The Palm Coast City Council is embarking on an ambitious plan to explore and perhaps develop and finance, in a private-public partnership, an enormous sports complex on the west side of the yet-undeveloped city. A consultant encouraging the project is projecting rosy figures that would not mortgage tax dollars yet yield ample profits while drawing up to 250,000 athletes and spectators a year. The figures are speculative and do not easily stand up to scrutiny.
Fight at Matanzas High School Leads to Charges Against Two Students
A fight between two Matanzas High School students, 15 and 18, on Tuesday resulted in charges against both students, but no arrests, according to police reports.
More Sound and Fury Than Broad Problems as 3 Residents Complain to City of Ralph Carter Park’s Popularity
When the Palm Coast City Council gets its administration’s latest report on the state of Ralph Carter Park in the R-Section, it’ll have to decide how much of the sound and fury again hemming the popular park is the grousing of a few people signifying nothing or a reflection of a broader problem. Judging from a community meeting the administration hosted at City Hall Wednesday evening, there is no broad problem.
Renner and DeSantis Trying to Ward Off Veto Over Social Media Ban for Children Under-16
With a Friday deadline looming, House Speaker Paul Renner said Wednesday that he and Gov. Ron DeSantis are trying to work out differences on a bill aimed at keeping children under age 16 off social-media platforms. Renner is keeping silent on alternatives.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Thursday February 29, 2024
Drug court, Clay Jones draws about and writes on Trump’s racism, “Tuck Everlasting” at St. Augustine’s Limelight Theatre, a history of leap years and what it looked like from the vantage point of 1960.
Anti-Immigration Pastors Get the Attention, But Real Priests Still Protect Migrants
Historically, Latinx Christian leaders have been at the forefront of immigrant rights in the U.S.. For example, Mexican-American Catholic leaders of the Jim Crow era such as Alonso Perales and Cleofas Calleros applied Catholic social teaching, such as the inherent equality of all human beings, to civil rights struggles.
Ahead of Trial, Lawyer for Man Accused in Murder of Noah Smith Says Interrogation Was Constitutional Violation
Tyrese Patterson is one of three men facing a murder charge in the shooting death of 16-year-old Noah Smith in Bunnell in 2022. In court today, Patterson’s attorney, Tim Pribisco, heatedly sparred with Flagler County Sheriff’s detective Augustin Rodriguez, who was testifying, and just as fiercely argued to Circuit Judge Terence Perkins that an interrogation of Patterson at the county jail by Rodriguez is inadmissible, because Patterson twice directly and indirectly asked about his attorney, only for the interrogation to continue.
2024 Million Dollar Food-A-Thon Kicks Off with Food Truck Palooza at FPC on March 16
The Third Annual Million Dollar Food-A-Thon kicks off Saturday, March 16, with “Food Truck Palooza!” at Flagler Palm Coast High School, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Over 40 food trucks, live entertainment, a kids fun zone, street vendors and a muscle/collector car show will take over the Flagler Palm Coast High School parking lot on Bulldog Drive. The Food-A-Thon’s goal is to raise $200,00 in cash, which can then be leveraged into $1 million worth of food.
‘Three Amigos’ Who Shepherded Flagler Through Covid Return as Vigilante Philanthropists. But Don’t Tell Anyone.
For two years, Dr. Stephen Bickel, then-Health Department chief Bob Snyder and Flagler Broadcasting President David Ayres shepherded Flagler County through the Covid pandemic on WNZF’s airwaves. The three have teamed up again as a group that calls itself Vigilante Philanthropy, but they’d prefer to do their work outside the limelight.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Ralph Carter Park Community Update and meeting, Separation Chat, “Goodbye, Farewell and Amen” 41 years ago, E.B. Sledge discharged from active duty at Pensacola.
Miserable at Work (and Who Isn’t)? Here’s How the Bhagavad Gita Can Help.
Employees are generally unhappy at work. The number of those who feel angry and disconnected with their organization’s mission is climbing. A mindfulness technique called “nishkama karma” – acting without desire – described in an ancient but popular Indian text called the “Bhagavad Gita,” may prove useful for navigating the contemporary world of work.
Flagler Schools Mark Career and Technical Education Month
The latest data shows that nearly 99 percent of Flagler Schools students who take at least one CTE course will earn their high school diploma. Nearly half of high school and middle school students currently participate in one of 76 CTE course offerings offered within Flagler Schools.
Florida Lawmakers Back Modest Reparations for Dozier School’s Black Victims of Rampant Abuse
The Florida Senate measure would create a $20 million “Dozier School for Boys and Okeechobee School Victim Compensation Program” to compensate “living persons who were confined” to Dozier or the Okeechobee School, another reform school, between 1940 and 1975 and “who were subjected to mental, physical, or sexual abuse perpetrated by school personnel.”
SR100 Pedestrian ‘Faith’ Bridge Gets Somewhere After All: To an Award, But Ex-County Engineer Is Snubbed
The Flagler Greenways Pedestrian Bridge over State Road 100 earned the “National Recognition Award” from American Council of Engineering Companies in the 2024 Engineering Excellence Awards. The award will go to Kisinger Campo and Associates, the engineering company that designed the bridge for the county. At the county, the bridge was overseen by engineer Faith al-Khatib, whom the county unceremoniously pushed out last year.
Palm Coast Searches for Its New Attorney In the Open. School Board Chooses Secrecy.
The Palm Coast City Council and the Flagler County School Board are searching for new attorneys to represent them in two very different ways. The council is conducting its search entirely in the open, ensuring that all related documents are public, providing them on request, and interviewing the firms in open forum. The school board, in contrast with its own precedents and with all other local governments, possibly in violation of law, is not.
Snuffed Out for 4 Years, Commission Debate Continues to Smolder Over July 4 Fireworks in Flagler Beach
It’s as if a stash of July 4 fireworks keeps smoldering somewhere under Flagler Beach, looking for a burst skyward–and getting snuffed out at every turn. Some Flagler Beach city commissioners and members of the business community are not happy with the uncertainty. So the commission will hold a workshop on the matter for still more talk, to hear from the public and to figure out of fireworks could return to the pier for the first time in five years come July 4.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Tuesday, February 27, 2024
A Palm Coast City Council workshop, the Book Dragons meet at the Flagler Beach Public Library, the Carnival of Binches and its extravagant street parties, a few lines from Gibbon.
Andy Dance Responds: ‘School Resource Deputies Are Not Leaving School Campuses.’
In a detailed response to FlaglerLive reporting and an opinion piece on the county’s plan to “defund” its portion of school sheriff’s deputies, County Commission Chair Andy Dance refutes the claim as inflammatory and out of context, and lays out a history of county attempts going back to 2022 to initiate a conversation about school and county funding for school deputies, in hopes of realigning those responsibilities. If that proves unfeasible, Dance pledges, than the shared responsibility will continue.
An Anthropologist at CPAC: Trump’s Base Believes He Is the Savior
An anthropologist who studies peace and conflict went to the annual meeting of the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, to better understand the Make America Great Again faithful – and their die-hard support for Trump.
GOP Lawmakers Recommend Co-Founder of Moms for Liberty, an Extremist Group, for Ethics Job
Republican lawmakers in a Senate hearing Monday recommended Tina Descovich, co-founder of Moms for Liberty, cited by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an anti-government extremist group, for an appointment for the Florida Commission on Ethics. The full Senate must approve the executive appointment.
Seawall Construction in Flagler Beach Begins March 11
Flagler County officials advise residents that the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has scheduled buried seawall construction near South Central Avenue in Flagler Beach beginning the week of March 11. It is the first of two such projects FDOT is undertaking along State Road A1A in Flagler and Volusia Counties.
Christopher Lemke, Who Threatened Neighbors With a Gun on July 4, Avoids Jail Or Felony Conviction
Christopher Lemke, 70, threatened to shoot his neighbor’s family last July 4 in Palm Coast’s R-Section as he pointed a laser-equipped firearm at several people, including a pregnant woman. He was sentenced Friday to 48 months on probation, but will not be adjudicated a felon. Still, he will have some of the same consequences, among them a lifetime ban on owning or possessing guns.
A 24-Year-Old Bunnell Woman Is Killed in a 3-Vehicle Crash on State Road 100
A 24-year-old Bunnell woman was killed and four people were injured in a head-on crash that ultimately involved three vehicles on State Road 100 just east of the old Bimini Bar late Sunday morning.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, February 26, 2024
The Flagler County Beekeepers Association meets, the Bunnell City Commission meets, not much concern for civil rights among Americans, Obama’s “A More Perfect Union” speech.
Beyoncé Shatters a Country Music Stereotype
On Super Bowl Sunday, Beyoncé released two country songs – “16 Carriages” and “Texas Hold ‘Em” – that elicited a mix of admiration and indignation. This is not her first foray into the genre, but it is her most successful and controversial entry. As of last week, Beyoncé became the first Black woman to have a No. 1 song on the country charts. At the same time, country music stations like KYKC in Oklahoma initially refused to play the record because it was “not country.”
The Rent Is Still Too High
Housing prices are spiraling alongside homelessness. Last year, homelessness hit an all-time national high of 653,100 people. To solve this crisis, we need to recognize housing as a human right.
The Controversial Concept of ‘Fetal Personhood’ Is Creeping Up on Florida
If fetuses have legal personhood, abortion-rights activists argue it would infringe the rights of pregnant women and have serious implications for medical procedures like in vitro fertilization and the treatment of ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages. For all practical matters, the Florida Constitution is silent on the issue of fetal personhood, despite Chief Justice Muniz’s suggestion that fetal personhood rights might already exist.
Sheriff’s Employees and Partners Honored at 4th Quarter Awards Ceremony
Flagler County Sheriff Rick Staly awarded several Lifesaving Awards to employees for their roles in saving the lives of others from October through December of last year. Sheriff Staly also awarded several individuals with Distinguished Service Certificates, Certificates of Commendation and Certificates of Appreciation, as part of the ceremony.
Rick de Yampert, FlaglerLive’s Arts and Culture Writer, Releases ‘Crows and Ravens’ Book
Rick de Yampert, FlaglerLive’s arts and culture writer, will have his book “Crows and Ravens: Mystery, Myth, and Magic of Sacred Corvids” released March 8 by Llewellyn, one of the world’s major metaphysical publishers. The Palm Coast author will hold a book signing and meet-and-greet from 2-4 p.m. Saturday, March 9, at Vedic Moons – Ayurvedic Wellness, Metaphysical Shop & Herbal Apothecary, 4984 Palm Coast Pkwy NW, Unit 4-6, Palm Coast. The event also will feature de Yampert’s Mr. Crow art for sale.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday, February 25, 2024
The cold-weather shelter opens tonight, the Native-American Festival at Princess Place, ‘Tuck Everlasting,’ at St. Augustine’s Limelight Theater, Woody Allen’s ‘Don’t Drink the Water,’ at Daytona Playhouse, Rick Perlstein on Donald Trump and a new Caglecast.
Tucker Carlson, Propaganda and Journalism
Tucker Carlson’s work provides an opportunity for public education in distinguishing between propaganda and journalism. Some Americans, primarily Carlson’s fans, will view the videos as accurate reportage. Others, primarily Carlson’s detractors, will reject them as mendacious propaganda.
Stunningly, Florida’s Ladapo Tells Parents It’s Fine to Send Unvaccinated Kids to School with Measles Outbreak
With a brief memo, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo has subverted a public health standard that’s long kept measles outbreaks under control. On Feb. 20, as measles spread through Manatee Bay Elementary in South Florida, Ladapo sent parents a letter granting them permission to send unvaccinated children to school amid the outbreak. Ladapo’s move contradicts advice from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
St. Mary Catholic Church in Korona, a Legacy of Immigrants, Is Listed on the National Register of Historic Places
The community of Korona’s St. Mary Catholic Church (also known as the St. Mary Mother Church) at 89 St. Mary’s Place in Bunnell was listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) on Jan. 25. The structure meets several NRHP requirements for historic significance including: architecture, ethnic heritage (European, Polish), and exploration/settlement. The very unique Shrine of Saint Christopher, a short distance north of the church, was also listed as a contributing resource.
Palm Coast Marks Grand Opening of Southern Recreation Center
The City of Palm Coast announce the successful grand opening of the highly anticipated Southern Recreation Center and new Lehigh Trailhead. The grand opening ceremony took place on Friday afternoon, drawing in hundreds of excited residents who gathered to celebrate and explore the new facilities.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Saturday, February 24, 2024
Race of the Runways for Rotary, The Flagler Historical Society Annual Meeting at the Community Center, Gamble Jam, Woody Allen’s ‘Don’t Drink the Water,’ revisiting Edith Wharton’s “Bewitched” and looking for help to understand it.
Behind the Astonishing Rise in LGBTQ+ Romance Literature
Once upon a time, romance novels from major U.S. publishers featured only heterosexual couples. Today, the five biggest publishers regularly release same-sex love stories. From May 2022 to May 2023, sales of LGBTQ+ romance grew by 40%, with the next biggest jump in this period occurring for general adult fiction, which grew just 17%.
Trump Wants to Bring Kremlin Values to the White House
Trump is Putin’s lapdog; that’s been obvious since at least 2016, and his fealty now threatens NATO and the international order. Trump dares not defend our American values, much less question a political murder. There once was a time when Republicans stood steadfast against Russian abuse of human rights, but that abiding party principle has gone the way of the videocassette.
Audit Reveals ‘Urgent Need’ to Improve Florida’s Prison System, But State Budget May Balk
Concerned about dilapidated buildings in Florida’s statewide prison system, the state Senate has set aside $100 million a year for 30 years to address repairs and new construction, a total of $3 billion. But the state House hasn’t following suit. That sets up a fiscal clash as House and Senate lawmakers craft Florida’s 2024-25 budget.
Free NCCAA Sports Clinic at Holland Park on March 23
The annual National Christian College Athletic Association (NCCAA) Sports Clinic is on March 23, 2023. at Holland Park and Palm Harbor Golf Club between 8:30 am and 1:30 am. This free event promises a morning filled with fun and skill-building exercises. The clinic will offer free soccer, baseball, softball, volleyball, basketball, and golf sessions. Professional coaches and collegiate athletes representing the NCCAA will be on hand to provide guidance and support as participants learn and practice fundamental skills.
Da’Mari Barnes, 17, Sentenced to 9 Years in Prison for Shooting Death of Jamey “JuJu” Bennett, 19, at Bonfire
Da’Mari Barnes was sentenced to nine years in prison followed by 15 on probation for the shooting death of Jamey “JuJu” Bennett two years ago at a bonfire party near Matanzas High School. Barnes was 15. Bennett was 19. The two had argued over a girl Barnes had pushed. Barnes had been carrying a gun out of fear, since the shooting death of his cousin, 16-year-old Noah Smith, days earlier.
7 Years in Prison for Unrepentant Man, 48, who Stalked and Solicited 14-Year-Old Girl, and Still Blames Her
Palm Coast’s Jerome Byron Malerba, 47, was sentenced to seven years in prison, two years on probation and a lifetime as a sex offender for luring and soliciting a girl starting when she was 13–when he offered her pot–and going on for 18 months. The judge used unusually strong language to describe Malerba as “creepy” and as a man who still blames the victim and covers himself in self-pity.
Palm Coast’s $13.7 Million Southern Recreation Center: A Facility Designed for Way More than Pickleball and Tennis
Between its gathering and lounging areas, its food concessions, its trailhead, dog park, community garden and other amenities, the most important thing you should know about Palm Coast’s new Southern Recreation Center is that you don’t have to be a tennis player or a pickleball player to go there. That’s why the emphasis on that happily open-ended word: Recreation. You can fill in your own kind of fun. Here’s a tour.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Friday, February 23, 2024
Jerome Byron Malereba is sentenced this morning, the Scenic A1A Pride Committee meets, “Don’t Drink the Water” and “Tuck Everlasting” on local stages north and south, the awfulness of Thomas Friedman.
Atlantic Ocean’s Gulf Stream Nearing Tipping Point of Climate Extremes Within Decades
The circulation of the Gulf Stream could fully shut down within a century of hitting the tipping point, and it’s headed in that direction. If that happened, average temperatures would drop by several degrees in North America, parts of Asia and Europe, and people would see severe and cascading consequences around the world.
Bill Banning Children Younger Than 16 From Social Media Passes and Heads for a Skeptical DeSantis
Florida lawmakers Thursday gave final approval to a bill that seeks to keep children under age 16 off social-media platforms, as Gov. Ron DeSantis continued to raise concerns about the measure. The House voted 108-7 to pass the bill (HB 1), which has been a priority of House Speaker Paul Renner, R-Palm Coast. That came after the Senate voted 23-14 earlier in the day to approve the measure.
Couple Visits Sheriff’s 911 Dispatcher Lucas Santos, Who Saved Husband’s Life
On the evening of Monday, December 18, Communications Specialist Lucas Santos of Flagler County Sheriff’s Office received a call from a resident who stated her husband had stopped breathing and was turning blue after complaining of chest pains. Santos saved his life.
DOA: Behind the County’s Clumsy Push to Defund School Deputies
Whichever way you look at it, the Flagler County Commission’s and its administrator’s letter to the school district calling for a plan to defund the county’s portion of money for school deputies was clumsy, terribly timed, and an unnecessary invitation to political grandstanding in an election year. Deputies aren’t going anywhere, nor is the county’s funding. But nor should this be another invitation for the School Board to consider harebrained ideas like arming staffers.
Mom Who Let Her 6-Year-Old Daughter Wander Onto CR 305 Is Sentenced to a Year in Prison
Circuit Judge Terence Perkins on Wednesday sentenced Sarah Anne Welker to a year in prison followed by four years on drug-offender probation. The 36-year-old mother left her 6-year-old daughter unsupervised for almost three hours until she wander unaccompanied on County Road 305, where she was seen flagging down passing cars for help. The sentence is to run concurrent to a case in Volusia County where she pleaded guilty to an identical charge in October and been placed on probation.
Vacation Rental Bill Scaling Back Local Control, Opposed by Flagler County Government, Heads to House Floor
The House Commerce Committee today approved a bill on a 10-4 vote pre-empting most vacation-rental authorities to the state. The bill heads to the House floor for a vote and reconciliation with the Senate’s version. It is the closest a pre-emption proposal has come to enactment in the dozen years that the vacation rental industry has pushed them.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Thursday, February 22, 2024
The Flagler Beach City Commission meets, Daniel Wagner at Tiger Bay, Forever Fab and Sixtiesmania at the Auditorium, Sadie turns 30, The New Sigmund Romberg Orchestra’s Musical Journey to Broadway, and It Happened One Night, in full.