Weekend: Warmish, highs in the upper 70s to lower 80s, showers or chance of thunderstorms Sunday. Lows in the 60s. Details here.
Today’s document from the National Archives and the Astronomy Picture of the Day.
Today’s tides: at the beaches, at the Intracoastal Waterway.
Drought Index9
The OED’s Word of the Day: psykter, n..
The Live Community Calendar
Today’s jail bookings.
Today’s Briefing: Quick Links
- First Light
- In Flagler and Palm Coast
- Flagler Jail Bookings and Last 24 Hours of Incident Reports
- Announcements
- Summer Camps
- In State Government
- Cats and Dogs Looking For Homes
- In Coming Days in Flagler, Palm Coast and Beyond
- Fact-Checking the Knaves
- Palm Coast Construction and Development
- Local Road and Interstate Construction
- Cultural Coda
“Ah yes, irony! Beware of the irony that flourishes here, my good engineer. Beware of it in general as an intellectual stance. When it is not employed as an honest device of classical rhetoric, the purpose of which no healthy mind can doubt for a moment, it becomes a source of depravity, a barrier to civilization, a squalid flirtation with inertia, nihilism, and vice.”
–Thomas Mann, from “The Magic Mountain” (1924).
Note: all government meetings noticed below are free and open to the public unless otherwise indicated. Many can be heard or seen live through each agency’s website.
The Sheriff’s daily incident reports and jail bookings are posted here.
Free For All Fridays on WNZF: Host David Ayres welcomes former Palm Coast Mayor Jon Netts, who is running for a council seat again, Kara Hoblick who’ll talk about Family Farm Days at the Ag Museum this weekend, archaeologist Chuck Meade, and Sheriff Rick Staly, who’ll be in the fast-draw contest at Family Farm Days, starting a little after 9 a.m. with a commentary by FlaglerLive Editor Pierre Tristam.
Friday: Out of Court: Flagler County Judge Judge Melissa Moore-Stens visits the 6th grade at Old Kings Elementary School, 9 a.m. in the school’s media center.
Friday, Saturday, Sunday: “South Pacific,” the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical, starts a three-weekend run at the Flagler Playhouse featuring many of the duo’s most memorable songs such as Bali Ha’I, I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right Outta My Hair, There is Nothing Like A Dame, I’m In Love With a Wonderful Guy, and Some Enchanted Evening. The musical tells of two heartwarming love stories set on an island paradise during World War II, and threatened by prejudice and war. Friday and Saturday shows at 7:30 p.m., Sunday at 2 p.m. The Flagler Playhouse is at 301 East Moody Blvd, Bunnell. Book online here.
Friday: AARP Driver Safety Program, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Frieda Zamba Pool Classroom, 339 Parkview Drive, Palm Coast. The nation’s first and largest classroom course for motorists ages 50 and older. This one-day course identifies ways that older drivers can compensate for the physical changes that occur as they age and helps older drivers update their driving knowledge and skills. Fees are $20/session ($15/session for AARP members). To register, contact AARP representative Karen Zimmerman at 386-585-4116.
Friday: Movies in the Park, 8 p.m. in Central Park at Town Center, 975 Central Ave., Palm Coast. Families will enjoy “Kubo and the Two Strings” on the park’s giant outdoor movie screen. Bring your blanket, lawn chairs and snacks and invite your friends and neighbors to join you at this free, monthly family activity offered by Palm Coast Parks & Recreation and Flagler Schools. More info: 386-986-2323 and www.palmcoastgov.com/movies.
Friday: Stetson Men & Stetson Women’s Chorale, Timothy Peter and Andrew Larson, conductors. 7:30 p.m. Lee Chapel in Elizabeth Hall 421 N. Woodland Blvd., DeLand. $10 adult, $5 youth and student, no charge for 12 and younger. Tickets available at the door or at www.stetson.edu/music-tickets.
Saturday: Residents are invited to attend a free housing fair and financial wellness clinic to learn about various programs available for down payment assistance, owner-occupied rehabilitation, mortgage products and strategies to avoid foreclosure.
The 2018 Housing Fair will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Community Wing of the Palm Coast City Hall, 160 Lake Avenue. Though held annually during Fair Housing Month, this year’s event is held in observance of the 50th anniversary of the passage of the Fair Housing Act. Potential homebuyers can learn about the home buying process, evaluate their mortgage readiness and learn about new mortgage loan products. Information will be presented to homeowners about refinance opportunities, owner-occupied rehab programs and foreclosure avoidance strategies. Credit counseling will be provided by HUD Housing Counselors. Everyone is invited to get a free credit report, compliments of Fifth-Third Bank Financial Services. Additionally, representatives from Palm Coast, Flagler County, the Flagler County Association of Realtors, area mortgage lenders and other housing professionals will provide information and answer questions. For additional information, please contact Lydia Gregg at the Mid-Florida Housing Partnership at 386-274-4441, extension 304, or at [email protected].
Saturday: 6th Annual Health & Wellness Fair at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church (4600 Belle Terre Pkwy, Palm Coast: Health Education, Free Amplified Phones, Child Health Info, Nutrition Scans & Education, Substance Abuse & Prevention, Health Screenings, VA Benefit Counseling, Vision & Hearing Screenings, Cancer Support Items. Presentations 10:00 AM Developing Healthy Communication & Relationships by Arnold Anderson, Inspiring our Youth A-Game; 11:00 AM The Opioid Crisis by Sheriff Rick Staly; Noon Prevention & Recovery Services by Alicia Vincent VP of Flagler County Services, Stewart Marchman – ACT. Contact : Pamela Cowles at [email protected], or 386-523-7152.
Saturday: Belle Terre Elementary school parents host a fundraiser to build a covered playground at the school. The auction-fundraiser–a tricky tray auction–takes place at the Columbian Club at 51 Old Kings Road in Palm Coast starting at 6 p.m., featuring numerous prizes. Tickets are $11.42 per person, including ticketing fee. Go here to book your ticket.
Saturday: The Flagler Beach Museum’s Cheer at the Pier is scheduled at the Flagler Beach Pier from 2 to 5 p.m. Tickets are available at the website now: Early Bird pricing $20, but after April 7th, tickets are $30. please go to the website for tickets. Participating restaurants and business partners have the potential to reach over 500 potential clients. For information about participating, sponsoring, or attending, call Denise Collins, event coordinator, at (386) 283-0530 or Teri Pruden, Director at (386) 439-6262 or email [email protected]. Also, click here for more details.
Saturday: Hammock Community Day at Bing’s Landing, 1 to 3 p.m., 5862 N Ocean Shore Blvd, Palm Coast, reserve your meal here ($12 to $13).
Saturday: Second Saturday Plant Sale at Washington Oaks Garden State Park, 10 am-2 p.m. The Friends of Washington Oaks are here to give personal attention and answer your questions as you purchase Florida friendly plants and novelties for your home and yard. “Cold Protection 101” will be the topic of our 11am plant chat. Volunteers will discuss the actions needed before and after cold snaps. Learn how to winterize your garden and patio plants for frosts and freezes. Join the Friends of Washington Oaks to get 20 percent off your plant purchases. 6400 North Oceanshore Blvd.

Saturday, Sunday: Family Farm Days at the Florida Agricultural Museum, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.: Reenactors will show you how people lived on the Florida farm in those days, there’ll be storytellers and Cracker Encampments with displays, a Native Encampment full of interesting things to see and learn, hands-on activities throughout the woods with booths to teach certain aspects of agriculture in Florida. Also, hydroponics, sugarcane, herbs, baby rabbits and chicks for sale, how to incubate a chicken egg, old fashioned games, quill and ink, model train booth, tractors, and so much more. Pony rides available for a small fee. Over by the barn, there will be a Florida Champion Fastdraw competition both days, sponsored by www.crackercowboys.com. There will be three stages with 22 Excellent Florida Folk groups playing 1/2 hour sets all weekend. There will also be a jam tent, and workshop tent, so bring your instruments, and join in the fun! Fresh Southern menu, BBQ, peppers and onions, Catfish dinner with collard greens, and cornbread, strawberry and blueberry shortcake, watermelon slices, woodfire pizza, and so much more. Click on the image for a larger view of the flier. 7900 Old Kings Road North, Palm Coast, just $5 per person. See the website.
Saturday: Michael Randazzo, Migician, Jim Green, Illusionist, at the Ladies Auxiliary of Elks Lodge 2709. Cost: $45. 6 to 10 p.m. Ticket includes dinner. No refunds 48 hours prior to event. Any questions Call Karen 386-225-6975. Tickets available Tuesday thru Friday 9 a.m. to noon at the lodge, 53 Old Kings Road, Palm Coast.
Saturday: 3v3 Basketball Tournament, 9 a.m.-noon at Holland Park, 18 Florida Park Drive, Palm Coast. Sign up with your team to battle in a 3-on-3 competitive, double-elimination basketball tournament. $125 team registration fee through April 2 and $150 after April 2: www.palmcoastgov.com/register. More info: 386-986-2323.
Saturday: Barrels for Boobs Surf Contest, River to Sea Preserve, 9805 N Ocean Shore Blvd., Palm Coast. If you love surfing and hate breast cancer, this is the event for you! Barrels for Boobs will be held from 9am-5pm on Saturday, April 14th in Marineland, FL. The day will consist of continuous surfing, music, raffles, food, games, and tons of fun in the sun, all for a great cause! This contest is open to men, women, and groms with divisions including Beginners, Short board, Longboard, Tandem, and Weirdest Thing You Can Surf. Breast cancer is currently the second leading cause of death among women, affecting one in every eight women in the United States. We want Barrels for Boobs to make a difference in this statistic! All proceeds from the event will be donated to Pink up the Pace to help people pay for early breast cancer detection and treatments. Post event live music and camping will take place at the River By The Sea Preserve right across the street! Free and open to the public. Event Website: https://wahinesofthewaves.wixsite.com/wowuf/bfb Event Contact: 904-806-1458.
Saturday: Sea Turtle Hospital Tour at Whitney Lab is now offering tours on the second and fourth Thursday of the month and second Saturday of the month at 10 a.m. Cost is $15 per person. There is a limit of 10 people per tour. Reservations are required. To make a reservation, email [email protected] or see the website: https://www.whitney.ufl.edu/sea-turtle-hospital/tours-of-the-sea-turtle-hospital/ Event Contact: 904-461-4000.
Saturday: Heart by Heart, 7:30 p.m. at Flagler Auditorium, 5500 East Hwy 100, Palm Coast, call 386-437-7547. Tickets: $41.95.
Saturday: The Precious Hearts Foundation hosts a picnic in the park to talk domestic violence, with free food and drink, starting at 11 a.m. at the Pier Pavilion, 350 A1A Beach Boulevard, St. Augustine. Bring blanket and chairs. For information, call 904/762-7959.
Saturday: Great Pianists at Stetson series, Rebecca Penneys, piano, 7:30 p.m. Lee Chapel in Elizabeth Hall, 421 N. Woodland Blvd., DeLand. Free admission.
Sunday: National Crime Victims’ Rights Week Sunrise Ceremony, 7 a.m. at the Flagler Beach Pier. It’s the 6th annual ceremony, meant to honor victims of crime. See the flier here.
SUNDAY UPDATE: THIS EVENT WAS CANCELLED SUNDAY AFTERNOON BECAUSE OF WEATHER. Sunday: The Palm Coast Arts Foundation’s biggest annual event, the Picnics and Pops concert, returns: The Jacksonville Symphony returns by invitation of the Palm Coast Arts Foundation for their annual outdoor Picnic and Pops concert. Note: Sunday’s pops concert has been moved from Town Center to the Rossemeyer Harley Davidson Pavilion of I-95, at the U.S. 1 exit, just north on U.S. 1. See the sidebar below. Note: Sunday’s pops concert has in fact been moved from Town Center to the Rossemeyer Harley Davidson Pavilion of I-95, at the U.S. 1 exit, just north on U.S. 1. Your favorite show tunes, Broadway, and classics will be performed at the Foundation’s outdoor stage at 1500 Central Park in Town Center. Tickets and tables are still available ($45 members/$50 future members); tables of ten are $450 members/$500 future members. Tables and chairs are provided, you are encouraged to bring your own picnic and beverages; wine will also be available for sale. For ticket information please phone: 386-225-4394 or go to www.palmcoastartsfoundation.com Pavilion opens at 6:30 pm; concert begins promptly at 8 p.m. See: “In Praise of Pops: Jax Symphony’s Palm Coast Picnic Returns in Salute To Bracing Favorites.”
Sunday: The 2018 Cowboy Fast Draw Association features a fast-draw shootout with Flagler County Sheriff Rick Staly, Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood, Putnam County Sheriff Gator Deloach and the Florida Highway Patrol’s Pete Young at the Florida Agricultural Museum, 7900 Old Kings Road North, at High Noon of course. They’ll be vying for the title of the fastest-draw north of age 50 and south of Matanzas Woods Parkway. See the flyer here. The event s for charity.
Sunday: Stetson Percussion Ensemble: A riveting musical tour de force featuring the Stetson University Percussion Studio. 3:00 p.m. Lee Chapel in Elizabeth Hall 421 N. Woodland Blvd., DeLand, Free admission.
Blood Donations: The Big Red Bus will be at the following locations this week:
- Saturday: St. Elizabeth Enn Seton Church, 4600 Belle Terre Parkway, Palm Coast, from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
- Saturday: Panera Bread, 5880 State Road 100, Palm Coast, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Sunday: Epic Theaters, 1185 Central Ave., Palm Coast, from 1 to 6 p.m.
Jail Bookings and Last 24 Hours' Incidents in Flagler, Palm Coast, Flagler Beach, Bunnell
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Jail Bookings, June 19-22 Sheriff's night shift incident reports, June 21 Sheriff's day shift incident reports, June 21 Flagler Beach's night shift incident reports, June 21 Flagler Beach's day shift incident reports, June 21 Bunnell police's night shift incident reports, June 21 Bunnell police's day shift incident reports, June 21 |
At the Florida Agricultural Museum: Our two new Fantastic Summer Camp Programs with Cathy Tallacksen, Instructor. Pioneer Life Ways, and Native American Traditions. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday, four sessions available, $200 per week. Sibling discount, $175. Hurry and sign your child up HERE: https://form.jotform.com/80727305907964 and click here to see the full poster.
In Florida and in State Government:
Note: Some proceedings below can be followed live on the Florida Channel. Most legislative proceedings can be followed through the Senate or House websites.
MEDICAL MARIJUANA RULES AT ISSUE: The Florida Department of Health’s Office of Medical Marijuana Use will hold a meeting about rules dealing with issues such as medical-marijuana packaging and labeling and medical-marijuana treatment center advertising and signage. (Friday, 9 a.m., Betty Easley Conference Center, 4075 Esplanade Way, Tallahassee.)
—-Compiled by the News Service of Florida and FlaglerLive
Cats and Dogs Looking For Homes
The following is provided as a service to Community Cats of Palm Coast and the Flagler Humane Society. Should you have a lost pet and would like it noticed here, please contact us at [email protected]. |
In Coming Days in Palm Coast, Flagler and the Occasional Beyond:
Keep Up with Donald Trump’s attacks on the press through the ACLU’s running tab here.
Keep Up with mass shootings in a running database here.
Palm Coast Construction and Development Progress Reports
Here’s a summary of the latest city developments as of April 6, 2018, with a link to the full week in review here.
Click to access week-in-review-april6-20181.pdf
Road and Interstate Construction:
Frank Peter Zimmermann: Bach and Me
Previous Codas:
- Jorge Bolet: Master Class On Rachmaninoff’s Piano Conceto No. 3
- Friedrich Gulda: So What, A Portrait (2002, with English subtitles)
- Dvořák’s Serenade for Strings: Netherlands Chamber Orchestra
- Kabalevsky Piano Concerto Nr. 3, Eric Lin, piano MusicaNova Warren Cohen
- Bach’s St. Matthew Passion, the Herreweghe Interpretation
- Bach’s Magnificat: The Monteverdi Choir
- András Schiff explains Bach
- Glenn Gould talks about J S Bach
- Bach revisited – John Eliot Gardiner in Saxony and Thuringia
- Ton Koopman in the footsteps of J.S. Bach in Leipzig
- A Buxtehude Fugue
- Andras Schiff Plays Bach’s Complete Well Tempered Clavier, Book One
- Andras Schiff Plays Bach’s Complete English Suites
- Keith Jarrett, Late Solo
- Jacqueline du Pré Perform’s Dvořák Cello Concerto With the LSO and Daniel Barenboim
- Beethoven’s Triple Concerto, with Yo-Yo Ma, Itzhak Perlman and Daniel Barenboim
- Albert Camus’ “The Human Crisis”
- Swinging Bach
- Keith Jarrett Standards Trio
- Anoushka Shankar Ensemble
- Jacques Loussier Play Bach Trio: a 2007 Concert
- Abdel Rahman el Bacha Plays Two Nocturnes by Chopin
- Edith Mathis’s Creations
- Sheku Kanneh-Mason: No Woman No Cry, Cello Version
Fernando Melendez says
A combination of great weather and many incentives makes for a great weekend in Flagler County , especially in the Palm Coast area, so for those of you that have always dreamed of buying your first home, here’s your opportunity to learn about different options available. So starting with area residents being invited to attend a free housing fair and financial wellness clinic to learn about various programs available for down payment assistance, owner-occupied rehabilitation, mortgage products and strategies to avoid foreclosures. And for fun, there’s so many things to do since I’m new to the area so far I’m really enjoying it, Happy New resident 😉