Today: Breezy. Partly cloudy in the morning then clearing. Highs in the mid 50s. West winds 15 to 20 mph with gusts to 35 mph. Tonight: Mostly clear. Patchy frost after midnight. Lows in the mid 30s. West winds 10 to 15 mph. Lowest wind chill readings 23 to 28. Details here.
Today’s fire danger is moderate. Flagler County’s Drought Index is at 6.
Today’s tides: at the beaches, at the Intracoastal Waterway.
Today’s document from the National Archives.
The OED’s Word of the Day: monkey business, n..
The Live Community Calendar
Today’s jail bookings.
Today’s Briefing: Quick Links
- In Flagler and Palm Coast
- Local News Recap
- Flagler Jail Bookings and Sheriff’s Crime Reports
- In State Government
- In Coming Days in Flagler and Palm Coast
- PR Releases
- In the Press, In the News
- Fact-Checking the Knaves
- Palm Coast Construction and Development Progress Reports
- Local Road and Interstate Construction
- Cultural Coda
Note: all government meetings noticed below are free and open to the public unless otherwise indicated. Many can be heard or seen live through each agency’s website.
The Affordable Housing Advisory Committee meets at 8:30 a.m. Location and agenda unknown: neither was posted to the county’s website.
The Palm Coast City Council meets in workshop at 9 a.m. It will hear a presentation on fracking and offshore drilling. Last July, the council passed on supporting the county commission in an anti-fracking resolution. The council will also discuss approving a contract for the construction of a $25 million sewer plant (PC Construction is the low bidder).
The Flagler County Centennial Committee, preparing the celebration of the county’s 100th anniversary in 2017, meets at 1:30 p.m. in the first-floor conference room of the Government Services Building in Bunnell to discuss its budget and ideas for the celebration, currently scheduled for April 29, 2017. Among the ideas being discussed: a juried art show, a bike ride, paddling the county, a reenactment of the very first county commission meeting, a car show and a fireworks show. Plus discussion points with the county commission. The committee has been wporking ona logo. Se the image at the top of the Briefing.
Flagler County’s Planning and Land Development Board meets at 6 p.m. in board chambers at the Government Services Building, with just one routine item on the agenda.
The St. Johns River Water Management District Governing Board will meet at 11 a.m. or upon completion of earlier committee meetings, 120 Malabar Road, Palm Bay.
The Flagler County Education Foundation’s Mardi Gras, a fund-raiser, is scheduled for 6 p.m. at Halifax Plantation.
Updated jail bookings and day and night shift incident summary reports are available here.
Ex-Flagler Beach City Manager Applies for Unemployment, Though He Resigned (Twice): Bruce Campbell, the former city manager, applied for unemployment compensation even though he voluntarily resigned his job last year, which would make him ineligible for unemployment. Campbell himself said he “probably” would not qualify.
Florida’s Black Cowboys: An Exhibit Tours All Flagler Schools, Bucking Stereotypes The exhibit is arranged simply as six colorful panels. It launched at Matanzas High last week, and will then go on to every other school in the district for two-week stints, ending at Indian Trails Middle School in late May and early June.
Stand-Ins for Clinton and Sanders in a Presidents’ Day Forum at AACS Monday: The forum is not intended as a debate but as a chance for voters to hear each campaign’s positions on issues and to encourage voting-age residents either to register to vote or to switch from Independent (or Republican) to Democratic before the Feb. 16 deadline, so they can cast a ballot in the March 15 presidential preference primary.
Note: Most proceedings below can be followed live on the Florida Channel.
Unemployment fraud: The House Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations Subcommittee will consider a proposal (HB 1017), filed by Rep. Mike La Rosa, R-St. Cloud, that seeks to crack down on fraud in the state’s unemployment system. The bill, at least in part, is aimed at preventing fraud based on identity theft. (9 a.m.)
“Pastor protection”: The Senate Community Affairs Committee will consider a proposal (SB 110), filed by Sen. Aaron Bean, R-Fernandina Beach, that would seek to prevent clergy members from being forced to perform marriage ceremonies contrary to their beliefs. The controversial proposal, known as the “Pastor Protection Act,” is an outgrowth of the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling last year that same-sex couples have a fundamental right to marry. (10 a.m.)
Mail-order prescriptions: The Senate Governmental Oversight and Accountability Committee will take up a bill (SBÂ 780), filed by Sen. Rene Garcia, R-Hialeah, that would prevent insurers from requiring people with certain chronic conditions to use mail-order pharmacies. The chronic conditions would be HIV, epilepsy, hypertension or diabetes. (10 a.m.)
Domestic security dollars: The Senate Military and Veterans Affairs, Space and Domestic Security Committee will receive a presentation from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the Florida Division of Emergency Management about domestic-security funding. (10 a.m.)
Abortion restrictions: The House Health & Human Services Committee will consider a wide-ranging bill (HB 1411), filed by Rep. Colleen Burton, R-Lakeland, that would place more regulations on abortion clinics and address issues such as the sale or donation of fetal tissue. (11:30 a.m.)
Student transfers: The House Education Committee will consider a proposal (HB 669), filed by Rep. Chris Sprowls, R-Palm Harbor, that would allow parents to transfer their children to any school in the state that is not over capacity. The legislation would also would allow parents to ask for their children to be transferred out of teachers’ classrooms. (12:30 p.m.)
Legacy Florida: The Senate Environmental Preservation and Conservation Committee and the House Appropriations Committee will take up bills (SB 1168 and HB 989), filed by Sen. Joe Negron, R-Stuart, Rep. Gayle Harrell, R-Stuart, and Rep. Matt Caldwell, R-North Fort Myers, that would direct money toward Everglades and Lake Okeechobee projects. The proposal is known as “Legacy Florida.” (1:30 p.m. and 3 p.m.)
The Florida Chamber Foundation will hold a media conference call to release an education report. (10:30 a.m. Call-in number: 1-888-510-1786. Code: 3884758.)
–Compiled by the News Service of Florida and FlaglerLive
In Coming Days in Palm Coast and Flagler:
Click on the links for more details:
- Feb. 10: The Friends of the Library hosts the first of two two concerts in recognition of Valentine’s Day. At 2:00 p.m., autoharpist and folksinger, Adam Miller will present a sing along program of Folksongs of Sweethearts and Spouses, at the Flagler County Public Library, 2500 Palm Coast Pkwy NW. Refreshments will be served. Call 386-446-6763. The second concert is on Feb. 13.
- Feb. 11, 4 p.m., the Palm Coast Arts Foundation has a ground-breaking for Phase I of its multi-phased cultural arts center in Town Center, on Central Avenue just east of Epic Theaters. The project will consist of an outdoors entertainment venue that will accommodate, among other events, the annual Picnics and Pops concert of the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra. Anyone interested in helping PCAF accelerate the project is asked to contact Nancy Crouch, Executive Director, at 386/263.2991 or [email protected].
- February 13: At 2:00 pm, The Friends of the Library will be hosting our annual Valentine’s Concert featuring the music of Linda Cole. Both concerts will be held at the Flagler County Public Library, 2500 Palm Coast Pkwy NW. Refreshments will be served. Call 386-446-6763.
- Feb. 13: Winter Scholastic Series Chess Tournament (K-12) and Winter Open (G/45;d5), Jacksonville Chess Club, at San Jose Church of Christ, 6233 San Jose Blvd, Jacksonville, registration onsite starts at 9 a.m. Click on the link for more details.
- Feb. 15: Florida Hospital Flagler holds a groundbreaking on a 23-bed, $15-million expansion scheduled for completion at the end of 2016. The groundbreaking takes place outside the Emergency Room entrance at 4 p.m.
- Feb. 15: Palm Coast’s Africa American Cultural Society hosts a free political forum at 6 p.m. featuring the two respective local leaders of the campaigns for Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.
- Feb. 29: Flagler Youth Orchestra’s Strings Around the World Concert, 7 p.m. at the Flagler Auditorium. Adult tickets, $6 and children 17 and under are $1. Visit the website.
- April 2: Cheer at the Pier, a fund-raiser for the Flagler Beach Historical Museum, from 3 to 6 p.m. Call Virginia Giaramita for information at 386/299-8892.
Click on the link for more details.
- Flagler’s Family Life Center Now a Certified Rape Crisis Center, Ensuring Critical Services
- Daytona State College Again Earns Prestigious Military Friendly School Designation
The disturbing history of finance in America: https://t.co/5RZge2JNE6 pic.twitter.com/e3IuOr411T
— The New Republic (@newrepublic) February 9, 2016
.@Eugene_Robinson It's time to face the truth about #MarcoRubio. #GOPDebate https://t.co/rISaRkgkLr pic.twitter.com/n2g7UA5mpO
— Truthdig (@Truthdig) February 9, 2016
Fearmongers, listen up: Here are 4 things we now know about the impact of marijuana legalization https://t.co/wOxXdyh6eO
— Salon (@Salon) February 9, 2016
The real Super Bowl babies: Big commercial moments paint men as infantile doofuses https://t.co/gWB8e0xBwZ pic.twitter.com/ZZ7lbrRHL5
— Salon (@Salon) February 8, 2016
Updating Donald Trump’s Twitter insults. https://t.co/1EcQdx7fyy pic.twitter.com/O1Ju3Ra2hP
— The Upshot (@UpshotNYT) February 9, 2016

Palm Coast Construction and Development Progress Reports
The following is an update of ongoing construction and development projects in Palm Coast, through Jan. 27:
Christ the King Evangelical Lutheran Church and School, 1 percent done: Located at 5625 North US Highway 1, the school received a Development Order for a new 13,794 sq. ft. early learning center to be located on the south side of their 8.6-acre site. The architecture of the new one-story building will be very similar to the existing church and school facilities that are located just north of the proposed new building.
Holland Park, 50 percent done: Grading and installation of sidewalks continues. Rough grading of Playground area. Restroom slab has been poured. Electrical conduit installation continues. Pavilion lighting being installed. Stormwater piping installation continues in Playground area.
County’s I-95 Interchange Matanzas Woods Reclaim Water, 76 percent done: Retention ponds are being excavated and fill continues for the ramps. (Not in the Dec. 15 update.)
Palm Harbor Parkway Roadway Extension, 47 percent done: January 25, 2016 the new 10″ water main and 6″ force main
on the east end between the Conservatory and Old Kings Road were tied into existing mains on Forest Grove.
Colechester Bridge, 94 percent done: Sea walls have been completed and forming of the western abutment almost complete.
Palm Harbor Extension, 45 percent done: Met on site with contractor to discuss water and sewer testing and construction meter placement.
North Old Kings Road Extension to Matanzas Woods Parkway, 19 percent done: Asphalt was installed on the new section of roadway adjacent to the old roadway at the intersection of Old Kings Road and Forest Grove. (Not in the Dec. 4 update.)
Old Kings Road Force Main 90 percent done:: The contractor has tied the 8″ force main to the 16″ force main in front of the new Master Pump Station on South Old Kings Road. On January 13, 2016 the contractor installed a 16″ X 8″ wye and an 8″ valve in front of the existing lift station on Old Kings Road South. An 8″ wye and an 8″ 45 elbow fitting was installed to complete the connection from the existing 8″ force main to the new 16″ future force main.
Island Walk Shopping Center Phase 2, 25 percent done: A substantial walk thru for punch list was done January 22,
2016. Chlorination of new section of water main in Phase 2 was completed January 27, 2016.
Road and Interstate Construction:
Forest Grove Drive connection to Palm Harbor Parkway to be closed starting Dec. 18: Effective Friday, Dec. 18, the City of Palm Coast will be closing the Forest Grove Drive connection to Palm Harbor Parkway. This road closure is required as part of construction operations for the Palm Harbor Parkway extension, which is currently under construction. Palm Harbor is being realigned and extended to connect directly with Matanzas Woods Parkway where it intersects with Old Kings Road. Message boards will be placed to advise motorists and other travelers of the upcoming change, and a public meeting has already been held for residents living in that area. Both the Palm Harbor extension and a separate extension of Old Kings Road are being built in preparation for the new Interstate 95 interchange to open next June at Matanzas Woods Parkway. As part of the projects, traffic patterns around Matanzas High School will be changing. One goal is to turn Forest Grove Drive back into a residential street as it was originally intended to be. The upcoming road closure of the Forest Grove Drive connection to Palm Harbor Parkway is part of that project. Forest Grove will be turned into a cul de sac on that end. Once the separate Old Kings Road extension is completed, in June 2016, the Forest Grove Drive access to the high school will be closed because it will no longer be needed. Instead, motorists and other travelers will get to Matanzas High School via the new signalized intersection at Matanzas Woods, Palm Harbor and Old Kings. For more information, please contact Palm Coast Communications Manager Cindi Lane at 386-986-3708 or [email protected].
Roland Hanna at the Village Vanguard
See Also:
- H. J. Baermann (1784-1847): Adagio D flat major for Clarinet and Strings
- Mily Balakirev’s Islamey, Op. 18, Performed by Valentina Lisitsa
- Saint-Saëns’s Cello Concerto in A Minor, Op. 33
- The Danza Final from Alberto Ginastera’s Estancia
- John Coltrane: Alabama
- W.F. Bach: Sinfonia in D minor, F 65
- Robert Schumann’s Symphony No 2 in C major, Op 61, Leonard Bernstein Conducting
- Daniel Barenboim Performs Mozart Sonata in C Major, K,330
- Mieczysław Karłowicz: Violin Concerto in A Major Op 8
- Bach’s Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248
- Bach’s Concerto for Violin and Oboe in C Minor, BWV 1060
- Glenn Gould on Bach
- Bach’s Harpsichord Works on Historical Instruments
- Mstistalv Rostropovich Performs the Complete Bach Cello Suites, BWV 1007-1012
- The Six Brandenburgs Performed by the Munich Bach Orchestra, Conducted by Karl Richter
- Andras Schiff Plays Bach’s French Suites
- Andras Schiff Plays Bach’s English Suites

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