Today: Partly cloudy. Areas of fog in the morning. Highs in the lower 80s inland…in the upper 70s coast. East winds 10 to 15 mph. Tonight: Partly cloudy. A 20 percent chance of showers after midnight. Lows in the lower 60s. East winds 5 to 10 mph. Details here.
Today’s document from the National Archives and the Astronomy Picture of the Day.
Today’s tides: at the beaches, at the Intracoastal Waterway.
Drought Index111
The OED’s Word of the Day: funambulate, v..
The Live Community Calendar
Today’s jail bookings.
Today’s Briefing: Quick Links
- First Light
- In Flagler and Palm Coast
- Flagler Jail Bookings and Last 24 Hours of Incident Reports
- Announcements
- In State Government
- In Coming Days in Flagler, Palm Coast and Beyond
- The Day’s Best Reads
- Editor’s Tweets
- Fact-Checking the Knaves
- Palm Coast Construction and Development
- Local Road and Interstate Construction
- Cultural Coda
“Moral standards of yesterday to many individuals are no standard for today unless supported by the so-called ‘intellectuals.’ I sincerely believe that partial education throughout the world is far worse than none at all, if we only educate the mind without the soul…. turn that man loose upon the world [who has] no power higher than his own, he is a monstrosity, he is but halfway educated, and is more dangerous than though he were not educated at all. You can stick a public school and a university in the middle of every block of every city in America and you will never keep America from rotting morally by mere intellectual education. During the past few years the intellectual properties have been knocked out from under the theories of men. Even the average university professor is willing to listen to the voice of the preacher. [In place of the Bible] we substituted reason, rationalism, mind culture, science worship, the working power of government, Freudianism, naturalism, humanism, behaviorism, positivism, materialism, and idealism. [This is the work of] so-called intellectuals. Thousands of these ‘intellectuals’ have publicly stated that morality is relative – that there is no normal or absolute standard.”
–Billy Graham, cited in Richard Hofstadter’s “Anti-Intellectualism in American Life” (1963).
Note: all government meetings noticed below are free and open to the public unless otherwise indicated. Many can be heard or seen live through each agency’s website.
The Sheriff’s daily incident reports and jail bookings are posted here.
Common Ground: The Flagler County Chamber of Commerce’s latest Common Ground breakfast features a discussion of local transportation issues and planning, with Flagler County Engineer Faith Alkhatib, who will lead a discussion about transportation’s impact on the local economy, tourism and the safety and wellbeing of residents and visitors, along with Lois Bollenback from the River to Sea Transportation Planning Organization and Alison Stettner from the Florida Department of Transportation. 8 to 9:15 a.m. at the Grand Haven Golf Club, 500 Riverside Drive, Palm Coast. The cost is $25 for pre-registrants, $30 the day of the event for chamber members. Guests can attend for $35. Contact Gretchen Smith by email. Registration begins at 7:30 Breakfast starts promptly at 8.
In Court: A status hearing is scheduled in the felony case against former Elections Supervisor Kimberle Weeks, who faces five third-degree felony charges of allegedly illegally recording or transmitting conversations. At 1:30 p.m. in Courtroom 402 before Circuit Judge Margaret Hudson.
Vacation rentals: House Bill 773 is scheduled to be heard by the House Government Accountability Committee at 9 a.m. and Senate Bill 1400 is scheduled to be heard by the Senate Appropriations Committee at 2 p.m.. Both bills attempt to preempt local government regulation of vacation rentals in residential areas.
African-American Read-In: Belle Terre Elementary hosts its annual African American Read-In from 9 to 11 a.m. at the school. The event draws on numerous community and civic leaders who will read to classes from kindergarten through sixth grade and speak about their work and experiences. The school is looking for volunteers: contact LaToya Lockhart.
Town Hall Meeting: Flagler County School Board member Andy Dance and County Commissioner Nate McLaughlin, both of whom are running for re-election this year, host a town hall meeting at 5:30 p.m. at Hidden Trails Community Center, 6108 Mahogany Blvd., Bunnell.
The Flagler Beach City Commission meets at City Hall at 5:30 p.m. Commissioners are expected to consider approving a change Order to the contract with Quentin Hampton Associates for additional construction inspection services for the city’s sewer plant’s phase II project. Commissioners will also consider a request for a Special Exception Application to convert a single family house into a private school at 1011 S. Daytona Avenue. The applicant is LL Property Holdings LLC. This item was continued from the January 25 and February 8 meetings.
Governor Scott has ordered the execution of Eric Branch at 6 p.m. at the Florida state prison at Starke. Branch was sentenced to death in 1994 after being convicted of killing Susan Morris. This would be the 27th execution ordered by Scott, a record for a Florida governor.
The Palm Coast Beautification and Environmental Advisory Committee meets at 5 p.m. at City Hall in Town Center. The committee will hear a presentation on the Birds of a Feather fest just passed, and discuss the removal and replacement of trees along Palm Coast Parkway.
Indivisible Postcard Writing Event at Fair Trade Cafe, 160 Cypress Pt Pkwy, Bldg D, Unit 103, Palm Coast: Meet with your fellow Indivisible members to write postcards to Get Out The Vote for Progressive candidates across the Country or to our Representatives. Please confirm here 24 hours in advance to allow for preparations. Postcards and stamps provided, donations to pay for stamps encouraged. If you have plain postcards and postcard stamps-feel free to bring, but not necessary. Coffee, tea, smoothies, pastries and limited lunch items are available for purchase from Fair Trade. They are giving this space to us free so we strongly encourage you purchasing items from them. This is a non profit business-all employees are volunteers, everything they make-even tips go to their mission fund.
Shakespeare In the Park: A co-production of City Repertory Theatre and the Palm Coast Arts Foundation: Join both as they present the Foundation’s first Shakespeare in the Park with Macbeth, Friday at 6 p.m. (opening night $50 PCAF members or CRT subscribers), $75 for the general public (includes two drinks, tickets and appetizers); Friday and Saturday, $25/$30, 7 p.m. start, and Sunday matinee at 2 p.m. Students with ID get in for $10. Call 386/225-4394 or go here to book tickets.
The Flagler Palm Coast High Thespians present “Leading ladies,” by Ken Ludwig, at 7 p.m. at the Flagler Auditorium on Thursday and Friday, and both 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Saturday. Tickets are $12 for adults and $8 for students, not including an Auditorium ticketing fee. Buy tickets online at
The Florida Agricultural Museum’s Farm Swap and Music Jam, which will take place every Thursday between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m., with farm fresh fruits and veggie arts, crafts, ready to eat stuff an d local musicians. Vendors sign up here:
Flagler County Art League Celebration: As part of its 40th anniversary celebration, the Flagler County Art League hosts a panel discussion with artists Peter Cereta, Judy Barnewolt-Jones, Audrey Rosen, Trish Vevera and Weldon Ryan for a lively discussion, moderated by Judi Wormeck, about inspiration, motivation and more. Flagler County Art League, City Marketplace, 160 Cypress Point Parkway, Suite 207 C. Refreshments and conversation at 6:30. Presentation at 7 p.m. Open to the public. No charge. Call 386.986.4668 or visit
Liberal Arts and Higher Education Day at Flagler College, part of the celebration of the inauguration of Dr. Joseph G. Joyner as the fourth president of Flagler College, with a keynote address at 7 p.m., “Diversity in a Democracy: What Can We Learn from Socrates?” in Lewis Auditorium, 14 Granada St., St. Augustine, by Dr. Georgia Nugent, the Senior Fellow at The Council of Independent Colleges (CIC), president emerita of Kenyon College and former interim president of The College of Wooster. Dr. Nugent has been a strong advocate for the continuing importance, power, and vitality of the liberal arts in the 21st century. Her speech will focus on how Socrates, the ancient Greek philosopher, can offer us insight into moving forward in an increasing complex world.

Live and inert bombing: Navy training schedules indicate that live and inert bombing will take place at the Pinecastle Range Complex located in the Ocala National Forest, which may rattle windows in Palm Coast and Flagler County. The schedule is as follows:
- Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Inert
During bombing periods wildlife may be temporarily displaced. Use extra caution when driving through the Ocala National forest and surrounding areas. Secure any items around your residence that could attract wildlife. Always be mindful of larger animals including black bears and practice bearwise measures. The telephone number for noise complaints is 1-800-874-5059, Fleet Area Control and Surveillance Facility, Jacksonville, Fla.
Note: today is the Flagler Class 25 Application Deadline at the Flagler County Chamber of Commerce. $385 for members, $535 for non-members. Call the Chamber at 386-437-0106.
Blood Donations: The Big Red Bus will be at the following locations this week:
- Thursday: Tom Gibbs Chevrolet, 5850 East Hway 100, palm Coast, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
- Thursday: CVS Pharmacy, 1 Old Kings Road, at Palm Coast Parkway, 1:30 to 6:30 p.m.
- Saturday: Epic Theaters, Town Center, Palm Coast, from noon to 6 p.m.
- Sunday: Walmart, 174 Cypress Point Parkway, Palm Coast, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Jail Bookings and Last 24 Hours' Incidents in Flagler, Palm Coast, Flagler Beach, Bunnell
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Jail Bookings, June 19-22 Sheriff's night shift incident reports, June 21 Sheriff's day shift incident reports, June 21 Flagler Beach's night shift incident reports, June 21 Flagler Beach's day shift incident reports, June 21 Bunnell police's night shift incident reports, June 21 Bunnell police's day shift incident reports, June 21 |
Ongoing this morning, the great African-American Read-In at Belle Terre Elementary. Here’s what it looked like in Ms. Ajayi’s third grade class around 10 this morning, as Cheryl Tristam of the Flagler Youth Orchestra, with an accompanist, read “The Bat Boy and His Violin.”
David Lydon to host ‘Veterans on Point’ radio show: Flagler County Veterans Services officer, David Lydon, will host a WNZF radio talk show called “Veterans on Point.” “Lydon is the perfect host for this local radio talk show with his vast knowledge, his network of local veterans organizations, and his position with the county,” said David Ayres, general manager of Flagler Broadcasting. “Plus, he is still actively serving in the United States Air Force Reserves.” The first program will air at 9:30 a.m. Sunday, March 4. The radio show is designed to give local veterans a voice – and a listen – to many issues and challenges that veterans and their families face, including information about the Veterans Administration and special events. Guests to the program will include local, regional and national entities that focus on Flagler County’s veteran community. “This is a first for me,” said Lydon, who has been a guest on the Free-for-All Friday WNZF radio program. Lydon holds the rank of major as part-time United States Air Force Reserve squadron commander, 927th Security Forces Squadron, at MacDill Air Force Base. Additionally, he is president of the Military Officers Association of America, a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8696, and the American Legion Post 115. The program will air 9:30 to 10 a.m. Sunday mornings on 1550 AM and 106.3 FM. It will also stream live at, as well as on Google Play and Amazon Echo.
In Florida and in State Government:
Note: Some proceedings below can be followed live on the Florida Channel. Most legislative proceedings can be followed through the Senate or House websites.
PAROLE CASES HEARD IN DUVAL: The Florida Commission on Offender Review will take up parole cases during a meeting in Duval County. (Thursday, 9 a.m., Jacksonville Beach City Council room, 11 North Third St., Jacksonville Beach.)
SUPREME COURT RELEASES OPINIONS: The Florida Supreme Court is expected to release its weekly opinions. (Thursday, 11 a.m.)
—-Compiled by the News Service of Florida and FlaglerLive
In Coming Days in Palm Coast, Flagler and the Occasional Beyond:
What do the school shootings have in common? Guns, yes. But also, boys. It's always boys pulling the triggers.
— New York Times Opinion (@nytopinion) February 21, 2018
Domestic abusers will be punished more harshly than those who commit assaults in the street under new rules
— Telegraph Breaking News (@TelegraphNews) February 22, 2018
As high schoolers became the center of a debate on gun control, the dynamics of politics are shifting
— Psychology Today (@PsychToday) February 22, 2018
Arizona's earliest residents grew teparies for thousands of years, but in recent history, the beans were at risk of shriveling into obscurity.
— NPR (@NPR) February 22, 2018
Reading North Korean poems during the South Korean Olympics:
— The New Yorker (@NewYorker) February 22, 2018
Keep Up with Donald Trump’s attacks on the press through the ACLU’s running tab here.
Keep Up with mass shootings in a running database here.
Palm Coast Construction and Development Progress Reports
Here’s a summary of the latest city developments as of Feb. 16, 2018, with a link to the full week in review here.
Click to access week-in-review-palm-coast-feb-16-20181.pdf
Road and Interstate Construction:
Swinging Bach
Previous Codas:
- Keith Jarrett Standards Trio
- Anoushka Shankar Ensemble
- Jacques Loussier Play Bach Trio: a 2007 Concert
- Abdel Rahman el Bacha Plays Two Nocturnes by Chopin
- Edith Mathis’s Creations
- Sheku Kanneh-Mason: No Woman No Cry, Cello Version
- Viotti’s Violin Concerto No 23 in G Major, Performed by Jennifer Jeon
- Bruckner’s Symphony Nr. 7 at the Lucerne Frestival
- Beethoven’s 5th Symphony in the style of Chopin: Syd R Duke
- Nikolai Kapustin performing Prelude, op. 53, no. 11
- Ray Chen, Sarabande from Bach’s Partita No. 2 in D minor
- It’s A Small World: Ken Kubota and Friends
- Maria Callas: The Mike Wallace Interview
- Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach – Oboe Concerto in B flat major, Wq 164
- The Cranberries: Linger
- Martha Argerich Performs Liszt’s Piano Concerto No 1 in E flat major
- Vivaldi’s Winter in a Wintry Performance By Milan Řehák
- Bach: Musical Offering BWV 1079, Concert des Nations Jordi Savall
- Bach: Sonata for Gamba and Harpsichord in G minor, BWV 1029
- Claude Debussy, La fille aux cheveux de lin, from Préludes
- Bach’s Complete Christmas Oratorio BWV 248, Gardiner, Monteverdi Choir & Bach Soloists
- Angels in Heaven: Chris Rodrigues and the Spoon Lady
- Hindemith: Der Schwanendreher
- Brendel Performs Schubert’s A Major Sonata No. 22, D. 959
- The New York Philharmonic in a 2016 Performance of Dvorak’s New World Symphony
- Alexander Gavrylyuk Plays Bach İtalian Concerto