So often Tuesday night it looked as if Kamala Harris were debating Joe Biden. You’d never have thought the dimming and diminished man she was facing had been president, or had the capabilities to be president again. He was an angry old scrooge, confused, grimacing, gesticulating, hunting for that old sarcastic touch he never found. His Mussolini lips had gone from crossbow to limp sling. He was out of air, out of place, and out of his depth.
Of course we’d been used to this from Donald Trump for years. The man has been a blur of bluster and brutality ever since he descended into the Hades of his own making at Trump Tower in 2015 to announce his neoconfederacy’s assault on America. Back then, two days after his 69th birthday, he was still a sprightly bully you could mock at your own risk, as we smug and blind believers in fairytale democracy all did.
His debilities and narcissism, his cruelties and Central-Park-Five vigilantism had defined him even in his prime when the less fortunate of us who lived in New York endured his wilding rants on late-night TV and his mug so often pollute the front page of the New York Post. That was not an easy thing to do in Rupert Murdoch’s already toxic tabloid. But Trump was made for American exceptionalism.
If by 2015 age had made a white whale of him, with barnacles for charm if you were to compare him to Ronald Reagan (who took the White House at the same age), Trump could still depend on a model wife, his nepotist daughter-in-waiting and his years as The Apprentice’s biggest fabrication to give him the kind of lift Photoshop couldn’t. He could also depend on a servile press still laughing along, as if the Trump candidacy were an extended Letterman appearance. Really, we were all in on it. We deserved him.
Trump spent the next four years turning this country into something O’Henry used to make fun of when he wrote of cabbages, kings and bananas in Central America, and the four years after that rewriting history, foremost his own, as if he were the real inheritor of the Donation of Constantine.
But Americans are prone to dementia when it comes to recalling political history older than SnapChat. With Biden next to him a few weeks ago it had been more difficult to see how far Trump had degenerated to something like American carnage. As one analyst had it when the two relics debated, Biden turned in the worst performance ever. Trump turned in the second-worst performance ever.
On Tuesday, Trump finally had that honor all to himself. He was so proud of it that he did what candidates never do after debates. After Harris left him in the cold like a cat hissing in an Atlantic City alley, he went to the spin room to gain back a little warmth from all those flashing bulbs and add a chapter to his donation we’ll come to know as the Protocol of the Elder of Mara.
This isn’t to say Kamala Harris was that good. For all her attempted wit and jabs and chin tricks she was no Adlai Stevenson. She was no Shirley Chisholm, for that matter, and both lost more decisively than Clinton did in Trump’s first clobber. Harris showed she could stand up to Trump and force him to stand down, as someone should have done, say, when he was 6. But she has yet to show she can stand up for herself, as in stand up for a four-year record that is barely less accomplished than LBJ’s better years (and LBJ had a supermajority of Congress to get his program through).
Afghanistan? The final days were a debacle but nothing like the murderous, pointless debacle of America’s longest war, which Biden alone finally had the courage to end. It’s a little pathetic and typically arrogant of imperious Americans to find tears and agony for 13 dead when 70,000 civilians were killed from the time George W. Bush invaded.
That two-year inflation blip? Devastating. Admit it. But stop making it look like an exclusively American creation. The post-Covid Biden splurge contributed a couple of points. Every state, especially DeSantis’s Florida, basked in the splurge to cover up what would otherwise have been deficits. But inflation was a global phenomenon that primarily radiated from Russian aggression and Saudi manipulation of oil prices. If it’s splurges we’re worried about, the Trump years’ ballooning of debt and deficits should be catching voters’ eyes. So should Biden’s. Instead, Trump is peddling schemes to bribe voters with more reckless tax cuts and run the country as if it were one of his bankruptcy-begging properties.
But we’re getting into policy details, and that’s the last thing Harris wants. She followed a script Tuesday. It was a solid, made-for-TV script. It wasn’t a knock-out. Trump lost from own goals, which his flagellant faithful always forgive him. If you’re a Harris fan you probably shouldn’t raise your hopes even with that Swift endorsement. Carter and Reagan were supposedly neck-and-neck until the final weekend. Carter, who could still run the country from Hospice better than Trump, lost by 10 points. Clinton was ahead in nine out of 10 polls with an average lead of 4 points over Trump and a bigger lead in October 2016. John Kerry and Michael Dukakis had huge leads in their fleeting summers, nothing like the wish-upon-a-star margin Harris is carrying. They lost.
It’s not just the electoral college. It’s an electorate inebriated on phony nostalgia, desperate for a nonexistent fantasy that Trump can nevertheless sell like bibles and steaks. He should be 30 points down, even if Biden was still in the race. Instead, he’s about to return from his Elba, and you know how that went. America’s Waterloo is still ahead.
Pierre Tristam is the editor of FlaglerLive. A version of this piece airs on WNZF.
Nancy N. says
I have to have hope in Kamala. The alternative is unthinkable. Already, Desantis is sending police officers to the doors of people who signed the petitions for the abortion amendment. That will seem like child’s play if Trump is re-elected.
Laurel says
Nancy N: People need to tell DeSantis’ police to get the f**k off their properties! I know I would.
Tom D Hutson says
Kamala Harris Hype
Well Pierre, you out did yourself with this op-ed regarding the Harris-Trump debate; not much of a debate! I have to admit that I agree with you and the complete op-ed, it was well written and covered everything from both sides of the political aisle.
The Democratics realized after the last debate between Biden and Trump, it was time for a change, and they did just that. President Joe Biden withdrew was replaced with Vice President Kamala Harris.
After last nights debate, The Republican Maga supporters need to accomplish the same thing and replace the “DONALD”, his time has passed. Oh no, there is not enough time left, Oh well.
OMG, would that mean his Vice President pick, JD Vance, that “Knuckle dragger” as a true ex-seal team member Jessie Ventura called him, could possibly become President? Good thing there is not enough time for that to occur.
Things to think about.
John says
Donald showed our nation last night he is not qualified and never was to be the leader of our nation. He couldn’t even answer one question the monitor asked him. He kept repeating the same thing over and over. And I believe they counted he said 33 lies on national television last night.
Sorry, I only vote for winners and it isn’t him.
Ray W. says
Hello John.
I have seen the emergence from Trump supporters of the phrase “three against one”, implying that the two debate moderators had joined with Harris in opposing him.
I have also seen the claim that Vice President Harris, after fact checking, uttered one verifiable lie to former President Trump’s 33 verifiable lies.
Make of this what you will, FlaglerLive readers. Me? I have to think it reasonable that if it is true that Trump lied thirty-three times as often as did Harris, then it seems also reasonable that the moderators should have pushed back against Trump more often for telling more lies on their debate forum than they did against Harris. Someone, after all, has to at least try to be personally responsible for the product of their show.
Indeed, can it be argued that had the moderators pushed back equally against both debaters for telling lies, then they could be accused of favoring Trump; that it would have been three against one against Harris?
Some FlaglerLive readers may recall a recent Ed P comment that carried the message that all politicians lie. I have repeatedly taken the position on this site that zero politicians swear to tell the truth when they swear to protect and defend the Constitution when taking their oaths of office. Yes, common ground!
The dude says
Lets be honest here… the bar for him to be considered successful in this debate was set so remarkably low, anything short of him pissing himself, and repeatedly screaming the N word over and over was set to be considered a win by the media.
On the other hand, the VP could have announced she single handedly cured cancer, childhood poverty, invented a perpetual motion machine, and discovered the true identity and nature of dark particles… and she would still be considered to have “lost” if the former president managed to just not piss himself and scream the N word over and over…
It’s truly sad that things are as close as they are. Especially after last night.
Alex says
Donald is threatening to have ABC license removed over the debate last night. So not only to make a fool of himself last night but now he is making an even bigger fool of himself now saying he wants ABC license removed. This is a guy that is off the wall and has no business running our country he is not stable enough. Time he packs it in and just goes play golf everyday that is all he is good for, PERIOD.
Deborah Coffey says
And, even golfing he cheats and lies so, he’s not good for that either.
James says
Most memorable moment from the debate still was Trump’s in my opinion.
Apparently there is a (Ohio?) case of waterfowl poaching in a public park by a (purportedly Haitian) refugee, but domestic pets?
Is there widespread reports of refugees eating cats and dogs???
Just wonder’n.
Btw, not sure what to make of that statement made by Trump, but either way (true or not) it’s not too promising a sign for our future.
Leave it to Trump to blurt out something so truly bizarre.
Just an opinion.
Pierre Tristam says
To be fair to Mr. Trump, I think he was confused, as we all can be. I don’t think he meant to refer to Haitians, but to Triffids.
James says
Confused, give me a break, he is unstable, and he couldn’t even answer one question intelligently. He says things that are a total lie, and him repeating the same thing over and over and over.
He has no plans to help the people of the US and he showed that to everyone last night.
He never was and isn’t now capable of running the best country in the world. He is only here to destroy us and our democracy for his dictator friends.
Last night should have disqualified him to run for office.
James says
I think you misread Pierre’s comment… but after that debate, I do agree with you regarding Trump.
Just another opinion.
Marlee says
Hey guys….just click onto Pierre’s blue Triffids!
Laurel says
Pierre Tristam: Triffids are not black (at least to my knowledge) but Haitians are. Trump doesn’t even bother with dog whistles any more. Black people are eating your pets, according to this *Presidential* individual.
My God, I wonder about the intelligence of Americans anymore.
JimboXYZ says
Very real is the Santeria. If you’ve ever lived in Miami, FL, this happens quite frequently. Santeria sacrifice animals, often times it’s pigs, chickens, but cats aren’t off the table, as a religious ritual. The one performing the decapitation drinks the blood of their victim(s). Just because there are no arrests or overwhelming evidence of unsolved/solved missing pets that identify a perpetrator, doesn’t mean it never happened, but by the same token, doesn’t mean it did happen. The most recent I could find for South Florida alone was in Cape Coral June 2022. The found the decapitated animals in the streets.
DaleL says
Jimbo, Your links provide evidence that some people in Florida, of Cuban heritage, may practice animal sacrifice because of their religious beliefs. The people who are being accused are Haitian in Ohio. They are not being accused of animal sacrifice. They being accused of stealing peoples pets and eating them.
Many cultures have practiced animal sacrifices. This includes those mentioned in the Old Testament.
The fix is in says
Not a comment in favor of either side. We are all witnessing the end of democracy
If Trump wins … ? Enough said
Harris really shouldn’t be running either.
Biden won the primary not Harris.
Other democratic candidates did get delegate votes in the primary. Harris got NONE.
ALL delegates were TOLD they had to vote for her at the convention
This is not democracy rather how dictators and communist run thier countries
The hole democratic primary ment nothing and voting in it was a waste of time as the outcome was determined by the insiders on the democratic team
Democracy dies under the convicted felon says
Harris is part of the ticket. The delegates chose at the convention. Those that didn’t agree didn’t cast their vote. It happened in the 60s with Johnson. Our first president George Washington took himself off the ballot. This is not the first time something like this happened. Democracy dies under Trump. With Kamala, we will at least have an election in 2028. With Trump, he will reign until he dies and then it’ll be Vance, and Junior, and Stephen Miller, and Steve Bannon…that will end Democracy and many lives as Medicare is depleted, social security is cut, inflation will be in double digits because of tariffs (who do you think will pay, not countries but consumers), and he will kill Obamacare with no replacement making millions of people lose their healthcare overnight. His economic plan will cost Americans almost $4,000 extra a year for living expenses. He cares about him and him alone. The only reason he’s running is to stay out of prison BECAUSE HE IS A FELON AND HE SEXUALLY ASSAULTED A WOMAN. What is wrong with people that would support someone that would consider sexually assaulting your wife, your daughter, or your granddaughter. It’s sick.
Jim says
This is actually how the two parties chose their candidates for years. Smoke filled rooms, etc. Not saying that’s ideal, but it’s not the end of democracy, either.
-Does the Constitution require primaries? No.
-Does the Constitution detail how parties nominate canditates? No.
-Were any laws broken? No.
-Was Biden pushed from office? No, just from the campaign.
That said, I would have preferred that Biden announce he wasn’t running early, with a full open primary. Given the lateness of when he was finally convinced to drop out, there didn’t seem many options.
Trump’s plan to weaken Biden in the weeks leading up to the DNC convention was really quite good. He was likely hoping for a brokered convention and chaos. Unfortunately for Trump, it worked too well. And who could have anticipated Democratic unity instead of chaos? Pelosi strikes again. And Trump is stuck with JD Palin. Sad.
Btw, it could be argued that the whole Democratic primary was pointless, anyway, with any real competition pressured to stay out. So, Dems got to vote for Biden…or Biden. Hardly a death blow to democracy to toss those meaningless results.
Laurel says
Considering the amount of money the Harris campaign has accumulated, I have no problem believing that Harris is the pick of Democrats, as well as Independents and Republicans who have had enough of Trump.
Trump has shown himself to be crazy as a loon, and as unstable as stilts balancing on a pin head, yet Democrats criticize their own because they love to shoot themselves in the foot, so Harris did a “TV script.”
You want a dictator? Think Careful. says
When the other candidate talks about migrants eating dogs and cats and can’t produce anything other than conspiracy theories, I don’t care how Kamala sounded. A vote for Trump is a vote against America and our allies. Don’t be daft. Now is not the time. You want to live in an autocracy with a demented dictator? Think again. This is another miss. That’s at least three lousy takes. Donald is unfit. Period. I don’t care if Kamala says the damn sun is purple, she will abide by the Constitution and won’t imprison her perceived enemies (enemies for Trump are those that disagree with him).. Trump will roll out the red carpet for Putin, Orban, and other dictators. Hard effing pass. Looks like I’m finished donating to keep this blog (be honest that’s what this is) going.
Just a thought says
Trump want to be president again for one reason. Retribution.
Kat says
He has a few more, like staying out of prison and continuing to enrich his grifting family members.
Steve says
Immunity IMO
Laurel says
Just a though: No, not really. He wants to be President again for one reason: ego.
Skibum says
Retribution, vengeance, and self-pardon
Jane K says
Trump NEEDS to be president to stay out of jail. He has zero interest in being president other than that.
AQ Concerned Observer says
Sorry folks. Prior to the debate last night, I could not, in good conscience, vote for either of them. After the debate, my mind has not changed, but I find myself even more disillusioned. It is unfathomable to me that a country as great and powerful as the United States cannot come up with anyone but these two. With Russia, North Korea and China at our heels, I am totally terrified of what the future will bring. We need a Ronald Reagan but all we have to choose between are Daffy Duck and Goofy. If WWIII is waged with nuclear weapons, WWIV will be waged with rocks and sticks…
Ed P says
You are correct, the real loser was the American Voter.
Little if any useful policy information was exposed in 90 minutes.
The moderators do not hold all the blame for not asking and demanding policy issues to be fleshed out. Harris and Trump are responsible. Neither answered the questions they were asked, they could have effectively spelled out their policies and why anyone should vote for them. It was not Presidential. It was a theatrical bashing.
Now we spend the balance of the week listening to the pundits spin the debate.
Finally, no vote could be interpreted as a vote. But is it? Don’t give up that right.
Deborah Coffey says
Policy issues are never flushed out in a debate. You expect that within 2 minutes? Really.
Ed P says
Of course, otherwise why debate?
Ed P says
Maybe she will do a few press conferences or town halls where they can drill down on policies. She mocked Trump for having “a concept” to make Obama care better, concepts are all we’ve heard from her. Details needed because the devil is always in the details.
Laurel says
Trump’s details: “Build a wall and let Mexico pat for it”. “Repeal and replace Obama care with a much better plan.” How about: Nobody can save kittens and puppies “better than I can?”
Laurel says
Deborah Coffey says
Your loss that you can’t see what you saw!
BillC says
Kamala just rope-a-doped Trump. He is a wannabe dictator who described Putin’s invasion of Ukraine as “genius” and “savvy.” And he is in love with Kim. All you have to do is stroke Trump- good doggie. Ruff ruff. He’s that easily manipulated. All you gotta do is call him “Sir” and he’s yours.
Laurel says
BillC: George Conway stated Kellyanne Conway could manipulate Trump with ease. All she had to do was stroke his ego, and he was hers.
Laurel says
And he sure likes Putin
Sherry says
The Associated Press “FACT CHECKED” the debate. . . take a good read:
Samuel L. Bronkowitz says
That was a solid republican debate, I wonder who the democrats are going to run.
Pierre Tristam says
An excellent point, though calling it “Republican” is a bit of a stretch, if we’re thinking Coolidge and Eisenhower. I prefer the term reactionary, with a sprinkling of fascism. That’s how far right the nut jobs have pushed Democrats since Nixon seeded the shift and Reagan orgasmed over it. Trump is a little bluebell flowering their wishes, and Democrats are pandering right along to keep up. LBJ is coughing up more lungs even now in disgust. At least we can still all be proud of being part of a country that knows how to fuck itself over better than any. American exceptionalism, baby.
Samuel L. Bronkowitz says
It’s almost like the people running the Business Plot won in the end.
Atwp says
Harris won the debate. Hillary won the debate about eight years ago. You all know where I’m going. Trump won the election in 2016, it is possible he will win again. I will not vote for him. Democrats we must vote. The race is too close to think Harris will win. We all need to vote, a certain group of people might not have that chance if Trump win the election.
JimboXYZ says
Trump was up against the Obama-clone. Harris was distracting with her mannerisms & facial expressions, laughs. She’s obviously either taking a page from Obama debate video footage as a playbook or outright being coached by him ?
Harris immediately wants another debate. Clear that her strategy was to distance herself from moving on from the last 3 2/3 years now of unaffordable. Funny she was talking about all of the poor women, driving state to state to get an abortion, yet not taking credit for the unaffordable healthcare, the unaffordable fuel for the abortion seeker ? Of course she doesn’t want to “go back”, going back would mean wars would end, the border would become more secure, housing, healthcare, groceries & energy would be more affordable. Anything else I miss on the just a short list of why Biden-Harris-Walz needs to end in Nov 2024 ? If I were Harris, I would hardly want to be thumping my chest over the last 3 2/3 years. And in the moment the sitting POTUS & VPOTUS aren’t doing anything about inflation. She accused Trump of running on the border crisis. Had the current administration handled that Trump wouldn’t have that to run on. It’s evident Harris wants to move on, anyone would from the worst POTUS & VPOTUS and Carter/Mondale is easily the worst in my lifetime, that is until Biden-Harris. Harris-Ealz is a rebrand of the SOS,DD (Same Old Sh*t, Different Day). And if one allows that to be what life you’ll live, then Harris-Walz is your vote. Want a truly better & affordable life, Trump is your vote. Harris may be the only prosecutor on stage, but Trump is the only one on that stage that took a bullet for the cause ?
Take the 818K jobs over a most recent year of downward restatement ? That’s a fraud pure & simple fro employment prosperity. 68, 166 jobs per month. If they’ll lie to you about the hope of being employed at a job where you can’t possibly earn & save enough to offset inflation for more debt. One has to be a fool to perceive that as anything better than false hope. And what about those that saved their pennies for their retiremnt, in eras of lower wages with more affordable cost of living. They now become the elderly poor & cheated out of their retirement years. “Fleecing of America” is all we’ve seen for 3.67 years here. She wants to build 3 million more homes, for who ? All the illegals that they let in ? California (Newsom) is looking to provide $ 150K for that very cause. Guess what ? Nobody here is illegal, so you won’t qualify for that $ 150K, that’s if it’s even “real” offer of a program & ever gets disbursed for housing. If one doesn’t like the growth of Palm Coast & voted Alfin gone, all Harris is for that is the same growth for inflation. That’s where we are with Biden-Harris & Harris-Walz is just a rinse & repeat of the same misery. Gotta vote Harris-Walz into the same unemployment they failed to count & fraudulently lied about. Hey, a month plus back, they forcibly retired Biden. I see that as something he should’ve done 2-4 years ago. But the Democrats did that to Biden, corporations do it to the rest if us every day, have been for decades. The same one’s that want you to be working to 70 for Social Security, are the same one’s that won’t hire when you reach age 50+.
I get it, Harris is definitely going to be a better debate than Biden, but really, who wouldn’t have performed in a debate better than Biden ? All one would have to do is avoid mumbling incoherently like Biden did. In that regard the Democrat ticket has seemed to put a brand that’s better than what they had. Me, I look at my bank account, what my money can do for my continued financial solvency as the acid test. Harris won’t be adjusting my bank account balances for inflation, I suspect your bank accounts won’t be restored & replenished for unaffordable either. The substance of those debates from the Harris perspective was hype & spin. She needs to eat her dubious distinction as the worst VPOTUS to Biden’s worst ever POTUS distinction & both of them need to be mothballed & used/taught as the plan of what not to do. Right there with anything Bush-Cheney ever did, Carter-Mondale included.
Pierre Tristam says
Our own Trump surrogate. Pass the dressing.
JimboXYZ says
Well, Harris opened with she isn’t Biden, surely isn’t Trump. Yet 4 years ago she wan’t shy about telling Biden on stage she was that poor girl that got bussed in the 1970’s. That Biden’s record was segregationalism & racist ? Yet Harris wasn’t bashful about becoming VPOTUS to the Biden, was she ?
Tow phrases she used quite often, “We’re not going back.” & “We have to understand how we got here.”. Move on from it is her approach, & of course moving on is the clean slate from her hand in Biden-Harris, which is exactly “understanding how we got here.”. She dangled the same hope that we’ve been getting from Biden-Harris from day 1 from 2021. The concept of continually devaluing the dollar domestically only means that those federal program dollars would be a pot of money, that inflation results from. If I’m a residential developer & I know that the tens & hundreds of thousands a new home buyer is going to get, that will only result in inflation on list prices. And the local governments are going to also raise property assessments accordingly to raise property taxes to even more unaffordable. Government stimulus checks never did anything more than bring on higher short term inflation.
I’m on record, I don’t know for certain that even Trump can reverse the damage. We just got out property tax budget passed 3-1 for votes. I don’t know that anything in that line item is the 4 lane roads for the most recent of Alfin new residential approvals. But that new construction is forthcoming. And we certainly get deeper debt for it which are higher taxes.
Lost in those visions of the Harris wayward abortion seekers is the fact that the abortion seekers are choosing between rent, groceries & utility payments for energy to run a HVAC winter & summer. If those abortion seekers can’t afford themselves & children for those costs, why would one get into a position to need the abortion ? What percentage of abortions are for the 3 exceptions ? Maybe abortion is a bigger political football than it really is ? The numbers show a decline & that’s not just limited to the era of the overturn of Roe v Wade over the last 4 years ? Decline really goes back to starting around HW Bush & Clinton ? Not my data, CDC reporting take that with a grain of salt like a Biden-Harris labor report that was materially mis-stated.
End of the day, Harris dangled false hope, same false hope that was dangled in 2020. That’s not being a Trump surrogate. That’s just knowing what we paid for anything over the last 8 years, there is an alarming & stark contrast in consumer purchasing power and that erosion clearly started with Biden-Harris inflation. But Harris understands how we got here. At 1st it was Covid, Then supply shortages, and 4 years later, both those reasons are long gone, yet the inflation persists ? One either continues to do nothing & sits around hoping Harris makes it better. But like Custer, the Alamo or Titanic victims, sooner or later victims of Biden-Harris have to realize (of which any of us have become) that the Harris-Walz cavalry isn’t coming to save the day. Not with the same game plan that got us here.
Laurel says
A nutty man isn’t going to save you from your delusional place. Try watching some money shows instead of the propaganda stuff you’re watching now. Really.
Ray W. says
Hello Mr. Tristam.
In an Atlantic article titled “Trump’s Repetitive Speech Is a Bad Sign”, a psychiatrist cautions that he is not offering a “diagnosis” of any politician; rather, he suggests that the use of specific diagnostic tools is warranted, given the candidates “vocabulary, verbal and logical coherence, and ability to adapt to new topics. …”
The psychiatrist wrote that “Trump’s speech during the debate was repetitive not only in form but also in content.”
He added that “[i]n psychiatry, the tendency to conspicuously and rigidly repeat a thought beyond the point of relevance, called ‘perseverance,’ is known to be correlated with a variety of clinical disorders, including those involving a loss of cognitive reserve. People tend to stick to familiar topics over and over when they experience an impairment in cognitive functioning — for instance, in short-term memory. Short-term memory is essentially your mental sketch pad: how many different thoughts you can juggle in your mind, keep track of, and use at the same time. Given the complexity of being president, short-term memory is a vital skill.
“If a patient presented to me with the verbal incoherence, tangential thinking, and repetitive speech that Trump now regularly demonstrates, I would almost certainly refer them for a rigorous neuropsychiatric evaluation to rule out a cognitive illness. A condition such as vascular dementia or Alzheimer’s disease would not be out of the ordinary for a 78-year-old. Only careful medical examination can establish whether someone indeed has a diagnosable illness — simply observing Trump, or anyone else, from afar is not enough. For those who do have such diseases or conditions, several treatments and services exist to help them and their loved ones cope with their decline. But that does not mean any of them would be qualified to serve as commander in chief.”
Make of this what you will. Me? For months now, a number of regular FlaglerLive commenters repeatedly accused the Biden administration of hiding Biden’s cognitive decline. Some deemed the alleged hiding tantamount to criminality. Where are these commenters now? Some, if not many, saw what happened Tuesday night! I haven’t seen a dismayed Republican commenter use the term “train wreck” yet. Just give it time.
The dude says
But I’m sure it was yummy word salad. All served up to us in the service of a demented old man who stood on stage last night and yelled about immigrants eating pets.
Ray W. says
Does every FlaglerLive commenter understand why JimboXYZ starts his comment with an observation that former President Trump was “up against the Obama-clone”?
JimboXYZ is perhaps right in his assertion, but he is being misleading all the same. Former President Trump was “overmatched” by the “Obama-clone.”
Do you, JimboXYZ, now see how easy it is for you to be more factually accurate? Again, your goal should be to try to persuade people to accept your point of view. Choosing a far less accurate phrase in the very first sentence of your comment does not help you in your effort.
As I type this, I listened to an extract from a recent Trump speech, during which he promised his audience to make America the dominant energy producer in the world.
I have to assume that every FlaglerLive reader knows by now that I have spent more than three years commenting on the rise of energy production in America over the past 16 years, starting with what energy industry observers call the Shale Revolution from 2009 to 2014 or so. We have been the world’s largest energy producer for years. Every year of the Biden administration has seen American energy producers leaving the rest of the world further behind in the dust, except in one emerging facet of the international energy marketplace.
The only facet of the international energy marketplace that we lag behind is the solar panel marketplace.
Yes, the Obama administration, relying on what was later deemed to be a deceptively worded application for federal stimulus money made available from Bush-era legislation, granted $535 million to Solyndra. Shortly thereafter the company declared bankruptcy.
One political party turned the failure political, and we have since ceded primacy in the solar panel marketplace to Chinese manufacturers. How stupid that political party was? We had the patents. We had the momentum. We had the expertise. But the party that now falsely claims it will make us dominant in the world’s energy marketplace, when we already are dominant, is the same party that forced us out of the solar panel marketplace.
Make of this what you will. Me? The gullible listen to the great misleaders of that political party and think its leader will bring prosperity to America, as if we don’t already have the most prosperous and productive economic engine in the world. They think America doesn’t have the strongest economy in the world (we do). They think we aren’t recovering from the greatest international economic upheaval in 80 years that was WWII (we are). They think the Biden administration is the primary cause of the economic damage we experienced beginning in March 2020 (it isn’t). They think we were better off four years ago than we are today (we aren’t).
Ray W. says
It’s time, JimboXYZ, for you to grow out of your wearisome penchant for spreading misinformation.
That 818k fewer jobs report you reference? That number comes from a standard “preliminary” report that issues each August. The “final” report issues the following February. This report uses data culled from applications for unemployment insurance.
The “preliminary” monthly jobs report assesses jobs added by obtaining data directly from over 20,000 employers. Each following “preliminary” monthly report contains a section revising the previous month’s “preliminary” report up or down as more comprehensive employer-provided data is obtained from a larger number of employers.
The reports are different evaluations of current jobs status, derived from different data sources. This year, the annual report revised downward by 818k jobs the accumulated numbers from the monthly reports. During the Trump administration, one of the annual reports revised downward by 500k jobs the accumulated numbers from the monthly reports. Sometimes, the annual reports revised the accumulated monthly reports upwards.
The monthly report offers statistical immediacy in the hope that businesses and policy makers like the independent Fed can make better informed short-term decisions. The annual report provides greater long-term accuracy but requires more time to process the data.
Many economists argue that the independent Fed acted too slowly at the beginning of the pandemic to incoming jobs data before raising lending rates. These economists insist that had the Fed raised lending rates earlier, the inflationary period caused primarily by the pandemic and secondarily by unfunded stimulus spending by both administrations, among many other important factors like the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, would have been much lower and much shorter.
Other economists argue that sufficient current jobs data exists for the Fed to begin lowering lending rates and that by waiting too long the independent Fed has extended the current recovery from the pandemic-caused inflationary phase.
The innumerate among us don’t understand these things.
Laurel says
Ray W.: Sadly, they flat out don’t want to know. They don’t believe that facts serve a purpose. They seem to prefer “alternate facts” as Ms. Conway stated.
Gone are the days of Walter Cronkite giving us a half hour a day of facts. Instead, we have 24 hours a day of idiots like Jesse Waters spewing unbelievable garbage.
America is great! We are so damned fortunate! To not recognize that, and believe a foul, lying man, telling us that our country is a banana republic is a pathetic path that man is trying to lead us down.
Keep going, Ray W., Americans need the education..
Judith G. Michaud says
I find it hard to believe that anyone in their right mind would elect a convicted felon and sexual abuser as president, not mention the outrageous performance he displayed last night. He did not answer one question and he lied and lied ! There are NO babies murdered at birth, no one is eating dogs and cats and illegals are taking our jobs ! He is using fear and is banking on the uneducated and ignorant to buy it ! You ask his motive, clearly it is to stay out of jail ! People need to do some real soul searching before voting for Trump! He is unqualified, too old, completely out of control and unfit to serve ! Remember he can not even serve in our military and you want him to be in charge of them !SMH!
Sherry says
Thank you Judith. . . an excellent succinct comment that pretty much sums up this terrible situation.
oldtimer says
So we have to choose between a fascist and a socialist….Please, is there a door number 3?
Dennis C Rathsam says
I have to laugh at all you TRUMP haters… After 4 years of high inflation, gas, food, taxes, 2 new wars, & Biden / Harris invaders raping & murdering our young girls. Everyone knows they were better off 4 years ago! You proove it to yourself EVERYTIME you get gas or groceries! TRUMPS 4 years America was at peace, no one invaded nobody’s country! Now to the debate! 3 against one, the ABC moderators showed the American people that the fix was in. They fact checked TRUMP but they let Kamala side! From the 1 st question of the night, she didn’t answer, just YADA yada yada! We still don’t know what she stands for? We still don’t know how shes gonna fix all the destruction of the past 3 3/4! It’s a secret!!!!! Obama hasn’t explained it to her yet! All the progessive ideas she ran on like defunding the police, raising taxes, no fracking, started a funde to get the Minn rioters out of jail! Her 1st run for the presidency, she bailed out…. with no electoral votes…. The people didnt want her! They didn’t want or believe in her Marxist policies! Now you all think she,s the greatest thing since slice bread! WHAT A JOKE! If you fools hate your country that much, I feel sorry for you!@ A vote for Harris is a vote for socialism, a vote for higher taxes, a vote to kill America! TRUMP may have pissed you off in the past, he pissed me off too. But he,s the only one with a working plan to fix the economy, the interest rates the wars! TRUMP wants to make America great again, you cant say that about Harris…Cos we don’t know what she will pull! Bernie Sanders was asked about her flip flops, he stated Kamala will say or do anything to get ellected! Can you really trust her? NO! Not with my grand kids future. No way!!!! We need a leader, not another Obama puppet! We all prospered under TRUMP, low unemployment,peace, tranqillity, as America thrived. If it wasn’t for Xi, sending us the CHINA FLU, TRUMP would have easily won re ellection. TRUMP gave the BIDEN/HARRIS team, the ventalators, the vaccine, the masks & a plan to save America! Yet the Biden/ Harris administration had more American die, than under TRUMP. And he started with nothing! You all have a short memory, all because of hate, & stupitity! Open your eyes people. our great country fought facisim & communism, 2 world wars. where fought to keep us safe. Now you want to throw away all the Americans that dies to protect our freedoms. Patriots your not, fools you are.
Ray W. says
Hello Dennis C. Rathsam.
As we get closer and closer to the November election, your claims get wilder and wilder.
An excellent FDR quote comes to mind when I read your comments.
“Do something. If it works, do more of it. If it doesn’t. If it doesn’t, do something else.”
What you are doing isn’t working.
Ray W. says
Less than seven weeks of Dennis C. Rathsam’s innumerate thoughts left to go.
As an aside, have you ever considered the possibility that had Trump not lied so many times to the American people, the moderators would not have pushed back at him? That wasn’t three against one? That it was Trump against himself?
Please tell all FlaglerLive readers how many lies you caught Trump saying during the debate? Was it 33? More? Fewer? How many times did you tell yourself he should stop uttering untruths?
For that matter, have you counted how many lies you listed in your comment? Let’s start with the first sentence. Are you really “laughing” or are you bristling with indignation, righteous or not? If you can’t even go a few words without attempting to deceive your audience, how can you expect anyone other than the gullible among us all to listen to you?
Your goal should be persuasion. There are three recognized broad categories of persuasion:
Logos (root word for logic): An appeal to logic or reason; it utilizes clear and logical connections between ideas, often using facts or statistics, or using historical or literal analogies. Logical gaps in the connections, often due to wrongful assumptions are known as logical fallacies.
Ethos: Such an argument relies on one’s credibility or authority. The presenter must be qualified to comment on the subject-matter, either via personal experience, credible sources, appropriate grammar, or by fairly presenting the issue, including counterarguments.
Pathos: These are appeals to emotions, via deliberate choices of words or phrases, or the use of meaningful language, in hopes of provoking sympathy, fear, humor, frustration, hope, horror, or even hatred.
As an aside, we all may have witnessed what the Germans call “zeitenweide” this past Tuesday night. The term means “epochal turning point.” Reagan’s famous, “There you go, again.” Bentson’s famous, “Senator, you’re no Jack Kennedy.” Trump’s infamous, “They’re eating cats.”
The first two were cleverly delivered mortal jabs. The last? A self-inflicted shot to his foot.
Laurel says
Ray W.:
Trump can pick his game. "The ref cheated!"
David schaefer says
Ok Trumper.
Cant fix stupid says
Haha this guy is a moron. Dennis try reading something other than right wing propaganda. Rcons lie lie and lie some more. Don’t have to look hard to see the nazis love trump and the proud boys are standing by to make your votes not matter. Amazing how many religious and nazis supporters are infatuated with the orange convict. No one prospered under trump unless your in the top 1 percent and got some of his tax cuts. The man literally denied the pandemic lied about all of it. Remember when Asian people were murdered after he called it king flu ? Guess you can’t fix stupid .
Laurel says
I have had enough with Trump and the Trumplicans. He is not a Republican, and neither are his minions and followers.
I am done trying to talk sense into people who think that all the shit he has done is somehow right, okay, sane or Presidential. Anyone who agrees with this joke, shell of a man, is not reachable, and not playing with a full deck. Sorry, but I’m tired of trying to avoid insults. Trump wants ABC Network to lose their license because they fact checked a few of his lies? Get real! Go ahead, criticize Harris. We have the room, right? Trump should have the rubber room.
Meanwhile, keep your cats and dogs inside away from hungry black men. You know, the very same people you believe are getting all the benefits from the government. Boogieman black men! Just when he is trying to help keep black jobs. Ungratefuls!
This man, who has a definitive mental disorder (narcissism) has led us to crazy town. My God, it’s obvious as hell! Stop making excuses for this deteriorating excuse for a leader. Americans are acting like lunatics, something we would have never, ever accepted in the past. Anyone who votes for Trump, whether they hold their noses (as they claim they themselves do) or not, are complicit in this craziness, with retaliation against their own neighbors and family members, threatening violence, for one man’s sick, sad ego.
ENOUGH! Keep your crazy flags and tee shirts out of my face, I only see you as not all there. Absolutely bonkers. Keep him away from people who still act normal, we don’t want his sickness to spread anymore than it already has. Try protecting your kids from this foolishness instead.
The man is nuts! Full blown crackers. If you want that, then you are too.
Ray W. says
Hello Laurel.
Trump is a Republican. He is not a conservative.
Laurel says
Ray W.: Trump may be a registered Republican, but as you are very aware, and many others are not, he is not a Republican, not in his soul (should there be one):
“Trump registered as a Republican in Manhattan in 1987; since that time, he has changed his party affiliation five times. In 1999, he changed his party affiliation to the Independence Party of New York. In August 2001, Trump changed his party affiliation to Democratic. In September 2009, he changed his party affiliation back to the Republican Party. In December 2011, Trump changed to “no party affiliation” (independent). In April 2012, he again returned to the Republican Party.”
– Wikipedia
Again, I thank you for your history of conservatism. It enlightened me.
Sherry says
@Laurel. . . Brilliant, couldn’t agree more!
Laurel says
Sherry: Actually, I lost it. People making excuses for Trump’s endless lack of empathy, intelligence, humility, logic, truthfulness, caring for this country, and ignoring his failures, felonies, narcissism, mob boss behavior, bigotry, crazy talk, misogyny and so on…and claim it’s all about “POLICY,” yet gripping about Harris’ laugh, or “TV script” is just the final straw.
I’m done. These people are not reachable, and have actually made excuses for Trump’s stupid comment about black men eating cats and dogs. It’s just, it’s just…nuts. It is not normal, and if they hold their noses while they vote for him, then they are complicit in the insanity.
Oh, and Dennis, I do not hate Trump, but I will not promote a mentally unstable individual to become the President of the United States of America.
Oh and Jimbo, Santeria? Really? I’m from south Florida, and I have known about Santeria for some time now. I have also worked with Haitians. Trump, and his Laura Looney friend is just pushing their made up bigotry towards Haitians to push the buttons of people like you. Enjoy.
Skibum says
I actually suspect in my adventurous and sometimes perverted mind that, even though this spurious and completely made up fairy tale about Haitians taking people’s pets and eating them may have not been so sinister to begin with, when it got to Trump’s ears he and his MAGA acolytes incorporated it into their larger secret plan to try to target and deport all non-white people from the U.S. whether they are citizens or not… just like Hitler did to the German Jews. First they try to make everyone think that Hitler was not so bad – they started doing that quite awhile ago. Then they try to dehumanize minorities by any means – that too has been going on for some time. Despite the fact that the Haitians who make up a sizeable percentage of legal residents of Springfield, OH, once they make them look as bad as possible by dehumanizing them, they hope nobody will be alarmed if these Haitian, supposed pet eating “sub-humans” are forcibly removed from the communities where they live. Trump and his extremists have tried to dehumanize African-Americans, Hispanics, Jews, other dark skinned migrants who are fleeing violence in central and south American countries, and seem to only want foreigners from European countries who have a light skin color like Trump’s foreign born wife. Coincidence? Maybe, but I think there is a very sinister plot behind all of this nonsense, and that the likes of Steven Miller, a Nazi sympathizer and former Trump administration advisor, is behind a lot of what is going on recently.
Laurel says
I agree. Laura Loomer came up with the original lie about Haitians, then social media took off with it. Laura Loomer travels with Trump. She is an admitted white nationalist. Trumplicans are totally complicit in this disgusting bigotry. It’s shameful.
Sherry says
Hi Laurel,
I admire the passion with which you, Skibum, Jim and others are still trying to bring maga cult members back into factual reality. You are absolutely correct when you talk about how trump’s absolutely horrific character makes him unfit for any kind of leadership, especially in public office.
Even those who had an upbringing from morally corrupt parents, had opportunities to learn that the very foundation of civilized society is based on ethics and integrity. They should have learned the importance of principles from school/religious teachings. Certainly the nuns with rulers taught the “rules” about lying, cheating and stealing. During university level management classes they would have studied lessons from the likes of Peter Drucker.
Even the maga cult members with what appears to be a high IQ, seem to be so entrenched in their defense of trump that they will disavow the essential requirement for ” high moral character” and trust in our President, no matter what. No amount of intellectual rigor will replace the understanding of basic decency, ethics and integrity.
I simply have given up on reading the diatribes of the maga cult members. . . it’s a waste of my treasured time. If any of them wish my assistance in returning to a moral, fact based reality. . . I will do my best to suggest counseling and classes.
Sherry says
I originally posted this on a different thread. . . but it bares repeating again and again, Principles and Good Character are “Fundamental” to good leadership and to a morally healthy society:
This from the National Center for Constitutional Studies: Just as a structure cannot stand without a sturdy base, a society cannot thrive without a clear comprehension of its foundational principles. In the arena of governance, principles stand as the bedrock upon which prosperous and free nations build their constitutions, laws, and systems.
On the “requirement” for good “Character” from leaders, this from Peter Drucker (basic ethics 101 in most universities, and advanced high schools) :
Why Character Counts and How Character Develops
But why worry about our character? The formation of our character creates predictability to our leadership. Predictability, dependability, and consistency: these three qualities ensure that our leadership is reliable and motivates people to place their confidence in us. Our effectiveness as leaders is built on trust. The leader is on constant display and cannot escape the spotlight of public scrutiny, lying, cheating and stealing makes “trust” impossible.
Our goal for the first principle of effective leadership is to identify and illustrate the natural and deliberate processes of character formation. Character formation establishes the foundation for great leadership success. When absent, it charts the path for colossal leadership failure. Because our character is formed by our beliefs, our actions, our self-reflections on our actions, and our corrective behaviors as a result of this self-reflection, we must recognize the way in which these beliefs, actions, and reflections both shape and reflect our character.
One of the great challenges of becoming a leader is to develop the capacity for moral self-reflection. So often what distinguishes great leaders from also-rans is whether or not you can develop a capacity to self-correct. Leaders get off track. They overreact. They walk into situations and do not respond as they should. This in and of itself is usually not a problem. What becomes a problem is if they cannot recover from their mistakes. The first step to recovering from your mistakes is to recognize you made them.
Ultimately, Drucker believes the moral tone for the entire organization starts at the top. He believed, and I think he is right, that the behavior of your senior executives fundamentally sets the tone for your organization. He amplifies this by noting that our people decisions must demonstrate that we will be unwavering in insisting that leaders at all levels of the organization must have basic integrity that can be trusted and relied upon. It is simply too crucial and cannot be acquired later on. This is also why moral failings are so catastrophic: they undermine the very trust that is at the heart of leadership.
jackson says
Voters concerned about national defense should not only pay attention to this warning from top military brass, but should remember that senior defense officials in Trump’s own administration have issued warnings and do not support him, including two former Defense Secretaries, his Secretary of the Navy, his Director of National Intelligence, his Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, his Homeland Security Advisor and two former National Security Advisors. How much more clear can it be that Trump poses a threat to the security of this nation?
Foresee says
Ask yourself why would someone want to eat a pet dog or cat? Sad to say there might be a smidgeon of truth to Trump’s claims. How do I put this? In my past, maybe thirty years ago I was working with a crew at an upscale house. I saw one of the workers with a hogtied terrified rabbit putting it in the truck. He was recently arrived in the US, spoke only Spanish. I tried to explain to him in my rudimentary spanish that he couldn’t do that, “no es bueno”, that it was someone’s pet which was in the yard. He responded “si, es bueno con arroz y habichuelas”. (rice and beans). He had no concept of a rabbit as a pet. Why? Because where he came from food was so scarce many lived on the brink of starvation, and any food was reserved for human consumption. The idea of sparing food for a pet was not in his experience. The point is most Americans haven’t experienced, don’t understand true poverty. It’s what makes people risk their lives in leaky boats or cross deserts in hope for a better life.
No, not all Haitian immigrants are pet eaters. It may be that what Trump said was true in an isolated case or two. But he would have people believe it is widespread, common and done out of malice. Racism at its worst.
Ray W. says
Yes, Foresee, I agree with you that people can recall long ago personal life experiences that resonate today. About 50 years ago, as a teenager, I cooked in a busy restaurant. One of the dishwashers would occasionally bring in a greasy paper bag containing whatever wild animal that had been caught and roasted; it was his snack during the busy evening before it slowed done enough for the cooks to make his shift meal.
This is called anecdotal evidence; it proves nothing beyond the story without much more.
I partially disagree with you that there might be a “smidgeon” of truth to the claims presented by Vance and Trump. There is no “smidgeon” of truth to a claim about a specific event that is false. There can be a “smidgeon” of truth about a general event. You, Foresee, are doing the right thing by qualifying your comment about the rabbit memory. You are accepting that your life experience applies as a general, extremely limited, possible truth, not as a specific truth. Trump and Vance did the wrong thing when they made a claim against a specific group. Again, there can be a “smidgeon” of truth among a large enough general group, but not among a specific, or an individuated, group, absent specific evidence to support the specific claim.
Had Trump and Vance insisted that over decades there have been instances of immigrants who have stolen pets (cats, dogs, and now geese) for food, there would likely have been a smidgeon of truth to their claim. Yes, there exists among certain immigrant groups a religion known as Santeria, with the ritualistic drinking of sacrificial blood, as another commenter mentioned. Yes, in the overall American Haitian community there might be over time instances of pet eating.
But the moment these two reckless and malicious political actors named today’s Springfield Haitians, they made it specific; the general group of all Haitians immediately disappeared, and the specific group of Springfield Haitians took center stage. Both of these reckless and malicious political men know from ample experience that some of their followers are filled with hatred and discontent and are prone to violence, either by threat or act. Bomb threats have since been called in about specific Springfield buildings. Hate memes resonate across the internet.
In the end, these are false specific claims that were fabricated for political gain by political figures who know they are lying. There is no evidence that anyone in Springfield, much less a Haitian immigrant, recently stole for food a pet dog, a pet cat, a goose, or whatever other “cute” pet the false claim will evoke in the minds of the gullible among us.
Yes, reports exist that this past August 16, a 27-year-old woman born to the state of Ohio “smashed the cat’s head with her foot and began eating her cat.” Yes, she did this in front of witnesses. Yes, her competency hearing is set for October 15th. Yes, Canton is 170 miles away from Springfield.
Make of this what you will. Me? Another Nietzsche quote comes to mind:
“Distrust all in whom the impulse to harm is powerful.”
Yes, some people were born to do harm to others. As a senior prosecutor, I talked to many a new prosecutor about the informal prosecutorial difficulties they would encounter. I told them that every day, someone would try to use them to hurt someone else. That they are not there to save society; they are there to make decisions. I especially told many incoming prosecutors that the most difficult part of their job would be to discern between those defendants who would never commit a crime again if they were to serve 10 days in jail (not born to hurt others) and those defendants who will continue to commit crime after serving 20 years in prison (born to hurt others).
James says
Btw, I the “goose incident” was reported on that pro-Trump news station/network/show (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_America_News_Network) that I’ve often stumbled across.
Interesting that the only other news programming on that group of stations broadcasting out of St. Augustine mysterious vanished a month or so ago. I think they had NewsNet (not NewsMax) I suppose they realized it was a little too “mainstream” and pulled it.
Nice to have a few Jacksonville stations back… either they’ve upped the power for football season, or I’m catching the gound wave due to the rain soaked soil.
I’m thinking the latter.
Just an observation.
James says
My, my… I just got around to ACTUALLY reading that Wikipedia article… quite frankly, I don’t know why I never looked those folks up before… just thought, “that’s Florida.”
Yup, it’s just as I suspected all along.
I do wonder one thing though… I wonder if Putin ACTUALLY DID send that young male co-host of “Tipping Point” to the front lines?
Oh well, c’est la vie.
Foresee says
I won’t be able to sleep at night until this pet eating threat to our national security is rectified.
`Sherry says
@foresee. . . Maybe that rabbit wasn’t a pet. Consider the possibility that it was simply a wild rabbit looking for food in the garden or yard. It’s not only poor people that enjoy the rabbits, geese, ducks, pigeons, etc. that are standard fare in the grocery stores, markets, and high end restaurants throughout in Europe and many other countries. Cats and dogs, as whacked out trump and vance claim, not so much.
Regardless, you are absolutely correct when saying, “Racism at it’s worst.” Right up there with trump’s new favorite crazy conspiracy theory racist Laura Loomer and her racist rant against Kamala’s Harris’ Indian heritage.
Foresee says
No, it was a pet, one of those domesticated docile oversized floppy eared breed. BTW, in NYC I know people catch and eat pigeons they catch on the street. They must ALL be Haitians! By the way, here’s Julia Childs recipe for squab, a fancy term for young pigeon. (Oh oh, Trump is now against the French!)
Sherry says
Thank you Foresee. . . Love It! LOL!
Laurel says
Yes, Laura Looney commented about the White House will smell like curry if Harris wins.
I like curry.
Even Marjorie Taylor Green was unhappy with that comment.
This childless, crazy, cat lady (me) once ate a rattlesnake. Tastes like chicken, but has a lot of bones.
Hide the snakes.
Felt kinda bad about that because I really like snakes.
Life lessons.
Maybe Trump would like to use that information at his next rally.
His followers will cheer and then make excuses for it.
Foresee says
I wonder what happens to all the geese and ducks who leave their droppings all over Trump’s golf courses? Everybody knows they do that!
As long as citizens are distracted with chasing geese around a lake they are not talking about Trump’s lack of a health care plan, he only has “concepts”. All he offers is an agenda of hate and division.
Laurel says
Foresee: You got that right!
The dude says