A 13-year-old boy and resident of Riverina Drive in Palm Coast was arrested on a second-degree felony robbery charge after allegedly beating down a 10-year-old boy playing Pokemon Go and taking his sneakers at Ralph Carter Park Tuesday afternoon.
ralph carter park
Citing High Costs and an Arrest, Council Says No to a Fence Around Ralph Carter Park
An arrest in spring and the $70,000 to $160,000 cost of a fence dissuaded council members from giving in to Richardson Drive residents demanding a fence around Ralph Carter Park.
Neighborhood Feuds Again Simmer Around Ralph Carter Park, But Solutions Questioned
While Ralph Carter Park in Palm Coast’s R-Section thrives, neighbors around Richardson Drive are feuding with younger people, who feel harassed for just hanging out. The city council is looking into a block party–and possibly more fence-building around the park.
Added Security at FPC as District Contends With Rumors of a Friday Face-Off on Campus
The school district and the Sheriff’s Office are beefing up security at Flagler Palm Coast High School in response to a rumored confrontation on campus Friday, spilling over from a confrontation at Ralph Carter Park last Sunday. The superintendent stressed that there was no hard evidence of such a confrontation.
Amid Children at Ralph Carter Park, a Brawl Escalates Into a Shooting and Arrest
18-year-old Johnnie Thomas Jr. fired at least six shots from a .38-caliber gun Sunday evening as some 100 people played at Ralph carter Park. The previous evening, an 11-year-old boy was taken from the park’s basketball court against his will.
Penny Wise, Light Foolish: Palm Coast in the Dark In Reclamation of Ralph Carter Park
League organizers and parents are calling Palm Coast’s plan to charge youth leagues for field and light use at city parks short-sighted and counter-productive, given the leagues’ stabilizing effect on once-troubled parks such as Ralph Carter Park.
Flagler 911: The Live Crime Blotter
A twice-attempted home invasion witnessed by a child, vandalism of Ralph Carter Park’s soccer fields, vacuuming quarters, a very long list of larcenies and burglaries, and more.
Palm Coast Fence-Sitting Over Black and White Divide Around Ralph Carter Park
The mostly white neighbors complain of mostly black users of the park want a fence installed, at considerable cost to taxpayers. The city council is weighing its choices and delaying a decision.
Latest Crime Reports
A fight at Ralph Carter Park, Oxycodone fraud, charging an innocent man for $800 worth of Direct TV bills, larcenies, burglaries and DUIs and more.
Rymfire Elem. on Brief Lock-Down As Cops Chase Burglary Suspect Near Ralph Carter Park
Jeremiah Harris, a 20-year-old resident of Bunnell, led deputies on a chase Friday morning following a suspected burglary in the R section.
They’re Watching You: Palm Coast Council Turned on by Spy Cameras at Public Parks
City employees can spy on park-goers from ordinary computers networked to the six cameras installed at the park.
Secret Video Surveillance Around Palm Coast’s Ralph Carter Park
The Sheriff’s Office confirms that secret video surveillance took place around Ralph Carter Park. Fixed surveillance video cameras are on their way.
Of People’s Parks and Parked Reporters
When Catholic priests boff young boys, turf wars and fire engines, the editorial page brings out Ed Meese from his crypt, and the local page discovers “scenic” Palm Coast.
“Undesirables” Rile Residents Near Ralph Carter Park
The city built the $2.2 million park for young people. now a neighborhood watch group near Rymfire’s Ralph Carter Park is upset that park users are spilling beyond the park at night and on weekends. The sheriff is promising more “law enforcement action.”