Apparently the Joe Biden administration’s triangulation over Israel and its regional conflicts isn’t appreciated by one key demographic.
According to polling conducted the last two days of October by the Council on American Islamic Relations of “1,449 verified Muslim voters,” Green Party candidate Jill Stein is marginally ahead of Vice President Kamala Harris with America’s 2.5 million voters of the Islamic faith.
“42% now favor Stein for president while 41% favor Harris. This is a statistical tie similar to the 29% support each candidate received in CAIR’s late August survey,” the group is announcing.
Former President Donald Trump has 10% support, suggesting that attempts to reach out to Muslim voters in recent days haven’t made much of a mark.
“This final national poll of American Muslim voters confirms that our community members are deeply engaged in the 2024 election, with 95 percent saying they plan to turn out to vote. The poll also confirms that opposition to U.S. support for the war on Gaza continues to play a major role in influencing Muslim voter preferences,” asserts CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad.
“The significant drop in support for major presidential candidates compared to 2020 and 2016 is almost certainly a result of community concerns regarding the genocide in Gaza,” adds governmental affairs director Robert McCaw.
–A.G. Gancarski, Florida Politics
Laurel says
Apparently, Muslim voters are less concerned with Democracy in the U.S.. Brilliant.
Deborah Coffey says
Exactly, Laurel…not to mention that they will all likely be deported if Trump wins.
Celia Pugliese says
Using the current administration as sacrificial lamb is not the way to resolve an issue. Biden was between the sword and the wall in this conflict and still we are all as well as per my view. Is very sad and tragic that world wide people resort to kill their human fellow men, women and children over political reasons other than using understanding at the dialog table and achieve a happy median positive to all while protecting lives. Our USA can’t resolve all those conflicts unless we put our young men and women in the front lines of war every time to loose their lives! I am sure not for this either. Hope enough Republicans make up for the loss of these voters as we do not need a dictatorship that will be impossible to shake off. We have to be very mindful of what we wish for…Whoever is to win this election I pray will be an asset for every American Citizen first that voted for them and lets accept the results with total respect and peaceful transition. Lets show our love for our USA that so many Veterans made the supreme sacrifice to preserve Free for us all. After all we are all Americans lets celebrate together whoever will win please.
Pogo says
Sinan Wiese says
Does it seem counterintuitive that the Muslims would waste their votes on Stein and give Trump a higher probability of victory when it was he who wanted a ban on them?
richard polirer says
In his seminal work, The Closed Circle, historian David Pryce-Jones stated that Muslim tribalism weighed most heavily in preventing their adapting to the fall of the Ottoman Empire after WW I in general, and to the growth of the Jewish Homeland in the reconstituted Modern State of Israel. They were too busy saying no rather than getting to yes, in other words. Better yet, in the words of Abba Eban, “they never lose an opportunity to lose an opportunity.”
The current “spoiler” campaign waged by disaffected American Muslims to derail the Harris election, throwing away their votes against Trump into the meaningless opting for Jill Stein, reveals the same shortsightedness at work.
Do they REALLY want Trump to win? No. They do not forgive him for moving the US Embassy to jerusalem and being close to PM Netanyahu. They are just mad– and they they are throwing a tantrum that is NOT in their best interest.
Please understand that the Middle East is NOT America, and the mores of people in this geographic area that values raw power and emotion over Western ideas of diplomacy and compromise, are NOT the mores that fuel America and the West.
Their best bet is to bet on Kamala Harris and the Democrats, for THEIR positions on the Middle East are more flexible than those of Trump and their alignment with Netanyahu is not as strong.
They are making a huge mistake.
richard polirer says
Silly Muslims: Voting for Jill Stein will enable Trump, the guy who moved the American Embassy to Jerusalem. He and his MAGA really don’t care about you and your views– about anything, actually. HE is an autocrat, so get ready for his autocracy if you vote for Stein.
You are better off with Harris, whose Democratic Party has a progressive wing that sees the world YOUR way. Harris will use compromise and diplomacy in working with THAT wing, as well as the mainstream in crafting policy that walks the delicate tightrope between Arabs and Israelis in the Middle East.
Don’t lose an opportunity to make your voices heard in the Harris administration. You have everything to gain. With Trump, you have everything to lose in the ensuing chaos.
Pick your choice.
Kennan says
Although I understand what a lot of Democrats are saying, because I am one of them. unfortunately, most of you are missing the point. Forget about the fact that I’m half Syrian and no way, way, way too much about Gazza. My father was an expert in the Middle East and had the credentials to prove it. I am his son and learned much in my years being exposed to him and his unbiased wealth of understanding. The keyword here is conscience. Let me say it again. CONSCIENCE .
Let’s forget about the fact that I’m half Syrian and concentrate on the fact that I’m bloody American. American I along with many others, understand the fact that this is not just a catastrophe in Gaza. This is an American catastrophe, not just because we created it, but also when the dust clears the ramifications that will be felt by us making ourselves a pariah state because we supported a nation that perpetrated a nonstop genocide on Palestinians. Not Hamas. Palestinians. That shady Hamas, hiding behind civilians excuse is worn out tired, and quite frankly disrespectful and disgusting. Let me be frank. The vast majority of the world sees what’s going on in front of their eyes. The Israelis don’t know in many cases how many Hamas operators they got or didn’t get. When they did get a host negotiator, they did it with a pinpoint precision attack in another country like Iran. No pinpoint ism In Gaza.
The self proclaimed most stable institution in the Middle East has carried out more than 50,000 killings, mostly women and children. Around 30,000. 786 of which our children under one year-old. Have pinpointed attacks on every hospital, Mosque, refugee camp and every safe zone you can imagine. Safe zone? The most stable institution in the Middle East has killed 183 journalist at This point. 200 UN workers at least as well as blocked humanitarian assistance to Gazza with the assisted lies of Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. The secretary of state that was told by pro publica as well as the state department own refugee bureau that this was happening. Which he denied to Congress. The state department upon being questioned now for over a year, and certainly within the last six months, have used words like cease-fire, and then turned around and voted against cease-fires, at least six times at the UN. Hypocrisy that can no longer be ignored. When also taking into account that we continue to funnel billions of dollars of weapons missiles And such to continue the genocide that is now flowing into Lebanon.
Please think about the ridiculously unthoughtful comments you’re gonna make about a person’s choice to vote or not vote based on the egregious facts that I have just presented you.
Listen, I get it. I think Trump is an existential threat to our democracy, but what When I think about all the shit being talked about what a great democracy, and the shining city on the hill we are and see the unbridled support that Harris is still giving Israel, at least verbally. My conscience therefore tells me that I can’t vote for that. Would Trump do worse? Probably, but murder is murder. So calling Muslims or Arabs, silly is about as thoughtless as you can get.
Kennan says
Oh, and one more thing. It’s about being human. If we can’t get our humanity, right we will never get our country right..
Bob says
Cutting off their noses to spite their faces … and so it goes.
Skibum says
We are now hearing about all of this country’s Muslim voters who apparently voiced their anger at the Democrat Party by, of all things, casting their votes for Trump, who is now once again the president elect and come January, will occupy the WH for the next four years. What… Muslim Americans didn’t get enough of Trump and the Republicans the last time he was in office? Did he do ANYTHING positive or beneficial for Muslims?? Do they really, really believe this prejudiced, anti-Middle East convicted felon mob boss would be inclined to favor anything that Muslims would like to see implemented??? Crazy is as crazy does. Muslim voters decided to bite off their nose to spite their face, so to speak. Yeah, I’m sure that will work out for them! So be pissed off that democrats haven’t done what you think is enough for you… just wait until you see what Trump has in store for his “2nd coming”!!!
Pogo says
@Duh Vegetarians Club
… invites you to drop by the Steak House and taproom, ebbyone’s voice is important.
They (duh Uncommitted) elected the fucking Willy Wonka of calamities.
In early February, after pResident Vance ends the national coffee break period of mourning, and Melania’s roller skate, the one that caused the fateful fall on the way to the toilet, disappears from the evidence room — chief of staff Musk announces new era for his 337 million employees…
To Mars — Alice!!!
Kennan says
Listen, standing for something can sometimes be very painful. My conscience would not allow me to vote for anybody in line with an administration that said cease-fire yes. You and vote no. Seven times I might add. Lesser of two evils. I get it, but a liar is a liar. A liar that somehow believes that one group of people is better than all others. Including Americans. So please think twice before you call people that didn’t vote for Harris crazy. It’s not Democrats that are crazy. It’s not Republicans that are crazy. It’s this damn country that is crazy