It was a disturbing report of a repeat offense by a convicted violent felon several times over: A 15-year-old Matanzas High School student told authorities Daniel Hilbert, 53, a neighbor, had been accosting her, befriending her, then stalking her at her R-Section bus stop, and once assaulting her physically. She had pictures and video. The former convict was sentenced to 15 months in prison and nearly four years on sex-offender probation.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Tuesday, June 25, 2024
The Palm Coast City Council meets in a budget workshop, the NAACP Flagler Branch’s General Membership meeting is tonight, on inflation in tipping, and a few thoughts on nationalism from Benedict Anderson.
How Machine Learning Can Violate Your Privacy
Machine learning has pushed the boundaries in several fields, including personalized medicine, self-driving cars and customized advertisements. Research has shown, however, that these systems memorize aspects of the data they were trained with in order to learn patterns, which raises concerns for privacy.
Some Hammock Residents Tell Flagler County: Tax Us for Beach Protection, and a Commissioner Sees Opportunity
Even as cities’ unhappy reactions have forced Flagler County quickly to retreat from a proposal to create a new tax for almost all residents and businesses in the county, Flagler County Commissioner Donald O’Brien is encouraging his colleagues on the commission to consider a special taxing district that would target just the northern 10 miles of the barrier island in the unincorporated part of the county.
Supreme Court Will Decide Legality of Transgender Care Bans in Decision That Will Affect Florida Law
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday agreed to decide whether a Tennessee law restricting puberty blockers and hormone therapy for transgender children is unconstitutional, in a closely watched case that is almost certain to affect similar laws in Florida and more than a dozen other states. Justices will hear the case in the fall, with a decision likely coming in June or July 2025.
15-Month-Old Hospitalized After Seizing from Pot Ingestion; Father Charged With Felony Child Neglect
A 15-month-old Flagler County girl who ingested marijuana her father allegedly left unattended was hospitalized at Wolfson’s Children’s Hospital in Jacksonville for Sunday after seizing and developing a distended stomach. Her 26-year-old father, Cody Robert Spiegelhalter, was booked at the Flagler County jail on a felony charge of child neglect.
Dr. Andrew Weinfeld Appointed Chief Clinical Officer for AdventHealth East Florida Division
The AdventHealth East Florida Division has selected Dr. Andrew Weinfeld to serve as Chief Clinical Officer (CCO), effective July 8. Comprising seven hospitals with a total of 1,397 beds in Daytona Beach, DeLand, Orange City, New Smyrna Beach, Palm Coast, and Tavares, the AdventHealth East Florida Division employs over 11,000 team members.
Palm Coast Council Approves Final Step for 51 Town Homes at The Hammock at Palm Harbor
The Palm Coast City Council last week approved the final plat for 51 town homes in The Hammock at Palm Harbor, a 15-acre subdivision on the south side of Clubhouse Drive, about 200 feet west of Palm Harbor Parkway. The new owners are marketing the town homes for $360,000 for a 1,181-square-foot three-bedroom and $427,000 for a 1,853 square-foot three or four-bedroom.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, June 24, 2024
The Bunnell City Commission meets, the Flagler County Beekeepers Association holds its monthly meeting, on Margaret Sanger, the eugenics movement, and some of liberal America’s darker moments.
Blue Whales Beyond the Mysteries
Blue whales are fascinating animals. At 24-30 metres in length (longer than a basketball court) they are the largest creatures on Earth. They are also among the rarest. Estimates suggest that there are only around 5,000 to 15,000 blue whales left in the world.
The Write-In Fraud
Two people who have zero intention to run campaigns have filed to run as write-ins, closing two Flagler County Commission races to 51 percent of the electorate in cynical maneuvers to benefit Ed Danko and Kim Carney in their respective races, against Pam Richardson in one and Nick Klufas and Bill Clark in the other. The write-in fraud takes advantage of a loophole in the law that enables anyone, without paying a dime or showing any intention to campaign, to be a write-in, thus closing otherwise open primaries.
Supreme Court Reprimands 7th Judicial Circuit Judge Casey Woolsey Over Misleading Posts
The Florida Supreme Court reprimanded a St. Johns County judge for a misleading social-media post during an election campaign — but said she did not violate rules by identifying herself as a “conservative.”
DeSantis Protects Left-Lane Laggards and Residents Who Shoot Bears in ‘Stand Your Ground’ Encounters
Gov. Ron DeSantis on Friday signed a controversial measure that will bolster self-defense arguments for people who kill bears on their property, while vetoing a bill that would have prevented motorists from cruising in the left lanes of highways.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday, June 23, 2024
The St. Augustine Music Festival, all free concerts, Farmer’s Market at European Village, what Donald Trump, Pope Boniface and King Philip IV have in common, and how the Federalist Society corrupts justice.
America’s Duplicitous Hostility Toward the International Criminal Court
President Joe Biden condemned the ICC prosecutor’s application for arrest warrants for Israel’s and Hamas leaders as “outrageous” and accused the ICC of drawing false moral equivalence between Hamas and Israel. just a year ago, when the ICC issued arrest warrants for Russian President Vladimir Putin and another Russian official for alleged international crimes in the Ukraine war, US officials were full of praise for the court. Biden welcomed the action, calling it “justified.”
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Saturday, June 22, 2024
“Crows and Ravens: Birds of Myth and Magic,” a workshop by author and FlaglerLive culture writer Rick de Yampert, Local Ham Radio Clubs Test Emergency Capabilities, Coffee With Commissioner Scott Spradley.
Descartes, the Deep State, Trump and QAnon
Radical doubt or scepticism was famously articulated by the 17th-century French philosopher and mathematician René Descartes in his Meditations on First Philosophy. Realising that many of his previous beliefs were mistaken, Descartes suggested that an all-powerful “evil genius” could be systematically deceiving him about his most basic beliefs – much like how the supposed deep state is apparently deceiving those who believe in QAnon.
With Thomas in Dissent, Supreme Court Upholds Ban on Domestic Abusers Owning Guns
The U.S. Supreme Court Friday upheld a federal law that bars people subject to domestic violence restraining orders from owning a firearm. In an 8-1 decision on United States v. Rahimi, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the opinion that “our Nation’s firearm laws have included provisions preventing individuals who threaten physical harm to others from misusing firearms.”
After 14 Years, Sam Perkovich Sells Parkside Realty to Lauren McPherson
After 14 years of serving homebuyers and sellers in Flagler County and beyond, Parkside Realty Group’s broker/owner, Sam Perkovich, has sold the company to Realtor Lauren McPherson as of June 1st. Sam will continue to contribute to the company as a broker/associate.
Celebrated Ex-County Engineer Faith al-Khatib Sues Over Termination, Citing Racism and Illegalities
Faith al-Khatib, for 18 years the Flagler County engineer and public works director repeatedly praised for securing millions in state and federal dollars for county projects, is suing the county for wrongful termination and retaliation, citing favoritism, illegal acts she refused to perform for the administration, and racism. Al-Khatib is of Palestinian extraction. It is the second lawsuit filed against the county by a former employee alleging discrimination in the past year.
Flagler County’s Unemployment Rate Declines to 3.6%, But Growth in Working-Age Labor Force Stalls
Flagler County’s May unemployment rate was 3.6 percent, down from 3.9 percent in April, as the rate continues to oscillate within the same narrow band it has for a year and a half. Previously steady growth in the labor force, however, has stalled. After rising earlier this year, it declined for the second month in a row, to 51,383, almost exactly where it stood a year ago. The labor force reflects working-age adults with families as opposed to children or retirees, who account for 60 percent of the county’s population.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Friday, June 21, 2024
Flagler and Florida unemployment numbers are released, the Blue 24 Forum, the facts, inch by inch, about sea levels rising, a few words from Rachel Carson.
A Final Goodbye to Willie Mays
Mays, who died on June 18, 2024, at the age of 93, was not only the greatest baseball player of the last 80 years, and quite possibly ever, but he was an enormously important figure in American sports, culture and history. His journey from the segregated Deep South of his childhood to being honored by President Barack Obama with the Presidential Medal of Freedom spans much of America’s racial history in the 20th and early 21st century.
Flagler Sheriff’s Office Implements Rapid DNA at Jail with $250,000 State Grant
Rapid DNA analysis is a fully automated process of developing a DNA profile from a mouth swab. Rapid DNA takes a qualifying arrestee’s DNA profile and automatically enters it in CODIS/NDIS during the booking process. The arrestee’s DNA sample is then searched against all unsolved crimes within 24 hours. The results are usually returned in one or two hours. No human laboratory scientist is needed.
Florida Supreme Court Finds No Threat to ‘Peaceful’ Protest in DeSantis Restrictions on Protesters
Rejecting arguments that the law is ambiguous, the Florida Supreme Court said Thursday that peaceful protesters are not threatened by a measure that Gov. Ron DeSantis and the Legislature passed in 2021 to crack down on violent demonstrations.
Palm Coast Arts Foundation’s Parting Legacy: a $69,000 Gift to City Repertory Theatre
Ending its 20-year-run, the Palm Coast Arts Foundation today handed over a $69,000 gift to City Repertory Theatre, the largest gift the theater troupe has ever received and one of the largest cultural gifts ever recorded from a non-governmental organization to another in Flagler. PCAF was required to disburse its remaining funds to a kindred non-profit before closing its books.
Flagler Beach Demolishes Any County Plan To Make Barrier Island Pay Higher Tax for Beach Protection
If the county plans any taxing method to pay for beach protection that taxes the barrier island more than it does the rest of the county, Flagler Beach will not sign off. Four of the five city commissioners are opposed to any such plan, and the fifth is skeptical of the county’s approach. Flagler Beach is especially resentful of the county for even discussing various proposals, however preliminary, without having included Flagler Beach in the discussions from the start.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Thursday, June 20, 2024
Not much going on locally other than Story Time for preschoolers at the Flagler Beach Public Library. A few words from Bob Cuff, a new Caglecast, and Steven Hahn on Illiberal America. Remember: a burn ban remains in effect.
If Israel and Hezbollah Go to War
The Israeli military is reported to have signed off on a major offensive against Hezbollah, the Lebanon-based militia, prompting fears that the situation could spiral into a full-blown war. The two sides have been exchanging fire since the conflict in Gaza began with the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7. But in recent weeks this has escalated considerably.
Daytona State College Proposes No Tuition Increase for 14th Consecutive Year
Recognizing the need to keep college affordable for all students, Daytona State College has proposed freezing tuition and associated fees for the 2024-25 academic year. This would mark the 14th consecutive year of no increases in tuition and associated fee rates. The DSC District Board of Trustees will vote on the proposal on Thursday at its regular monthly meeting.
Court Rules Old Dixe Motel Owners Have 10 Days to Provide County $250,000 Deposit Owed Since 2021
The owners of the derelict Old Dixie motel have 10 days to provide the Flagler County Clerk of Court a $250,000 deposit they have owed county government for three years as part of an agreement on the rehabilitation of the motel, Circuit Judge Chris France ruled in an order issued today.
For 17th Straight Year, Flagler Schools’ Enrollment Fails To Grow Despite Continuing Population Surge
In spite of growth that added 16,000 new residents to the county in three years, in spite of Palm Coast, the county and Flagler Beach issuing certificates of occupancy for some 3,200 housing units in 2023 alone, and in spite of similar growth trends in 2024, Flagler County schools are simply not attracting enough students to reflect that growth.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Juneteenth observance closes some government offices, Separation Chat’s open discussion, the cautionary story of Franck Brinsolaro, the armed bodyguard who could not stop mass shooters at Charlie Hebdo.
The Benefit of Biden’s Order Protecting Undocumented Immigrant Spouses of Citizens
Immigrants living in the U.S. without legal status but are married to U.S. citizens, will now have protection from deportation, President Joe Biden announced on June 18, 2024. In order to qualify, they must have arrived 10 or more years ago and be married to a U.S. citizen. Those who meet these criteria will be able to get work permits and can get on the pathway to citizenship while working and living in the U.S. legally.
Palm Coast Takes a Step Closer to Utility Tax, But Only If Voters Approve in a Binding Referendum
The Palm Coast City Council today took its closest step in 25 years toward a utility franchise fee, an additional levy that would raise your power bills by up to 10 percent. Public opposition has defeated such fee proposals four times since 2011. But the council is leaving it to the voting public to decide what the fee should be, or if there should be a fee at all. The fee must be contingent on a future referendum. And the referendum must be binding.
Seeing Record $82 Million Haul from State as Failure, Palm Coast Is on Brink of Firing Its Powerful Lobbyist
Disappointed by the performance of its lobbyist in Tallahassee despite netting $82 million in state appropriations this year, the Palm Coast City Council is on the verge of firing Southern Group, one of the state’s most powerful lobby firms. Council members spoke as if legislative appropriations were either the city’s due, or that securing them were a science that lobbyists know or don’t know. But that’s more fancy (or hubris) than truth in a whorl of politics, trade-offs and, in the governor’s case, often inscrutable vetoes.
LongHorn Steakhouse Opening Later This Year Near Miller’s Ale House at BJ’s Warehouse Shopping Center
LongHorn Steakhouse is building a 5,780 square-foot restaurant in one of the three businesses opening along State Road 100 in Palm Coast, in the BJ’s Warehouse shopping center opening later this year. The other two are Miller’s Ale House and Chase Bank. Two remaining spots have not been filled. Miller’s Ale House may be the first to open as soon as next month.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Clay Jones takes on Trump’s electric boat orchestra, the Palm Coast City Council meets, the Flagler school board meets twice, Food Truck Tuesday, Rushdie’s knife.
At ‘Monumental Groundbreaking’ for Beach-Rebuilding, Shovels of Praise, But Not a Word About Climate Change
Federal, state and local officials gathered at veterans Park in Flagler Beach under a broiling sun this morning for the groundbreaking of the $27 million beach-rebuilding project by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, a project 20 years in the making. Officials exchanged heaps of praise, but a principal reason behind the project–climate change–was left unspoken in a state where the words are now banned.
A Step Closer to Normalization With Cuba
The U.S. State Department removed Cuba from its list of countries “not fully cooperating” with anti-terrorism efforts in mid-May 2024, but you would be forgiven for not noticing. Taking Cuba off the list is a big deal. This latest move is a potential step toward a rapprochement between Washington and Havana.
Social Media and Gun Laws Await Supreme Court Rulings, with Big Implications for Florida
The social-media ruling likely will decide whether Florida can carry out a 2021 state law that placed restrictions on platforms such as Facebook and X. The gun ruling in a Texas case could help determine the fate of a 2018 Florida law that barred people under age 21 from buying rifles and shotguns.
Integrity Florida Calls on Governor DeSantis to Veto Senate Bill 7014
This bill threatens to undermine the very principles that our government should uphold. The bill includes provisions that would restrict the ability of citizens and watchdog organizations like Integrity Florida to hold elected officials accountable.
Palm Coast Launches Swale Maintenance Pilot Program in P-Section, Along with ‘Progress’ Page
The City of Palm Coast announced a new pilot program by the Stormwater and Engineering Department aimed at improving swale maintenance across the community. This initiative targets specific problem areas by selectively regrading and resodding high spots in swales, providing solutions without the need for complete overhauls. This program is part of the city’s ongoing commitment to enhancing infrastructure and services for residents.
Brian Pirraglia Indicted on 1st Degree Murder Charge in Fentanyl Overdose Death of Brian Oshea, 39
The same day Brian Oshea completed a jail sentence for drug possession, he returned to his former home and overdosed on fentanyl that belonged to Brian Pirraglia, who last week was indicted on a first-degree murder charge.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, June 17, 2024
Beach Renourishment Project groundbreaking in Flagler Beach, Elizabeth Tremoglie sentencing, the Flagler County Commission holds a pair of meetings, Ilan Pape’s detention by Homeland Security goons in Detroit.
Palestinian Writers’ Familiarity With Amputation
Though the current scale of pediatric amputations is unprecedented, the loss of limbs and the dividing of territories have been all-too-common features of the Palestinian experience since the Nakba, or “catastrophe,” of 1948, when 750,000 Palestinians were forced off their land or fled from it. For this reason, amputation has long played an important role in Palestinian literature: Lost limbs represent both physical and metaphorical loss.
Banning Asylum Is No Way to an Immigration Fix
Under both U.S. and international law, anyone fleeing persecution in another country has a right to request asylum and have their claim assessed. But both the Trump and Biden administrations have dramatically undermined these protections. Most recently, Biden’s executive order and accompanying federal rule on “Securing the Border” — which effectively closed the U.S.-Mexico border this June — all but suspended the right to asylum altogether.
Biden Is Right: Over 100 Million Americans Would Lose Protection for Preexisting Conditions if ACA Is Repealed
A previous fact-check ruled Biden’s claim that 100 million Americans have preexisting conditions as in the ballpark, and nothing suggests that’s changed. Depending on the definition, the number could be smaller, but it also could be even greater and is likely to have increased since 2014.
Palm Coast’s Mayor David Alfin and City’s Administrative Leaders Will Hold Town Halls
The first Town Hall will be with Mayor David Alfin on June 28, from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. at the Palm Coast Southern Recreation Center at 1290 Belle Terre Pkwy. This event is free and open to the public. Attendees can ask questions and discuss issues that matter to them in an open forum. Complimentary coffee will be provided.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday, June 16, 2024
Father’s Day Barbecue Bash at First United Methodist Church in Palm Coast, Palm Coast Farmers’ Market at European Village, how the press reflected the Israeli rescue of hostages in Gaza and the massacre of over 200 Palestinians.