter Election Schedules
Voter turnout in Bunnell city elections has been notoriously low. A state proposal aims to change that by forcing cities like Bunnell to adopt different election schedules. The Bunnell City Commission is opposed.
Flagler Voter Registrations Surge to 90%, Aiding GOP as Democrats Fall to Historic Low
Flagler County’s voter registration rolls have surged by 21 percent since 2009, resulting in a 90 percent registration rate, with Republicans riding a 4,500-voter advantage over Democrats.
Radical Change Ahead for Palm Coast Council as McGuire Won’t Run, DeLorenzo Opts for County and Netts Is Term-Limited
The Palm Coast City Council will see the biggest turn-over in its history this November as Bill McGuire says he won’t run again, Jason DeLorenzo is running for the county commission and Mayor Jon Netts is term-limited. The council will see a complete turn-over in two years, possibly heralding a sea change in the city’s direction.
Flagler Beach Shock: Settle Opts Out of Commission, So Mealy and Belhumeur Are Elected
In a minor shock in Flagler Beach, Commissioner Steve Settle opted not to file for re-election, automatically resulting in the election of Rick Belhumeur and the re-election of Jane Mealy at 5 p.m. Friday.
Bunnell Mayor Robinson Again Re-Elected Unopposed; 3 Vie for 2 Commission Seats
Bunnell Mayor Catherine Robinson was reelected without opposition for the third straight time. Incumbents Elbert Tucker and Bill Baxley will be joined by Jan Reeger for the March 15 contest. Two of the three will win election.
Municipal Elections for 3 Flagler Cities To Be Held on Presidential Primary Day, March 15
The municipal elections for Bunnell, Flagler Beach and Beverly Beach will be held in conjunction with the county-wide Presidential Preference Primary election scheduled for March 15 to save money and encourage more turnout.
Milissa Holland, Now a Republican, Files to Run for Palm Coast Mayor to Succeed Netts
Milissa Holland, the two-time Flagler County Commissioner who narrowly lost a bid for the state House in 2012, filed today to run for Palm Coast mayor in 2016.
Flagler’s Ronald Reagan Group Orchestrating Blitz on Palm Coast Council Over City Charter
An email request for “support” of council member Steven Nobile’s push for a charter review went to the local tea party membership, and was signed by the Ronald Reagan group’s president, Michael McElroy.
Supervisor of Elections Kimberle Weeks Resigns
Six years into her tenure, Flagler County Supervisor of Elections Kimberle Weeks has resigned. Weeks announced her resignation in a letter to her poll workers this morning, citing family and health concerns.
New, Younger Faces Sworn In at Palm Coast Council, Same Old at County Commission
The swearing-in ceremonies were a study in contrast, if not a reflection of the election’s paradoxes as Palm Coast showed its desire for change and the county commission stayed the same.
From Washington to Palm Coast City Council, Elections Herald Less Change Than Advertised
Tuesday’s election looked more revolutionary than it was, as political dynamics changed very little, even at the Palm Coast City Council, where two seats turned over, and even more so at the school board and the county commission, where change may be imperceptible.
Commission Incumbents Meeker and McLaughlin Win, McDonald Beats Fischer for School Board, Shipley and Nobile Win Palm Coast; Scott Wins, Pot Busts
With 21,000 votes in–early vote tallies and absentee ballots–County Commission incumbents Frank Meeker and Nate McLaughlin have taken commanding leads against challengers Howard Holley and Denise Calderwood, with Meeker polling 58 percent and McLaughlin close to 60 percent.
In Chamber’s Straw Poll, Shipley and Nobile Win Palm Coast, Incumbents Win all County and State Offices and Pot Loses
There were few surprises in a straw poll of 124 participants conducted by the Flagler Chamber of Commerce at a political forum and at Creekside Festival in the last few days, but the sample is too small to be indicative of more than hints.
Returning After 7-Week Absence, Council Member Bill Lewis Vows to Keep On
Back from illness for the first time since July 15, Palm Coast City Council member Bill Lewis faces a tough re-election fight against challenger Steven Nobile, who bested him by eight points in the primary. The two men face-off in a runoff on Nov. 4.
Unbowed, Elections Supervisor Kimberle Weeks Signals More Brawling Ahead
In the latest bout involving the elections supervisor, Kimberle Weeks on Tuesday took on Al Hadeed, the county attorney, dismissing his mediation efforts with Palm Coast and at one point seeking to silence him.
Andy Dance Wins, McLaughlin, Meeker and Tucker Survive, Fischer and Both Palm Coast Races Headed for November Run-Offs
Full results for the 2014 primary election in Flagler County and in statewide races relevant to the county, with the latest updates.
Time To Get Off Your Duff and Vote
Even though it’s a primary with a few races closed to most voters, all registered voters get to vote on key races including school board, Palm Coast and three judicial races.
Palm Coast Manager Jim Landon Handed Wrong Ballot in Early Voting, Raising Questions About Election’s Integrity
Two of the three ballots handed City Manager Jim Landon, his stepdaughter and his wife Friday did not include Palm Coast City Council races, echoing a similar report by another voter, prompting discussions by the county Canvassing Board about better ensuring the integrity of the vote. But Supervisor Weeks put that responsibility squarely on voters.
Heidi Shipley, Palm Coast City Council Candidate: The Live Interview
Heidi Shipley is running for Palm Coast City Council, one of seven candidates in two races. All registered voters in Palm Coast may cast a ballot regardless of party registration or district.