In the name of the father, the son and the holy ghost: the Flagler County School Board will be called to order under god and the gavel of its new chairman, Will Furry, on Tuesday. Get ready for the board’s most grandstanding chairman and least brainy majority in memory.
It’s an indication of the majority’s churlishness that the school board member with the most experience, the most education, the most legislative, parliamentary and institutional knowledge by far (Colleen Conklin, who is in her last year), is being passed over as chair for her polar opposite in every respect, and a rookie.
LaShakia Moore is a brand new superintendent. She’s facing an exodus of talent and institutional knowledge from the district, Jason Wheeler being the latest escapee and Kristy Gavin the next. She could use an intelligent board chair with depth and perspective. (Current Chairman Cheryl Massaro would be just as good.) Instead, Moore’s getting a messianic wannabe with the intellectual curiosity of a tic, right?
That’s where Furry, Christy Chong and Sally Hunt want to go. The school board was once a happily boring and effective engine of governance, the kind of place where Andy Dance used to set the tone. He’s unfortunately taken that productive dullness to the County Commission. With Jill Woolbright and Janet McDonald corroding the path for them, the three rookies spent their first year on the board turning it into the most embarrassing and sophomoric local government in Flagler County, at least since Joe Mullins exited stage crash.
Furry and Chong in fealty to their allegiance to DeSantistan are fairly good at demolishing safe spaces and giving succor to bigots. They make prejudice pose as virtue. Hunt isn’t that base, being woke at heart–sneeze the wrong way and she’ll accuse you of a microaggression. When she deigns to lower her nose down to us commoners her venom is more secular and entirely personal, gladly joining the other two to rip apart people, programs and the district office. But the three together cannot point to a single achievement all year.
They may want to take credit for Moore’s appointment. They’d be wrong. She was in the wings, where former Superintendents Jim Tager and Cathy Mittlestadt had placed her. Tager fast-tracked her to a principalship–pissing off a few people because she was good enough to skip the assistant principal step–and Mittelstadt elevated her to second in command. Both saw her potential. Someone had to step in to save the board’s rear after the rookies putsched Mittelstadt.
In the end the firing squad got outmaneuvered by Conklin’sand Cheryl Massaro’s jujitsu. It was Massaro who suggested halting the search for a superintendent and going with the obvious choice. Now the three are using her as cover, taking credit for something, and someone, they had nothing to do with.
Moore is playing along–for now. But unless she’s cut a mephistophelean deal with the majority, which wouldn’t be like her, she may find the arrangement untenable: the Moore we know does not suffer fools.
Furry and the perpetually sulking Chong–her Bible belt is on too tight–are ideological hacks who take their talking points from yesterday’s Fox scripts and three idiots on Facebook, when, like Hunt, they’re not taking them from the chamber. You know them: every time Furry and Chong say they’re getting “feedback” on this or that outrage, they’re referring to those three idiots. Their emails are bare of more substantive “feedback.”
Hunt could’ve been a saving grace before she decided to go Manchurian on us, at least when she shows up. She’s taken herself off the grid, refusing to engage with anyone who doesn’t first sign a loyalty oath to her magnificence. Lately she’s been toadying up to Furry in a warm-up act to giving him the third vote for the chairmanship, because his limited capacities make her look smart the way short people make DeSantis look less small, and because she admires Furry’s contempt for law.
You may have caught the explicit declaration by Furry that following the law is for suckers. He was badgering his bête noire the school board attorney at a meeting earlier this month. Gavin had not censored an investigative report to his liking. She told him that she could not legally do so more than Florida’s public record law allows. Furry’s response? She should have done it anyway.
“I don’t think there would have been a lot of pushback on that,” Furry said. “I don’t think somebody would have gone and found an attorney to sue us.” In other words, this man who is not an attorney was telling the board attorney knowingly to break the law, knowingly to risk a costly lawsuit. He has no idea that governments that lose public record suits must pay all legal fees for both sides, and doesn’t seem to care that the district just lost $726,000 because someone was probably too drunk to notice they were being phished.
But that attitude is the Rosetta stone to Furry’s methods. It’s all you need to know about him: a zealot not only willing to violate the law, but to cover up public information. Enough to make Hunt and Chong swoon. That’s the trio, after all, that wants to have quarterly secret meetings, even though that would be patently illegal. That’s the trio, unfortunately with the complicity of the other two, that had an illegal huddle before a recent press conference on the segregated assemblies at Bunnell Elementary, and another illegal one afterward. That’s the group that, with Chong playing Nixon, thinks any information disseminated without board approval is a “leak,” as if every public employee who “leaks” is a traitor and Chong’s district were a privately held company. Gavin couldn’t have been surprised.
Those three are about to fire Gavin, and to do it illegally. They have no cause. They’re either fabricating it or they’ll fire her anyway, probably at the same meeting where Furry will be elected ayatollah, and dare her to sue.
I hope Gavin does sue, for the same reason that the district’s teacher union is sounding the alarm: to these three, there is no such thing as due process. It’s about back room shenanigans, secrecy and the politics of destruction. None of them is much interested in governance or doing their homework. They don’t prepare for meetings, don’t read their back-ups, hardly meet with district staff to educate themselves. You can tell they have no idea what they’re talking about most of the time, considering how much of what they say gasifies out of the wrong end. But they pay attention to their Facebook idiots and chamber junta, and give them veto power.
The holy ghost could always pull a coup and slip in Conklin or Massaro on Tuesday. But that’s as likely as Chong breaking a smile, Furry having an idea and Hunt completing a coherent sentence without hosannas to the first person singular. Not gonna happen. They want the gavel. They have gawd on their side. They’re in a crusading mood. This is what they call “Flagler Forward.”
Pierre Tristam is FlaglerLive’s editor. A version of this piece aired on WNZF.
Justbob says
Crazy town reminiscent of Janet McDonald but times 3.
What the HELL have we elected??? Education of our children Must Be Number ONE!! STOP the STUPID Games that will COST the Taxpayers!! RINO Furry Must RESIGN!!
Kendall says
Furry is not a RINO. He’s a pretty perfect representative of today’s republican party.
Laurel says
Kendall: You are absolutely correct. “Furry is not a RINO…” nor is he a conservative, nor is he a Christian. I believe they are working for DeSantis, who is hellbent on killing free speech, and freedom, by calling what he does is for free speech and freedom. This is what happens when we dumb down Americans. These three school board members is how they respond. The circus.
Steven R. Massy says
Apparently you cannot understand what Desantis and most people in this state want for their children’s education
Deborah Coffey says
You really believe that most people in Florida want Fascist schools in which their children are indoctrinated and lied to?
Laurel says
Steven R. Massy: I was born, raised, and schooled in this state. I’ve been here for 71+ years, I have a clue.
This state has been filled with people from all over. It has grown from three million people to 22 million people in a relatively short time. What’s wrong with the education now is that some people want to send their kids to private schools, and Christian schools, on my dime. I don’t like it. They want to keep their kids at home, again on my dime, where there is no public intervention should the children be abused. No one is watching. There is no real testing standard to ensure the children are getting a proper education. Instead, these far right wingers are claiming that crazy stuff in going on in public schools without proof. Y’all are being bought off with DeSantis’ “Parental Rights” bullshit.
My granddaughter went to public school, and was in the top percent of her class. Her SATs were amazingly high. She was invited, and went to China twice through her school. As far as parental rights goes, there has always been the PTA. Ever heard of it? Our granddaughter’s mom was always involved. She donated time to her kid and other kids. She drove them to sports matches, and served as a monitor. She was there, and never needed a dictator to tell her how to care for her child.
If you prefer that DeSantis tells you what you can say, and what you cannot say, what you can read or what you cannot read, or what you can learn, or what you cannot learn, then enjoy a very narrow minded point of view. My granddaughter is high IQ and can think critically, and creatively. Too bad you are not interested in the same thing for your kids.
DeSantis will be out soon anyway.
c says
Wowsers!! Best reply of 2023, hands down :)
Laurel says
c: Thanks. I am so tired of the constant talking points made by people who don’t really give a damn about us other than to make us cookie cutter stupid. It’s all about control and self promotion by politicians at the expense of our children’s futures and happiness.
Carol Fisher says
I am so glad that my daughter is NO longer in Flagler Schools! I feel sad and concerned for the parents that must rely on these jokers that seem to be running and ruling the schools now.
Judith Michaud says
Oh boy! Are we in trouble when Conklin and Massaro leave!
The only two left that put the education of our children first!! The others are politically and religiously driven, both of which should not be a part of the educational system. Something needs to change! Please voters, pay attention to what is going on here!
Carol Fisher says
So agree with Judith! Such a scary thought about life without Conklin and Massaro!
Whiplash says
While I rarely agree with your left wing/woke bias approach to reporting and opinions I wholeheartedly agree about those three! Furry, Chong and Hunt have to go, either by the next election and if feasible sooner by recall!
I practiced law for over 30 years in Philadelphia before retiring to Palm Coast in 2017. I will be researching the process for a citizen to file suit or complaint when
a school board violates the Florida Public Records Act. I was starting to be bored in retirement this would be stimulating as well as providing a public service! Hopefully there is a provision in the law where criminal liability can also attach to members that violate the statute!
Laurel says
Whiplash: I am very glad to read your response! Seriously, the system is rapidly taking a turn for the worse. Please understand, though, that “woke” is slang for being aware. Other than that, go get ’em!
Ben Hogarth says
Whiplash – The absurdity of the “left wing / woke” rhetorical statement aside, I’m simply going to say that you’ll be pleased to learn that Florida Statutes provide both avenues of accountability for public records law violations – civil and criminal. You’ll also find the distinction between them surrounds the intent of the defendant: were their actions simply an act of misfeasance (of public office) or was there a clear indication of (mal)feasance?
I’d urge you to research the City of Sebastian violations, which were the most egregious in recent memory: https://www.tcpalm.com/story/news/crime/indian-river-county/2023/06/07/former-sebastian-city-council-member-damien-gilliams-booked-into-jail/70297816007/
In Florida, there is also an administrative process with the Florida Commission on Ethics. This commission is often the first “go-to” for members of the public who want an investigation into potential wrongdoing by public officials, without the hassle and cost of bringing about a court filing (at least in the immediate). Think of this committee as similar to the role of DOJ’s Office of Inspector General (OIG). There are countless examples in Florida history from which to draw parallels and build future arguments. May be a good place to start your research.
A “woke” contributor.
Judith Michaud says
Thank you soooooooooo much !!!
Dennis C Rathsam says
This is what we have to look foward to here in a once quiet & peacefull Palm Coast, House,s for as long as the eye can see, traffic jams, & accidents, all hours of the day, and a school board turning our kids into village idiots. Last one to leave, turn out the lights.
Peaches McGee says
This is not surprising.
He is the King of the Buffoons.
I feel sorry for anyone with children in our schools.
Can I opt of paying school tax? I’d rather give it to Marineland.
Eric says
too funny, from a distance. they might see broadfork website to get a handhold outside the event horizon, and pull themselves out of the echo-chamber.
Nopityhere says
The citizens voted for these three or did not vote at all so …
Nancy N. says
To be fair, Hunt kept her crazy pretty under cover during the campaign. And her opponent was a real piece of work. It wasn’t like there was a better option.
nopityhere says
there were trevor and courtney both well qualified and yet the voters (or non voters) …
JohnSmith says
Is someone checking into these people Backgrounds?Smi
Samuel L. Bronkowitz says
The picture says it all, really.
Edith Campins says
This is what you get when you vote the party line and not the individuals.
So, you want to know the truth, well you can't handle the truth ... says
Furry was never a part of the Republican Executive Committee. He was push by dark money out of Tallahassee.
Jill Woolbright and The infamous Pastor J pushed him and scammed that money out of Renner and DeSantis.
Woolbright was a part of that dark PAC money too. She was a failure lost badly.
Furry and Chong was put in place to do what they are doing under their Christian ways. Even Tallahassee PAC money people realize they pushed people without the business capabilities to be in office.
Now this Pastor J has a new Republican Club to push even dumber candidates for office. She has no boundaries and is not a representative of the local party. She is nothing more than a money grab for her.
The rats know how not to get trapped. They breed incestuous and like rat cannibalize their own for their own survival.
Don’t vote for anyone that has this new Flagler Republican Party behind them.
Oh what’s the name of the party, just look for who is the President and if they use the fake title of Pastor you’ll know. Don’t put your money there and certainly don’t vote for their candidates.
Thanks…..Trying to get the good Republicans word out.
RitaMae says
When did this ‘New Flagler Republican Party’ start?
Brian says
Why do these people always look so miserable when their picture is taken? Chong looks like her dog just died.
Robjr says
“the perpetually sulking Chong”
What Else Is New says
Thank you, Pierre. We need a constant reminder of the undercurrent roiling within the Flagler County School Board. Folks, we can’t recall those three dotards, because the chief Governor dotard will appoint another right wing group as a replacement board. Be more cautious with your next vote.
Deborah Coffey says
The beginning of the end of education in Flagler County.
Purveyor of Truth says
Did I miss some news?
What is behind the comment about the $726k being phished from a drunk at the school district?
That is a story that needs some further exposing.
What’s the hold up?
Stop the crazy train says
Thank “Pastor J” for lobbying Travis and Paul to financially back morons who couldn’t run tap water. Do us all a favor, don’t support her candidates this time.
Alfin (yep, they’re actually very close)
Perkins ( soon to be a school board candidate)
Lowe( yep running again)
And whoever else she can drag off the street to run so she can profit off them by charging for her services.
Ed says
Talk about mis-representing the facts! Pierre how do you know the phishing scam happened to the school board and not the construction company? How do you know when it happened, someone could have been in the system for months or even years! The FBI doesn’t even know…. And someone was too drunk? Really?
Manchurian, messianic, curiosity of a tic, Facebook idiots…so beneath an educated man to cal his community residence.
How would you know if they prepared for meetings or read their backups?
You rarely get challenged.
Pierre Tristam says
Ed, the piece doesn’t specify where the drunkard was, but that aside: there is some drunkenness at the district. Not much of a secret, though its persistence is curious. Also, anyone who marginally follows local government can tell from miles off who is and who isn’t prepared. It doesn’t take a genius to spot a lazy ass. FYI: The FBI is not involved in the phishing case (too small fry), and this scheme was hatched after the contract for the Matanzas addition was awarded.
Michael Cocchiola says
We had a perfectly wonderful candidate against Furry in the election – Courtney VandeBunte – and anti-education Republicans crushed her with their lies and money. So now the worst has come true. Extremist evangelicals run our school board. Will they find a way to fire LaShakia Moore?
The Flagler County rabbit hole just got much deeper.
Laurel says
Michael: Yes! I watched Courtney VandeBrunte speak, and she had the credentials, the knowledge and the experience. I just wished she would have stopped fidgeting with her waistband while talking. We voted for her, but the people voted for the inexperienced clowns. They just vote signs in the road, and one party across the board. Too bad for the kids. See what we got now?
Joey G says
The Three Musketeers are at it again. They are a disgrace to flagler county and will wind up costing tax payers even more money. When will it end where are the sane people. I don’t why the writer and people commenting always have to bring politics into these problems. No matter what it is everybody seems to bring up to Ron Desantis. He is the governor for this great state of Florida for a reason. The majority voted him in so have some respect for him and yourself.