Retailers hope Floridians will stock up on storm supplies during the sales-tax “holiday” that started Saturday, particularly as the increasingly active hurricane season is bringing Hurricane Idalia through a vast portion of the state later this week. The state’s second “disaster preparedness” tax holiday of the year continues through Sept. 8.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, August 28, 2023
The Flagler County Commission holds a 2:30 p.m. workshop to discuss its beach management plan, the Flagler County Beekeepers Association meets, a cop beats a man with a tennis racket as the man is being attacked by a police dog.
What Is Bail?
Trump’s bail was set at US$200,000, while his former attorney Rudy Giuliani’s bail was set at $150,000. Megan T. Stevenson, a University of Virginia law professor who researches bail, answers questions about the American bail system and how the bail amounts in the Georgia election interference case reflect that system.
DeSantis Wants Children to Be Ignorant, Intolerant and Narrow-Minded
In Ron DeSantis’ Florida, teachers are expected to present a version of the world in which “gender” is not to be spoken of, “gay” likewise, there’s no climate crisis — the weather’s always changing! — Shakespeare needs to be toned down, the human body is disgusting, slavery had an upside, America is the best country that ever was and ever will be, and books that challenge any of these self-evident truths must be banned.
White Supremacist Murders 3 Black People at Dollar General in Jacksonville, Before Shooting Himself
Sheriff T.K. Waters said two males and one female — all Black — were killed in the shootings, and the shooter killed himself. He had been armed with an AR-15 style rifle and a handgun, with the rifle showing several swastikas. At the time of the news conference, the shooter’s name had not yet been identified, but Sheriff Waters said the man had authored manifestos that were provided to his parents, the media, and federal agents. The sheriff referenced the “disgusting ideology of hate.”
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday, August 27, 2023
Palm Coast Farmers’ Market at European Village, how the FBI, not the Washington Post, brought down Richard Nixon, and once again, Pacho Flores’s performance, on the trumpet, of Arturo Marquez’s superb “Autumn Concerto.”
Ex-Wife Once Outsold The Great Gatsby. Why is No One Reading It Now?
Both “Ex-Wife” and “The Great Gatsby” are modern novels of love and loss, money and (mostly bad) manners. At first, “Ex-Wife” was far more successful than “Gatsby,” blasting through a dozen printings and selling over 100,000 copies. It’s forgotten, yet “Ex-Wife” deserves a place alongside Fitzgerald’s novel in classrooms and in the hands of a new generation of readers based on the merits of its style and contents.
Escambia County School Board Wants to Ban Any Book It Wishes
The Escambia County School Board is urging a federal judge to toss out a lawsuit filed by authors, a publishing company, parents and a non-profit organization challenging the removal or restriction of books in school libraries. It argues that it has authority to decide what books will be allowed in schools and that a new state law helps shield it from the allegations.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Saturday, August 26, 2023
The Saturday Flagler Beach Farmers Market, “Jerry and Moly and Sam,” a story by Raymond Carver, the Commitments at the dark end of the street.
Why Most Trump Trials Won’t Be Televised
The near blackout will leave 330 million Americans relying on news reports, artist renderings and social media posts for the bulk of their information, despite wanting to see the live proceedings for themselves.
GOP Lawmaker Proposes 8-Year Term Limits for County Commissioners
A House Republican on Thursday proposed a constitutional amendment that would impose eight-year term limits on county commissioners. Rep. Michelle Salzman, R-Pensacola, filed the proposal (HJR 19) for consideration during the 2024 legislative session, which will start in January. But turnover has not been an issue on the Flagler County Commission.
Flagler Schools Have a ‘Subgroup’ Problem. It’s Not Blacks. It’s Not Even Students.
It is now so routine to reduce individual students to cogs among subgroups enslaved to the expectations of standardized testing that our educators have lost sight of their purpose. The state’s transformation of education into a dehumanizing machinery is to blame. So is the Flagler County School Board’s emphasis on running the district as a business, and now branding its superintendent a “CEO.” The individuality and dignity of students is lost to a damaging bottom-line mentality.
Deep Disagreements Remain Between School District and Cities and Builders Over Enrollment and Impact Fee Dues
Are Flagler County’s public schools adding students? Will the district need to build new schools? Should it be drawing money from developers today even though it has no certain plans to build schools yet? Those questions were asked and answered with varying degrees of certainty and a lot more disagreements on Thursday in the latest meeting of a joint committee of local government representatives in charge of reviewing how much money developers are required to pay to defray the cost of new school construction.
Man Arrested at Flagler Beach’s Boardwalk for Swinging Bat, Threatening Adults and a Child and Calling Himself God
Stephen Douglass Torma, 43, swung a bat as he threatened passers by on Flagler Beach’s boardwalk, damaged the boardwalk with the bat then threatened a Flagler Beach police officer and his family with harm. Torma’s spiral has been traced in his court file over the last four years.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Friday, August 25, 2023
The Blue 24 Forum, the A1A Pride Committee meets, the death of Lolita, the The 57-year-old whale at the Miami aquarium, Susan Orlean on Willie.
Can We Prevent Another Great Extinction?
Southern California experienced a wave of wildfires 13,000 years ago. These fires permanently transformed the region’s vegetation and contributed to Earth’s largest extinction in more than 60 million years. This was a time marked by dramatic climate upheavals and rapidly spreading human populations. The parallels between the late Pleistocene megafaunal extinctions and today’s environmental crises are striking.
Flagler School Board Members Meet Behind Closed Doors to ‘Debrief’ Until Attorney Breaks Them Up
All five Flagler County School Board members met behind a closed door after a press conference this morning, until the school board attorney, who had been unaware of the meeting, broke them up. One of the board member insists no business before the board was discussed, and that the meeting was intended only to tell the superintendent she had done a good job at the press conference.
School Officials Forcefully Denounce ‘Segregation’ Assembly But Steps Ahead Are Vague Beyond ‘Conversations’
The denunciations were forceful and Interim Superintendent LaShakia Moore’s air of command over the most serious crisis of her tenure as interim was evident at a press conference this morning. But the steps ahead, beyond community meetings, more encounters with parents and students, and talk of “professional learning” with school employees, are far less clear even as the district positions itself against potential litigation.
Bunnell Principal Donelle Evensen on Administrative Leave as District Faces Fallout of Segregated Assembly
Donelle Evensen, the principal at Bunnell Elementary School for mere weeks, was placed on paid administrative leave today, and Superintendent LaShakia Moore asked that a three-hour board workshop scheduled for today, where she was to be interviewed for the permanent job, be postponed.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Thursday, August 24, 2023
School Board workshop on the hiring of LaShakia Moore as superintendent, Florida Humanities Speakers Series: “Respect: Soul Music and the Civil Rights Movement” at AACS, Yasser Arafat and Jorge Luis Borges.
What Florida Gets Wrong About George Washington and Enslaving Blacks
Florida officials want public school educators to misleadingly emphasize Washington’s efforts to abolish slavery. Yet Washington’s efforts to free Black people pale in comparison to how he fought to keep Black people enslaved.
Superintendent Lashakia Moore Issues Stronger Apology Over Bunnell Elementary’s Segregationist Assembly
Contrary to her written statement on Tuesday, today’s video statement by LaShakia Moore on the segregating of Black students in an assembly at Bunnell Elementary last week was more forceful, more clearly recognizing the breadth of the problem–as her statement on Tuesday had not–and twice included an explicit apology.
Bomb Squad Disarms Report of Grenades After Swarming Around House of Murder Suspect in Woodlands
The house at 20 Blare Drive, the scene of a murder by gunshot last week, drew authorities again today, including a bomb squad, after a resident reported finding a crate of grenades inside. But the crate ended up containing only ammunition.
School Board Will Hold 3-Hour Interview of LaShakia Moore for Superintendent, But Hopes You Won’t Attend
The Flagler County School Board is holding one of its most important public meetings of the year Thursday, between 9 a.m. and noon. Misleadingly referring to it as a “retreat,” the board will hold an extended interview with Interim Superintendent LaShakia Moore to determine whether it should end its search for a permanent superintendent and appoint Moore in September. Some members of the School Board would rather you did not know about the meeting, and did not attend.
Lyonel Jeune, 65, Arrested on 1st Degree Felony Charge in Hit-and-Run Death of William Rembert, 56
Lyonel Jeune, a 65-year-old resident of Beacon Mill Lane in Palm Coast, was arrested over the weekend and charged with a first-degree felony in the hit-and-run death of William Joseph Rembert, 56, on Dec. 1, 2021, at Palm Coast Parkway and Leanni Way, near Belle Terre Parkway. The charge carries a penalty of up to 30 years in prison on conviction.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Wednesday, August 23, 2023
The Flagler County Public Library Book Club takes on “The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo,” Separation Chat, Open Discussion, memories of Baalbek and the Temple of Jupiter.
Why Trump’s Supporters Remain Loyal
People around the world — including many Americans — cannot understand why a sizeable portion of the United States population continues to support Donald Trump, despite an ever-increasing list of charges against him, including the latest indictments in Georgia. Here’s an explanation.
Palm Coast and Flagler County Plan Their Parks
A significant move towards improving future recreational spaces in Palm Coast and Flagler County was taken as the “Planning Our Parks” Master Plan Initiative was discussed by the Parks Master Plan consultant during a Palm Coast City Council meeting in early August.
Ex-Congresswoman Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, a Democrat, Will Seek to Unseat Sen. Rick Scott
Former South Florida Democratic Congresswoman Debbie Mucarsel-Powell is now a candidate for U.S. Senate, announcing Tuesday morning that she is seeking to unseat Republican incumbent Rick Scott in 2024.
Flagler Tiger Bay Roars Farewell to Founding President Greg Davis After Five Years
Greg Davis stepped down as Flagler Tiger Bay’s first president after five years in a farewell at the Palm Coast Community Center. Davis, Don Madden and others established the club over five years ago as a non-partisan forum that champions discourse and civility over polemic.
Flagler County Beats Sharp Retreat on Raising Sales Tax or on Increasing Road Levy on Daytona North
It’s messaging in a bit of a shamble, the Flagler County Commission on Monday beat a retreat on two fronts: it will not seek cities’ support in an attempt to raise the sales tax an additional half penny. And it will not raise the special tax Daytona North residents pay for road maintenance. Both issues had been controversial. The retreats underscore a combination of lacking, poor and conflicting messaging from the County Commission on one side and a rueful public reaction to both proposals on the other.
Dad Accused of Neglect as 4-Year-Old Child Wanders Across SR100 Against Traffic in Middle of Night
Christian Zaborowski, the 22-year-old father of a 4-year-old boy, faces a felony child neglect charge after authorities accused him of leaving his front door unlocked and being unaware that his son had wandered out of the apartment and onto State Road 100 after midnight Monday, where a vehicle came to a dead stop just before striking the child.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Tuesday, August 22, 2023
The NAACP Flagler Branch’s General Membership meeting this evening, cry the oil companies a river of oil, H.L. Mencken on the American press, the Cast of Curb Your Enthusiasm with Brian William.
Gender Apartheid in Afghanistan Is a Crime Against Humanity
The Taliban has denied Afghan women the most basic human rights in what can only be described as gender apartheid. Only by labelling it as such and making clear the situation in Afghanistan is a crime against humanity can the international community legally fight the systematic discrimination against the country’s women and girls.
Black Students at Bunnell Elementary Are Told Of ‘Early Grave’ If They ‘Clown’ Around and Don’t Perform
Bunnell Elementary’s Black 4th and 5th graders on Friday were singled out in two assembles, told that if they didn’t bring up their test scores, they could end up in jail, shot or dead, they were paired off to compete academically against each other, and the winners would get McDonald’s and Chick-fil-A. Their parents were never told. Parents are outraged. The superintendent acknowledges that while raising test scores is essential, the situation was mishandled.
Palm Coast Approves Doubling Housing Units to 845 at Lighthouse Harbor on Colbert Lane, Part of Future ‘Village’
The council approved several deviations from the Land Development Code to accommodate the developer, which is part of the Marina Village collection of developments. Between Marina del Palma’s 615 units to its immediate north and a 240-unit apartment complex immediately to the west of Colbert Lane, the cluster of new developments will add 1,400 housing units.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, August 21, 2023
The Flagler County Commission takes on the final plat approval for Veranda Bay, the Mosquito Control District Board meets, the day the Mona Lisa was stolen for the second time.
‘Uncivil Obedience,’ Reactionaries’ New Protest Method
Uncivil obedience is the opposite of the more commonly known protest strategy of civil disobedience. Protesters may appear to respect authority by carefully following the laws to show what they are doing is legal. But the behavior may be seen as “uncivil” by some because the behavior challenges social expectations, uses laws in ways unintended by their originators, or both.
Ohio’s Message to Florida: There’s Still Hope for Democracy
Terrified that an amendment giving women — not Gilead Republicans — control over their reproductive health would pass in November, Ohio’s right-wingers figured they’d change the rules in the middle of the game. But on Aug. 8, voters in this allegedly red state rejected a Republican-backed measure to make it harder for citizens to amend their constitution.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday, August 20, 2023
Sunday Chess Club at Chabad of Palm Coast, Palm Coast Farmers’ Market at European Village, William Maxwell’s “Over By the River,” Charles Portis on taking in an intellectual woman.
How Cats Finagled Their Way Into Human Hearts and Homes
Clearly, the few evolutionary changes the domestic cat has made have been the right ones to wangle their way into people’s hearts and homes. It started in the Middle East. The boldest cats entered huts and perhaps allowed themselves to be petted – kittens are adorable! – and, voilà, the domestic cat was born.
Unprecedented $1 Billion Available in Grants to Prevent Wildfires. Most Towns Don’t Know About It.
There’s a huge pot of federal money available to communities across the country — an unprecedented amount that would allow towns to quickly tackle work that otherwise would take decades.
Flagler County Jail Wins National Innovation Award for Initiatives Preparing Inmates’ Re-Integration
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office’s jail has been awarded the 2023 Innovation Award for medium-sized facilities by the American Jail Association. Sheriff Staly, Court and Detention Services Chief Dan Engert, and other Detention Services members accepted the award at AJA’s 42nd Conference and Jail Expo in Omaha, Nebraska during the awards banquet.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Saturday, August 19, 2023
The Saturday Flagler Beach Farmers Market, Grace Community Food Pantry, Bill Clinton’s 77th, with rewinds to Clinton on Letterman and Michiko Kakutani on Clinton.
Georgia’s Trump Indictment Is a GOP Dream of States’ Rights
Donald Trump is now experiencing the full weight of a system of government in which criminal law is produced and enforced by law enforcement agencies and prosecutors across 50 states–the “federalism” Ronald Reagan preached–and by one powerful central government.
Flagler County’s Unemployment Rate, While Still Low, Hits 18-Month High as Workforce Surges
Flagler County’s unemployment rate in July was 3.7 percent, still very low by historical standards and still considered full employment by economist’s standards. But it was the highest rate in 18 months, going back to January 2022, when unemployment was at 4.1 percent.
Waterfront Park Finds Its Latest ‘Paddle Straight to Paradise’ as $1.2 Million Boat Pad and Launch Open
The new boat ramp at the very popular Waterfront Park is part of a $1.2 million project adding access for non-motorized boats to the Intracoastal Waterway, which the city celebrated with a ribbon-cutting today. The next phase of the project is construction of an 80-space parking adjacent to the launch.
Collin Calvert, 21, Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison Over Armed Robbery of Palm Coast Store for Strip Joint Money
Colin Calvert, the 21-year-old man who stole a rifle, robbed a Palm Coast convenience store of nearly 5,000 in cash, which he put in a Happy Meal box, spent all the money at a strip joint, then burglarized a gun store, was sentenced to 10 years in prison on Thursday, followed by five years on probation.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Friday, August 18, 2023
Waterfront Park Ribbon Cutting, Pete Davidson and Friends in Ponte Vedra Beach, Midnight Mayhem at One Daytona, E.B. Sledge and With the Old Breed: At Peleliu and Okinawa.
Atlantic Currents At Risk of Collapse, with Catastrophic Implications
New findings suggest the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, or Amoc, could collapse within the next few decades – maybe even within the next few years – driving European weather to even greater extremes.