Today: Partly cloudy with a 50 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms. Highs in the upper 80s. Southeast winds 5 to 10 mph. Heat index readings 101 to 105. Tonight: Partly cloudy. Lows in the lower 70s. Southeast winds 5 to 10 mph. Details here.
Drought Index is at 71.
Today’s tides: at the beaches, at the Intracoastal Waterway.
Today’s document from the National Archives.
The OED’s Word of the Day: madeleine, n..
The Live Community Calendar
Today’s jail bookings.
Today’s Briefing: Quick Links
- First Light
- In Flagler and Palm Coast
- Flagler Jail Bookings and Sheriff’s Crime Reports
- Announcements
- In State Government
- In Coming Days in Flagler, Palm Coast and Beyond
- The Day’s Best Reads
- Fact-Checking the Knaves
- Palm Coast Construction and Development
- Local Road and Interstate Construction
- Cultural Coda
“I sailed from Fair Haven last evening as gently and steadily as the clouds sail through the atmosphere. The wind came blowing blithely from the southwest fields, and stepped into the folds of our sail like a winged horse, pulling with a strong and steady impulse. The sail bends gently to the breeze, as swells some generous impulse of the heart, and anon flutters and flaps with a kind of human suspense. I could watch the motions of a sail forever, they are so rich and full of meaning. I watch the play of its pulse, as if it were my own blood beating there. The varying temperature of distant atmospheres is graduated on its scale. It is a free, buoyant creature, the bauble of the heavens and the earth. A gay pastime the air plays with it. If it swells and tugs, it is because the sun lays his windy finger on it. The breeze it plays with has been outdoors so long. So thin is it, and yet so full of life; so noiseless when it labors hardest, so noisy and impatient when least serviceable.^ So am I blown on by God’s breath, so flutter and flap, and fill gently out with the breeze.”
–Henry David Thoreau, from his Journals, June 30, 1840. This week (on Wednesday) marks Thoreau’s 200th birth anniversary.
Note: all government meetings noticed below are free and open to the public unless otherwise indicated. Many can be heard or seen live through each agency’s website.
The Sheriff’s daily incident reports and jail bookings are posted here.
The Flagler County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee meets at 8:30 a.m. in the Financial Services Conference Room, 1769 E. Moody Blvd., Bldg. 2, Third Floor, Bunnell.
The Palm Coast City Council meets in workshop at 9 a.m. at City Hall in Town Center. The council will hear Sheriff Rick Staly’s pitch for five additional deputies to lead a traffic unit in the city, and the council will discuss the next annual policing contract with the sheriff’s office.
The Flagler County School Board meets in workshop at 9 a.m. in the third floor training room (3B) at the Government Services Building, Bunnell. Among the items to be discussed: An agreement with the University of Florida that would enable Flagler Palm Coast High School’s International Baccalaureate students to enroll in virtual courses through UF.
The first meeting of the Sheriff’s task force on domestic violence is scheduled for 10 a.m. at the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office Training room located at FCSO Operations at 901 E. Moody Blvd. in Bunnell. The meeting will identify work groups by discipline, such as criminal justice, social services, medical and faith based services. The groups will then be challenged to develop new ideas and strategies for reducing domestic violence. This initial meeting will identify work groups and select a chairperson or team leader for each.
The Flagler Beach City Commission and its Planning Board hold a joint meeting at 4 p.m. at City Hall on the city’s Comprehensive Plan–its blueprint for long-term development–to hear from the public. Today’s meeting focuses on housing and future land use. This meeting will allow the planning team to gather input from the community and stakeholders on Infrastructure and intergovernmental coordination. All interested persons are invited to attend. For more information contact Larry Torino at [email protected] or 386-517-2000 x230.
The Flagler Sportsfighing Club holds its monthly meeting at 7 p.m. at the VFW Post on Old Kings Road in Palm Coast. The guest speaker is Cameron Jaggard, Principal Associate, U.S. Oceans, Southeast at the Pew Charitable Trusts. He will be speaking about the plans of The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) to release draft Amendment 3 (i.e. the Menhaden Amendment) for public comment the first week of August and finalize the rule in November. This rule would be a major precedent, as it could put in place an ecosystem-based approach to managing the biggest fishery on the U.S. East Coast. Cameron is looking to better the odds of success for strong public support at hearings and in written comments by “front-loading” as much outreach as possible to recreation fishermen and other stakeholders on the FL east coast prior to early August.
The Flagler County Planning and Development Board meeting scheduled for this evening is cancelled.
The St. Johns River Water Management District Governing Board meets after holding committee meetings starting at 10 a.m., followed by full board, district headquarters, 4049 Reid St., Palatka.
None today.
In Florida and in State Government:
Note: Some proceedings below can be followed live on the Florida Channel. Most legislative proceedings can be followed through the Senate or House websites.
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission will continue a two-day meeting and take up issues such as receiving an overview about the conditions and restoration of Florida Bay. (8:30 a.m., Orange County Convention Center, West Building, 9800 International Dr., Orlando.)
The state Revenue Estimating Conference will take up a series of issues, including post-session “outlooks†for the Educational Enhancement Trust Fund, the Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund and the State School Trust Fund. (9 a.m., 117 Knott Building, the Capitol.)
Sen. Dorothy Hukill, R-Port Orange, will take part in a grand-opening event for RUAG Space, a firm that supplies products for the space industry. (10 a.m., Port Canaveral Titusville Logistics Center, 7700 U.S. 1, Titusville.)
In Coming Days in Palm Coast, Flagler and the Occasional Beyond:
Texas is increasingly diverse, but right-wing zealots are taking over: https://t.co/Xy5yLTMGNv pic.twitter.com/aS1DRayx82
— The New Yorker (@NewYorker) July 11, 2017
Foreign leaders have stopped asking how the U.S. is solving global problems. That's a sad sign of the times. https://t.co/p1FJXoP6EU
— Foreign Policy (@ForeignPolicy) July 10, 2017
'But sir, it’s an American ship' 'Never mind, hit her!' When Israel attacked USS Liberty https://t.co/NGIUYxumG3
— Haaretz.com (@haaretzcom) July 10, 2017
"One has to wonder how even the Journal’s notoriously bellicose editorial page editors swallow such nonsense." https://t.co/FEWzvQLwUZ
— The American Conservative (@amconmag) July 10, 2017
Palm Coast Construction and Development Progress Reports
The following is an update of ongoing permitting, construction and development projects in Palm Coast, through June 24 (the city administration’s full week in review is here):
Click to access development-june-14-2017.pdf
Road and Interstate Construction:
Macklemore Feat Skylar Grey: Glorious
Previous Codas:
- Edward Luce On the Retreat of Western Liberalism in the Trump Era
- Why Don’t All Instruments Sound The Same?
- Joachim Horsley’s “Beethoven in Havana”: What the Piano Can Do
- Bojan Cicic and Richard Egarr: Giovanni Carbonelli’s Violin Sonata No. 1
- Voyager: The 116 images NASA wants aliens to see
- Bohemian Rhapsody: Brooklyn Duo and Ft. Dover Quartet
- Down in the River to Pray: University of Texas Tuba/Euphonium Studio
- Brahms : Piano Quartet No. 1 in G minor, op. 25
- The Reluctant Fundamentalist: Mohsin Hamid in Conversation with Akhil Sharma
- “The Day After” (1983)
- Rui Arayama Performs Domenico Scarlatti’s Sonatas K.427 & K.455
- Villa-Lobos: Bachianas Brasileiras
- Angelina Jordan, 10 Years Old Norwegian, Sings the Blues: I Put A Spell On You
- Joseph Bodin de Boismortier (1689-1755), Concerto in B Minor for five Recorders Op. 15 Nr. 4, Abateva
- Introduction to Bullshit
- Chopin: 24 Etudes for Piano Op.10 , Op 25, Lukas Genjušas, Piano
- Alike: The Best Short Film Ever
- Fauré’s Requiem, Performed by the Ensemble Orchestral de Paris, Choeur Accentus
- Arthur Rubinstein Performs Saint-Saëns’s Piano Concerto No 2 in G minor, Op 22
- Mendelssohn’s Symphony No. 5, Reformation: Jérémie Rhorer Conducts the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra
- C.P.E. Bach Keyboard Sonata in F sharp minor, Wq 52 4
- Boccherini: Quintet with Guitar G 448 D-Major
- Jean-Baptiste Poyard Performs Telemann’s Violin Fantasia n°1
- Eudora Welty Reads “A Worn Path”
- Francis Poulenc at the piano
- Antonin Dvořák: Romance for Violin and Orchestra performed by Tanja Sonc
- Joseph Haydn’s Symphony Nr. 66 in F major, Herbert Blomstedt, cond.
- Sarah Chang Plays Elgar’s Damn Romantic Salut d’amour, Op. 12
- Beethoven: Symphony No. 7, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Iván Fischer, cond.
- Rimsky-Korsakov, Russian Easter Festival Overture, Op. 36
- Händel: Keyboard Suite HWV 428, Daria van den Bercken, piano
- Haydn: Piano Trio No. 39 in G major Hob. XV/25
- Mozart: Ave Verum Corpus, Leonard Bernstein
- What is McCarthyism? And how did it happen?
- The Corrs: Toss the Feathers
- Peter Falk’s Acceptance Speech for 1972 Emmy, for Colombo
- How Did Beethoven Compose His 9th Symphony After He Went Completely Deaf?
- Ray Chen Performs Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto in E minor, Op. 64
- The Well Tempered Clavier, Book 1,HJ Lim, Piano
- Alicia de Larrocha plays Two Spanish Dances By Granados
- Comparone Plays a Scarlatti Sonata
- C. A. de Beriot, scene de Ballet, Daniel Shindarov, violin, Sergey Silvanskiy, piano
- Johnny Cash: Sunday Morning Coming Down
- Cinema Paradiso: The Main Theme
Bill harvey says
1995 in New York State the Domestic Violence Act was passed and we had to go back to the police acsdemy to learn it that was 22 years ago , good job Florida you are catching up it’s only 22 years of domestic violence that women weren’t protected to the fullest extent of the law